The Sleepover. (1/1)

Not Edited.Enjoy. The Sleepover.* Baekhyun was in his room pacing back and forth. His neighbor, Chanyeol, had gone back to his place to bring back whatever he needed for the night. Baekhyun cursed at himself for being so stupid for letting him stay. He's never done anything like this but he agreed to hope that Chanyeol will get scared and leave him alone for good.He didn't know what was going to happen. He didn't know whether if anything will happen and Chanyeol will go home thinking he lied—or maybe think he was just plain crazy. For some reason, he wanted Chanyeol to think neither of that about him. He will admit that he found his neighbor to be attractive. He was tall and there was something about his weirdness that Baekhyun found alluring. Maybe because Baekhyun was also weird too.The sound of his door opening and closing alerted the boy that Chanyeol had come back. He walked out his room—into the hall to see Chanyeol standing there with a duffle bag and holding up a rolled up sleeping bag. "Is it wrong for me to admit that I'm excited?" The tall man had said."Shut up..." Baekhyun muttered, but Chanyeol had heard him and just chuckled walking into the living room. The shorter boy had meekly followed him to see that his neighbor placed his bags on the couch with a happy loud sigh. He turned back to see Baekhyun standing—almost using the wall at the end of the hallway as a covering. His face and body were slightly turned to the wall but he watched at the side of his eye. "You don't have to play shy now," Chanyeol said, "I've already seen your true self." He snorted and looked away to look about the place again. "I'm not playing shy..." Baekhyun grumbled, "I've only had my brother ever over my place... This feels weird..." He mumbled and plays with the end of his shirt absentmindedly."Well," Chanyeol sighs and walks over too quickly—startling his small neighbor and causing him to cower."Ah—yeah—sorry," he said and took a couple steps away, "Uh... I have some board games at my place... If you wanna play?" He asked.Baekhyun pulls his face away from the wall and takes his bottom lip in."Yeaaah—you probably don't want to play..." Chanyeol sighs disappointedly, he ruffles his hair. "I noticed you didn't have a TV—Not that I'm judging or anything because I don't have one t—""What games?" Baekhyun asked."W-what?" Chanyeol asked, he kind of choked."What board games do you have?" The small neighbor asked. "Uh—I have Clue and Life?" The taller said, it sounds more like a question. Baekhyun's lip tugged up very subtlety at the corner. "I like both of those..." He said timidly. "Then both I'll bring over," Chanyeol said already at the door and pulling it open.The Clue board was set out on the old wooden coffee table. Both boys on each side. The thin booklet was in Chanyeol's hands while Baekhyun played around with Professor Plum absentmindedly while waiting for instructions. "I don't think we can play this with just two people..." Chanyeol muttered, his eyes scanning over the booklet. "We can just change to Life," Baekhyun said resting his elbow on the table with his head in his hand."Yeaaaah—let's do that..." The taller hummed and closed the book.5 minutes later Clue was back in its box and pushed to the side on the plain pattern rug. Life was unboxed and opened onto the table. They had started the game and Chanyeol's piece had a husband and wife. "You know what's funny?" The taller began, "This is really not my life," he slightly chuckled, "This life is too peachy... I actually don't have anybody close to me—don't talk to any of my family—I'm all alone, really." He shook his head looking grim.Baekhyun stared at him from beneath his bangs. He didn't respond at first—not sure on how to to what had been said. "A-at least you aren't married and driving around the board with three kids..." He softly said. Chanyeol burst out laughing making the smaller flinch. "Yeaah but I'm sure further in the game I'll get some." He said with his body shaking from his deep chuckles. "You can always not get a