Woohyuns Worst Nightmare (1/1)
"You cheated!" L pointed a finger accusingly at me. This boy didn't know the definition of "you lose." Well, at least not when it was directed towards him. "You just suck at this game." I snapped back. It had been a few days since the dinner incident and I was feeling much better, with the help of the boys of course. They made sure I was never bored, taking every little chance to make me smile. Even L and I became good friends, as shocking as that may sound. He was actually one of my closest friends now. Yeah we still fought, but it was more teasing than anything. "I'm tired of this game, lets do something else." He whined. "Fine." I sighed, what a child he was. We made our way to the back yard. Sounds of clashing metal and the rustling of tarps could be heard. Great, just great. The boys got into the shed. It was a small shed at that. It only stored a couple of jet skis; Mrs. Lee lived on the lakeside after all. "Come on, pull that bad boy out! I wanna ride it first!" "No, it's my uncle's so I get first dibs!" "But that's not fair!" "Life isn't fair!" "Are you serious?.." I spoke up, ceasing Woohyun and Sungyeol's yells. They looked at me and gulped for I wore a scary glare. All the boys, excluding Sunggyu and L, who was with me, were there, attempting to get out the coral blue jet ski in the front. "I call that one." Sungyeol's mouth dropped open. Woohyun slumped his shoulders, already admitting defeat. "Just take the other one." Sunggyu suddenly appeared behind L and I, causing all of us to jump. That's right, I did mention there were two earlier didn't I? "There's another one?" Woohyun's eyes widened. "Yes, and those two are sitting on it." I pointed over to Dongwoo and Hoya, both of which were wearing nervous grins. "But I'm guessing they called it already, and that's why they hid it." Both boys looked down, hiding their ashamed faces. I only giggled. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go tubing guys!" We all cheered at Sungyeol's suggestion and hurried about to move the jet skis into the water.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"You sure you know how to drive this thing?" Sunggyu's lisp became noticable as he climbed behind me on the jet ski. "Hey, stop being so nervous! Woohyun should be the one that's freakin! I'll make sure he's sky high." I winked. Sunggyu only returned a shaky smile. Just minutes before, Hoya and I had declared war. He'd drive one jet ski while I drove the other. Sunggyu and Dongwoo sat behind us taking the role as spotters for the ones in the tubes, Woohyun and Sungyeol. We decided to use them as the targets since they fought so much earlier. The goal was to knock the person off the tube before the other team did. "You ready?" I shouted to the others. Hoya surveyed his surroundings and gave me a thumbs up. Sungjong stood up on the dock next to L (they were the referees and would watch from the sidelines.) He waved his shirt in the air like a flag. "Readyyyyy. Seeeettttt... GO!" He flung the shirt down hastily. Hoya and I started to make our way slowly through the shallow area full of weeds before we reached the end and sped off. Sungyeol's dolphin screams could already be heard as he struggled to stay on the jerky tube. Hoya smirked at me, for sure he thought he was going to win straight away. But I knew of something he didn't. There was a certain spot in the lake that only Joey and I knew about. In this particular spot, the water would hitch the opposite way, thus throwing off any tubers. We called it our little bermuda triangle of the lake. I took a sharp turn to the right and Sunggyu grunted, holding on tightly to the back of the seat. "Are you sure you know how to drive this thing!?" He shouted loud enough to hear over the whole lake. "Just you watch, tomato top! I'm not done yet!" A goofy grin came onto my face and Sunggyu sweatdropped. 3........... 2...............................1.................................."AHHHHHHHHHH!" Woohyun howled and spiraled off, crashing straight into the water. I immediately slowed down. Hoya stopped next to me, shock written all over his face. "How'd you do that?" He gaped. Woohyun came sputtering up to the surface. "OW! I'm never doing that ever again! You can't pay me enough money in the world!" Everyone burst out laughing, even Hoya. After a bit of arguing, Dongwoo gave up his space behind Hoya for Woohyun and climbed onto my tube. "Don't worry, you're good in my book Dinowoo." I gave him a cheeky smile and a wink, for which he blushed. We made it back to the docks all in one piece. "That was amazing noona!" Sungjong squealed. L smacked the back of his head and made his way towards us. "Not bad, slick. I even recorded that on my phone." He smirked tauntingly at Woohyun who was now a big ball of rage. "You what!?" He shrieked."I recorded it. And I'm gonna watch it ever night before I go to bed. I'll have such wonderful dreams tonight." L folded his arms behind his head and walked off, leaving the seething Woohyun to follow in his wake. It was silent for a couple minutes until we all burst out laughing.