05. (1/1)

We waited by the bus stop because we didn't want to walk. Mall, here we come! I love the mall! Its always fun with friends around. The buss came and we went on. We waited till we were dropped off near the mall. Then we walked the rest of the way. "We're so happy to have you back!" Yuri said. "It was nice meeting you," Sora said. "It was nice meeting you too and I'm happy too!" I smiled. "I'm hungry! We should go eat," Minah said. "We should," I said,"I'm hungry too." "Its settled let's eat!" Jisun said. We finally got to the mall. We went to the food court since we were hungry. I'm like hungry all the time, but I barely gain weight. I think I want to eat sushi... now that I think of it I do want sushi. We got to the food court. "I want sushi!" I said. "Then go get some," Jisun said. I went to order some along with Sora. I guess she liked sushi too. Well I love sushi and it is delicious, so yeah. Wait... I've been eating too much sushi now that I think of it. That was mostly what I ate in Japan. "You like sushi too?" I asked. "Yes," she responded,"I lived in Japan for a while and that was mostly what I ate." "I ate that in Japan too," I smiled,"its good." "Yeah," she nodded. We were waiting for our orders. I will try to make a longer conversation with her and be her friend. She seems nice and nothing seems to be wrong with her, so yeah. "How long have you lived in Japan?" I asked. "I lived there for 5 years. I moved there when I was 10 because my parents worked in Japan," she said. "My dad worked there and now my mom," I said,"Japan is beautiful. I loved it, but I got really homesick... and I missed JR. Hehe. So... tell me about your relationship with Aron. You two are so cute together." "You and JR are cute too," she smiled,"well I really like Aron. He is sweet. He is just the perfect boyfriend. After 3 years of living here, he was the nicest to me." "Oh. I see. Tell me. I love hearing cute stories on how couples come together," I smiled. "Okay," she smiled and nodded,"I met him when I was being bullied by a group of girls. I was nerdy back then and he came to my rescue to that day. I'd always seeing him walking around after school. I had a tiny crush on him, but I'd knew it'd never happened. When he'd see my being bullied. He's ignore it and walk away, but the third time he saved me. On that day, I cried uncontrallably as he hugged me. I got his uniform wet. I felt burdened a lot because he was with me a lot. I just felt bad... but it turned out that he liked me too. He liked me for who I was. He is a very special person." "I can tell," I smiled. Sort of reminds me of me and JR. Its not exactly like our story, but close,"that's cute." Then our food was ready. We got our food and paid for it. Yum. I'm so happy to eat this. I was a bit hungry, so yeah. I feel like all I want to do is eat, but I shall not. Today, I hang out with my friends. We went to the table where Yuri, Minah, and Jisun were. They got Thai food. I like Thai food... just not right now. We sat down with them. "So tell us. How was it like in Japan?" Yuri asked. "It was fine. I liked it a lot, but I wouldn't want to live there for long becaue I'd get homesick," I said. "How was that long distance relationship?" Jisun asked. "It was fine," I smiled,"he'd call me everyday. Then called me back whenever. We'd video message each other a lot. We texted. I was happy that he did that. It made me feel special." "That is so cute!" Sora squealed. "It is," Minah smiled,"did any guys flirt with you?" "Yes, but I shooed them away and told them I was in a serious relationship with my boyfriend in Korea," I said,"beside, I was coming back here." "Good," Jisun said "Oooh. Serious. How serious?" Yuri said. "Very. Because I really like JR," I said,"he is the one for me." "True. You guys are so cute," Minah said. "Thank you," I smiled. "Welcome," Minah nodded. We ate and talked about music and idols and such. I recently started liking Infinite, BtoB, B.A.P, and VIXX. There's more, but my list is too long to say. When we were done eating, we left to go shopping. I love the latest fashion. I decided to buy a couple of cute outfits. I'm going to look so cute. We spent two hours at the mall then we seperate ways. We all were going home.I got home and found Kuro waiting for me. I patted his head. I don't know how things are going to turn out now that my boyfriend is an idol. Will I be lonely? I changed into pajamas. "Kuro," I said,"will I be lonely. Kuro gave me a saddened look which made me feel sad. I petted his head. "But he's living his dream, so I should be happy," I said. Kuro wagged his tail and gave me a doggie smile. That is so cute. "I'll wait for him then," I smiled. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I decided to watch any drama. Maybe... King of Dramas? I will! Choi Siwon is in it. He's a good actor!hey guys! Sorry I took forever. I have a 5 day weekend so I can update! I'm trying to finish my fanfic called Unique. I'm all sorted out for that story. Enjoy~