Going home Part 2, The gi (1/1)

Kimiko's P.O.V-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------     I was dropped off first because my house was closest. I scampered out of the limo as I blew a kiss to Aimee, who blew one back. Alright, that was my girl. I was afraid she may have changed a bit because of the influences around her, and I could still tell she was willing to be the beta to my alpha. I walked down the pathway to my house, dug into my pocket for the house key, and opened it. As expected, my family was waiting with open arms as confetti blew in my face. I laughed as my mother encircled me around her arms."Congrats sweetheart! We knew you'd make it." She said as she squeezed me. My father was soon doing the same, and I felt satisfaction knowing everyone attention and affection was on me. But why weren't my loyal brothers congratulating me too? I untangled myself from my parents arms and glared ahead. They suddenly shivered, feeling my icy stare. Daichi, the brown-haired twin turned to face me. "Congrats, sis. Now you can expanding your slut rep to as far as SM." Both my parents gasped at what Daichi had said, while Tomoya, the black-haired twin snickered. I rolled my eyes, not caring. Daichi was only upset because I had hired another boy to sleep with his girlfriend, after he had purposely embarrassed me infront of the whole school, and caused his seven-month relationship with a girl he so called 'loved' to end. Daichi had been so angry with me, he hadn't said a word to me in a two months. It was just two years ago, and he was still holding a grudge. But hey, if she loved him so much, why did she sleep with my male-stripper? All I did was fix a problem they already had! "Oh, brother. Why don't you grow up and get over yourself?" I said as I flipped my red hair and sashayed past him. Bad mistake. He took the nearest can of whipped cream and sprayed it all over my side, and I gasped and turned to slap him he sprayed my face and threw confetti on me! Oh, the nerve of that little bitch! How dare he act so disrespectful to a future star? Before I had the chance to lunged at the little bugger, My parents yelled once more, and took Daichi by the ear, leading him into a seperate room. In reality, I wish they would've let him stay here, I have been hiding a whip in my bedroom for other occasions, but to use it to inflict discipline didn't sound like a bad idea either. I felt around my hair and screamed, slamming my heels agaisnt the ground. He had ruined my hair! Does he have any idea how long it takes to do this in the morning? Oh...he was going to pay for this. I'm not sure how, but maybe i'll get one of his little Girlfriends again. Flashbacks of how depressed Daichi was for such a long-time flipped through my head. He had gone through therapy and he had started rebelling agaisnt mom and dad. Sympathy for Daichi washed over me, but I felt my hair and the fury burned up inside me again. He'd just have to snap out of this faze he was going through. I felt hands come on my shoulder and turned to see Tomoya with a concerned expression. He was actually trying to calm me down, he was the only brother who was nice to me, who understood me. He sighed and pulled a few strands of confetti out of my hair, and then stood expectantly away from me. I stared at him. He stared back. "Well? Did you ask her?" Oh. Shit. I had completely forgotten to tell Aimee that Tomoya wanted to ask her out. He had had a thing for her since fourth grade, but being ever the quiet and shy one--(Complete opposite of Daichi) he never had the courage to ask her out. Oh man, what was I going to tell him? He had been expecting so much from me. He was still waiting for my response. His face suddenly started to falter as he guessed what I was about to say. "Please tell me you---""Yes! I did. She said she was going to think about it. Because you know, the whole, dating best-friends brother seemed a bit weird to her. Plus she just met SHINee today, how can you compete with that?" My voice faltered as I just realized what I said. Ugh, how insensitive of me! That sounded so rude and bitchy, and Tomoya was the only person I always acted nice to. Imagine how hearing that must've torn his confidence in half..."Oh I see..." He signed deeply and ran his hands through his hair, turning around and walking away from me. I called after him, but he just kept walking. From the other room, I could hear my parents yelling to my brother and him yelling back. I sighed, could this family be functional for just one day? Could I? Ugh, that was it! I was not going to let my older brothers overshadow me on my special day like they always do. I marched over to my parents room and slammed the door open, finding my parents and brother still fiercly fighting. "Hey! could you guys stop going at eachothers necks for once?" I complained. It shut them all up, and my parents both stared at me. It was incredibly annoying how they always argued, and even though that was partially my fault, you'd think the baby would've gotten over it by now! My gosh, i've done worse things to girls and they never hold grudges that long. My brother barely glanced at me, and then walked out of the room, bumping into my shoulder as he did so. I shook my shoulders, stress wasn't not good for my pores, and I could not get any sudden-break outs with what was ahead of me. I walked further into the room and closed the door, jumping unto my parents bed. "Well, I assumed how someone would want to hear about how I just met SHINee, and LEE SOO MAN, the creator of not only SHINee, but all of the major kpop-stars in S.M, but I guess yelling at my brother is a much more interesting topic." I hissed sarcastically, kicking off my pumps and crossing my legs. I saw my father's eyes examin how short my skirt was, and I pulled it down to make sure it covered a bit more of my thigh. "Alright, sweetheart." My mother said. Finally taking some interest in me. "How was your tour at SM?" "Well," I put my index finger to my chin and fake-pondered. "It was alright. The place itself is amazing, a floor right above SHINee! But the rooms were mediocre. Looked just like a regular flat, my room did. But this crazy-fangirl named Yoonji got her own just because she was eighteen! Since when has been older better?" I scoffered, popping a piece of gum in my mouth and shaking my head. "Isn't that usual for dorms? The oldest gets their own rooms." My mother pointed out. I ignored her. "I also think I made a lasting impression on Lee Soo Man, and the SHINee members. I think I was a really strong point!" I said excitedly. I mean, how couldn't I have not? My introduction was perfect, loud, out there, abnormal. Which meant it got their attention. Good or bad, no press has negative effect, does it? "Well that's good. What did you tell them?" "Oh, of how good of a singer I am. I humbled myself and said dancing wasn't my forte, so they wouldn't think I was boasting about myself too much.""But," Her father took a step forward. "You can't dance." "Oh Father, no need to try to deflate my self-esteem! I can learn!" I snapped at the man. Yes, okay, so maybe I couldn't dance. But who was he to tell me what I can and cannont do?......Don't answer that. Chan Mi's P.O.V-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------     The moment I had been dropped off, I scurried off into my house, not even looking back. I could've handled that better, but I was too shy to say good-bye to Seohyun, or thank-you to Aimee for lying about me. It sounded a bit strange, didn't it? But I was still mighty thankful! She hadn't had bad intentions i'm sure, just wanted to make me stand out to the boys, because I was so dull and boring myself....I heard the limo car honk, and startled, I turned around to face it. Aimee was waving out the window. "Um, are you locked out? If you are, you can come and hang out with me until your parents get home." She offered. I blinked, confused by the offer. Locked out? I turned around and giggled the knob,--nope, it was open. then... oh gosh! Was I really standing at the door-step mopping about how horrible I was to myself? I must've looked like a huge weirdo to everyone else..."Um, n-no thanks! I'm fine..." I squeaked, as I entered my house and slammed the door. I stayed at the door until I heard the car drive away, and then I locked my door and slide down it, sitting on the floor. Thinking over myself, too embarrassed to walk any further and tell my parents about what a horrible job I did. I think I lost myself a bit, because my mom eventually came out of the room and saw me sitting there. She sighed deeply, but still put on a smile. I shot up immedaitly, hoping my little sister wouldn't see me like this, and thank god she didnt! My little sister Nikki came rushing out chanting, "Channie! Channie!" I put ona brave face and bent down to hug her just as my Dad walked in."Well, look who just came back from meeting face-to-face with her future. There's our little popstar!" He reached and gave me a hardy pat on the back, which lurched me forward and I almost fell. My mother caught me, and hugged me before letting go and giving my father one of those looks she gives him that says, you're over doing it. I bent down to pick up Nikki and she hugged my face. She shook my hair out of my bun. "Unni, You're so lucky you got to meet SHINee! What's Key-oppa like?" I smiled a tiny bit, Nikki was seven and loved Key, she loved the way he acted and rapped, she thought he was the funniest. I wish I had paid a bit more attention to him for her, but my selfish eyes had been glued to Taemin! "Just like what he is on TV, an extreme diva." I told her, which made her laugh. Nikki was a huge diva too herself. She had a violet boa wrapped around her neck, which she fluffed in my face. I set Nikki down and let her run back to her room, while I turned back to my parents. My mom was looking at me with expectant eyes, my eyes kept going back down. She had this really hard stare, that felt like she dug deep into your soul and tried to read all your secrets--they were the eyes of a true soul-dancer. "Come dance with me." she said suddenly. My head snapped back up to hers, and found her smiling. "Come to the studio with me, dance a bit, and then tell me about your day" She repeated. I felt my spirits go up, and I nodded. Twenty minutes later, I and my mother had arrived at the dance studio that belonged to her company. It was empty today because nobody had practice, so I had the entire room to dance ad express myself. We danced contemporary to I got you, by Leona Lewis and hip-hop to Gimme That by Ciara. It was fun really, letting myself go in a form of dance, and learning new techniques from observing my mother. We danced to Juliette by SHINee and danced Ballet to Gavy-NJ- Let's stop. It was a beautiful song that let me calm down and clear my head from the thoughts and events from today. When I dance, i'm myself. When I release my body and let the beat of the song overwhelm and control me, i'm myself. I'll only be ever alive when i'm dancing.The thought bothers me, and I suddenly falter on a step, causing us both to mess up. Mother went over and turned off the CD. "I think it's time we finally talk."I swallowed hard, already nervous. Mom came closer to me and sat down and my feet, and I did the same. "How was the tour? The interview? Do you think you even made an impression?" She asked. I sighed, picking up my glasses and putting them on. I had run through my actions multiple times in my head after the day was over, but never talked about it until now."The tour was great, S.M is just as big and great and intimidating as I imagined. The rooms were a reasonable size, it was decorated nice and I like my roommate..""Your roommate?""Her name is Aimee. Aimee Nguyen I think... she belongs to a rich family of Doctors, and her mother is a famous singer. She is incredibly rich, and a bit stuck-up...but she's a nice person. She's polite but misunderstood." I say. "Kind of like you," Mom answers. "The interview...um...it was typical. I was shy. I didn't say much, or what I did say sounded stupid and naive!" I groaned, putting my face in my hands. My mother laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Now, i'm sure it wasn't that bad.""But it was!" I complained, sitting up-right. "I babbled on and on about how I love to dance, and my eyes were glued to only Taemin, I didn't even look at anyone else! And I ended with "I want to be closer to my favorite idols," while staring at him too! I don't know, I couldn't take my eyes off of Taemin."My mom seemed to ponder over this. "Taemin...the dancer with red hair?" I nodded and She smiled softly.  "Seems like you were smitten." "Mom! They're millions of girls worldwide that like him! I'm only attracted to him because he's a bit like me, shy, a dancer...""He broke out of his shy shell, and you should too. You're going to. Don't worry," She pulled me in for a hug, and feelings her warmth against mine made me want to crawl into her arms, turn five again, and stay there forever. Tears stung my eyes and threatened to fall out, but I was able to control myself before it slipped. "And um, no. I didn't make an impression. Aimee made an impression for me. She saw that I wasn't working hard enough to get noticed, she started boasting me and called me a really good dancer, the best she's seen. Even though I had never danced in front of her, she lied for me." And suddenly the tears started pouring out of my eyes. I was so useless, good for nothing, I could never make it and be the only one left that joins SHINee. I can't even bring myself up, Aimee had to help me. I will always need help with everything, which is why I should just quit right now. I looked up at my mother. "Mom, I don't think I can go through with it."