~2~ (1/2)
"B-but.. How?? How can you... I mean, no one can hear us.."
Sehun chuckled cutely. "Secret" he simple said.
"Mwooya..." You muttered quitely.
*if I tell you that your earrings isn't actually an earring, there'll be no fun at all, right?* sehun smiled to himself.
"Wait, where's Minhae?"
"She should be at the school's auditorium I guess.." Sehun answered.
"And how can you know that?" You said without turning to him and kept searching for your best friend.
"Do you remember when Mr. Kim said that there'll be an announcement at the aula? He said something about candidates for the new president for student council.. And Mr. Kim said that Minhae will be the MC.." Sehun explained.
"Ah yea.. I forgot.."
"ByulHee-sshi.. Sehun-sshi.." Someone's voice made the both of you turned.
*Did she just call me with -sshi? Aish.. I feel old..* sehun thought.
As you turned around you found your class leader, Eunyoung. She folded her arms while tapping her shoe.
"Why are you guys still here? You two should be heading to the auditorium for now.." She said with her cold face. The class leader of yours was very discipline. You yourself admitted that she was quite scary sometimes. She has that sharp eyes everytime she starred at someone or something and she's really sensitive about the school's regulation. Thanks to her, your class was known as the most discipline class.
You nodded panicly before you pushed Sehun out of the class.
"What's wrong Agasshi? Why in such a rush? And who's she?"
"She's Eunyoung, our class leader. Well, I'm kinda scared of her, so we better obey what she said, before she exploded"
"Scary? Why? She looks quite normal.." Sehun shrugged.
"Normal? Normal your butt! You'll be as scared as me when you see her rage"
"We'll see then, agasshi..--"
"Stop calling me that.." You suddenly cut his words. "Call me ByulHee instead.."
"Wae? But I'm you Body--" "the others will think that we're weirdos If you keep calling me that.. And it's awkward.."
"How about your old bodyguard? He called you Agasshi right?
"Yea, but after 1 month he started calling me fatty.."
Sehun widened his eyes. "What? He really called you that??"
You nodded slowly while rubbed your neck. "But thanks to him, I lost my weight. Well, I really was a fatty back then.."
"Ohh.." Sehun nodded. "But you're really skinny now.."
"I know right? He was the one who controlled my food instead of the maids.."
"But that's good right, byul?"
You turned to him as you heard your name. He made a peace sign with his hand and grinned at you cutely. You started to doubt that he's your new bodyguard. Well, he has a good body to be a bodyguard. But his cute face and his childish behavior made you kept on questioning about him.
When you arrived at the aula, you saw the other students were already making lines while Minhae and some teachers stood on the auditorium's stage.
"We're all here to introduce our candidates for the new president for our School's student council" Mihae started. "They will do a little campaign. And after that some of the council members will go to your class to collect your vote, so here we go, the first candidate....." And with that Minhae stated calling them one by one.