Twentyfourth Chapter (1/1)

A Twisted Fairytale ChaeYo 67520K 2023-11-02

I was sitting in the couch sulking, the guys wouldn’t leave. They wanted to sleep over as well. But I had absolutely no space for them to sleep at. They had even brought with them the clothes they would sleep in. “Noona don’t be mad.” Sungjong pouted and I playfully turned my back against him, as if I didn’t want to listen to what he was saying. “Don’t worry Sungie, she’s not mad at you, she’s mad because Hoya left.” Woohyun snickered and my body tensed as I hastily turned around, far too fast because I ended up falling down onto the floor.After getting up to the laughter’s of Woohyun and Sung Yeol I glared at them while rubbing my soar back. Sungjong was looking at me with a pout and MyungSoo; well he looked somewhat worried about something. I heaved a sigh before heading out to the kitchen as I grabbed a glass and filled it with ice cold water.“You okay?” I hastily turned around in surprise as the grip around the glass hardened when I heard MyungSoo’s voice right behind me. He scared the hell out of me. I gave him a nod in reply as I stared out through the window next to him. “But you’re worried about Hoya.” my head snapped back to him as I opened my mouth to say something. But I soon closed it when nothing escaped. So he noticed. “A little maybe.” I bit my bottom lip as I put down the glass on the counter before excusing myself.A voice inside my head told me that I couldn’t fall in love with any of them. After darting up the stairs and inside my room I clutched my hand over my heart. But why did it feel like I already had done that. This is so not good. What the hell was Yonghyun going to think? I hated this. I could literally hear the beatings of my heart pumping faster the more I thought about it, me falling in love with Hoya. No fucking way. This had to be some sick joke, because this was not happening.Maybe I should change clothes; the ones I was wearing right now were maybe not that suitable when being around four guys. Sungjong, okay he wouldn’t do anything, but the other three. God knows what they would do. I roamed my drawer after a loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Once found I changed and headed downstairs again.I took a deep breath as I told myself to calm down before entering the living room. All of them were seated around the TV watching some music show that was on re-run. But before I got the chance to make myself acknowledge someone knocked on the outer door. Who the hell would come at this hour?I slung the door open and took a step backwards in pure surprise when I saw who it was. He came back. I parted my lips to ask him what he had been doing but before getting the chance he shoved a couple of plastic bags into my arms. Confused I stared down on them before looking up at Hoya. He shot me that grin again and I hurried to scramble out to the kitchen. My heart was violently beating and I could feel that fluttering inside my stomach once again. I couldn’t understand what the hell was wrong with me. I was in a relationship with Yonghyun but why the hell had I never felt like this when being around him.Frustrated I dumped the bags on the table as I went through everything he had bought. There were loads of unhealthy snacks and soft drinks. I shook my head disapprovingly. He was a dancer, shouldn’t he be able to know what’s good for your body and what’s not.After putting the soft drinks into the refrigerator I headed out to the living room once again. My breath caught in my throat when I noticed that the only available place left was next to Hoya. I begged inside my head that someone would move from their spot so that I could take that one instead. But as seconds past by and with them starting to stare at me weirdly I slumped down next to the only one I didn’t want to sit next to. I saw that Woohyun did a thumps up, knowing precisely what he meant I shot him a glare. How many times were I going to have to tell him that I did not, absolutely not like Hoya.It didn’t take all too long before the show to end and I saw by the smirk playing on Woohyun’s lips that he was up to no good when he whispered something to Sung Yeol. The latter boy grinned and gave me a quick look. Hastily I stood up before practically running out of there.“DORAM.” I pretended like I hadn’t heard Woohyun’s voice calling for me. I knew exactly what they were up to and they were not going to succeed. Not as long as I lived. “DORAM, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME.” Woohyun added on before Hoya’s voice appeared, telling the boy to shut up because he was being too noisy. Maybe it was time for Woohyun to get a girlfriend so he could stop pestering me all the time.Footstep’s approached the kitchen in such a fast phase that I didn’t get a possibility to hide myself from the incoming person. Woohyun grabbed my arm and dragged me along towards the living room. My tries to break free were all in vain because it didn’t work. My blood froze immediately when I saw the four of them sitting in a circle and with one of dad’s whiskey bottles in the middle. Oh hell no.“Woohyun if you don’t let go in this instant I’m going to hit you.” I threatened but he only scoffed at me as he told me to sit down in-between Sungjong and Hoya. I objected; I was not going to play, but instead of him getting sad, a smirk appeared on his lips and I saw how he looked at Hoya before staring at me “If you’re not going to play then I’m tell –.” I cut him off and plopped myself down on the floor. He was going to tell Hoya.I shot Woohyun a glare of hate; he was so going to get back one day. “There’s only one rule and that is that everyone has to promise to do what you’re told to do.” Woohyun stated and everyone had to say that they promised. “I’m only playing this if you promise that no ‘kiss that person’ is included in this game.” I told Woohyun and Sung Yeol in particular, knowing those guys were the most perverted ones, along with Hoya. But he wouldn’t make me do that would he. They nodded their heads and Woohyun started with spinning the bottle. I breathed out a relief when it landed on Sungjong, the youngest said truth. Something I knew Woohyun thought was boring but neither less, had he asked Sungjong if he had gotten his first kiss yet.“I haven’t.” Sungjong spoke and there was a fit of laughter escaping the lips of Woohyun and Sung Yeol, immature babies. I could see that Sungjong was pouting so I grabbed his hand and told him that it was nothing wrong. Your first kiss shouldn’t be something you give away just to get it over with. At least I don’t think so. After that they had stopped laughing Sungjong continued, the bottle landing on Hoya this time, he chose just like Sungjong truth.“Hyung, do you like someone right now?” I found myself squeezing Sungjong’s hand as I waited for Hoya’s answer. Why was he taking so long to reply? I couldn’t even look at him, I were seriously so stressed. “Maybe.” I could sense the grin on his lips, but I didn’t dare to turn to look at him. It would give the wrong signals. “Yah, what kind of answer is that, just say yes or no.” I rolled my eyes at Sung Yeol’s statement. But I had a mixed feeling about this, did I even want to know if he liked someone or not?“Okay, I do.” There was a sudden feeling of disappointment within and I sadly stared at the damn bottle in the middle, as if was its fault that I had heard something I didn’t want to. Woohyun, acting like his typical self tried to get the name out from Hoya but he wouldn’t say it. Instead Hoya spun the bottle.I didn’t know how long we had played, but there was cans of sodas and bags with snacks all over the floor after a while. The game was actually starting to get a bit boring with everyone only choosing truth all the time. So I decided to say dare once the bottle landed on me the next time around. I didn’t think too much about that it was Woohyun who was going to say my dare because he had promised me to not say anything I hadn’t agreed on.“I dare you to kiss Hoya, on the lips.” Woohyun’s lips parted into a smirk and soon Sung Yeol had an identical smirk on his face. “Didn’t I already tell you that I wouldn’t do that.” I sighed as I closed my eyes, annoyance rising within me. “But I didn’t promise you, I only said okay. You on the other hand promised with words that you were going to do exactly what you were told to.” Woohyun explained and Sung Yeol soon joined in on Woohyun’s side. Of course he did.“I’m not doing it.” my voice broke at the end, my feelings were boiling. A part of me told me to stay faithful to Yonghyun while the other one told me to go for it. It wasn’t like Yonghyun would find out. I was still feeling bad about the kiss with MyungSoo and I most definitely didn’t want to add Hoya onto that list. “You promised.” Woohyun tried one more time and I could literally sense the awkwardness building up as I shook my head. I wasn’t going to do it.I would’ve never guessed that a knock on the door would save me from the utterly bothersome situation taking place in the living room. God of only Seo Won knew about this. Playing truth or dare together with five guys. That was more something she would do.Hurriedly I excused myself as I darted towards the hallway and the yet unknown person standing outside. I opened it slightly to see who it was, my eyes widening at the sight of Yonghyun standing there. I flew backwards when he harshly pushed the door open before stomping inside. “Yonghyun what are you doing?” my question came out harder than I’d wished as I grabbed his wrist, preventing him from getting inside the living room. I let out a low painful yelp when he brushed my hand away and headed inside the room where the guys were.There was a boom of voices and my heart raced upon hearing Sungjong’s voice calling for me to come. I didn’t even hesitate as I ran inside, only to see that Yonghyun was holding onto the collar of Hoya’s shirt. “Yonghyun let go off him.” I demanded but either he didn’t listen or just simply ignored me because he didn’t let go.“Let go.” My voice was harsher and I was getting irritated at how Yonghyun was handling this. I gave MyungSoo a look that he should take Sungjong and head upstairs. I knew that Sungjong didn’t need to see this. I was grateful when MyungSoo did as told and brought Sungjong with him out from the room.“Why are you defending him?” Yonghyun roared at me, his eyes still on Hoya. This was not about defending who, it’s what about right and wrong. And that was most definitely not right in any law book. I went forward and forcefully pushed Yonghyun’s hands away from Hoya as I placed myself in-between them. My eyes staring into Yonghyun’s as I asked him what right he had do come in here and almost knock people down.“You’re my girlfriend.” He snarled in my face, it looked like he regretted using that tone once he saw my hurtful expression. “So it’s finally time to act like a boyfriend huh, you know what. Just go, I don’t want to see you right now.” I told him, my heart aching in pain as I pointed at the door. He didn’t object, instead he headed towards the door before slamming it shut when closing.A sigh rolled of my lips as I slumped down on the floor and reached out for the whiskey bottle laying there completely forgotten. I’d precisely succeeded screwing the cap off when a hand swept in and grabbed it and thus pulling it away from my grasp. “That’s not going to help.” Hoya’s voice met my ears as he grabbed the screw and put it on again before placing it back on the shelf. Not permanently maybe, but temporarily.I sulked for the second time today as I noticed that Woohyun and Sung Yeol were nowhere in sight. Had they gotten scared of Yonghyun and joined MyungSoo and Sungjong in walking upstairs? Great, they left me here all alone with Hoya. After checking the time and taking notice that it was a bit past 1AM I let my gaze wander over to Hoya. My eyes slightly widening when I saw that he was looking straight at me.“I’m going upstairs.” I had no idea why I said that but he only looked at me, he didn’t say anything just stared and I blinked my eyes seemingly confused. Without further ado I stood up before heading towards the staircase. The guys must be wondering what’s happening. Just the thought of Woohyun taunting me about Hoya made me want to strangle him.I pushed the door to my bedroom open as I stared at the scene in front of my eyes. MyungSoo and Sungjong were sleeping in my bed. How cute. It was easy to see that they had a special bond, especially since MyungSoo had gotten really worked up when he saw the bruises on Sungjong’s body. Thought I snapped out of it when I noticed that those other two perverts weren’t around. My blood pumped faster as I skidded down the hallway to my dad and my step mother’s room. I groaned when I saw them sleeping on the bed. Woohyun’s arm was hanging around Sung Yeol’s waist and I snickered. Maybe it wasn’t a girlfriend he wanted. “Y –.” Something clasped itself over my mouth as I was about to wake them up, they couldn’t sleep in this room. It was beyond restricted area and the whole slumber party thing was for them to sleep on the floor in the living room. My heart jumped when I felt that Hoya was right behind me, he whispered that I shouldn’t wake them up. Hastily I turned around as I took a step back, away from him.“Anyhow I’m going to sleep.” I pushed myself past him while wondering where the heck I was going to sleep. Soo Ni’s room was my only option, that plus the couch. The latter one was a huge fat no and something Hoya could sleep on. I snickered in my mind as I opened Soo Ni’s bedroom door. “Where am I sleeping?” I jumped by Hoya’s sudden question, neither less I told him that the couch downstairs was available. I didn’t really know what happened next, more than I saw Hoya plopping himself down on Soo Ni’s bed, stretching his body out as he smirked at me.This was starting to get a bit too much for me in one day, first with Sungjong, then them barging in like they lived here and finally Yonghyun paying a not so great visit. So no, this was not my day if you said so.With heavy steps I brought myself over to the bed before taking Hoya’s both hands and then pushed him off. He landed on the floor with a thud and I hurried to place myself on the bed while smiling in satisfaction. “Yah, I want to sleep there.” Hoya pouted and I blinked my eyes, not believing what I was seeing, Hoya pouting, that were definitely something new. “Tough luck with that.” I stuck my tongue at him, not truly realizing that Hoya had taken a step forward, and in one swift movement he had placed himself down on the bed next to me, totally unbelievable.“W-what are you doing?” I stuttered as I tried to not look at him. My pulse had increased and my heart was beating frantically. Not really a good sign if I wanted to stay faithful to Yonghyun. “Trying to sleep.” I gawked as he moved around in the bed. His arm brushed against mine and I gulped down on my saliva. “B-but –.” I was cut short when he said that he wouldn’t do anything, right.But I don’t know what I will do when you’re so close.Hesitantly I moved so that my back was facing Hoya. I felt slightly embarrassed and I wondered if he could hear my heart beating. Because right now it was pumping so hard that it felt as if the whole world could hear it, “right.” I could feel how he moved around behind me and my body tensed when I felt his breath on my neck. What the hell did he want now?“I didn’t get my kiss.” The nerve of that boy, did he really have to take that up right now, this was already uncomfortable as it was. “And you’re not getting it.” I murmured as I closed my eyes. “If you’re not going to, then you’ll receive a punishment.” My eyes fluttered open and I turned around so that I was facing him. I wanted this over with as fast as possible so the closeness between the two of us didn’t bother me that much. “Fine, I’ll take the punishment.”Due to our faces just being inches away I didn’t have time to react when his lips met mine. They were exactly as I remembered them to be, soft and warm against mine. My eyes slowly closed as I replied, our lips dancing along with one another. Though, I felt somewhat disappointed when he a few seconds later pulled away. That grin of his made its way back to his lips and I understood that this was just a part of his game.Hastily I turned away from him. It felt as if someone was tearing and ripping my heart into pieces. To him I would always be that stuck up bitch from one and a half month ago. But to me, he was the one I’d fallen in love with. Someone I shouldn’t even fall in love with. At least he got one point right, this was punishment, because I no longer knew what I was going to do.