Chapter 5 (1/1)

My Prince Charming jbang220 33770K 2023-11-02

By the time Minho brought Taemin home, it was almost dinner time but Key was nowhere to be seen. Taemin was worried but Minho had guessed that Jonghyun’s plans had worked and he had successfully asked Key out on a date.                “Minho hyung, where do you think Key went? Do you think he’s okay? DO WE NEED TO CALL THE POLICE?!” Taemin was running around trying to look for Key with the puppy in his arms, it was a really adorable sight. Minho stood in Taemin’s way which resulted in the two of them crashing into each other. Minho used this opportunity to hold onto Taemin’s waist to keep him from falling backwards.                “No need to call the police, Taemin. I’m pretty sure Jonghyun hyung is with him right now, he told me this morning he will try to ask Key out. I suppose to succeeded” this made Taemin smile; he knew that his umma hadn’t had a date in a long time. It will be a perfect time for him to relax; Taemin turned to Minho and saw that he had a smile on his face.                “Taemin, do you want to go for dinner tonight? There’s no point in staying at home with nothing got eat. Is there any specific place that you want to go to?” Taemin thought for a moment and nodded, he thought for a few seconds before grabbing Minho’s hand and dragged him out the door. Minho thought they were heading to his car but Taemin turned to the opposite direction. Minho was about to ask Taemin where they were going when he realized that Taemin was still holding his hand, he gently tightened his hold and noticed that Taemin’s hand was really warm and soft. If it was possible, he would never want to let go. After a few minutes of walking, they reached a little restaurant. As soon as Taemin stepped inside, all of the girls crowded around him, some were ruffling his hair, pinching his cheeks. They were all cooing and adoring him. Minho was about to get jealous when one of the girls spoke up.                “Taeminnie, is that your boyfriend over there?” Minho saw Taemin blush.                “I don’t know” Taemin said quietly as he looked down and started petting the puppy. The girls started nudging Minho, hinting at him to ask before Taemin was taken. One of the girls noticed the puppy and started playing with it, giving Taemin and Minho some alone time. He would have to thank her later. Minho took one of Taemin’s hands and used the other to cup his face.                “Taemin, would you do me the honour of being my boyfriend?” Minho saw Taemin’s face brighten up into a huge smile.                “Of course, Minho hyung. I would love to be your boyfriend!” Taemin hugged Minho tightly around the waist, cutely nuzzling his face into Minho’s chest. The girls came back and brought them to a little private booth after handing back the puppy to Taemin.                “Noona, do you know where umma is? Is he working tonight?” Taemin asked, Minho then knew that this was where Key works.                “No sweetie, I think he’s on a date. He left earlier after some boy came to pick him up. He said he would send you a text, didn’t you get it?” Taemin quickly looked at his phone and noticed that it was dead.                “What would you like to order boys?” Minho began looking at the menu and noticed that there was steak on the menu, something Taemin would like.                “I would just have the regular please” Taemin’s cute voice spoke up, but the girl frowned.                “Taeminnie, I know you want to save money, but banana milk isn’t a meal. You need to eat real food. Hey boyfriend, why don’t you order something?” Minho looked at Taemin worriedly, was that why Taemin was so skinny?                “I would like to order two of the steak medium rare and one banana milk” the girl took their order and left with the menu.                “Minho hyung! Do you know how much steak cost?” Taemin scolded Minho, it was really adorable since one was still being held my Minho and the other was petting the puppy, there was no way he could get any cuter.                “Taemin, I can afford it. Besides, she was right, banana milk is not a meal. Since you like steak so much, let’s enjoy our dinner tonight. It’s our first date ever” Taemin blushed when he heard that, but on the inside, he was bursting with happiness. He was sad when the food came because he had to release his hand from Minho’s; he liked it when Minho held his hand tightly. Minho could see Taemin pout; there was something about those kissable lips that Minho couldn’t stop looking at.                “Minho hyung, why are you looking like you want to eat me? Shouldn’t you be looking like that at the steak?” Taemin giggled as Minho muttered an apology and then started cutting his steak. Taemin was having a bit of trouble since every time he dug into the meat, the handle of the knife would press into his palm, making it throb. Just when Taemin was about to give up, Minho exchanged their plates and gave Taemin the already cut steak.                “Why’d you do that, Minho hyung? You could’ve started without me” Minho looked up from his steak and already saw Taemin digging into his meat, smiling happily at the wonderful taste. Before, he could see Taemin struggling with the knife and it looked like he had a pained expression on his face. He won’t die of hunger if he had to cut the steak one more time. He saw Taemin slip his new puppy a few pieces of meat when he thought Minho wasn’t looking.                “Taemin, what do you think about the steak here? Is it better than your banana milk?” Minho had to wait until Taemin had swallowed his food before he could answer.                “Banana milk is the second best and steak would be third” Taemin giggled as Minho reached over and wiped his sauce covered cheek with a napkin.                “What’s the best then? I thought nothing could beat banana milk for you! Is it your new puppy?” Taemin blushed deeply for shaking his head; he had someone else in mind.                “The best is you, Minho hyung!” and with that, Taemin leaned forward and quickly pressed a kiss on Minho’s lips. Taemin sat back down on his seat before lowering his head and continued to eat his steak. From somewhere behind him, he could hear people squealing and realized that it was the waitresses that had served them. They gave Minho thumbs up before heading back to their station.                “Why’d you kiss me, Taemin?” Minho was still shock at the kiss; he didn’t know what to do. Taemin looked up with a shocked expression on his face. His eyes were wide open, they were so beautiful.                “Did you not want me to, Minho hyung? You don’t like me? I’m sorry for kissing you then” Taemin said as he ducked his head, grabbed his puppy and got up. He was about to run away when Minho finally knew how to move and grabbed Taemin’s arm.                “I wanted you to, Taemin. I just didn’t expect you to kiss me first; I thought I would be the one to make the first move” Minho tilted Taemin’s head up and saw that his eyes were teary. He pulled Taemin into a hug, trying to be careful of the puppy.                “Don’t cry, Taemin. I hate to see you cry, I don’t know what you do” Minho said as he wiped the tears away, his cheeks were so soft and smooth.                “Then kiss me, Minho hyung. Make me feel loved” Taemin didn’t care that the whole restaurant was staring at them since they had somehow ended up in the centre of the dining area. He only cared when Minho gently pressed their lips together and they seem to mould perfectly together. There was nothing passionate about it, no tongue or moans. It was just a simple kiss, but somehow it made Taemin’s heart beat so fast, he felt like it would jump out any second.                “Do you feel loved now, Taemin?” as soon as Minho released his lips, it was so sweet and soft, he wished he could kiss them all day. Taemin nodded and leaned forward to peck Minho’s lips gently again before dragging them back to the booth so they could finish their steak.  A/N New story out called My Love, My Fate. If you have time, please check it out. Thank Link below :)