~7~ (1/2)
"ByulHee!" "Byul!"
You turned your stiff head to the door and found Chanyeol's and Kai's worried face. They immediately ran to your side while D.O have to took care of Zico first.
"You deserve death, Monkey" D.O said while tilting his head to the side. He squatted, his foot still on Zico's head. "So you have guts, huh?"
"Erghh.." Zico growled while he try to free his head from D.O's foot. "I'm not a Monkey"
"Monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey.."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Zico shouted.
"I should ask you that" he said while pointing Zico's face. He slowly freed Zico's head. "Go. Before I changed my mind"
"No I won't-- ouch!!" D.O stepped on Zico's head again.
"You heard me monkey. Go before I changed my mind. Ohh! Or maybe you want to die from a hand of the two best bettle-er in Korea? You're lucky that you can get Tao down. But you still have the other two to play with.." He said with a creepy smile on his face. "Well, if Baekhyun hyung trained more, maybe you can play with the 3 of us? And if Tao was healed, then we have 4.. While you?" He suddenly leaned to Zico's ear. "Alone"
Zico paled. D.O's smirk grew wider as he saw Zico's face. He immediately freed him and let him ran away.
"Byul.. You okay??" Kai said and laid his arm around you.
"Yeah, I'm okay now.."
Kai sighed in relieve and a smile lit up his face. "Aish.. We should reveal ourself sooner.." He muttered.
"What do you mean??" You asked, confuse.
"Me and Chanyeol here...." He stopped and turned his head to stared straight into your eyes. ".. Are your Bodyguard"
"W-what?? Don't tell me..."
Flash Back
"Yo agasshi!"
"So, you're one of them?"
"Yup! So you met Sehun, already??"
You nodded. "Yeah.. 2 days ago"
"So, you met the other 2??"
You blinked several times before turned to you. "Did you just say, 2?"
"Yeah.. There should be 2 more after Sehun. Don't say that you didn't meet them yet??" He made a face. "Aishh.." He sighed.
"Who are the other two?? Can I have some clues?" You asked with curiousity.
"Well, if they decided to not reveal themselves yet, then I can't just give you a clue.." He shrugged.
"Wae???! Waeyo?! Waee?!!" You grabbed your hair, frustated.
Baekhyun laughed and pinched your cheek. "Ey.. Ey.. Our agasshi is so cute! They have their own reason to not reaveal themself now, agasshi.."
"Yeahh right.." You rolled your eyes, pissed.
End Of Flashback
*So Baekhyun was talking about Chanyeol and Kai back then* you thought as you saw Baekhyun's body that laid right beside you.
D.O approached Tao's unconscious body before held him up and laid it beside Baekhyun.
"Aishh what will we do with this two?" Chanyeol squatted beside Baekhyun and rubbed his curly hair.
"Hey guys, our driver is here, we can bring the two of them home and then they can get some treatment.." Sehun suddenly came in to the Jodo. He approached you before squatted in front of you and cupped your face.
"Don't be scared, byul. Everything's alright"
You nodded, smiling. "Thanks guys.."
"So, what's your name?"
"Ohh sorry for not introducing myself.. I'm Do Kyungsoo. You can call me Kyungsoo. But if you think I'm cool, then call me D.O"
You chuckled from his words. "I'll call you D.O then.."
"So you think I'm cool? Whoaa you're the best Agasshi ever!" He cheered.
"Don't call me agasshi, or I'll kick your butt out of my house" you pointed his face that now turned to his blank 'O' face.
But then, he nodded while smiling. You found out that his eyes will look like a thin line when he smile even if he has that huge eyes.
"Mm.. What should I call you then?"
"ByulHee. Just ByulHee.."
"Oh okay"
"We arrived, guys" Sehun said.