My Angel (1/2)

Jonghyun smile's warmly as he brushes the lose black fluffy stands of hair from his husbands face, taking in all his husbands beauty. He was sat in Jonghyun's lap, fast sleep, small snores spilling from those addictive bow shaped lips and little pant's of hair hitting his collar bones.The older sighed happily and couldn't help but remember everything they had been through.Jonghyun remembers back to the very first day he laid eye's on the feline eyed beauty, it was his second year of high school and the start of a new term after the summer holidays which meant new students about. Jonghyun was known to be the bad boy of the school, he didn't care for nothing or nobody and never attended classes, always looking for the next girl to take home for the night and dump straight after. Yet that faithful day was going to change him for the better.Jonghyun chuckles as he remembered not wanting to go back yet he had no choice, with him on bad terms with family and no caring about him, he was a lose rebel looking for trouble and the thought of making these newbies's life's hell made him smirk. He remember's walking in to the school, packs of new lost students looking puzzled around yet he just pushed past them like they didn't exists. Waiting by the main lockers in the hall way, Jonghyun had turned his head to the right and his puppy eye's widening at the sight before him.A feline eyed boy with soft blonde hair slowly made his way down the long hall way, looking scared and puzzled. His bow shaped lips looked soft and delicate, a few pearl white teeth showing as the newbie nibbled on his bottom lip. striking cheek bones that stood out for miles and if that wasn't the cutest button nose he had ever seen.Of course there had to be someone to pull him from his trance as another older kid pushed the beauty in to a wall and something inside Jonghyun snapped, never had he felt like that and it scared him yet the adrenaline was pumping through his veins fast. Walking up to the said older that had hurt the feline boy, Jonghyun smacked him in the face hard before turning back to help the beauty on to his feet. The sound of the beauty's voice was like heaven and the dimpled smile he received in return made it all worth it, from that moment on Jonghyun had vowed to protect the younger from harm and make sure he was happy and safe.Jonghyun had taken it upon him self to walk the beauty to every class and would wait for him to finish. Jonghyun found out the beauty was called Kibum but Key for short and for the first time Jonghyun had a friend that liked him for him and not because he was some bad boy that liked to cause trouble. Jonghyun's so called friends didn't like the older hanging out with Key, always teasing him and poking fun as to why hanging out with some gay fag was better then them, the constant nasty comments about the younger only fuelled the burning rage in side the older and one day he lashed out at them, warning to stay away if not there will be hell to pay.Of course Jonghyun had his good days where he was excited to see Key and spend the day with him yet he had bad shaky days where there was like a dark cloud over him, demons pulling him down and the voice's in his head taunting him to become more reckless and bad, to destroy everything yet even on those days the sight of Key was enough for the older to ignore that voice.The sound of Key's voice soon replacing the demons and the dark cloud easily disappearing and white fluffy cloud's appearing with the sunshine peaking out behind them. It sounded silly and stupid but it was the only way to describe those days, Key knew when the older was down or having a bad day and no matter what he waited for the older to talk to him and open up, he never gave up even when in the rare times the older snapped and shouted and Key.He never meant it and Key knew he didn't, it wasn't like the older to be like that and still Key would smile at the older and reassure him everything was going to be ok, that alone made Jonghyun feel like the biggest idiot on earth, how can someone so precious, caring and just damn perfect care about him then when Key hugged him, he felt his worries wash away and it never took long for the older to apologize to the younger, both always ending up in a small cafe 10 minutes away from school, with a hot chocolate and millionaire short cake slice each as Jonghyun apologized over and over no matter how many time's Key would say it was alright and had forgotten about, sending a sweet, caring smile his way.For the next few weeks Jonghyun remained glued to the younger's side, every Monday and Thursday he would watch Key after school in his dance class, amazed by how amazing Key was at dancing, those sinful hips had caused many dirty thought's to cross his mind. They would hang out every weekend and every day after school becoming a regular at Key house.It was two months since they had met that Jonghyun started to feel more feelings for the younger and he knew these were special feelings when on a Friday afternoon, on his way to pick Key up from art class, he saw an ex friend have Key pinned to the wall, hand round the younger's throat, a small cut on his cheek and a small split lip and salty tears slowly falling, feline eye's wide and full of worry and fright and Jonghyun turned in to a beast, he had never felt like that he felt ready to murder.He heard the bloke laugh and ask if Key was gay, spitting out awful remarks yet the so called guy never got his answers as he woke up in hospital with a broken nose, split lip and  black eye. Jonghyun had held Key tightly, apologizing for letting him down and not protecting properly yet a small peck to the cheek from the younger threw his worries away. Few weeks later as they sat in the park watching the sun set behind the hill's, Key had asked Jonghyun something he wasn't expecting yet he was more shocked with how easy he opened up to Key. "Jjong, can I ask you something" Key asked softly, his pale hand playing with larger tanned finger's. The cute nickname causing the older to shiver and his heart beat faster."Of course Kibummie" Jonghyun had replied, smiling as Key looked so interested in their hands."Why don't you attend your classes Jjong, I'm sure you have a dream you like to do in the future" Key asked softly, warm feline eye's looking straight into his puppy eye's."Of course I had a dream Bum, I wanted to to become a musician, learnt to play guitar and write songs yet everyone said it was pointless and stupid so I already given up on it. I don't see no point in going to classes, no one cares or believes in me" Jonghyun said, feeling shocked at how open and honest he was being with Key yet it felt good to finally have some one to talk to and not judge him."That's not true Jjong, I think you being a musician is amazing, it's not pointless at all, I think you should go for it and as for no one believe's in you, that is a lie Jjong, I believe in you and know you can do well and go far" Key replied, a warm smile spreading on his lips, eye's sparkling as he watched the older slowly open up more." d..d...don't m...mean that" Jonghyun whispered out quietly yet Key heard him perfectly and the younger felt so bad for the older to not believe anyone would support him and his dreams, carefully lifting the older's face so he could look Jonghyun in the eye's."Yes I do mean it Jonghyun, you can become whatever you want to be and if being a musician is your dream then I'm 100% behind you all they way, please don't doubt my support for you Jjong, your too special to me" Key pleaded and Jonghyun couldn't help but tear up, Key was special to him yet he didn't realise how special he was to Key.Key raised his other hand to the older's cheek and wiped away a few fallen salty tears that had stained his cheek with his thumbs, Jonghyun leaned in to the soft, sweet touch, warmth radiating from the soft, velvet like hand resting on his cheek. For the very first time in his life Jonghyun managed a genuine smile, not a fake one he was so used to to prove he was fine, this was genuine and he felt so much better and heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders.That day once he made sure Key was home safe and sound, Jonghyun rushed back to his house, slipping off his shoes and coat before rushing to his room and digging out his old guitar he packed away in the back of his wardrobe along with his song journal he used to write his songs in. He sat on his bed practising before writing a very special and personal song, inspired by someone who in just a few months had changed him and broken his hard shell. Key was like his angel, he had come to save him from failing in life and going down the wrong path he was heading in. The moment he laid eye's on the feline beauty he swore there was a special yellow glow radiating from him, a small golden halo, above his fluffy blonde curls. That night Jonghyun can't help but keep the genuine smile plastered on his plump lips, his passion bubbling away in his stomach as he played his guitar, loving the feel of music taking over him once more and he would even be doing this if it wasn't for Key and those special words, telling him that he believed in him and to not give up. Jonghyun vowed to make the younger proud of him and prove everyone else wrong and he wasn't a mess up nor was his dreams pointless.After the weekend, Jonghyun kept his vowed promise and on the Monday after their talk, Jonghyun attended all his classes and really tried his hardest in every subject. Teacher's were shocked to say the lest and student's gossiped as to what had made him change so much in just a few months. Jonghyun was a very well known bad boy through the whole school, girls became desperate to sleep with him and the guy's hung out with him because of his reputation yet just 4 months later here he was in class and really trying hard, his grades slowly raising.Yet no one knew why he had changed or who had made him like that and some times Jonghyun wasn't sure either, Key hadn't done a thing that day, just coming to school on his first day yet he had managed to change Jonghyun's life just like that. His parent's didn't have a clue what had suddenly changed their son from a reckless rebel to a hard working, good person trying hard. Jonghyun kept his reason's as to why to him self, he never spoke to teacher's unless it was work related nor did he talk to students or his family when questioned about his turn around.He knew this was all worth it each morning when he picked the younger up for school, each break time when they would hang out together and end of school when they once again hung out, the cute dimpled smile he received from Key and the tender, warm loving hug he got was his energy to survive and seeing Key in front of him happy was his motivation to succeeded and do well.Jonghyun even started spending even more time with Key, sleeping over most weekend's, loving just being close to the younger boy though even when they had to part Jonghyun was constantly texting Key and before bed he call the younger to wish him a goodnight and to not let the bed bugs bite. He got worried in case Key though he was being to clingy yet the younger was always reassuring him it was and he loved having the older so close by whether it was in person or over the phone via text or call.It was over a year since they had first met and finally Jonghyun realised his feeling's for Key, he treasured and cherished the younger so much. He had realised he wouldn't of changed if it wasn't for him nor would he of been alive today if it wasn't for him and Jonghyun knew for the first time in his life what true love felt like, he had fallen head over heels for Key. It had taken a long time to realise this yet he knew deep down he had loved Key for a very long time.Before he had met the younger he never believed in true love nor that their was someone out there waiting for him. Back then it was all fake and utter rubbish, love was stupid and pointless, not worth crying over or fighting for yet a year later and he was completely different, he loved the feeling of butterflies in his stomach when Key smiles and the electric shocks that shoot through his veins when Key touch's him. They way his heart beats faster at the sight of the blond fluffy hair and feline eye's that sparkled brightly at the sight of the older.They way those bow shaped lips stretched in to a wide smile when Jonghyun tells him how well he was doing in classes and the sound of the younger's voice telling him how proud he was of the older was like a secret lullaby. Jonghyun had never even thought about his sexuality, always thinking he was straight and any girl would do for the night yet seeing Key look so feminine yet manly at the same time made his heart flutter, the thought of being gay never bothering him, never did he feel like he needed to battle those weird feelings he felt when Key was round him.Loving Key had felt so natural to him and it was no different to loving a girl Jonghyun guessed yet Key wasn't just anyone, he was a special golden treasure that had already stolen his heart soul and mind with out even trying. After spending a few days thinking how to do it, Jonghyun confessed to the younger in the park they always went to after school to watch the sun set behind the hills. When Key said yes with tears in his eye's and a warm, loving smile on his lips, Jonghyun nearly died on the spot. to hear Key say those words back to him was like nothing he ever expected, it was the most perfect sound and that day became the best day of his life. Throughout the rest of their school day's they had remained side by side and at the end of Jonghyun's last school year he had gone on to shock everyone and graduate with high grades, Key was beyond happy and so proud at the older's turn around, of course Jonghyun opened up more during their relationship and revealed his past to Key which scared him in case the younger ran away and left him.That alone scared him yet Key was there smiling and said he was even more proud to of helped the older get more out of life. It was 2 years in to their relationship that they got their own home together in town, Jonghyun worked in a sports clothing shop and Key had taken up a job in a small bakery much to the older's delight as Key sometimes got to bring some cakes and doughnuts home once the shop closed. They hardly ever argued and Jonghyun became even happier once he had left home and his parents.It was like he had been giving a chance at a fresh start and he had taken it with both hands and it couldn't of been more perfect. He had a reason to wake up each day, a reason to make something of his life and work hard and most importantly he had a reason to smile so brightly as the thought of waking up to such a beautiful angel and to come home to him, to work hard and spoil him rotten like he deserved. Spending everyday with a man he loved and cherished, worshipped the ground he walked on just made him even happier then before if possible.It was 2 years and 8 month since Key said yes to being his boyfriend that Jonghyun took their relationship to the next step, asking for Key's hand in marriage, another thought he didn't think would of ever happened yet he got dressed up in a black suit and took Key for a meal on a boat during the summer, the sun setting over the ocean, creating the perfect atmosphere. After they had eaten the finest food and had the finest wine to drink, Jonghyun got down on one knee asking Key to stay by his side forever eternity, to love him through the good and bad times, to never give up on him to to always love him the way he loved the younger.Of course Key said yes, tears spilling from his feline eye's as Jonghyun moved the simple gold band encrusted with small diamonds round the long, slim pale finger, they shared a loved filled kiss as fire works lit up the night sky, decorating it with different bright colours. As they sat on the sandy beach after, hand in hand, watching the calm ocean together, Jonghyun turned his head to the left and his eye's widen at the sight he saw.One of his ex friends hadn't changed a bit, completely drunk and packet's of drugs falling out of his pocket's. Clothe's filthy and full of holes and stains. He was currently getting it on with some trashy bird he had picked up for the night and the sight was enough to make Jonghyun sick, he knew that if he hadn't met Key that day then that would of been him now. Quickly turning back round to face his soon to be husband, he noticed the younger's feline eye's twinking brightly under the star lit sky.Jonghyun then looked down at their intertwined hand's, eye's locking on the band that decorated the younger's finger and Jonghyun smiled and gently ran his thumb over the soild gold band, smiling to him self. Key turned to the older and smiled breaking the older from his trace like state. "I love you Jjong" Key said softly, voice filled with love and tenderness, eyes filled with love. Puppy eye's shoot up to look deep in to those feline eye's that looked straight into his soul."I love you too Bummie" The older replied smiling brightly at Key's words.Using his free hand, Jonghyun caressed Key's cheek and soon both leaned in for a deep kiss filled with all the love they had for each other, the sight Jonghyun had just seen soo forgotten as those bow shaped lips melted against his plump lips. Jonghyun knew that he had made the right choice in life and it made him love Key even more if that was possible.It was 3 years and 5 months since they had started dating and 9 months since Jonghyun had proposed, it was the day of their wedding, only a small ceremony on the Hyeopjae Beach on Jeju Island. Though same sex marriage was not welcomed there, some priest were more then happy to step in and make their dreams come true, the odd few family members from each side came as witness and their friends watched on with pride and joy.Happy to see their two best friends finally tie the knot and become one. They wrote their own vows and Jonghyun's caused Key to Key while Jonghyun battled hard to keep his tears at bay as Key expressed his love for the older, it felt more like a dream and someone was going to scream April fools or something yet hearing the priest say I know pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss your groom, caused Jonghyun to smile brightly and kiss those bow shaped lips that had become one of his many addictions, breathing out I love you to the younger once they parted to cheer's and everyone congratulating them.Jonghyun sang a special song at their wedding, it was the first song he wrote after he and Key had that talk and the younger telling him to not give up, it was written for him and it was Jonghyun's way of saying I love you and thank you. He called the song You Saved Me From Myself.It's not so easy loving me

It gets so complicated

All the things you've gotta be

Everything's changin

But you're the truth

I'm amazed by all your patience

Everything I put you through</address>When I'm about to fall

Somehow you're always waitin

with your open arms to catch me

You're gonna save me from myself

from myself, yes

You're gonna save me from myself</address>My love is tainted by your touch

Cuz some girls have shown me aces

But you've got that royal flush

I know it's crazy everyday