Chapter 11 (1/1)

My Prince Charming jbang220 46900K 2023-11-02

When they got home, Jinki was being dropped off. Since he was in front of them, he didn’t know that they could see their little make out session in front of the house. It was only when Key cleared his throat that they broke up.                “Jinki hyung, you never told me you had a boyfriend before” Jinki blushed and held onto the other’s hand tightly.                “He was my penpal from back home; we only decided to meet up when I told him that I was coming to visit you guys. This is Changsun, or Joon” he shook hands with everyone and gave Jinki another little kiss before getting into the car. All four of them went back into the house and Key went back to the kitchen to finish making dinner. Jonghyun dragged both Taemin and Onew into the bedroom and closed the door.                “Hyung, did you know that we brought Taemin to the hospital today? I don’t think it’s a normal infection is it?” Taemin shook his head; he didn’t know how Jonghyun had found out.                “When I went to get your medication, the nurse told me about it. Taemin, how come you didn’t tell us that you had contracted gonorrhoea?!” Jinki’s mouth went wide; he thought Taemin was still a virgin.                “Taemin, I thought you’ve never been with anyone, you also have a boyfriend?!” Taemin nodded, he filled Jinki in about what happened between him and Minho.                “So it’s most likely that Minho gave it to you right? I’m going to ask him tonight, if he did, he’d better take responsibility for it” Jonghyun cracked his knuckles, not only did Minho took Taemin’s first time, he also gave him that STD. But Taemin shook his head and held Jonghyun’s arm.                “The doctor said it’s not likely that Minho had given it to me, if he did, he would’ve found some in my...rectum and not on my tip. I don’t want Minho to think that I cheated on him and as a result got gonorrhoea” Taemin pleaded, Jonghyun looked at him and promised him that he wouldn’t tell Minho about it. Jinki on the hand was really worried, his baby cousin had an STD and he had just found out, what kind of hyung was he?                “Jinki hyung, the doctor said I will need to go back for an appointment later, can you come with me?” Jinki nodded, he could ask Joon to drive them there. When Key called them for dinner, they all went out and sat down at the table. Taemin decided to eat more vegetables and healthier foods compared to his usual chips and sodas. Before he went to sleep, he took the medication. There was a pill and a cream. He hated the pill; it always took him several tries to swallow the tiny thing. The cream on the other hand was very soothing; it relieved the burn which allowed Taemin to sleep easier.                That night, Jonghyun went to Minho’s room, wanting to get an explanation.                “Minho, have you ever contracted gonorrhoea before? One of my friend did and he wanted to know how long it would last” Jonghyun was sort of hoping Minho would say yes so at least they would know where Taemin had gotten it from.                “Never hyung, it might be better to ask a doctor about it. Who’s this friend of yours, how come he’s so careless?” Jonghyun just said it was a normal friend from work. Now he was confused, if Minho don’t have it, then where could Taemin have gotten it from?                The next day, Taemin received a call oh his cell phone and it was the hospital, asking if he could come in today to see the doctor. Taemin told them he could go in after school and they said the doctor would be waiting for him. He called Jinki and he said they would wait for Taemin outside his school. Then he sent a text to Minho saying that he needed to stay after school for a project so don’t come pick him up. When the bell rang, Taemin walked out and almost bumped into a girl, his hands immediately went to his stomach, protecting his baby.                “Oh, Sunyoung noona, sorry for bumping into you” Taemin bowed.                “It’s fine, Taemin. Did you get home all right last time?” Taemin nodded, he wanted to talk more but then he remembered about his appointment.                “Sorry noona, I have to be somewhere so I’ll talk to you later?” Taemin waved and walked to the front of the school, he saw Jinki waving from inside Joon’s car and he got in.                “Taemin, did the doctor say anything else besides to go in for an appointment?” Taemin shook his head; he hoped it wasn’t about his baby. Joon was really nice to talk to; he really matched with Jinki, making them the weirdest but cutest couple. As soon as they got to the hospital, the doctor was already waiting for them in the office.                “Mr. Lee, I see you’ve brought some friends, is one of them the father of your child?” all three of froze, Taemin had wanted to keep it a secret.                “Um, no, but this is my cousin Onew and his boyfriend Joon” they shook hands and Jinki sat down being shocked. Not only did his baby cousin have gonorrhoea but he’s pregnant as well?                “Dr. Song, is there something wrong with my baby? What’s with the sudden appointment?” Taemin began rubbing his stomach; he had started this habit even though his stomach was quite flat. Jinki saw this and found it adorable, he held Taemin’s hand and all three of them waited for the doctor to continue speaking.                “Mr. Lee, did I tell you before how if you are pregnant and if you have gonorrhoea, it would be easier to miscarriage, I just want you to come in more often so we could try to prevent that. Maybe you should come in once a week, that way we could track the growth of your baby” the baby was almost 2 weeks old, it was barely growing but Taemin knew that it was there. The doctor did an ultrasound and Taemin almost cried when he saw the little dot, Jinki and Joon couldn’t see anything so they just decided to be happy anyways. The doctor printed out a picture; he circled the dot and handed the picture to Taemin.                “Just for the records, I need the names of the parents" Taemin wrote down Choi Minho, they looked at the dot in the picture, it was just a speck but it got Taemin so emotional.                “How long does Taemin have to take the medication for?” Joon asked, he was starting to care for Taemin like a little brother, he was just too adorable.                “Usually it would take about one week so please for a reminder to Mr. Lee to not have any sexual contact until our next appointment” Taemin nodded his head and thanked the doctor before leaving. They had booked an appointment one week from now to check if he was fully treated and another check for the baby. Joon drove them back to their house and dropped Jinki and Taemin off, when they got into the house; they could already see Key and Jonghyun in the kitchen being lovey dovey.                “Get a room you guys” Jinki joked as he stepped into the kitchen, Jonghyun turned around and winked at them before placing his head on Key’s shoulder, watching him cook.                “Taebaby, how come we haven’t seen Minho for a while? Is he really that busy?” Taemin checked his phone and there was a message saying that Minho’s coming to their house and he’s going to bring Minmin with him. Just then the doorbell rang and Taemin ran to open the door, Minho stood there with a pack of banana milk in one hand and Minmin in the other. Taemin hugged Minho tightly before Minmin and bringing him inside the house.                “Minmin, did you miss umma? Umma sure miss you” Taemin cooed at the puppy, it was just licking everywhere, making Taemin giggle.                “Don’t you miss me, Minnie?” Taemin turned his head around and Minho took this chance to claim his lips. Taemin smiled into the kiss and enjoyed the feel of it.                “Of course I miss you, Minho. You’re so busy with work that I rarely get to see you anymore” Taemin pouted, he missed the warmth of Minho’s embrace and the feel of arms tightly around his waist. Jinki saw this and pulled Jonghyun to the side.                “Did you ask if Minho ever had gonorrhoea? I keep on thinking that Minho deserves to know that he has gonorrhoea and that he’s pregnant!” Jinki covered his mouth; he didn’t mean to blurt out the last part. Jonghyun started at him with wide eyes.                “Taemin’s pregnant?! How is that even possible? Is that dangerous for Taemin to have the STD while pregnant? I asked Minho and he said he had never contracted gonorrhoea and I trust him, he would never lie to me” Jinki nodded, now they just had to find out where Taemin got it from.                “The doctor said there might be a higher chance of miscarriage so he would have to be more careful”                “Who might get a miscarriage?” Key’s voice appeared out of nowhere, causing the both of them to jump.                “Oh,uh... we saw  a new drama where the girl was pregnant and the doctor warned her about the chances of miscarriage. Hyung and I were watching and we both end up crying” Jinki kicked Jonghyun, he didn’t want everyone to think he was a cry baby.                “Awww, it’s just a drama, no need to cry over it” Key pinched both of their cheeks before bringing the food out to the table. They went out to the living room and their heart melted when they saw the position Minho and Taemin were in. Minho was sitting on the floor, his legs open while Taemin was seated between it, Minho’s arms were wrapped around Taemin’s waist and Taemin was holding little Minmin while they were watching tv.                “Time for dinner, and wash your hands before eating, Taebaby” Taemin got up and went to the bathroom; Minho went over and helped with setting up the table. When Taemin came out, he was literally bouncing around; he didn’t realize that he was so hungry when he was playing with Minmin. Key and Minho stared at him as he easily ate double of what he usually ate; Jinki and Jonghyun knew that it was because of the baby, they were just glad that Taemin didn’t have mood swings or crazy cravings, not yet anyways.                After dinner, Jinki went out with his penpal while Jonghyun decided to help out with Key in the shower, Taemin knew that it was really just helping out since Jonghyun respected Key and wouldn’t rush him. Minho however had gotten the wrong idea.                “Minnie, since Key is in the bathroom with Jonghyun hyung, why don’t we have our little fun time?” they were in the same position again and Minho leaned down and kissed Taemin gently, they were both so into it that Minmin fell asleep beside them. Taemin moaned into the kiss, it’s been a few days since they’ve done this and both of them had missed it. Minho’s hand slowly reached down and started massaging Taemin’s bulge, making him moan and started rubbing against Minho’s hand for more friction. It was only when Minho’s hand started to go into his pants that Taemin’s eyes snapped open. The doctor had said no sexual contact until next week; Taemin stopped kissing Minho and grabbed his hand.                “Hyung, we can’t do it now. What if umma comes out? He’s going to kill you” Minho sighed, Taemin was right. If Key saw him groping Taemin in the middle of the living room, he would surely lose something of his. A/NI’m pretty sure the treatment for gonorrhoea is incorrect, but it’s just to make the story flow better