Drunk on Coffee??? (1/1)
Donghae reached for the doorknob and turned it while Yoona fixed her shoes. As he pulled the door back to open it, he froze at what he saw. Yoona finished putting on her shoe and when she turned, her heart almost stopped when she saw Yesung standing outside the door inspecting both her and Donghae.They all stood there for a few seconds with out anyone uttering a single word. Yesung just stood there, trying to figure out what he was seeing. The first thought that popped onto his mind was this Donghae guy whose supposed to be Yoona's teacher had spent the night over. Why would his friend's little sister have a guy over? Though he was thinking this but he couldn't bring himself to ask them why he was here. He wasn't sure why this guy was in his dongsaeng's house and he was dying of curiosity but he didn't want it to be true. 'Ani, I need to ask them why they're together so early in the morning. I need this to clear my conscious.' he thought."Oppa, why are you here?" Yoona was the first to break the silence. She walked over and stood in front of Donghae then looked over at Yesung's shoulder.Yesung knew why she was looking past his shoulders so, he replied. "Ah, you didn't lock the gate. I was about to ring the doorbell when I saw that the gate was ajar so I just let myself in.""Ah...I must've forgotten to lock it." Yoona said. "Ah, why didn't I lock it?""But, why are you here?" Yesung asked, looking directly at Donghae.Donghae cleared his throat. "oh, well, I heard last night that you weren't able to find Yoona....and........" he stopped abruptly not knowing what else to say."....so, he came over to see if I was ok. That's why I forgot to lock the gate. I forgot to lock it this morning. He came in for a cup of tea and was just leaving." Yoona quickly said. 'Wow, nice save, Yoona' she thought."Yes. Then, I'll take my leave." Donghae bid them farewell and when he turned to Yoona, he gave her look of relief.Yesung and Yoona both watched Donghae leave then they went inside."So, why are you here so early in the morning. oppa. Do you want anything to drink?" Yoona started as they got in the living room.'I'll have water." Yesung said as he set his kit on the coffee table in the living room and sat on the couch. "I came over to take a look at your hand before I leave for work. I need to apply a few medicine on it. By the way, your brother called me to stop over here to see if you're alright. He kept calling but your phone was off.""Wait, what? He called? My phone hasn't rung." She walked over to where she left her phone last night and picked it up. "Ah, no wonder. It died. I need to charge this thing. I've been waiting for oppa to contact me this morning but it hasn't even rung because I didn't check to see if it was on."She plugged in the USB to her phone and it charged. She then went to the fridge and opened it up to get a bottle of water out. Then walked over to the cabinet to get a glass and filled it halfway with ice. She turned and was surprised to see Yesung already in the kitchen with her, He handed the water to him and he took it and thanked her. Yesung sat down on the chair and opened his bottle then poured it in the glass of ice. "He said he will be late. He'll be here at 9, because he's got one more patient that needs to be discharged but is having problems with the little kid." He took a sip and saw a bag on next to shelf. "What;s in the bag?"Yoona looked at it and just answered without thinking. "Oh, my school uniform. I had to wear my friend's clothes last night because I got wet of the sprinklers. I must've forgotten to take it upstairs." Yesung was now suspicious of her. She was wearing sweats and she said she changed at her friend's house. She didn't bring a bag with her last night when she came home. And when he came over, Donghae was here with her. 'Could it be that that friend is Donghae? Is there something going on between the two of them?' He was so curious that he was on the verge of asking her straight forwardly. Instead he tried to just let it go. "Well, let me see your hand and apply some ointment on it. Then I'll be on my way. I have to go in early." Seohyun got up so early to make herself look pretty. No matter how much she tried to make herself sexy, she always end up looking innocent, still. So, she gave up and just put on the jean and shirt she put out last night and just tied back half of her hair with her bangs hanging from her forehead. She was so excited. Today is the day that she, Seohyun, get to go on a date with her long time crush, Lee Jonghyun. She looked at her phone and it was 8:30. "Omo..I'm almost late." She rushed out the door and headed for the coffee shop.When she got there, Min Ho was sitting in one of the booths with a book in his hand and a drink on the table. He looked up to see a very beautiful and innocent looking Seohyun. "Well, well, well...what do we have here?" he said as he set the book down, marking his page before setting it down."Oppa, why are you here?""Me? I'm on a date. With myself. Don't worry, I sometimes go out by myself and enjoy the freedom of not being tied down by a girl. Why are YOU here?"Seohyun blushed and smiled. "I'm here to meet a friend." She didn't want to say she was on a date for she was afraid it might make her sound so clingy. Min Ho knew who she was here to meet but was playing dumb. And to be honest, she didn't seem too bright at the moment. She was always so alert at all times but now, it seems as if she let her guard down. He couldn't help but want to protect her even more. The bell on the door rang when it opened and Jonghyun walked in. Seohyun looked at him and he looked like a movie star.At the sight of him, Seohyun felt weak but was fighting it. She was in awe of how he can make just that plain white shirt look so stylish. 'oh goodness, he sure do know how to make a a girl melt on the inside.' Seohyun thought. "Ah...Seohun. You're already here?" Jonghyun called out as he made his way to where she was standing."It's Seohyun. But it's ok. " Seohyun said."So, this is the friend you came to meet? Hmmm....then, it looks like I can tag along." Min Ho suddenly said. Jonghyun looked at Min Ho. "Oh, hyung, you're here. And what's this about you tagging along?"Min Ho looked at Seohyun who was disagreeing with him. She looked disappointed at what she heard Min Ho say. "Oh, well, you know me. I'm not on a date and Seohyun also said that she was just meeting a friend and not on a date. So. c'mon, we're all friends here. I mean, Seohyun and I are best of friends. You, Jonghyun. and I are close friends. So basically, we're all friends here. Let's just say, that we're just hanging out together." He smiled at Jonghyun. 'You are NEVER going to win. JEOLDAE ANDWAE!!' His eyes said, telepathically communicating with his cousin."Hyung, aren't there any girls waiting for you somewhere else?" Jonghyun was definitely not happy with this."Oppa..." Seohyun began but was cut off"Ani....Actually, I was going to call you, Hyunnie, but then you walked in through that door. I'm planning to hang out with you more often now a days." He got up, linked arms with her and smiled at his cousin and exhaled. "Then, where should we go?"Before Seohyun could protest, he dragged her out of the coffee shop. As they made their way out, many customer, girls mostly from their school, were staring at Seohyun. Their eyes were filled with jealousy to see the 2 flower boys from school hanging out with Seohyun. Sure, they knew Seohyun were friends with Min Ho but they didn't know that he and Jonghyun would be going around like this for her. Yesung had just finished wrapping the bandage on Yoona's hand when the doorbell rang. Yoona walked to the door and looked at the intercom."Yah....chinguya, open up. I brought breakfast." When Yuri came in, she stopped by the door and inspected Yesung who was sitting in the living room. "Oppa, why are you here so early in the morning?" Yesung got up when Yuri walked to him. "Oh, I had something to do here."Yuri looked at Yoona and back at Yesung. Her eyebrow started narrowing like someone suspecting something. "Don't tell me you guys are dating.""MWO?" Yoona blurted out instantly.Yesung couldn't even say anything except laugh. "Yah, are you out of your mind? If we were dating, do you think I would come into her house when she's all by herself? I'm not like that.""Then why are you here?" Yuri asked. Then she smiled, "unless...."Yoona knew Yuri was going to say something stupid so she interrupted. "He came here to take a look at my hand." She lift up her injured had and showed it to her. "Here. See? I cut my hand last night and he came to apply some antibiotic ointments and sew it.""Oh...mianhae." she replied back with a huge smile on her face."If you're sorry, why are you smiling?" Yoona said as she played with her bandaged hand."Oh...ani. Let's eat. I brought German buns and coffees from Starbucks." Yuri said as she made her way to the kitchen."You two go on ahead. I have to get to work now. I'm sure Leeteuk hyung is one his way home." He gathered up al his kits and walked outside. Yoona walked him out while Yuri was in the kitchen looking for plates.When she got back in, Yuri was already eating. "You want some. Oh, that's right. You have a few wet dishes by the sink. Seems like you already had breakfast with Yesung oppa."'More like with our teacher.' Yoona thought. "Is there something going on between you and Yesung oppa, Yoon? Cause if there is, then WOW!!" Yuri said with a mouthful."Ah, forget it. There is nothing between us. Just an oppa and dongsaeng relationship is all. Nothing more. But unnie, I need to tell you something but you have to promise not to hate me."Yuri immediately threw her German bun down and jumped up to grab Yoona by the arm and sat her down on on a chair next to hers. She sat down next to her best friend and for the first time since she's been in the house, she looked at what Yoona was wearing. The clothes she was wearing weren't for a girl. It was a guy's sweat pant and the shirt she was wearing were huge on her. It hung really loose on her and it seemed like a brand from the America so she didn't know. Maybe it was hers from when she was in America. Yuri wanted to ask her about what she was wearing but she might talk about them and forget about the story she was about to tell her."Now, tell me what is on your mind. Tell me everything and don't leave a single thing out."'Oh, great....maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I should've just kept my mouth shut.' Yoona thought."uh-ugh...don't give me that I-shouldn't-have-said-anything look." Yuri said as she shook her head in disappointment. "You know, that once I hear an interesting story or rumor, I'd go to the end of the Earth to learn everything about it."Yoona let out a nervous laugh. "Am I that transparent?""Yes, you are." said a voice from behind, startling both Yoona and Yuri.Yoona looked over and passed Yuri's shoulder to see a tired and smiling Leeteuk. "Oppa, did you just come in?"He smiled at them and nodded. "I came in and Yuri was doing her head movements with going-to-the-end-of-the-Earth thing."Yuri immediately forgot about Yoona's existence and ran to Leeteuk. "Aigoo, Oppa, you must be tired. Here." She took his arm and led him to the table. "Have a seat. I'll make you some coffee." Then ran to the coffee maker and started making coffee.Leeteuk looked over to his sister who was scowling at Yuri. "Have you eaten?"She looked back at him and nodded. "Yes, I have. How was night shift?""It was busy. I am so tired I could sleep all day and night.""It's not fair how they gave a 2 weeks leave and then keep calling you back 2 nights in a row to cover for some doctor going somewhere. We're supposed to be spending some time together. And you were supposed to be there at the meeting last night." Yoona frowned."Mianhae. But you do know that it's still my job to save people's lives. Oh, and you'll never guess who I ran into last night at the hospital.""Nugu?" Yoona whose head was bowed slowly lifted to look at her brother."Taeyeon-ah.""Taeyeon unnie?" said both Yoona and Yuri in unison."What was she doing there?" Yuri asked."How is she doing?" Yoona also asked after Yuri."She's fine. But she was there with someone else. Her fiance was rushed to the Emergency Room last night.""FIANCE??!!!" Yuri shouted. "I can't believe this girl. After breaking up with my future husband, she dares to show her face in front of him with her fiance?" she muttered to herself from the corner of the kitchen."Did you say something, unnie.?" Yoona looked towards Yuri's way. "Ani.." she picked up the cup of coffee and walked to them and placed the coffee in front of Leeteuk. "Here you go oppa. Make sure you finish this. And let me get you something to eat it with." She opened up the box containing a few pastries and took out a couple German buns and gave them to Leeteuk. "These are really good. You ought to try these. They're delicious." She said as she picked one up and lifted it to Leeteuk's mouth.Leeteuk tried to back out. "I can do it myself.""Andwae. I'm doing it for you. Hurry up, my arm is killing me." she said as she smiled sweetly to him.Leeteuk opened up and took a bite of the bun. "mmm, it's good." "What in the world is this?" Yoona said as she looked at the 2 with disgust. "You're both behaving like a couple. Stop it already."Yuri had just realized how stupid she had acted and suddenly threw the German bun back on the plate. "Mianhae. I was just trying to help him. Whatever, I'm going to the restroom." She walked off in embarrassment. As she got in the bathroom, she closed the door behind and leaned against it for support. Her knees felt so weak from embarrassment. "What the hell was that Kwon Yuri? You just freaking went at it like a stupid girl who couldn't control her feelings." She ran her hands through her hair and held it and started pulling at it. "That was so embarrassing. He's going to think of you as a weird person. Good job at presenting yourself so stupidly in front of him like that. Aaahhh" Meanwhile Yoona and Leeteuk were still talking in the kitchen. "Yuri still haven't lost her touch. She's still the funny and crazy person she was from 2 years ago." Leeteuk laughed as she took a sip of his coffee."Yeah, she is." Yoona said as she reached out for a donut from the box Yuri brought.Leeteuk noticed the bandage on her hand and reached out for it before she was able to get the donut. "What happened to you hand? Are you okay?""Oh, it's okay. I cut it somewhere." She didn't remember the lie she told Yesung. "But Yesung oppa had already stitched it and took care of it. Don't worry about it. Oh and you just missed him. He came in this morning to check up on my hand and see how I was doing."Her phone rang and she walked to where it was charged to look at it."Oh.. I see." he said as he yawned. "Yoona, I'm sorry. I want to spend more time here with you and Yuri but I can't help but feel like I'm about to fall over.""It's okay, oppa. You go on ahead to bed. Oh, can you tell Yuri unnie I have go out for a few minutes. I'll be back real quick." Before her brother could say anything. she ran out of the kitchen and grabbed a sweater jacket that was hanging on the coat rack and without looking at it, just put it on while putting on her shoes that ran out the door."Man, she's fast when I'm tired." Leeteuk said as she returned to his food. After taking the last bite he picked up the plate and walked to the sink. Yuri came in looking to find Yoona but only found the tired and sleepy Leeteuk. "Where did Yoona go?""Oh, she said something about going out to run an errand and she'll be back." Leeteuk said as he walked to leave the kitchen. He got to where Yuri was standing and he looked at her. "You know. Maybe it's because I'm tired and everything I see it kind of blurred right now but, You are really pretty, Yuri."Yuri's eyes widened and her heartbeat suddenly raced. She was so surprised at what he just said. She never thought he'd say this to her since she was her best friend's brother. "Oppa, maybe it is because you're tired."Leeteuk just let out a short exhale. He looked at her passionately as if he was trying to seduce. When she tried to walk away, he blocked her with his arm and backed her up against a wall."Oppa, why are you like this. Are you drunk from that coffee I gave you. Or maybe you're just like this from lack of sleep?""What lack of sleep? Stop talking when I'm trying to kiss you, Yul." He put both his arms against the wall and leaned in for a kiss....KNOCK KNOCK... Sorry about the late update. LOL what do you think happened at the end. Who was knocking? What will happen to TeukRi? What about Yesung? You think he's going to figure it all out? Please comment.