Babe~! (1/1)

XXXX DieHardIUFan 43520K 2023-11-02

He's soooooooo cute, I'm gonna dieeeeeeeee~~~~ Kkkkkk :D  Author's POV                 Yoseob entered the classroom and bowed to the teacher.Teach: Well, this must be our new student. Go on and introduce yourself.Y: Annyeong haseyo, Yang Yoseob-imnida.Teach: Good to have you here Yoseob. I hope you have a nice year ahead of you. Go sit next to Cheondung. Cheondung, raise your hand for him to see you. Okay, so just tell me if you need something.                He went to sit next to Cheondoong. He was surprised that he got to see him again. It was like 2 years since they've seen each other.Cheondung: Hey man.Yoseob: Doug, didn't think I'd get to see you here. This is great.C: Yea it is!               They were very close friends back then before Cheondung's parents decided to move to another place. Partying all night and chasing girls all day, they were like that for years.               "2nd year Star Class songsaengnim, please report to the principal's office." After a few minutes, their teacher was called, letting them have time to check up on what they've been doing.Y: What's up man? Heard you got tied down by your latest girl?C: What? Me? Bro, you know I can't be tied down. It would be the other way around, if you know what I mean.  Y: Yea, I know it couldn't have been true! It's good that I didn't bet on that with the other guys. And, I see you're still the same. HahaC: Haha, even the guys are betting on me? How are they, the B2ST? And you seem the same, too. Banged any girls lately?Y: Lol dude, your words please. And yes ;)) ... B2ST? You know them, same old same old!C: Waa~ that's our Yoseob. O wait, let me introduce you to someone. He's been my other wingman since we got separated you know. L come here. He is soo like us. L's the heart breaker here at our school. I bet you too will get along.L: Hey man, what's up? I heard a lot of things about you, bro.Y: Hah, I bet what you've heard are full of shit though. Cheondung can't be taken seriously.C: Yah! Nan? I'm serious as shit.L: Yea right doug, tell me that in 10 years, 'kay?Yoseob: Haha, wingman you say? It's like the other way around dude! What happened?C: Yah, shut up. Tss. L: Okay okay! Hey guys, I'll get back to you later. My girl's calling for me. Ciao!C: Waaa~ jinjja. And there's still class. Yah, you get back to us at lunch. Arasseo?   Jieun's POV               Omo (With no expression). What happened to Yoseob sunbaenim? Suddenly, kissing me on the cheek. Hmm, maybe that's how they thank people back from wherever he lived. (Innocent much? Kkkk :>) I walked back to our class and saw that my teacher was busy doing something on her laptop.Suzy: You got busted for what?Jieun: Ani, the principal just wanted to talk to me. O yea, he also asked me to tour the new guy. He's in 2nd year Star Class.Suzy: Niceeee~ A year ahead of us eh? Was he cute?Jieun: He's handsome. I saw him before I went to school. Didn't know I'd get to see him here again.Jiyeon: Omona! Jieun said someone was handsome?! And what? You saw him earlier? Waa~ jinjja, that guy must really be something.Suzy: ("Jiyeonie, we need to check up on that guy! I'll do my research on him, okay?, she whispered to Jiyeon which I can also hear. Jiyeon just gave her an Okay look.) I'm so happy for you Jieun-ah!!Jieun: What's there to be happy about? (I looked at them because I was really curious. I don't get it. But. they just stared at me for like 5 seconds and laughed.) Why are you guys laughing?Suzy: Hahahaha, nothing nothing! You're still so innocent. We need to change that.Jiyeon: Yea you said it girl. *Cringes in painJieun: Hey, are you okay? Jiyeon-ah?Jiyeon: Ah, deh. I need to pee, badly!!Suzy: Hahaha, just go!Jiyeon: Teach, may I go out?Teacher: Sure.Jieun: O yea, get me some warm tea when you come back, my throat's hurting.  Author's POV               Jiyeon started running when she got out from the classroom. She kept thinking "I can make it, I can make it!" over and over. But in a flash, she encountered a collision with another guy running across the hall. The guy lost his balance but was still upright although Jiyeon went really flat on the floor. Jiyeon: Aishhh~! Yah!!!! Look at where you are going!!L: Mwo? You are the one not looking! You should apologize!Jiyeon: Me? Waah~ you're really pissing me off! (Jiyeon got up and started brushing off her clothes)L: Babe please, don't get me wrong but you're the one at fault here.Jiyeon: Babe? (She wipped her hair, turned around and started walking, remembering that she really needed to pee.)L: See you around, BABE!!J: Aisshhhh~! (She looked back at him and made faces.)                 Jiyeon finished her "business" and went back to their class room. But then, she realized that she needed to buy Jieun her warm tea. So she went to the nearest soda machine.Jiyeon: Haisssh~ jinjja! That guy was so freaking obnoxious! (She started picking for a nice drink when she heard a girl screaming at someone.)Girl: I hate you! I hate you so much! I caught you red handed kissing another girl and now you lie to my face about it? How stupid do you think I am?L: Well I guess not stupid enough. (*SLAP*)  youch! that was harsh poor Myungsoo :( :D He opened his mouth trying to move his jaws to decrease tha pain and heard someone giggling.Jiyeon: Waaah~ I should thank that girl. Do you mind telling me her name? Hahaha               L just watched her walk away. He looked at her back from head to toe while thinking "Hah, now I look at her, she's quite hot. Just my type. Sexy with an attitude".  Jieun's POV               I wonder what's taking Jiyeonie so long. It's almost lunch. My throat's really hurting.Jieun: Oh! What were you doing? (My voice was breaking as I was saying this.)Jiyeon: Mianhae Jieun-ah. Had a little trouble earlier. Drink this, you sound awful! ....  Aishhh, I can't keep from getting mad when I remember.Suzy: What happened?Jiyeon: I bumped to a guy and he said that I was the one at fault. Was he mad? He was the wrong one!Suzy: Seems like you've found your match, huh? XDJiyeon: Yea, I'd make this a game he'll never forget.Jieun: Yah, gaja. I want to eat.                I don't know why but I was really feeling awful, this day. Am I starting to have the flu? Oh God no. We walked into the canteen and noticed that Yoseob sunbaenim was standing there near the windows with some other people. We were on the way there so I looked at him and bowed to pay my respects. I didn't say anything because I know my voice would have only break. I saw the other people around him was shocked. The other student were too and also Jiyeon and Suzy. But Yoseob sunbaenim just smiled at me as a response. I didn't get why they were shocked. I just followed the principal. I should respect him, he was older than me. And then my friends and I made our way to our usual seat.Jiyeon: What did you do back there Jieun-ah? Was he the one you were talking about earlier?Suzy: Yah, he IS handsome!Jieun: Yes. (I answered Jiyeon)                Jiyeon and Suzy looked and winked at each other. Jinjja, sometimes I really don't get these two. I just resumed to eating and minding my own business.  Yoseob's POV               There was it again, that freaking fragrance. We, me, Cheondung and L, were at the canteen, just hanging out and checking some girls. Of course, many of them were already looking at us. I smiled at them but I don't see any good fish, really. I remembered what I did to Jieun and saw a bigger smile on my face. But just then, three gorgeous-looking ladies came in and there, I smelled it, her again. I recognized it was Jieun. She was walking with two others and you could really see that they take the breath from others. Walking like models and all that, they were about to walk past us but I think she recognized me and stopped. Her friends looked at her with a why-did-you-stop-walking face that changed to a schocked face when they saw her bow to me. I smiled at her and then they continued to where they were going. I realized that many students were looking at me and also my friends.Cheondung: Yo, what was that? You know the ice queen from the 1st year Star Class?Yoseob: Ice queen? Well, she does look like one.L: Waaaa~ you're great. And it's still your first day here. Do you know many guys here have tried to even just talk to her. But they were scared of just being fools so they don't dare.Yoseob: Psssh, please. she's just any other girl. (I smiled sheepishly at them.)Cheondung: No boy, she ain't any other girl. Look at that pretty face. And that untouchable aura of hers. So unique.Yoseob: You like her?Cheondung: No doug, as dongsaeng though. I know you won't believe me but she's a cousin of mine. I don't want to cause commotions at this school so I told her not to talk to me when there's no emergency. Yah~! (He looked at me seriously) Don't play with her man, if you want her you need to take her seriously or else I don't know you anymore, and also I'd be dead to my mom. I'm in-charge of her here.L: Yea, believe him. His fans would have died if they saw him and her talking. They're keeping their oppa-dongsaeng relationship a secret. Hahaha. Dead as hell, man.Yoseob: Dude, chill. I got no plans yet. (I lied) Oh yea, does she really have that attitude?Cheondung: This is a secret, okay? Truth is, she haven't smiled since she was little. She can't cry too or any other emotions. She always has this serious face that's why she was called Ice Queen. I pity her sometimes. I think it's so hard having her emotions bottled up like that.Yoseob: Seriously? I thought she just hated me or something. (I got a little sad hearing that from Cheondung. Yea, I think it's really hard and kind of sad ,too. What if I did something to help her? Oh man, here I go again going on about her. She really hit me, hard.)L: Hey. (Waving at my face) Come on, let's go to them! I wanna try talking to her, Hehe >:D (He pulled us near their table,)               The three looked at us, and again I was captivated by her beauty. And then I heard L say "Oh~! Babe! Fancy meeting you here!" I was surprised of what he said. Something was burning inside me, anger. Then that went way when I realized he was talking about the other girl. Why as I even angry? I thought to myself.  Here you go~!Let's anticipate what will happen next :DHope you liked this chapter, well, you should 'cause this took me a long time!Comment for what you want to happen next and for new characters.Subscribe and add me too. Please give me more love~ <3Kamsahamnida!!!!!!! :3 Thanks to my new friends @A_MooNStar and @tanpopo !  Credits to to the pictures and gifs. P.S. I don't own anything here, just the story :)