[M] Pt. 1 (1/1)

Breathing is pretty simple right?Deep breath in, Deep breath out. It could be either through the mouth or nose.Park Jimin lost all ability to breathe properly the moment he saw him. This him being Jeon Jungkook. Jimin tried to shake his head clear and slowly regained the function of his respiratory system. His brain was going haywire and he could barely walk without stumbling. Jimin had heard of the handsome star before, he had seen a few of his films. He couldn't deny the fact that Jeon Jungkook was indeed strikingly handsome, even better looking in person. No matter how good the camera, it would never be able to capture the pure masculinity and handsomeness of Jeon Jungkook.Jimin turned his head to get a better view from his seat at the male sitting a table away from him. He let his eyes trail down the breathtaking young man before him. His dark brown hair had been styled to perfection and looked incredibly soft. Jimin closed his eyes to imagine pulling at that hair while being thrusted into hard and fast. He opened his eyes abruptly and looked around, as if someone could read his thoughts and continued his eye exploration. Jimin watched Jungkook intently, staring at his dark defined eyebrows above a pair of doe shaped chocolate brown eyes. Eyes that held such passion and many secrets. He lowered his gaze to Jungkook's lips and licked his own, imagining kissing the other's supple, pink ones. He let his eyes wander over Jungkook's fit body, seeing how tight fitted the black shirt he was wearing, tight enough for him to almost see the muscle forms through the shirt. He appreciated the tight black pants that encased strong thighs and long muscular legs. Jimin raised his eyes back up to Jungkook's face when he noticed the doe eyes staring back at him. He had been caught. Jungkook raised one dark brow as if to question Jimin, although he clearly knew he was being checked out. Jungkook smirked and let his own eyes obviously trail over Jimin's body. From Jimin's black hair to his big eyes that disappeared into small lines every time he smiled, down to his thick plump lips that were begging to be kissed. Jungkook trailed his eyes down to the pale smooth neck to the black button down Jimin was wearing, down to the tight leather pants on his legs. His breath hitched when he remembered how Jimin's ass looked in them when Jungkook had passed behind him earlier. Jungkook could feel his pants tightening and shook his head and brought his eyes back to Jimin's. Jimin was beet red, blushing at the thought of the beautiful specimen checking him out. Jimin knew he was attractive, but he didn't expect Jungkook to do such a thorough inspection of him, and by the look in Jungkook's eyes, it seemed he was sharing the same burning desire and raw attraction. Jungkook watched Jimin bite his lower lip and instantly wondered what it would be like if he could bite Jimin's lips. Jungkook was bewildered at how much one person could be so attractive to him. They hadn't even uttered a single word to each other. Just a few glances and Jungkook already wanted to push Jimin up against the wall and fuck him mercilessly.  Jimin glanced around nervously, his heart was beating unbelievably fast. He whispered to his best friend, Kim Taehyung, "I need to go to clear my head, i'll be back in a couple of minutes." Taehyung looked at him dubiously, "Are you okay, you're going to miss the most important part of the award show though! What if you win your nomination and you're not there?"Jimin shook his head, "I'm fine, I'll just be gone for a few minutes, just go up for me if anything happens." Jimin quickly got out of his seat and exited the room. He spotted the elevators and shuffled over to it, wanting to go to the rooftop and get some fresh air. He stepped in and pressed the top floor. Just as the doors were closing, a slightly tanned hand stopped it. As the doors slid back open, Jimin's heart jumped to his throat. Standing there before him was Jeon Jungkook. Jimin shifted back into one corner of the elevator becoming extremely flustered. Jungkook stepped in with a smirk on his face and closed the elevator doors. He side glanced at Jimin and almost had the urge to giggle when he saw how adorable Jimin looked, pressed up against the side of the elevator. Jungkook side stepped closer and cleared his throat. Jimin turned slightly and gave a weak smile and bowed his head in politeness. "Hello, I'm Park Jimin." He managed to say without stuttering. Jungkook gave him genuine smile back and Jimin almost had fainted at how beautiful he looked, he barely caught his melodious voice. "Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook. Are you okay?" Jimin nodded his head, "I know who you are, I think I'm okay." Jungkook chuckled and lifted one perfect eyebrow, "You think?" He stepped closer until he was a mere few inches from Jimin and he had to look down onto Jimin's face. Jimin turned his head to the wall, "Do you think you could step back a little bit? It's kind of hard to concentrate with your perfect face in the way." Jimin mentally face palmed himself, why on earth would he be admitting that out loud. Jungkook just laughed again and put one hand next to Jimin's face and leaned down. He used his other hand to turn Jimin's face towards his own, their heads only a few centimeters apart. Jungkook looked straight into Jimin's eyes, he could see the desire and want in them. He lowered his eyes to sneak a glance at Jimin's lips and saw that Jimin was biting his lower lip again. "You've really got to stop doing that." Jungkook  muttered before smashing his hot lips against Jimin's taking him completely by surprise.