Date part 1 (1/1)

Kevin POV OMG.TODAY HYEMI-AH AND I ARE GOING TO A DATE! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.I'M SO EXCITED AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT >8D  (A/N we don't want too see Kevin's excitement, it isn't pretty....) Okay, I've choosen the place were we're going to, I've choosen what to wear, I've choosen the veicle that we are gonna travel with, THIS IS GOING TO BE EFFIN AWESOMEI wonder what time it is...*looks at watch* HOLY MOTHER, I SHOULD BE AT HER HOUSE AT ELEVEN AND IT'S TEN THIRTY AND IT TAKES 35 MINUTES TO DRIVE THERE. GTG! Hyemi POV I set my alarm at nine AM because I didn't know what to wear..*sigh*When I woke up I showered. That took at leasr 30 minutes. Then I picked an outfit. I'm not really pleased with it, but it works^^I then started to decide if I should curl or straight my hair, I decided to curl it because it looked good with the outfit.By that time, it was ten thirty.I was really nervous. This is going to be my first date. *Gulp* To kill some time I turned on the TV, it was showing MTV world stage. I slumped down at the couch. I falled asleep pretty quickly last night, but I couldn't sleep that well. I tossed and turn around in my bed to 01:00 AM.... =__=Knock, knock.Someone was knocking on the door and I think I know who it is ;) Butterflies started to fill my stomach.I turned off the TV and walked to the door, I took a deep breath then opened it.Before my eyes stood the prettiest and the most handsome boy I've ever seen. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a pair of black skinny(yet not skinny) jeans and a pair of Green Nike Air Force. In other words, he looked absolutely handsome."Hi Kevin" I beamed at him. He looked really handsome."Hiii^^" He waved cutely. "Are you ready for a day of fun?" He asked. My smile grew wider. "Yes" I answered. "Well then, shall we?" He held out his hand, I took it and he led me to his car. Wow.His car looked really cool. Not to mention expensive O__oHe opened the passenger door and held it open for me. What a gentleman xD I sat down in the car and started to looka around. Seriously, how did he afford this car? He sat down in the driver's seat and turned the keys and soon, the veicle rorared off."Were are we going?" I asked him. "You'll see when we get there" He smiled, his eyes focusing on the road. Hmpf.I hated this kind off things. Not knowin were I was being.... transfferred ><"Oppa~,"I sang, trying to use my aegyo,"can you please tell we were we're going?" I batted my eyelashes cutely and puffed my cheeks.He turned his head quickly to look at me but he quickly turned back to the road. His cheeks were red. Weak for my almighty aegyo, I see."Oppa, can you pretty pretty please tell me were we're going?" I puffed my cheeks one more time. He sighed."Your aegyo won't get you anywhere" He strictly said. I pouted. My plan failed. The rest of the ride both of us were quiet. I was still mad at him for not telling me were we we're going.The sound of the engine dissapeared. I didn't notice this so I was still sulking.Kevin stepped out of the car and walked over to my side so to open my door, "We're here" he said and smiled widely.I stepped out of the car. As soon as I did that my eyes widened. In front of me was the biggest amusement park that I've ever seen.  (A/N It looked somewhat like that xD) --------------------------- Okay, I'm going to a friends house now so I won't be able to update anymore D: But I hope you liked  the double update^^ So you will have the continue from the Date out by tomorrow^^ I'll see you then! <3