chapter 7 (1/1)
A/N : heyyy! its been 2 weeks since my last update so i might be doing double updates this week. i'm working on chapter 8 right now so i hope it will be done within a few days. this chapter will be simple and not as long as before, so i hope you like it. thanks for those who keep waiting for the updates and im sorry for not updating for past few weeks. for now, just enjoy the new updates and don't forget to leave your comment ^^ Chapter 7 It’s 7.00am in the morning, Jiyong open his eyes and his mouth chanted the first thing that comes to his minds like any other morning since weeks ago. “Good morning Seungri….I…I miss you.” then he let a weak chuckle on how sily he is right now. The silence in the room makes him feel empty like any other day since seungri left him. It’s almost a month since they broke up and it’s 2 weeks since he last talking and have a real encounter with seungri. What happen a week ago had made jiyong become more miserable than ever. His dating scandal with kiko finally out and there is no turning back. Even him or YG can’t deny the fact that they are dating with such evidence. Media already keep asking them about the scandal and asking for their statement. They confirmed the news right after his meeting with YG. Jiyong remember seungri looks when he met him a week ago at YG office. Seungri eyes looks empty, he can see that the younger look so numb and his eyes didn’t show anything but hate towards jiyong. unlike his usually eyes which sparks with nothing but love. He miss those pandas eyes who always fill with love. He compare seungri eyes when they are still together with kiko eyes only to find that it sparks but not as beautiful as seungri which always fill with love towards him. He try to talk to the younger after his meeting ended but seungri never answer his call or text. Jiyong raise up from the bed, his eyes are on the glass windows on the left side of the room. It seems like it’s raining and Jiyong thoughts going back to seungri. “Seungri really love rain.” Jiyong said and let a small smile. He keep his eyes on the windows for a while, watching over the rain drops that keep pouring and hit the glass windows. It s beautiful and jiyong just realize how beautiful rain is even before the rainbow comes out. When they are still together, seungri always told jiyong that he really love rain so much. When jiyong asked him why, he always told jiyong to figure it out by himself until 2 years ago. Seungri finally decided to tell jiyong on why he love rain even if it happen after jiyong keep asking the younger. His mind goes back to that day, where there is nothing but love filing the room that they share together since 6 years ago. It was raining heavily, the duo is still on their bed sleeping since they didn’t have any schedule that day. Jiyong is the first one to wake up. He open his eyes and he can feel his boyfriend weight on his chest. He look over his boyfriend sleeping face and smile at it. Seungri head is on his chest while his left hand is on jiyong waist. His cute lips forms into a small pout and jiyong wonder, what did the younger dream on right now. Jiyong lift his right hand and pat the younger hair. He lean down a bit to smell the younger hair. It still smell like a strawberry even its been hours since the younger take his shower and jiyong loves it. Even though he always complaining on how his boyfriend should change his shampoo to other scent that was more manlier than a strawberry, it was only to tease him. Jiyong loves the younger strawberry like smells. It makes jiyong feel like it was a baby who cuddling with him instead of a grown up man. Plus with the younger baby face, anyone can misunderstood him as a teenager instead of a guy who in his twenties. While jiyong is too occupy on his action, he suddenly feel a movement on his chest. Then he felt a small kiss on his chest, that shows seungri already woke up. His eyes fall on the younger who now facing jiyong. Seungri let out a little smile and do his morning routine. “Good morning Jiyongie…I love you.” Says seungri while tighten his hugs on jiyong. Now both of his hands are on jiyong waist. “Good morning baby….i love you too.” Replied jiyong while let out a chuckle on how adorable his baby look right now, with his messy hair and that cute panda eyes. He take seungri right hands, and kiss it. Jiyong action makes the younger lips turn into a pout. Jiyong gave the younger “what I did wrong” looks. It just makes seungri pouting more. In a seconds Jiyong realized what seungri actually want. He lean his face down to be close to the younger face. He place a small kiss on the younger plum like lips which lead to a more romantic kiss. Both of them are too immersed on the kiss that jiyong only stop when he feel the needs of air to breathe for both of them. Jiyong let out a laugh when he saw the younger is sulking over the lost of jiyong lips on his lips. He hugs the younger tighter over the adorable act. They are in the same position for a while and let the silence occupy them. After a while, seungri eyes avert to his left side and and let go of his hugs on jiyong. His eyes fell on the glass windows on the left side of the room. His lips curl up into a smile when he just notice it was rain outside. He raise his body from jiyong, his eyes never left the glass window as if it was more interesting that the guy on his right side. “Jiyongieee…it’s raining!” beam seungri. Then he turn his face and look at jiyong with excited looking face. “I love rains.” He added and then turn his face to the glass window again. Jiyong lift his body from his sleeping position and hugs the younger from the back. His hands is on seungri waist. He then put his chin on the younger shoulder blade and turn his face to see the younger face. He still smiling and his face never leaves the windows and it makes him wonder, what makes seungri loves rain so much. He did asked before but the younger always told him to figure it out by himself. Jiyong decided to ask the younger again. “Seungriya.” Called jiyong. “Nehh hyunggg.” Replied seungri but his face still on the windows. “Seungriya…why do you love rains so much? I know you asked me to figure it out by myself, but I still can’t figure it out. There is no good things about the rain, at least for me. If it was rain, it will be hard for us to go out. And if we go out, we will get wet and this can lead us to get fever or cold. Don’t you think so baby? Bad things always happen when its raining.” Says jiyong again. He hates rains. For someone like seungri who have a low immune system, he can catch a cold even if he was hit by a small rain. Rains can make seungri sick and he hates when the younger is sick. Then seungri let on a small laugh over jiyong statement about rains. He decided to tell jiyong on why he love rains and he hope after this jiyong won’t think bad about rain and maybe jiyong will get to love rains too just like him. “Hyunggg…your perspective over rain is too negative. Have you ever think anything positive about rains hyung?” asked seungri while turn to face jiyong. “Nahhhh…never because rain will always lead to a bad luck or bad things might happen. Rains can makes people sick especially you, seungri. That is why I didn’t likes rain.” Replied jiyoung and his lips turn into a pout thinki