The prequel (1/1)
Jongdae has been in a 3-year old relationship with Minseok. They were bestfriends turned lovers. He adored the guy. He was everything he wished for a boyfriend. Neat, caring, thoughtful, sweet, a homebody like him, committed, trustworthy, hot body, incredibly cute face and the list goes on and on of his positive attributes as well as the things they had in common. That's why Jongdae still ponders on when did it all fizzle out into nothingness? "Well, obviously it was when your boy decided that vanilla is his favorite after a year of full out having wasabi" his other bestfriend, Baekhyun breaks his reverie. Jongdae looks at him, scandalized. How the fuck did he just read my mind?! "well if you weren't mumbling things I wouldn't have "read your mind" princess!" (¬_¬) Jongdae gasped, his eyes turned to big round ones as well as his mouth. He caught himself in the mirror and slapped a hand on his lips. Incredibly embarrassed. "Oh please save me the act! As if I wouldn't know? Jongdae, you and Min broke up 7months ago ffs! Does this even surprise me? I think not! What surprises me is how well you're clinging to those memories as if you're bitter over the break up when we both know that the 3rd year got you guys barely breathing." Jongdae shot a glance to his friend Kyungsoo who was busy fiddling with his phone unknown to the fact that Jongdae was sending distress signals to him. "Stop looking at Kyungsoo he won't help you either. We told you Dae, move on. You're relationship with Min is over. You are no longer in love with the guy. You haven't been in love for almost 2 years now. Stop torturing yourself over the things that already happened. You cannot undo what was already done." Baek then looks at Jongdae sincerely. Moved a little closer and voice dropping to a whisper. "Sexual chemistry is just as important in a relationship just as mental and emotional chemistry. If you didn't break up with him, then you are subjecting yourself to a whole life of dull sex" Jongdae sighs loudly and nods. It is a fact that he broke up with his now ex boyfriend on the day Minseok proposed to him. On his knees he offered him a ring. Told him that he meant the world to him. That Jongdae is the love of his life. Jongdae choked. Tears streaming his face, he told Minseok all the things that Baekhyun said. He broke up with him even when Minseok pleaded for a second chance. A second chance. truth is, he did gave Min his second or even third chance. Unknowingly. He tried to tell him about it. He tried his best to word it so as it wouldn't offend Min but sad to say, he was as stubborn as Jongdae.He always says that "love making" is different with "fucking". That Jongdae must be thankful that he respects his body. That he doesn't treat him as a slut. But Jongdae is dying to feel wanted. He wanted to feel that Minseok desired him. That he is his. To be dominated by him. To be owned. All things Minseok never does. He'd make love to him the way he does. Slow almost like lazy sex. Minseok would get off from it but Jongdae doesn't. He endured it though, because he love him. All those things he would have readily ignored. Knowing him, he is fiercely loyal and when he told Minseok that he is going to try, he really did try his hardest until he walked in on Minseok and his best friend Luhan that one night when Min thought he was out for a day with Baek. He saw Luhan bended over on their kitchen sink. Minseok gripping Luhan's hips tightly, his other hand on the boys hair pulling it towards him so he can kiss him roughly. He saw how Minseok growled "mine" as he pounds him. Hard and fast. He saw it clearly. Minseok clearly wanted Luhan, however Minseok's brain is always his first priority. He would choose "safe" over anything else. Jongdae was his safe place. His constant. Jongdae had always been with him since they met. He never left. Never cheated on him. His family likes him. Their schedules match. Their personalities and hobbies too but he was a choice made by Minseok's brain, not his heart. He knew. Yet he stayed until he no longer can't. The decision he made was for him and Minseok. He made a decision for both of them. To free him from the burden of being the "guilty" party and to free himself of a then loveless relationship. "... would you like to go" Kyungsoo looks at Jongdae expectantly. Unaware that the latter was not paying attention. He mindlessly nodded thinking that Soo was asking if he's already done eating. Well he really can't say no to Soo. That guy (unlike Baekhyun claims) is an angel. Whose eyes shine like those of innocen--- "Shut the fck up! Are you fcking kidding me?!" Baekhyun spits his frappe ungraciously as he looked at him dumbfounded. "No. Why?" Why is he even making a big fuss over leaving? It's not like he's still eating right? "you're really going?" Baekhyun's eyes were as wide as they'd go. Mouth gaping. "Yeah! Why not?" He shrugged, looked at Kyungsoo and smiled. "Great!" Kyungsoo smiled at him, taps his phone and yelled "done!" "I'd never understand you Dae, we're bestfriends far longer than that ball of satan yet you said yes to him easily and leave me?" He eyed him accusingly. "Why are you being so butthurt over this? Is it even a big deal? Of course we're going! Do you expect us to go without you" he placed his arm around Baekhyun. His clingy bestfriend. Kyungsoo groaned and face palmed as Baekhyun pumped his fist and shouted a "yes!" Making the other customers give them a stinky eye. "Seriously Jongdae, you are my favorite dongsaeng eveeeeer!" Baekhyun cupped Jongdae's face and kissed him on both his cheeks. "Could you please stop eating my face!" As he said it he placed a palm on Baek's face to create space between them. "I just can't believe you finally agreed to attend Exo's concert!! Kyaah I'm so happy!" Baekhyun continues to grumble about what they should do prior to the concert, buying the lightsticks, creating posters or maybe buying led banners -- Wait.. Did. He. Just. Said. Exo. Concert?? He looked at Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, eyes as big as an owl. Kyungsoo shows him that evil smirk as if knowing full well that he made him agree to it when he wasn't paying attention. "Serves you right for not paying attention" with that Satansoo finally emerges.