Chapter Six (1/1)
"You better have a good reason for making me ditch class.""Is just not wanting to go a good reason?"Key rolled his eyes but continued following Minho across the open field of the campus. "It would be a good reason if our classes were free. This is costing us about a hundred dollars."Minho ignored him as they arrived to the parking lot. Reaching for the keys in his front pocket, he unlocked the passenger door and held it open expectantly. "Well?""You haven't even told me your reason for dragging me out of class."Letting go of the door handle, hands going to his pockets, he sighed and looked at his friend. "Is wanting to spend time with you a good reason?" A cold breeze picked up, ruffling Minho's hair and making Key shiver. He felt his heart pick up speed as he stared at the male in front of him with his slightly messed up hair and bright eyes."Yes"It was a low whisper but Minho heard it and he smiled as Key quietly entered the car. He closed the door behind him before quickly running to the other side and joining."So where are we going?""I don't know."Key gave a small snort as he looked at the younger. "You seriously have no plan?"With a shrug Minho started the car. "Didn't think it mattered. As long as we're together it'll be fine."Key bit down on his lip, holding back a smile and turned to look out the window. He felt like he was back in middle school and experiencing a crush for the first time, he hated not being his usually collected self."I hate you."Minho chuckeled, grabbing onto the wheel and backing out of the parking spot. "No you don't."-"Jonghyun we have to finish this composition.""Why?" came the bored response. Jinki glared at his partner and gently kicked the table, moving away in time to dodge the slap the younger sent his way. "Because the deadline is coming up and Professor Song already kicked us out of class for wasting time." There's a pause and Jonghyun focuses on the breathing of the male next to him. "And because I said so."There's a snort as Jonghyun stretches and tries to make himself comfortable on the libraries hard chairs. "I recognize the council has made a decision but given that it's a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it." Jonghyun laughs before turning to where he thinks Jinki is and gives him a smirk. From the look he's receiving Jinki guesses he's missing something."Should I understand that reference?"His smile falters. "Avengers? You've never seen it?" "Er... no?" Jinki isn't about to tell him that he rarely watches movies because he has no one to go with. Key would much rather go to the mall and Taemin could barely concentrate for thirty minutes before he was pulling out his phone and asking Jinki what time they'd be leaving.Jonghyun let's a groan. "You, me, sometime soon, are going to have to watch all the marvel movies together. I can't believe you haven't seen them. I can't even see and I know them!"They both laughed at the same time before Jinki shoved the notes he had in front of Jonghyun. "So what are we going to do about this?""Well it sounds like a sheet of paper, but I guess you are referring to what's on the sheet of paper." Jonghyun let's out another laugh before jokingly waving his hand in front of his eyes. When he's greeted with silence he groans."You haven't seen Avatar either? Toph?" "Nope"Jonghyun sighed, dramatically dragging his hand down his face. "You, me, this Saturday. Are you busy?"He pictures the piles of homework he needs to finish, the report on his first semester shadowing a doctor that he hasn't started, the dirty apartment he needs to clean out and the possibility that he might have made plans with Key but can't remember. Busy doesn't begin to describe it... but when he looks at Jonghyun's lopsided grin he finds he doesn't care."Not at all."-"Why weren't you in class earlier?" Jinki asks as he takes a bite out of his chicken. Key bites his lower lip and pretends to not know what he's talking about. "I got to campus late.""I walked you to class."A silence falls over the group of four as they eat their lunch. Minho had left earlier after complaining about a stomach ache and Jinki can't help but notice the way Key can't seem to stay still. "Minho wasn't in class either."Key slowly tilts his head toward Taemin and Jinki can see the different ways he's probably thinking of killing him. "So Jonghyun how was class?" Taemin asks quickly looking away. Jonghyun who can feel the tension around him is thankful for the change and is quickly in a conversation with the younger. "Did you ditch?""It was Minho's idea.""I didn't mention Minho."There's a pause before silence comes between them. Next to them Jonghyun and Taemin talk louder, pretending that they haven't heard anything. "There's nothing wrong with hanging out with Minho," Jinki starts, confused as to why his friend suddenly cares about what he thinks. "I'm not jealous if that's what you're worried about. I don't mind sharing my best friend."Key let's out a small sigh of relief that goes undetected by the always oblivious Jinki, but not by Jonghyun. "Oh, yeah... I didn't want you to feel jealous."Jinki smiles, happily believing he's figured out what's wrong with his friend and returns to eating his lunch. Upon seeing things back to normal the other two return to the conversation and are soon talking about their plans for the weekend."Taemin and I are going to this new boba place nearby. The grand opening is Saturday and the first twenty customers get a free drink." Key says excitedly. Next to him a much less excited Taemin sighs. "He just doesn't want to stand in line alone.""Exactly. Maybe I'll tell Minho to join us."Jinki can't help but chuckle at Taemin's sad pout, reaching over the table and ruffling his hair. "You'll be fine.""You're just glad it isn't you.""Very true."Key rolls his eyes, reminding them that his presence alone is a blessing. "So what are you doing Jinki?"Jonghyun forces down the food in his mouth, throwing an arm around Jinki's shoulder and pulling him closer. "We're having a movie day. Can you believe he's never seen any Marvel movies?""I see you're leaving me for Jonghyun.""Now whose jealous?" Jinki replies with a smirk ignoring the pain when Key kicks him under the table. "Please, I would trade you for a bag of chips. He can have you." To prove his point Key stands up. "Taemin, Jonghyun, traitor," Jinki fake cries as Key throws a crumbled napkin at him, "see you all Monday."They bid him farewell and almost immediately Jonghyun is up as well. "Let's go. We need to finish that composition.""Now you care?"Jonghyun ignores him, reaching for his cane and grabbing onto Jinki's elbow with his other hand. "Bye Taemin!"They walk away together, Jonghyun leading the way to the music department and Jinki simply following along with a smile.Behind them Taemin looks around and pouts. He definitely needed more friends.--This chapter was definitely just some random writing to prepare for the next chapter of Jongyu spending a day together. Also in case you haven't noticed, Minkey is showing up! Thank you all those who have left comments and subscribed. I'm very thankful for the kind words and I hope you continue enjoying the story! ^^