Divorce is not the end bu (1/1)
Ten rushed across the empty streets chasing the cloaked black figure in front of him. Seeing the goblin turn into a dark alleyway, he smirked knowing he had cornered his target. Conjuring his twin swords, Ten also turned the corner before facing the goblin, shock displayed on its face as it backed into the brick wall obscuring it's escape.'You can't run now,' Ten smiled triumphantly, swinging his swords with expertise, 'Now behave and let me capture you.'Jumping into mid-air, he let out a warring battle cry as the goblin raised its arms to cover himself from the life threatening blow. Squeezing it's eyes, it waited for the impact between it's flesh and the sharp metals.Nothing.Slowly looking up, it stared at the suspended Ten, sword close to cutting the goblin is half, who was flickering. Showing no sign of movement, the goblin bounded past Ten's motionless figure out of the alleyway.'There it is!'Startled, the goblin looked to its left to see a crowd of similar warriors running towards it before sprinting in the opposite direction.'Where is TenThaiPrince? He said he was chasing the goblin! It's getting away again!' One of the party members exclaimed.The archer turns his head into the alleyway where he sees the suspended Ten cladded in red.'Looks like he got disconnected.'The rest groaned before leaving Ten in chase for the goblin. The archer gave one last lingering look at the twin swords wielder before making his way towards the group.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 'No!,' Ten exclaims as his desktop turns black. He was so close to catching the goblin before the power got cut off. The lights in the dorm also shuts off leaving Ten with only the moon shining through the windows. Unplugging the keyboard from his computer, he stuffs it into his backpack before grabbing the jacket hanging from his chair.'Where are you going?' Mark asks groggily from his bed.Grabbing his keys and wallet Ten opens the door before answering, 'To the Internet Cafe! I'll be back before 11:30 so you don't have to stay up waiting for me.'He waves at the nodding Mark before closing the door behind him quietly, sprinting down the hallway.Running down two blocks of stairs and out the glass doors of his dorm, the cool winter breeze of the night attacks him leaving him shivering. Hurriedly he slips on his jacket before grabbing his bike at the stands, he places his bag, the keyboard peeking out, into the little carier attached at the front and starts peddling towards the Internet Cafe in the small town near his college.Ten lets out a small exasperated sigh. He hated the fact that the dorm cuts off all power at 10:30pm when curfew was actually 11:30pm. It meant urgent trips to the nearest Internet Cafe during missions and guild quests.Peddling through the quiet night, he crosses the bridge that seperated the college from the town. He loved marvelling the reflection of the moon in the flowing river, its light placing magic onto the surface of the running water body. Ten glances down at his watch.10:35It had been 5 minutes since he was disconnected and forced to log out during his guild quest leaving him wondering if the rest of his guild has caught the runaway goblin yet.Suddenly, Ten hears the familiar ringing of bicycle bells in the opposite direction. Looking up, he sees the incoming bike in front of him and he turns right sharply to avoid the impact. He sees the other bike doing the same and soon both bikes were awkwardly trying to stay upright and on track.'Sorry!' Ten shouts, 'It's an emergancy!'He gives the person a wave before continuing on his way, hoping the stranger would accept his heartfelt apology. As much as he wanted to check if the other person was alright, he had a crew of over twenty players waiting for him.Finally reaching a small cafe, Ten parks his bike alongside the other bicycles lined across the cafe's walls taking his bag with him. He gives the boss a friendly wave.'Is the usual computer available boss?' Ten asks, pulling out his membership card. The old man at the counter coughs out a hearty laugh, ruffling Ten's hair before scanning the card.'I kept that computer open all day for you. It's all yours kiddo.'Ten beams, making his way towards the empty stall near the back. Even at night, the cafe was crowded with gamers enthusiastically shouting and cheering on their mates. Hanging his bag onto the chair, he plugs the keyboard into the computer, pressing the power as he waited for the computer to load.'SMent. Fantasy' was the hottest online rpg game of the century where over millions of people played in Korea. As the page opens up to the site, he sees the leaderboard and his username.6. SacredDragon7. TenThaiPrinces8. ShadowWielderRanking seven wasn't so bad in Ten's opinion compared to the overall gaming population of Korea,he had only started playing the game over four months ago. Finally logging in to his account, he sees the guild chat loaded with comments. Member 1: 'Where are you Prince?'Member 2: 'Hey welcome back Thai Prince.' Member 3: 'Prince is back guys!'Ten smiles to himself before pressing keys into the chat.TenThaiPrinces: 'Sorry guys, the power got cut off. Have you caught the goblin yet?'PrideOfSeoul: 'No. Meet us at the pond in The Forgotten City of Sound. We're close to cornering him.'♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Ten hides behind the walls near the fish pond as he spies the other members of his guild in the bushes and hiding behind trees. The goblin was just by the pond, looking around supiciously for any of its' chasers. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary it stopped to drink from the pond.Suddenly one of the members moved out from the trees throwing daggers at the goblin but missing any chances of hitting it. Frightened it started bounding back into the town where it could hide in the maze of houses. Unaware of the danger behind the walls, it leaps before it could see the metal sword lash out from behind the walls. The goblin burst into golden sparkles as Ten came out from his hiding spot. Congratulations! You have captured The Escaped Convict. Here is your reward.'Let me open it.' The bowsman, PrideOfSeoul stepped out towards Ten before opening up the guild inventory. Selecting the latest addition he proceeded to open the treasure chest. 'Isn't that the Goblin Dagger? The realy rare one?''We hit a jackpot tonight! 1,000,000 gold coins!'Seeing that the job was done, Ten coughed, 'I guess i'll get going then since we're done here.'With a flick of his wrist, his sword disappears into thin air. 'You should stay so we can split the prize money,' PrideOfSeoul began before he was cut off by Ten.'Theres no need. I was the one who left during the game and wasted so much of our time catching the goblin. You should share the money among the others.' Ten smiles before teleporting to Newbie City.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Ten leans back onto his chair stretching as he let out a yawn. They had finally caught the goblin that had taken the whole evening to catch. Rolling his neck around a few times, he drags the mouse to the logout button before he hears someone across the room shout.'Help! My guild's just been ambushed by Undead Soldiers! If anyone is free right now, please help us at the Cavern of the End.'A few shouts of 'Coming!' came from across different areas of the room. Ten glanced down at the time, 10:45. He could stay back a little longer. 'I'll help!' Ten shouted before teleporting to the Cavern of the End. Slightly taken aback by the swarming amount of undead soldiers, Ten hovered his hand over the keyboard before jamming in different sequences of keys, attacking every enemy in sight. He could see many other players close to dying whilst healers struggled to heal their players. Ten frowned. They needed more experienced people if they wanted to get out of this alive. Suddenly someone exclaimed near the front.'Guys check it out! WhiteGuardian came to help!'The noise level in the cafe rose abruptly at the announcement.'The games No. 1 player came to help? I need to see this!''Look at his combos. Wow, he's so amazing!'Ten stared at his computer, watching his own character fight off the skeletal beings. As much as he wanted to search for the legendary No. 1 player, he had a job to complete. Slashing down another undead soldier Ten noticed a white cladded character appear in the corner of his screen. WhiteGuardian.Ten wanted to scream. He was now fighting alongside the guy he worshipped as the god of games, the legendary player that everyone rarely sees. It was a fact that WhiteGuardian rarely played alongside lower level players. Every attack and combo he made left Ten mesmerised by the sheer skill of the No. 1 player. Ten's smile could only widen, he could feel something fuel within him, the feeling that only games could give him. The game is on, Ten thought and his fingers picked up speed. 'Hey isn't that TenThaiPrince? He's playing on this server as well!''Oh my gosh, to think i'd meet two legendary players in one day, god bless me.'After what seemed like ages, many of the Undead Soldiers were finally destroyed. Ten stretch his fingers while he pondered on about starting a conversation with his idol, forming awkward phrases in his head that either sounded too overwhelming or rude, he watched his character stand alone next to the white warrior. Suddenly remembering something, he looked down at his watch and cursed.11:15.'Crap!'Curfew was in 15 minutes. Plugging out the keyboard, he failed to see the moving speech bubble above WhiteGuardian's head before logging off and stuffing the keyboard back into his bag. Running out of the cafe, he throws the boss a smile before waving goodbye.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Seeing TenThaiPrinces's character disappear off the screen, his hand froze over the keyboard stopping himself from sending a message to the character dressed in red. He hears the small curse of the boy behind him and his struggle to turn the computer off alongside the shuffling of his bag. Chuckling slightly to himself, he feels the slight breeze against him as he glances up at the small raven haired boy running across the cafe. Sighing to himself, he deletes his message and his mouse lingers over the logoff button before clicking it.Oh well, he thought, he also had to make it back before the curfew. He'd meet the boy another time.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Ten and Kun walked out the doors of their stuffy classroom on a Thursday afternoon before he stretched and yawned. He had finally gotten out of his last class for the day and he could feel the lingering sleepiness wash over his eyes from last night. 'His lessons are so boring, Ten. No, not boring, its like every word that comes out of his mouth is actually lines from a lullaby.' His friend complained with much enthusiasm that Ten could only hum in response.His phone buzzed in his pocket and he opened up the notification.You've got 1 new mail.From: SMent. FantasyThis message was sent from player PrideOfSeoul at 3:45pm.Come meet me at the Fallen Valley. I have something to tell you. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦It was a beautifiul serene land, with wonderful colours of white and pale blue. The flowing streams sparkled with a crystalline light as Ten walked towards the figure under the gushing waterfall.'Hey.' The archer turned around to face him, the look on his face serious and meant business.'I want to meet up with you.' 'We are meeting