[M] Woke Up To You (1/1)
Jungkook was exhausted. BTS just had an hour long interview and then was rushed back into the studio for dance rehearsals which was approximately three hours long. "Jimin, that was too much. We shouldn't have danced as much as we did." Jungkook groaned, sitting down on the couch."I know! But, hey. We are the dancing machines in the group. We got to uphold our status, Junggie~" Jimin smiled at Jungkook and Jungkook threw back an "I'm going to pass the fuck out" look back. "Dude, take a nap. We don't have vocals for four hours.""Fine. Wake me up though." Jungkook said with a yawn, his head falling on the arm rest beside him as he drifts off into dream land.V walked into the room with J-Hope, laughing at something dumb and stupid the other had said. They had left the two dancing members to work til their hearts content and had expected to come back to seeing them still dancing, but they weren’t.Scanning the room, V spotted Jungkook asleep on the couch and cooed lightly to himself. He was just so damn cute and irresistible. Walking over, V sat down next to the body and leaned over, head resting on Jungkook’s shoulder, arm slung around the other’s body. “Kookie." he whispered, lifting his head to whisper in the other’s ear. “Are you really sleeping?”Jungkook shifted, letting his hands fall to his lap. "No, Jimin hyung. No more dancing." Jungkook mumbled in his sleep, thinking V was Jimin.V sat up and raised a brow. Since when did he sound like Jimin. “Naw but Kookie.” he cooed. "You know I like watching you dance. Your thighs are so sexy.” he whispered to the other."Jimin, that's creepy. You know I like-" Jungkook mumbled again, opening his mouth to let out a small sigh.“Like who Kookie?” V asked and smirked. “You’ve been all over the others, I think I forgot who you really like. Who is it? J-Hope?” he asked. “Rap Monster? Jin? Suga?”"Jimin, I already told you twice today. I'm not telling you again." Jungkook pouted and soon after his mouth opened again."I'm going to try to find Jimin." J-Hope said, walking out of the dance studio. J-Hope thought it was pretty obvious V liked Jungkook, but Jungkook was oblivious.“Oh yeah?” he asked and thought. “Is it V, Kookie? Do you like V?” he asked, his fingers unconsciously crossing. “Because I think he likes you too.”Jungkook didn't answer, too asleep at this point. He just let out a soft snore in reply.V sighed and sat back, making a face. “Brat.” he muttered. Laying his head back on the other’s shoulder, he looked around. J-Hope was gone. It was just the two of them. Might as well catch up on his sleep. Closing his eyes, he yawned and settled down against the other.~*~Jungkook woke up two hours later not able to move. "What the fuck?" Jungkook squirmed and then soon realized V was sleeping on him. V. Jungkook couldn't believe the one one person he liked was sleeping on him. "Yah, V. Get off of me!" Jungkook yelled, trying to push the other off of him.V groaned when he felt the push. “Stop Hope.” he groaned and snuggled closer. “Ruining my dream.” he muttered softly."Really, V? It's not J-Hope, it's Jungkook." Jungkook scoffed, playing with the other's hair. "You need to get off. I have vocals in thirty minutes."“Stop Hope.” V muttered as he reached up and swatted at the hand. “Dreaming...Kookie...come back.” he whined softly. “Kiss me.”"Wah! V this isn't funny!" Jungkook yelled, pushing the other off and walking away. He hated it when V played with his feelings. He had done it before and now it's just really pissing Jungkook off.V grunted as he was pushed and actually fell off of the couch, pulling him from his sleep. And just when he was getting to kiss Jungkook. Lifting his head, he stared, watching the younger male walk off and cocked his head. “What? Was I drooling?” he muttered as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head.Shaking his head, he stood and followed after the other. He didn’t have anything to do, so he thought he would follow Jungkook around for a while, see what he was up to."Go away, V. I don't think your funny!" Jungkook yelled, turning around to face V. "Stop following me and leave me alone!""What's going on?" Jimin said, standing behind the tall J-Hope, jumping to try to see. "Yah, J-Hope would you move?""Nope." J-Hope teased Jimin. He thought it was hilarious when he blocked Jimin from seeing something. "But, what's going on guys? You two were just snuggling on the couch like five minutes ago.""Nothing. Leave me alone." Jungkook mumbled, pushing past J-Hope and Jimin. Jimin quickly followed him, not sure what was going on.V stopped and stared at Jungkook, surprised. He felt a pain in his chest as the other told him to leave him alone. “I….” he trailed off, frowning deeply. “J-Hope, what did I do?” he asked. He was so confused. What had he done to make Jungkook hate him suddenly. "I don't know. What did you do?" J-Hope questioned. "Jungkook doesn't get mad easily. Were you teasing him or something?"“I was sleeping! How could I tease him when I’m sleeping?!” V asked. “I was dreaming about him and then all the sudden I found myself on the floor. Ugh, falling off the couch really hurts.” he said. “And he was walking away...Seriously I don’t know what the hell is going on.”"Were you sleep talking again? Wait, what was your dream about? You probably were telling Jungkook something he didn't want to hear..." J-Hope grilled V, wanting to know the details.“I don’t know.” V said and sighed, running a hand through his hair. “In my dream we were on a date and I was trying to kiss him, but something kept pulling him away and just when I got him back and was going to kiss him I fell off the couch.”"Yah! You probably told him in your sleep that you wanted to kiss him and he took it the wrong way! You stupid! You know he likes you, right?" J-Hope said, hitting V on the top of the head.“Ow” V whined and held his already sore head. He glared at J-Hope and shook his head. “Jungkook doesn’t like me.” he said. “Obviously after the way he just left.” he said and sighed. “Ugh...why do maknae’s have to be so….so….” he trailed off, not sure what the best word was."Dude, he does. He's told Jimin like thirty times. He thinks you don't like him. That's probably why when you said you wanted to kiss him, he thought you were teasing him or something. I would go talk to him." J-Hope scoffed, going behind V and pushing him towards the room Jimin and Jungkook were in. "Go see if I am right. I am usually 100% of the time."V grunted as he was pushed and nodded. He moved slowly to the room and opened teh door, peeking in. “Hey guys, sorry to interrupt.” he said and looked between the two. “Jimin, can I talk to Kookie privately?” he asked."No you can't, you rude person." Jungkook said, glaring at V and hugging on Jimin. "Let me go. I want you guys to talk it out." Jimin pleaded, trying to get Jungkook off of him. "You know I love you, but I want you guys to stop fighting." Once Jimin got Jungkook off, he left the room, jumping on J-Hope when he saw him.V frowned and nodded. He let Jimin walk out and walked into the room, closing the door. “Kookie….I don’t understand what I did to make you hate me so suddenly.” he said softly. “I...I don’t like this. I want to be with my Kookie.” he said as he walked over to him."Stop teasing me! You tell me you want to kiss me and now this? You're a dick, V. You know how I feel about you and now you're just being a tease." Jungkook yelled at him, backing away from V. "Who told you, huh? Was it Jimin? J-Hope?" V stopped and stared at the other. “I’m a dick?” he asked. “I was fucking dreaming Kookie!” he shouted. “No one told me! These are my feelings.” he said and sighed. “I like you Jungkook, I have for a while. I didn’t know...I didn’t know you liked me too.” he said and looked down at the ground."You're lying. I hate you, V. I hate it when you make fun of my feelings! You don't have to lie to me." Jungkook sobbed, hitting the wall and sliding down it. He brought his knees to his chest and put his face down to hide his tears. Jungkook hated crying, but being the youngest he always did.“Kookie I’m not lying!” he said. He walked over and knelt next to the other. “I wouldn’t lie to you and I’m not making fun of your feelings.” he said. He wrapped his arms around the maknae and kissed his head gently. “I like you Jungkook, so much.” he whispered. “I never realized...that you liked me too. I’m sorry for everything I did and said that made you think I was making fun of you. That’s not the case.” Jungkook looked up at V, wiping the tears from his face. "Do you m-mean it?" Jungkook asked, hiccuping throughout his sentence. "Because if you're lying to me, there will be consequences."V stared at the other and smiled. “I mean it. Though the consequences sound kinky.” he said. Reaching out, he stroked Jungkook’s cheek gently. Leaning in, he pressed their lips together in a shy kiss. “I love you Kookie. And...I was dreaming about you earlier. About us kissing.” he said. “And I can tell you the dream kiss could not compare to that kiss.” he said.Jungkook blushed and giggled a little bit. "Very kinky. And don't tell people you dream about them. That's creepy." Jungkook laughed, kissing V again, loving the feel of his lips. "I love you so much, V."V grinned and chuckled. “But what if I was dreaming about fucking you? Wouldn’t you want to hear it then?” he asked with a smirk. He leaned into the kiss, sighing softly as he rested his forehead against Jungkook’s. “I love you too Kookie.” he said as he reached up and stroked his cheek gently. “You’re so beautiful and cute and funny and innocent that I just want to do so many things to you.”"Like what? Explain in detail." Jungkook said, smirking at the other. “Very graphic detail.” V grinned. “Every dirty, naughty thing that I did to you. Right down to making you cum against the window.” he teased.Jungkook shivered, licking his lips. 'What did my face look like when I came, V? Did it turn you on?" Jungkook purred, sliding his legs through V's arm so he was sitting on V's lap.V groaned and nodded. “Fuck yeah. Your face always turns me.” he whispered. “It was so hot, your cheeks were flushed and your eyes were closed, scrunched up so cutely.” he said, licking his lips some. “Your body was so hot too. I loved how it jerked against me.” he told him, hands moving to grip Jungkook’s hips. “And your hole...fuck it was so tight.”"Hm... Maybe we should try it out in real? You can fuck my tight virgin hole until I cry." Jungkook smirked, leaning forward and kissing V's neck.V groaned, head tilting back some. “Mmm but I don’t want you to cry unless it’s in pleasure.” he whispered. He slipped his arms around Jungkook’s waist, fingers running up and down his spine teasingly. “But the thought of taking your virginity is such a turn on.” he whispered.Jungkook smirked against V's skin, nipping it a few times. "I'll try not to, but I've always pictured myself as a crier." Jungkook shivered when V started touching him. "You touching me is a turn on."“It’s turning you on?” V asked and chuckled. He kept touching the other, fingers moving up and down his back lightly. Moving them back down, he slipped them under Jungkook’s shirt and ran his fingers over his spine again. “I’m already turned on. Rock your hips baby.” "Don't call me baby. It makes me sound like I'm your child or something." Jungkook scoffed, rocking his hips against V's hard on anyways. "I know I'm the maknae, but come on."V groaned and arched his back, bucking up against him. “Mmm then what should I call you huh? Honey? Sweetie? Sexy? I like sexy.” he purred and bucked up into him. “You are the maknae, but you’re not my child. I wouldn’t do this with a child.” he said and stopped. “Well a child younger than you.” he teased as he leaned in and nipped at Jungkook’s neck."Anything other than baby. Only I can call you that, kay? And I would worry about you if you did this with your child, V." Jungkook smiled, tilting his head to the side to give V more access. "You better hurry the fuck up before I get impatient, baby."V chuckled and nodded. “Alright.” he whispered. He bit down on Jungkook’s neck teasingly, pulling back after giving it a nice lick. He stripped Jungkook of his shirt and then his pants, patting the other’s behind lightly. “Get up, let me get undressed. Then I want to see you ride me sexy.”Jungkook smirked at him and sat up ever so slowly, making sure he gave V a nice view of his ass, before standing all the way up. "I don't think you're going to fit, hyung." Jungkook pouted, knowing he was not stretched. “No? Then I guess I better stretch you.” V said as he pulled his shirt off and then his pants and underwear. Throwing them to the side, he pulled Jungkook back down on his lap and held up three fingers to his mouth. “Suck them.”"Wait, why? What are you going to do?" Junkook asked worriedly, not knowing why he would have to suck on the others fingers.“Do you want to be stretched or not?” V asked. “It’ll be less painful if you just suck on them and let me stretch you.”Jungkook was still confused, but he still grabbed V's hand and stuck the fingers in his mouth, making sure all of the fingers were thoroughly coated with his saliva. "There." Jungkook panted, letting go of V's hand.“Good boy.” V purred. He moved his hand down and pressed a finger carefully into the Jungkook. “Let me know if it hurts.” he whispered as he leaned in and kissed him softly. He loved the feeling of Jungkook’s ass around his finger. They were so tight."I-it hurts..." Jungkook panted, clawing at V's back. "Mmm~ I don't know why people like this..." Jungkook groaned, his head falling and landing on V's shoulder. V placed gentle kisses along Jungkook’s neck. “Because it brings people closer together.” he whispered. He worked his fingers in the other gently, touching every place he could inside him. “And I want us to be close together….Kookie.” he purred."Stop being all gooey." Jungkook giggled, nipping at V's shoulder. "I love you, t-though." Jungkook moaned when V started to move his finger more inside him. "M-more."“I love you too.” V whispered, smiling. He pumped his finger in and out of him before slowly pushing his second finger into him. “That good baby?” he asked, moving the fingers into her slowly, scissoring them to open the other up."Ah... Yes V... M-more!" Jungkook moaned loudly and tried muffling his moans by using V shoulder. "Fuck me now, V. I'm fine, just go." Jungkook lifted his head and stared at the other.V groaned softly and nipped at Jungkook’s neck gently. Pulling his fingers out, he stared at the other. “Spit on my cock, it’ll make it easier to go in.” he told him and licked his lips."No, V. I want you to go in how you are now. I don't care if it hurts." Jungkook said sternly, grabbing V's cock and guiding it to his entrance. Jungkook stuck the tip inside himself and slowly inched his way down the hard cock, a few whines leaving his mouth along the way. “Kookie.” V whispered and bit his lip. He wrapped his arm around the other’s waist tightly, holding him close as as he slowly slid into the other, panting softly. “Fuck baby, you’re so tight.” he groaned in pleasure, doing his best to keep from bucking up into the other."V-V! Fuck!" Jungkook screamed when he was all the way down on V's cock. Jungkook swore he felt his eyes roll into the back of his head. "You're stretching m-me too much. Ah..." Jungkook moaned into V's ear, tears rolling down his cheek.V panted heavily and groaned. “You’re so tight Jungkook. Fuck.” he groaned and bucked his hips slowly, pressing into the other. “Are you okay? Does it hurt too much?” he asked as he stared at the other. Reaching out, he stroked the other’s cheek gently, wiping away his tears."I-I'll be fine..." Jungkook whined, leaning back to face V. "More... move more." Jungkook pleaded. He was still in pain, but he wanted to pleasure V more than anything.V nodded and started moving his hips, bucking up into the Jungkook over and over. He swiveled his hips around, trying to find the right spot for the other. He wanted to hear Jungkook cry and scream with pleasure. He just had to find that spot."Ah, V!" Jungkook moaned loudly, a screech almost escaping his lips when V hit a spot inside of him. "T-there, V. Whatever you just thrusted into, hit it!" Jungkook arched his back, loving every second of V's thrusts.“Oh fuck!” V growled in pleasure as he slammed up harder and faster into the other, pressing against that spot over and over again. “Like that baby? Right here honey?” he asked as he rocked his hips up against the other.Jungkook nodded, closing his eyes and reaching down for his forgotten cock. "I'm close, V. Fuck!" Jungkook threw his head back, pumping his dick in time with V's thrusts.“Cum for me baby.” V panted in pleasure as he bucked up into him. “Come on baby, cum. I want to see you cum.” he groaned out as he slammed up into him, making sure to hit his prostate each time, close himself.Jungkook moaned loudly, shooting strings of white all over V's chest and his hand. He clenched down on V, trying to make it harder for him to thrust. "V..." Jungkook panted, looking at the other again.V gasped and cried out in pleasure. “Yes Kookie.” he groaned in pleasure as the other started cumming, clenching around his cock. He gave a few more thrusts before he buried his cock deep into the other’s hole, filling him up. “Oh Jungkook.” he panted.Jungkook giggled, sticking his tongue out to lick some of his cum off V's chest. "Oh fuck, I missed my vocal lesson with Jimin. Fuck!" Jungkook yelled, hitting his head on V's shoulder. "I'm so stupid! I'm going to get in so much trouble..." V watched him and smirked, chuckling. “You’ll be fine babe.” he said and leaned in, nipping at Jungkook’s neck. “You’ll just have to pull a double tomorrow.” he tomorrow and chuckled as he stared at him before nuzzling his neck. “Let’s just….stay here alright? And cuddle.”"But V-""Are you guys done in there?" J-Hope asked, knocking on the door. "You guys were loud, jeez."V looked up at the door and laughed, looking back at Jungkook. “See, they already know why you didn’t show up. It’s fine.” he said. “We’ll be out in a minute.” he called to J-Hope, staring back at his lover.“Come on, let’s get dressed. I want to take you home and snuggle with you in bed. This time though, don’t push me off the furniture, okay?”