Wait, what ? (1/1)
*Jungkook* I kept playing with my pencil not listening to any teacher, I spent four whole hours thinking about the boy behind me, not even bothering taking notes of whatever the lessons were about, bambam would casually turn to me trying to make some jokes to ease me or ask if I'm okay but only to get scolded by the teacher, I was tense and all until the bell rang telling us that we can finally exit that suffocating room despite it's a huge place ... I let out a long breath I wasn't even aware I did hold.
"Bruh ~ what's wrong with you dude ? You seemed like you were on another dimension the whole day !" Asked me Bambam worriedly "He's worried about his Panda plushie .... " said Sehun "Are you still thinking about that black misterious boy ? " asked Bambam again 'Oh my god ! Shut uuuuup !' "Well ... didn't know you were into those sacriffices and bloody goats and all those satan's kinky stuffs bro" said Sehun with a faked offended gasp that mad everyone laugh . "Satan kinky what ??" asked Zelo still trying to catch his breath 'haha so funny .... ugh' I kept glaring at them "So what is it then ~ ?" Bambam pouted again
"Yabai ~ didn't you know ? He's almost broke so basically he was thinking how the hell on earth should he do to feed his seven kids and don't forget his wife who's always threatening him to divorce if he didn't find a solution soon ! " answered him Zelo "Remind me again why are we friends ?" I rolled my eyes "Cause you're a small potato that will surely end up forever alone if we weren't his friends who accepted his weirdness huh" it was Zelo's turn to roll his eyes this time
"But seriously man ! Bad for you ! You should have used condoms .... Sure they're not free but it's waaaay cheaper than seven kids tho" told me Sehun with a sympathetic smile
"Say that to your parents " commented Zelo chuckling
"Why aren't you happy to have me ? Don't tell me you regret having a fine body besides you everyday ?"
'Wait Sehun what the hell ? ... Wait did you just wink to him ?' I was more than shocked to see zelo grabbing sehun's butt"Iie ~ believe me it's almost a pain, a blessed pain specia-""ne bros ... I think we scared the cute innocent little bunny " butted bambam in looking at me ... Well that was a bit awkward having them all looking at me like I was the weird one there ...
"You ... A-are guys gay ? why are acting like that ? I-it's embarassing" 'Aish what was that stuttering for ?'
They looked at me so seriously, Even bambam ! Zelo didn't say anything sarcastic at all ... It felt so tense it was almost scary.
Suddenly zelo turned to bambam " Okay my money now !"
"Ugh seriously kookieeee ~ hidooii ~ couldn't you still be dense a fuck just a little longer " answered bambam with the cheesiest whine I've ever heard in my whole life ...
"A deal is a deal !"
"But it's already too late !! We did that bet two years ago !! So it doesn't count !"
"But you said he'll notice the next year for the bet and I said he will the year of graduation so mine was the nearest !! Therefore I win"
"Jinjaaaaaa ~ Why you always win all the bets !!??"
"Bow to your highness !"
"Wait what are guys you talking about ?" I asked but got ignored
"Hey why didn't you told me about it ? I love bets ~" whined Sehun "We still didn't know you !" Answered him Bambam
"And you didn't know Kookie back then" added Zelo
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