Last Chapter (1/1)

A Twisted Fairytale ChaeYo 55710K 2023-11-02

Two months had passed since I’d told Hoya about my feelings and Christmas was only two days away. Soo Ni and her mother had already moved to Germany to live with my father, though this year I weren’t going to celebrate Christmas with them. I was going to celebrate it with Hoya and the rest of them. Though, my present to them were I going to give today, though Hoya would get something else.Sungjong had pestered me half a month asking if I were going to buy him something, but I hadn’t said anything. I wanted to keep it a secret because I truly wanted to see the expression on their faces once I gave it to them.Talking about gifts, Hoya could still not stop bothering me about my promise to give him his eleven children. Seriously, that boy, growing up together with Woohyun and Sung Yeol must’ve caused him mental damage or something. And if he thought I would give him eleven, then he could start looking for another girl.I jumped startled when I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist from behind. A foolish smile lit my lips as I turned around under his embrace before I planted my lips against his. “EW, take that somewhere else.” The perverted couple’s voices boomed in my ears and I blushed as I tried to pull away from Hoya. Though he didn’t seem to have the same thing in mind and instead deepened the kiss and lovesick as I am I fallowed along.“Yah, we get it.” a hoard of voice yelled and we withdrew; my blush still visible and my heart racing like usual. “Do you always need to be all lovey-dovey around us.” Woohyun cried with a hint of playful disgust in his voice. “Why, I can’t show my girlfriend how much I love her.” Hoya stated and those oh so familiar butterfly wings fluttered in my heart upon hearing that. That’s one of the things I love so much about him. That he’s not afraid to show his love for me.“Noona.” Sungjong decided to step in when Hoya was arguing with Woohyun and Sung Yeol; I rolled my eyes at those three, still so immature. He let his arms loosely hang around my waist as he placed his head on my shoulder. “When will I get the Christmas present?” I could hear the eagerness in his voice and I chuckled. “Is today okay?” I wondered and tensed slightly when his arms tightened around me, though when Hoya looked in our direction he let go instantly.“Stop touching my girlfriend.” Hoya roared as he began to chase after a terrified Sungjong. I sighed and shock my head, he want kids when he’s one himself. I let my gaze wander over to MyungSoo; it was still a bit awkward between the two of us, mainly because I still felt bad about not being able to return the feelings he’d had for me.He had been pretty obvious with those feelings even before I got together with Hoya, but since I loved the latter boy so much already, I tried to not see the feelings MyungSoo had. I’d been a coward for not letting him now sooner that I didn’t share the same feelings. But all that was in the past now and I were really trying to build up a friendship bond with him. Something that was going to take a while, but knowing that I weren’t going to let go of Hoya I knew that I would be seeing them a lot.“NOONA HELP.” I stared in the direction of the voice; Hoya had caught up with the younger boy and had him in a headlock, oh the joy of being surrounded by seven guys. “Hoya stop.” I yelled at him, our gazes locked as he asked me what I would do if he wouldn’t let go. “Then you’re not getting a Christmas present.” I barely got the chance to end my sentence before he was at me side, his grin evident on his lips and I understood precisely what he had in mind. “Forget that.” I murmured to him as I punched his arm.“Anyhow, can we go now?” I asked to no one in particular, though I understood that everyone was ready to go when seven heads turned in my direction. As we headed towards the closest subway station I suddenly felt like a teacher taking her students out on a field trip. “Where are we going?” Hoya had crept up behind, his breath tickled the skin next to my ear as he spoke.“Not telling.” I slightly shoved him away; I definitely did not want to turn into a tomato again, because that’s exactly the reaction he gives me when being so close. He drives me crazy in way Yonghyun had never done, “awh.” He pouted and I rolled my eyes at his try to be cute. My heart fluttered in delight when his hand slid into mine, though I could hear a few groans coming from behind. “Can you tell me what I’ll get?” he purred in my ear and a shiver ran down my spine. But I ignored his attempts to get the information from me.We had reached the subway station just in time as the right train came and every one of us entered, though the crowdedness made my body push against Hoya’s and I could see that glister in his eyes as he smirked. Flustered I turned away from his flaming gaze, only to yelp when his lips came in contact with mine. I tried to push myself away; this was not really the place to make out at, something that didn’t seem to bother him as much as it bothered me. I blushed like mad when people around us started to glare and look away in disgust.“Hoya, s-stop.” I murmured out in-between my breaths. He pulled away and I stared in awe into his eyes. I tensed slightly when he ran his thumb along my bottom lip. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his and I shivered in a mixture of anticipation and fear when he leaned in next to my ear. “You’re making me so –.” Before he got the chance to end I hastily put my lips against his. I could feel how he smirked into the kiss and I fluttered my eyes close, only to a few seconds later snap them open when I heard the name of the next stop, it was our stop.I put my hands against his chest before gently pushing him away. Our lips detached themselves from one another and I had to fight the urge of closing the gap between us as the door slid open. I gave Hoya a quick glance before telling the rest that this was the station. Once finally outside I searched for the right exit. It was a really long time since I last took the subway here so I weren’t too sure of which exit it was.“Isn’t this the ‘rich’ part of Seoul, yah are you dragging us on a sightseeing to see how fortunate you are or what?” the WooYeol couple yelled from behind and I came a stop before turning around and giving them both a punch over the arm. “No, if you would just fallow and shut up, then you’ll know soon enough why I brought you here.” I told them as I returned to walk towards the right exit with the seven of them fallowing after. I had no clue they were this impatient.The cold winter weather wrapped around us as we stepped out on the streets and instantly I tugged my jacket closer around my body, I watched as heavens glitter fell from the darkening sky above and I smiled despite the coldness. I squeezed my glove covered hand against Hoya’s as we made our way towards our destination. I could barely wait to see their reaction.After a few minutes walking Woohyun whined and demanded to know where we were going, but I only shook my head and told him that he would now really soon. And just as I predicted, our destination rose before my eyes within seconds and I nervously tugged on Hoya’s hand. What if they wouldn’t be happy, and what if he wouldn’t?My pulse increased as I pushed open the gate and strode up to the porch of the marvelous looking house. “Yah, didn’t you say you wouldn’t smear your richness in our faces.” Woohyun and Sung Yeol fake cried, still I could see the curiousness in their eyes as they stared up on the house. “Noona, our Christmas presents.” Sungjong pouted as he clung onto MyungSoo. With a smile on my lips I let my hand slid into the pocket of my jacket before I fished up the key to the house and threw it in the hands of Sungjong.“Open and your gift will be inside.” I barely got the chance to end my sentence before he dashed forward, leaving a surprised MyungSoo behind as he let the key slid into the lock. “What exactly did you give them?” Hoya whispered into my ear and I flashed him a smile just as Sungjong pushed the door open and ran inside. Woohyun and Sung Yeol were close behind as they too ran. MyungSoo, Dongwoo and Sungkyu took it slower and instead of running they walked causally. “You’ll see.” With that I fallowed after the rest as I stepped inside.I watched as Sungjong, Woohyun and Sung Yeol ran around in the house looking for their gifts, though after about half an hour and out of breath they returned to the hallway downstairs were I and the rest of the boys was standing. “Noona, we can’t find anything.” Sungjong’s pout was evident again and I let out a low snicker before I told him to flap the small tag that was connected to the keychain.Amused I watched as he flipped it around and read out what it stood. Still no one seemed to get it and I rolled my eyes, “Merry Christmas, on a keychain, still not getting it?” I pointed out every hint I got only to earn a few gasps as they stared wide-eyed at me. Seven faces filled with nothing else but pure shock was staring at me and I let out a low laugh. “It’s yours, well, not Hoya’s but anyhow.” I explained and thus earning a sad face from Hoya. “You bought the house – for us?” Sungkyu questioned and I gave him a nod.“Why?”“Because I can’t save you from everything bad, but I can help protect you, even if it just a little.” I told them. They might not see it, but they’ve helped me through a lot without even noticing it themselves. So it was about time for me to give something back. “Noona.” A smiling and crying Sungjong lunged forward before he let his arms wrap around me, I gently whispered to him to not press so hard.“Yah, didn’t I just tell you not to touch my girlfriend. And what about me, why don’t I get a Christmas gift?” Hoya was serious at first, only to change into being sad when he said the last sentence. After that Sungjong had withdrawn, which happened rather quickly since I knew Hoya had given him a stare I let my hand down in my pocket before I fished up another key.“Here, happy?” I shoved the key into his hands; he simply stared at it, the question mark over his head visible. “Why did I get a key that looks totally different?” he eyed the key suspiciously and I slapped my hand against my forehead as I shook my head. Is he playing stupid or is he for real?“It’s a key to my house.” I half yelled in annoyance as he after a while still hadn’t got it. His gaze left the small key as he smirked in my direction. “Why didn’t we – oh, OH.” It was as if Woohyun and Sung Yeol shared the exact same perverted mind because they actually said that in unison. “So when should we expect the first Hoya Jr?” I groaned inside my head over the mention of children. I could honestly not understand the fascination they seemed to have in that area. “Nine months.” Hoya’s reply made me snap my head in his direction as I said no.“But we want someone to play with.” The WooYeol couple stated, as if they had any say in this decision. “Do you seriously think I would let him or her close to you? You would only corrupt its mind into being a pervert. Plus, the kid would already have more than enough perverseness due to him over there.” I pointed at Hoya, who didn’t even object when I said that he was a pervert. Well, at least he knew something. “Hm, but we don’t want to wait years.” Woohyun sulked, Sung Yeol and Sungjong soon joined in and I stole a hasty look on Hoya before changing my gaze back to the three of them.“You’ll have to wait eight months.” I murmured out, it wasn’t loud enough for hear but when Woohyun yelled the question if I was pregnant then I had everyone’s attention. I let a smile paint my lips as I stared down on my stomach, indeed, a small Hoya were laying there. My eyes rose and I looked at Hoya. His eyes were in the size of plates and I could see tears. Tears? It was my time to feel uneasy. Maybe he actually didn’t want it, maybe all that talk about children was just to piss me off.The whole room fell into silence, no one was saying anything and was instead just staring in-between me and my stomach. They should know that I felt the exact same when I found out about it one week ago. It was unbelievable and so surreal to know that I had a part of Hoya inside me.“NOONA HAPPY BIR – ANIYA –.” Sungjong stumbled nervously at the words and I let out a chuckle when he, instead of finishing with a ‘happy birthday’ changed it into ‘congratulations’. At least someone was happy about it. Hoya on the other hand was still speechless and it was truly starting to worry me, because the fear of him not wanting it seemed to become true. My heart was twisting in pain the longer the seconds passed on. But all that washed away instantly when he walked up to me and let his arms wrap around my frame.“I guess my hard work paid off.” I blushed a deep shade of red when he whispered that into my ear. “And I love you.” I whispered back right before I felt him place a hand over my stomach. “But I love the two of you more.” I could hear the sincerity and honesty in his voice and I couldn't contain myself from pressing my lips against his. I didn’t care the slightest that the rest of them were staring at us, because Hoya loved me and the child. And that was all that mattered right now. Telling my father was another deal, but that was for me to take care of some other day.~~This was it my lovely readers, sorry if I disappointed anyone with not writing a rated scene.. but I cannot write one of those anymore =S it's just really awkward D= though I hope I did not disappoint all of you ^^ right; I have a new fanfic that I'm going to start writing soon;;