Chapter 1 (1/1)
10 years ago “Umma! How did you find out appa was your prince charming? I want to have one and love him forever” Taemin giggled as his umma ruffled his hair before pulling him into her lap. Kibum was sitting beside him, holding Taemin’s hand. “Well... when I first saw him, my heart was beating really fast and I felt my face get warm. In the beginning, he didn’t really pay attention to me, but after we became friends, I confessed to him and that’s how we got together. Taeminnie and Kibummie, if you two ever find your prince charming, don’t ever let go” both Taemin and Kibum nodded before kissing their umma good night and went to bed. 10 years later Taemin was getting ready to go home when someone tripped him in the hallway. He fell onto his hands and knees and his eyes getting watery from the pain. He looked around but he wasn’t able to find out who it was, so he just passed it off as his own clumsiness. Taemin was smart in school so most of the teacher really likes him and being cute didn’t hurt. Most of his classmates didn’t like that about him, they thought that he was a teacher’s pet and was always trying to suck up to the teacher. Taemin got up and starting walking to his locker to get his books, as he opened it, he saw a picture of when they had taken it 10 years ago, a few months before his umma and appa passed away. He was still young when it happened, his hyung was 10 years old and he was only 7 years, after that, they were thrown from relative to relative and then foster home to foster home. It was only when his hyung was 18 years old that he was legally able to take care of Taemin. Since then, they have lived together in the poor neighbourhoods but they were happy as they were together. As Taemin got home, his hyung had just gotten home and had started making dinner. Standing in the kitchen was his hyung, or as he like to be called Key. “Umma! I’m home!” Taemin called out as he opened the door and took off his shoes. His older brother took on the role as the mother that’s why Taemin likes to call him ‘umma’. “How was school today, Taeminnie? Did you find your prince charming today?” Key teased him as he turned around with a spatula in his hand. He still remembered when Taemin was just a little boy and had asked their umma what it was like to find their prince charming. Key had thought he found his own prince charming when he was 16 years old, but sadly the boy was just playing with his heart for a bet and Key had closed himself off and was afraid to try to love again. The only other person that he loves was his Taeminnie and that was it. “No, umma. It’s not that easy. No one likes me in school, they all think I suck up to the teachers since they all like me. I even fell down today, my hands and knees are still throbbing” Taemin pouted as he held up his hands for Key to see who immediately rushed to his side and examined his palms. “Did you see who tripped you?!” Key rushed to get some ointment and rubbed on his palms and knees to make it feel better. “No, I think I might’ve tripped myself. You know how clumsy I can be” Taemin giggled as Key smiled and ruffled his hair before heading back into the kitchen. Their place wasn’t too small but wasn’t too big either. It has two rooms, one bathroom and a kitchen, since Key was the only working; they had to be careful of where the expenses go, but something that Taemin needs to have was a bottle of banana milk every day. Key always had money for that. “Help me set up the table” Key ordered as he poured the food and soup into two bowls while Taemin got the chopsticks and spoons. One thing that Taemin always look forward to was coming home for dinner every night, he loves Key’s cooking and it always made him feel warm and happy inside. “How was work today, umma? Did anyone cause trouble again?” Key works at a restaurant/ lounge. Sometimes he works day time and other times he would do night shifts. He would always make sure no matter which shifts he’s doing, he would always be home for dinner with Taemin. The manager knew about their situation so she would allow him to start work at 8 instead of 6 to eat dinner with his little brother. Even though the pay wasn’t that great, most of his income depends on the tips, and Key would work hard and use his diva charm to get as much as he can. Especially when he works the night time, while serving his customers, he would give them flirtatious smiles and seductively sway his hips. He had been continuously told that with enough time, he would be able to turn any straight man gay. That’s what Key had thought when he was 16 but he thought wrong. “There were one or two but they weren’t in my area so it was fine. My manager would immediately kick them out if they decide to harass us in any way. That’s what I like about her, she’s like a noona I never had” Key smiled as he saw Taemin happily chewing the food. He knows that sometimes Taemin would skip lunch so he could save up the money and eventually give them back to Key at the end of the month to help out with rent. “You always ask me about my prince charming umma, have you ever found yours?” Taemin asked as he looked at Key with his big innocent eyes and puffed up cheeks full of food. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Taeminnie. No, I haven’t found one yet; you know I don’t have time for anything else but you. You’re going to be my little prince forever” Key smiled lovingly at Taemin as he swallowed all the food before going for seconds. Right now, he only wants to take care of his little brother and nothing else. A/N What does everyone think of it? Give me some feedback please :) I realized that with my other story, I made MInho too mean, I didn't know how to repair Minho's and Taemin's relationship without making it too cliche. Even though this new one is somewhat is haha