Chapter Fifteen (1/1)
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The guard sighed before nodding; he too; wanted to find Prince Eunhyuk as soon as possible; because some of his family was in the Lee Kingdom and he knew there have been so many problems because the Prince was lost. “I’ll prepare the carriage Your Highness.” The guard said before going out and start the preparations; it was said there has been someone with the characteristics of the lost prince; that he was in a far away kingdom full of forest and full of criminals as well; even the guard was worried, he didn’t know what was waiting for Prince Eunhyuk in that place; he silently wished he weren’t there or else he would have some problems even being one of the best fighters. That afternoon they parted; they went directly to the place where Prince Eunhyuk could be; Prince Kyuhyun being determined on finding the one he loved; not knowing there were two other princes going to the same place as well. •●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●• Prince Eunhyuk smiled for himself; there he was; only two people left; he was happy he didn’t lose his ability to actually fight with his sword and he smiled for himself when he saw how the men in front of him were panting hard already; he was tired; but not enough to make him stop. “Go away before I finish you up; I’m being nice.” Prince Eunhyuk adverted; two of the men actually running away while the biggest two stayed; frowning deeply at the huge humiliation they just received. “You think you can finish us up?” One of the two asked with a deep voice. “Do you even know who we are?!” He asked offended. Prince Eunhyuk raised his eyebrow indifferently. “I don’t.” He said. “But I don’t care either.” He added making the two men in front of him mad. He smirked and gripped on his sword tightly; he was fast; he trusted his own abilities now; he knew he was a well prepared prince; those last eight years from endless training were enough to make him remember how to be actually a prince in battle. They were about to continue their fighting when Prince Eunhyuk watched a troop in the far away forest; he opened his eyes when he recognized the flag from the Choi Kingdom. “Oh damn!” He exclaimed covering his sword once again. “You two!” He pointed at the two men. “Come on and hide somewhere! We need to get away from that people!” He pointed at the troops still far from them. The two men turned around confused of what was happening. “What?” One of them asked not getting why they weren’t fighting and why all of a sudden the man that was supposed to be fighting was running away. “Yah! Don’t try to escape from us!” He yelled running behind Prince Eunhyuk. Prince Eunhyuk hissed annoyed; the men following him were simple; he could easily defeat them in an instant; the case was that they were being nervous and he knew right away that they called Prince Donghae’s troops attention. “Damn! Damn! Damn!” He groaned running through the forest; hating how the two men behind him were still yelling like crazy. “Hey you!” Prince Eunhyuk heard one of the guards of the troops called and he turned around; just to hide himself because he was sure his face was recognized. “Yah! Stop there all of you!” Prince Eunhyuk knew he had to run away; he dared himself to cover his face with his own clothes and running to the town; he was conscious Shindong told him not to get into the town; but at that moment he had no choice as there were two noisy men and Prince Donghae’s troops behind him. Soon enough; he could no longer see the two men; he was even more afraid; because that would mean they had been caught; and if they asked for a physical description of him; then he would be done. He walked slowly by the town’s streets; he covered his face and body with the huge clothes he had on and looked around nervously; he knew there were some kids scared; but he had to be safe if he wanted to come back with Sooman and Shindong. Prince Eunhyuk stopped. It was going to be difficult for him to come back; because probably he has been discovered and Prince Donghae will look around all the time; check up if he was near or something. Prince Eunhyuk bit his lower lip; he knew the guards and the troop after him stopped following him; but he was still scared for Shindong and Sooman; because at least he knew how to fight in a fierce battle; he was trained for that anyways. That was when Prince Eunhyuk decided; it would be better if he disappeared some days before going to check on them; because he couldn’t risk himself to being trapped by Prince Donghae; he didn’t know what would Prince Donghae’s plans be; he better stayed safe until he found out what else to do. Prince Eunhyuk saw his sword; it was clearly the only possession he had left and yet; he didn’t want to let go of it; because even if he sell it to get some money; he didn’t want to give up on the only thing that reminded him of who he was; of the ones that were important on his life; that sword was the only thing that made him remember his royal blood; his duties with his people; he didn’t want to let go. “Kyuhyun…” Prince Eunhyuk mumbled unconsciously while watching the sword carefully; he opened he eyes widely at his own words; he wasn’t even conscious he was thinking about Prince Kyuhyun and he wanted to sold himself from doing so; because there had to be more important things but that and yet; he couldn’t help himself. Prince Eunhyuk sighed deeply before pouting lightly; he didn’t want to get rid of his sword; he didn’t even know why he always thought of it as his most valuable thing in earth; he looked at it carefully; he knew the gems’ location from memory; he knew the shape and the weight; it was perfect; perfect for him and it was Prince Kyuhyun’s sword’s sister. “Not sisters, but a couple.” Prince Eunhyuk said with a slight smile in his face remembering Prince Kyuhyun’s words; he was now sitting there; in a small street surrounded by merchants yelling and offering stuff; Prince Eunhyuk didn’t mind them; he only wanted to think on what he was going to do and how he was going to do that. No; he couldn’t sell the sword; but if he didn’t do that, then he would have to die or look for something else; he knew he could work, but it would take some time before anyone accepted him in the kingdom because he was a foreigner. Forgetting about his past; finding a new life; that was going to be if he get ri of the sword and Prince Eunhyuk felt a little scared because the options were really tempting; he wanted to forget; about the pain, about the wars and battles; it would be perfect to live just a normal life, doing what everyone does in order to survive; Prince Eunhyuk smiled softly at the idea, even when he felt guilty he couldn’t help but being selfish and he decided it was going to be for the better. For one last time; Prince Eunhyuk looked at the sword and smiled at the memories, memories of him and Prince Kyuhyun playing while training and how Prince Kyuhyun would always let him win just so they wouldn’t hurt each other seriously. “Time to start over.” Prince Eunhyuk said with a sincere smile in his face; forgiving Prince Kyuhyun with his decision; forgiving his own kingdom for hiding the truth; forgiving his parents and the world; forgiving everything because he was going to start again. Prince Eunhyuk sighed and wrapped his sword in an old clothe; keeping it safe and go look for someone to sell it; he stopped his attempt when he saw something he had never seen before in that swords; it was as if it was broken and he panicked for some seconds before analyzing it once again; no, it wasn’t broken, it had a small opening that Prince Eunhyuk had never seen before. He frowned softly as he looked at it perfectly; his heart started jumping fast and he didn’t even know why; he gulped when he saw there was a small paper inside and his shaky hands started trembling while trying to get it out. Prince Eunhyuk breathed in and out deeply when he couldn’t take it out and he closed his eyes for some seconds; maybe it was important but maybe it wasn’t, he was thinking of who could have placed that paper inside; clearly it wasn’t him because he didn’t even know he could do that with his own sword; Prince Kyuhyun’s face flashed in his mind and he opened his eyes widely; he could be the only one that could have placed the paper inside; no one else knew their swords as well as each other. “Because they’re a couple. Prince Eunhyuk reasoned it out and hurried himself to take that note out of the sword. He finally managed to do so and he smiled when he saw the clumsy handwritten; Prince Kyuhyun had never been known by his perfect writing anyways; he didn’t even scold himself this time for smiling at the fact that he remembered how it looked like; because he decided to just go on with his own life without minding anything else; Prince Kyuhyun was part of his past and he was fine with that now that he decided to start once again. The smile in Prince Eunhyuk’s face faded away softly as he read the note. “Hey Hyukkie…” it said. “I know you will be okay…” Prince Eunhyuk gulped. “I just wanted to ask you something… Do you remember that time in the lake when we were together?” Prince Eunhyuk gasped. “That was the most perfect day of my life; that was when I finally realized I would give myself up for you. I know I’ll tell you horrible things, I know I’ll deny I love you… But please believe me now that I say it’s not like that, believe me when I say you are the most perfect creature in earth, that I can’t live without you but I can’t do anything to keep you safe, believe me when I say everything I do, I do it for you, that the memory of your love and your smile will be what will keep me going. Hate me, I’ll be fine with it, but keep yourself safe, because if anything happens to you I’ll die, I can’t be there all the time; don’t come back to my kingdom, don’t go out from yours, don’t crave for me but don’t stop smiling. Believe when I say I’ve sworn to the gods to always look for you, that I won’t stop until I see you happy; please believe me when I say I love you, and that I always will. –Kyuhyun.” Prince Eunhyuk felt his hands shaky; were those Prince Kyuhyun’s real feelings? He closed his eyes, tears falling down softly to his cheeks. Did Prince Kyuhyun know about his older brother? Did he want to protect him? Prince Eunhyuk gripped on the note; he was angry, with Prince Kyuhyun and with himself; because he couldn’t understand Prince Kyuhyun’s actions; why shooing him away? Why not telling him first? And then he was mad at himself. Why couldn’t he trust Prince Kyuhyun’s words when he told him he loved him? Why did he give up that fast? Prince Eunhyuk opened his eyes softly; there were so many questions and no answers; he was mad once again; screw forgiveness; he had to come back and ask Prince Kyuhyun why he let him hurt like that; he had to confront him and ask him why he lied just because of that; why he wasn’t as strong as to protect him seriously. “Where do you think you’re going?” A voice asked and Prince Eunhyuk frowned; he didn’t have any time to deal with those people who kept on thinking he was just a weak foreigner; he had things to do. Prince Eunhyuk turned around and frowned deeper. “Fuck off.” He said taking out his sword and preparing himself to fight against the criminals. •●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●••●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●••●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●• I forgot to say sorry for not updating soon! ^^'I promise this week I'll make it up for you!comment a lot! (: