"Get up sleepy head!" (1/1)
How did she get that?The cut was was swollen with dried blood on it, and it had looked really recent. Looking over at her face it was a little pale, along with her skin seeming a bit clammy."What should we do?" Jeongmin asked as they all turned to their leader."Get the first-aid kit," was all Donghyun said as he knelt down near her ankle and examined it, "and bring me a wet cloth and bandages." As expected from their leader he was handling the situation calmly. After receiving all he asked for he skillfully tended to the wound and within moments it was clean and bandaged. "Nggh,' Alex stirred in her sleep. Slowly, so very slowly her eyes opened after what seemed like an eternity. She had been out cold for an hour and was looking much better now. When her eyes were fully opened, she blinked a few times and looked around her to see six concerned faces looming over her. At first slightly confused, she finally remembered what had happened and where she was. "Pikachu!" She exclaimed as she suddenly sat up after remember. However, she had gotten up a little too fast and remembered the pain in her ankle and let out a little yelp."Be careful," Kwangmin said as he pulled out the hat she had came there for. Just as he brought it out she quickly reached for it and snatched it back, clutching it close to her chest."Thank-you," she mumbled softly as she tucked her head in to her chest, still clutching the pikachu hat. "I'll be going now," she said as she tried to stand up, only to crumble back down into the couch while wincing in pain."Don't push yourself it'll only get worst," Donghyun observed. For a moment he was silent as everyone awaited what was to come next, "where are you staying," he finally asked."I'm staying at..." Alex started to say until a look of confusion came over her, "I'm staying at the..." she tried again only to become more confused. "I can't remember," she finally stated in shock."Then you'll stay with us," Donghyun stated."A girl!?! A girl can't stay here! Much less she's a stranger!" exclaimed Minwoo. The others members also seemed uncomfortable and uncertain with this decision."She has no place to go so she stays here with us," started Donghyun, "we'll just make room for her for the the time being until we find out where to take her ba-""NO!" Alex let out all of the sudden. This startled everyone for a moment, "I mean no, not back there... somewhere else but not back there," was all she said."Then where?" Youngmin asked."I... I don't know," was all she could say."Well let's get some rest we'll deal with this in the morning," declared Donghyun.Alex was going to stay in the living room on the couch since she couldn't sleep in a bedroom full of guys. The rest of the members went to their bunks and soon fell asleep except one. Kwangmin was lying in his bunch staying at the ceiling with even more questions swarming his mind. Why did she not want to go back? Why couldn't she remember? One question that still remained unanswered to him was why was she being chased? What seemed like forever until he finally fell asleep, when he awoke it was not to the sound of Donghyun's usual wake up calls but because of someone poking him. Repeatedly."I'm awake..." Kwangmin mumbled as he tried to bat the hand away to no avail. 'Then get up sleepy head," the voice snapped at him impatiently. The voice was familiar, when he finally opened his eyes and turned to it, it wasn't what he expected to see. It was a little girl with big brown eyes that had hints of gold in them and long brown hair. She was wearing a blue dress with daisies on it along with an impatient expression that seemed to show excitement behind it. "P'Tai wake up! We're going to see them today!""See who?" Kwangmin asked, his mouth agape, "Alex why are you so small?"SMACK!"P'Tai that's not nice! Just because I'm younger you can't call me SMALL!" Alex yelled at him as she smacked him again for emphasis. "Oww! Alex stop it!" Kwangmin said as he sat up in bed and rubbed his head."Alex, whose Alex?" she asked as she tilted her head in wonder."You," Kwangmin said to her as if it were obvious."P'Tai my name's Alice, not Alex," Alex stated, "Are you alright P'Tai?"'Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Kwangmin," he answered back at her."P'Tai are you okay," she asked as she tried to touch his head to check for his temperature. Since she was so tiny though, she never reached it and finally she gave up with a, "Humph!"What? That isn't my name though. Kwangmin suddenly noticed that he didn't see any of the other members nor the bunk beds. He was in a completely different room that had blue carpeting and white walls. On the walls were various posters, news clippings, and pictures. The was also a desk in one corner and a drawer in the other. Looking over at the drawer he saw a picture of a family with a boy that looked about fifteen and what seemed to be a seven-year-old Alice. They were smiling happily with their parents under a giant tree.The boy, probably Tai, had big brown eyes just like Alice did but darker. His hair was also a darker brown with red highlights. He looked like someone who might play sports with his build for a fifteen-year-old. "Tai! Get down here with your sister! Hurry up we're leaving in ten minutes!" He heard a voice call from somewhere that seemed to be downstairs."C'mon P'Tai! We're going to grandma's house!" Alice exclaimed as she started to jump up and down."Grandma's?" Kwangmin asked."Yeah grandma's! We're going to go on a plane mama said!""Why are we going on a plane to see grandma?" Kwangmin asked the excited little Alice."Because mama says she in Korea right now and this is the only chance we get to see her before she goes away again! Hurry up," Alice said as she turned around and ran out through the door."Alice! Alice wait!" Kwangmin called out. Suddenly everything blurred and he heard his name being called repeatedly."Kwangmin...Kwangmin...Kwangmin!" His eyes fluttered opened to see his twin and Minwoo looking at him partially annoyed."You were tossing and turning in your sleep and mumbling too! Are you alright?" Minwoo asked him."Yeah... I'm fine," Kwangmin answered them. Was that really all a dream?A/N: Well there's one chapter done! This took longer to write than expected. A little thanks to taemjjang for the SHINee suggestion, they will definitely appear for sure~ One reason is because I absolutely love them, however I still can't decided whether DBSK -when they were all five- or if SHINee are my number one favorite boy band. Another message is that I may not update for the next few days because of school since freshman year = tests = scores = needing to pass them T.T Thank you all for reading~ Oh, and what do you guys think of this dream of Kwangmin's so far? Interested in who Tai is?