Complicated Love Life (1/1)

Donghae’s POV“Hey Kyu what about these flowers?” I ask holding up some lilies for him to see and he nods his head. Kyu and I are now shopping for flowers for our wedding tonight while Minnie and Hyukkie are out shopping for their dresses. All four of us are going to be married tonight and we will be the witness to each other wedding. None of our parents will be here for our wedding. We pick out a few more flowers to decorate the church and paid the cashier before leaving the flower shop.“Hae, maybe we should reserve a table at a restaurant for the celebration tonight. We don’t want to cook.” Kyu said and I look around the place. “I don’t know much about these restaurants here. Not sure which one tastes good.” I said looking at Kyu. “Well, let’s go to that market there and ask around. The locals can recommend us something.”“I guess.” I said as I follow Kyu across the street toward the market. The owner of the market tells us of a restaurant not far from the lodge where we stayed at and the foods are really good as well. Kyu and I decide to go there and reserve a table for tonight celebration. Just then my phone rings and I recognized my dad’s number. I ignore it in case it’s my mom that called me while using my dad’s phone. I can’t let her ruined my own wedding this time.“Hae, your dad has been calling you all day today.”“I know Kyu. I am not picking it up just in case it’s my mom.”“I don’t know if what we are doing is right or not. I feel like it’s unfair to Minnie since I can’t give him the wedding that he deserves.”“Minnie loves you so I don’t think he would mind. I just wish our parents are here giving us their blessings.”“Your mom will understand you one day, Hae. Just give her some times. After tonight she can’t stop you from living your eyes with Hyukkie.”“Same goes for you and Minnie as well. I’m sure Minnie’s mom will welcome you one day into their family.”“Honestly, I don’t care about her approval of me. I just want Minnie to be happy and I will try my best to take care of him. I’m not letting his mom stops me from living with Minnie.”“As long as no one shows up tonight, things should go smoothly.” Kyu nods his head at me as we headed inside the restaurant to reserve a table for tonight. When we were done, my phone rings again and I ignore seeing it’s my dad that’s calling me again. “Are you sure it’s right to keep ignoring your father phone calls like that Hae?”“I just want to be safe until after the wedding.” I turn my phone off when we get back to the lodge. We walk in and I saw Hyukkie standing on a chair hanging some decorations on the ceiling. I smile seeing him happy about this wedding even though it’s not his dream wedding. “Hae, you’re back!!” Hyukkie saw me and smiled widely as he gets down from the chair. “Where’s Minnie?” Kyu asks and Hyukkie points to one of the bedroom.“Minnie hyung is trying on the dress. I don’t think he wants you to see him wearing the dress until tonight Kyu.” Hyukkie said as he ran to stand in front of the door preventing Kyu from entering the bedroom. “Minnie hyung doesn’t want you to see the dr