Fresh start for new day, fresh air, fresh water, fresh--Ha.Bad breathe. Joohyun hastily stood up from her bed, disheveled hair that still suits her alluring face is definetely the opposite of the smell of her breathe. Being perfectionist, she doesn't like smells that makes the nose to choke (what?) She does not like to smell stinky, and most of all, she does not like it when her heaven-like room will soon turned into hell when her demon sister would bugged her every morning in her purplish room; where all you see is purple, even Joohyun is purple, i mean she's wearing purple.
"Unnie!~" she smiled widely. it only made Joohyun to shiver. oh gosh, if you think she's one of those innocent child with very adorable aegyo, well no shxt sherlock, it's the opposite "What do you need?""I need a toothbrush! The last time i saw it you used it to clean the toilet! Have you even buy new one for me?!" The kid suddenly turns into her real self, like a boss scolding someone whose apparently older than her "Why are you shouting at me you little son of devil! Go get your new toothbrush in the purple totebag that's in the living--" the satan didn't let her to finish her sentence "Gosh unnie! You need to brush your teeth!" The younger scowled, leaving her in awe for moment.You lil spawn of satan.Yeri hurriedly walks toward the comfort room as she brush her teeth, while murmuring chants as if she was summoning bloody marry "Unnie! Why pikachu! I told you it should be doraemon!" She heard things that was drop to the floor, she was so sure it was the new toothbrush she baught "Then don't brush your yellow teeth!" She yelled back, leaving with no choice, the kid picks it up, still mad that it's doraemon and for calling her teeth yellow, well atleast she didn't say that it's color black right? That's kinda even better=================================== People became more and more crowded when she begun to walk in the school ground, everyone was stealing glances to her ethereal beauty she ackowledged. She was in stoic face not caring about any attention she's receiving. When her little devil scared her to death when all the younger did was to tap her shoulders yet she screamed loudly, if it wasn't Yeri to cover her mouth with her palm. Her unnie can be this jumpy that even in simpliest things, she would br starled, she would even get more attention from these bees buzzing around and Yeri doesn't like attention from people. "You scared me to death!" She over reacted, holding on her dear heart for life as if it will explode soon with just simple tap on shoulder"How i wish" Yeri murmured receiving a deadly knock on head, dang. That made a loud crack! "Sometimes, i really do wonder if you're adopted cuz it feels like you live in hell" Yeri imitated her sister, it's always the same thing she does when she scold Yeri for being this rude to her"Maybe because our house is hell and you're the devil" before Joohyun turns into demon and lash out her little kiddo, a chic woman wearing a high waist pants matching it with denim jacket, plain white shirt inside, her golden locks runs down her curvy hips which everyone is envious of "Hey krystal unnie!""Hey" she replied plainly, with the cold stone look painted on her glamorous face, "what happened? Not in the right mood?" Joohyun asked, knowing her since they've been friend ever since they were fetus. "Stupid. Idiots. They should die! They should never be alive in this world! Grr! How cruel!" Krystal seated besides Yeri as she bang her close fist into the poor table, the devil can only gulp as she sense the dark aura. It must been a serious problem, yeri taught "Calm down kryst. Tell us what happened" Krystal flips her hair sending eveyones mouth to be apart, holy mother gods of star and zeus"You see! I was walking down the street and someo--!" her words got cutted when someone who ask what is their order, the woman had the guts to cut her off, "what is your orde---""Shut your filthy mouth! Im talking!" The canteen became quiet leaving the one who asked Krystal to shut her mouth, she was about to leave when Joohyun spoke "Im sorry about that but would you mind if i take burgers and yes with s cause im taking 5 with me, thanks" the poor lad' walks away in shame"as i was saying, a saw a couple of branded bags, you know how much i love bags right?" Krystal said, the two nods their head"yea, you love bags so much to the point you could have marry one of them" Yeri whispered jokingly, Joohyun who chokes her water she was drinking, steps on the satan's foot making it to scream in pain"ouch!""are you ok?" Krystal said in worried tone, she had these soft spot for Yeri and Joohyun can never understand why did that happened, maybe because she feed krystal something poisonous"what are we talking about again?" Joohyun stated, completely forgotten their conversation"grandma" Yeri whispered again, not contended. All hail to the God since she wasn't heard"the bag is on sale! On sale! Like what the heck!?!""i taught it's a serious problem" Yeri says disappointed"wt-- ok nevermind that fuckin sale thing, im just gonna eat" Joohyun was about to complain but ended up eating the butgersSuddenly, a woman wearing a black leather jacket that suits her badass look, matching it with denim pants, her jet-black hair that flows down her hips, as everyone stares at her while she had this bitchy look on her face"Kim Jennie" a certain woman whisp