Chapter 10 (1/1)

2 Days Later..At school Jessica's POVI entered the class and i saw yuri and yoona talking at their table. Then,i saw something unexpected near the window.There is Sooyoung,MY GIRLFRIEND sitting in front of tiffany at her table while taeyeon beside tiffany. They are talking happily. I felt my jealousy started to rise back. How they can get so closed? Was there something happened between them during the weekend? Is it why sooyoung didn't want to sleep at my place? Then, sooyoung turned around and saw me at the door. She smiled and stand up. I watch her walking to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist."Good morning,sica..i miss you," she said and leaned closer. She kissed my lips and i can see tiffany watching us so i wrapped my arms around sooyoung's neck to deepen the kiss. We pulled out a minute later and i see tiffany smiled watching us.S-She smiled?  And her smile looks different but then she turned to taeyeon and talking to the girl. I look at sooyoung back and want to ask her about tiffany but i don't have the courage. She smiled at me and patted my head."Go and take a sit..i want to chat with tiffany and taeyeon," she said and walked to their direction completely oblivious about my jealousy. Tiffany saw sooyoung walking to them and she smiled at her. I walk to my table still watching the trio. Sooyoung talks something then she laughed loudly while looking at tiffany.Taeyeon grinned.Tiffany hit sooyoung's hand on the table.Then,i felt my jealousy increases and felt like to go to them but i control myself."When did they get so close?" i asked to Yuri and Yoona. They look at me then turned their gaze to the trio."We also don't know..but isn't it great? I mean sooyoung and tiffany can laugh again together after what happen to them 2 years ago," Yoona said smilingly while looking at them. I shot my death glare to yoona and she gulped.Yuri saw my reaction."Don't worry sica,sooyoung love you very much and she'll never cheat on you," Yuri said with her assured smile.Yeah right..Just then teacher came in.Sooyoung stand up from her sit and walked to me but when she walked beside tiffany she patted the latter's head.Tiffany shoved her hand away playfully and glared at her.Sooyoung laughed.I can feel my face reddened with anger.The teacher announce that we'll have a trip to Paris in few days."Wow,isn't it great,sica? We can date at Paris the city of love," sooyoung said excitedly while looking at me.I just ignored her because of what happened earlier."Hey,you okay? Are you sick?" she asked concerned and placed her palm on my forehead. I shook my head.She shrugged and concentrate on the teacher in front. I glanced at her now and then but she seems like she ignored me. Is she realised that i'm jealous with tiffany? Is she already tired because of my jealousy? I sighed quietly.Lunchtime..I look at sooyoung beside me. She smile and i smile back.I should ignore my jealousy by now..i don't want her to get tired of me and went back to tiffany..i wouldn't let tiffany win.."Let's go to cafe..i'm hungry," i said to her and hold her hand.She nodded and smiled.But then.."Can i go with you guys?" tiffany asked."Of course,'re a part of us now," sooyoung said while smiling at her. I felt my jealousy rises back. We went to cafe and bought our lunch.We take a sit and eat silently.Just then.."How did you guys get back together?" Yoona asked at sooyoung and tiffany. I glance at the two."Just say that we already forget what happened in the past and now we're happy," sooyoung said and smiled at tiffany.Tiffany give sooyoung her eyesmile. My heart sank at the sight.We went back to class after finished eating.Skip to Paris..Author's POVThey gathered at the hotel lobby waiting for the teacher to dividing us into pairs as our roomate along the trip here."Okay girls,i'll read your names with your pair and give the key..Yoona and Yuri..""Yeay!!" Yuri and Yoona shouted at the same time."Jessica and Teayeon..""Aww..i want to be with you," sooyoung pouted while looking at jessica.Jessica giggled and caressed sooyoung's cheek. They're waiting for sooyoung's name."And lastly,sooyoung with tiffany.." Jessica glanced at sooyoung and saw the latter smiling at tiffany. You said you want to be with me but why you seems happy to be with her? Jessica thought."Now,go to your room and rest..gathered back here at 7 to have dinner." the teacher said and walked away. Tiffany walked towards sooyoung."Why i have to be with you?" she said palyfully while rolled her eyes."Just say that you're happy,fany~ah," sooyoung said with wide smile."Don't wish,sooyoungie~" tiffany replied. Sooyoungie?? Jessica's jealousy rises. Sooyoung laughed.Then,turned to look at jessica."So,sica..i guess we'll meet later at 7 ok? But if you miss me,just come to my room,arasso?" sooyoung said.Jessica nodded.Sooyoung peck her lips and walked away to her room with tiffany."Sica,let's go," Jessica heard taeyeon called her and went to the girl.Skip at night after dinner..They all went back to their respective room to get rest.They'll start their activity the next day. Jessica lied on her bed and staring at the ceiling. She's not feel sleepy yet.It's already 10 in the evening. Taeyeon is not in the room as she said that she want to go somewhere but jessica didn't ask her where."I wonder what is sooyoung doing right now..Is she already sleeping?""I guess i'll visit her now". She then got up and went out of the room to sooyoung's room which is seperated by four other rooms. Then she arrived and standing in front of the door. She hesitated to knock the door thinking that tiffany is there too. But she decided to knocked instead. Suddenly, before she managed to knocked the door, she heard something suspicious that make her heart beats faster. To confirmed the sound she placed her ear on the door."Ahh..f-faster,hmm.." she heard tiffany moaned. Jessica felt her heart sank and aches. Without her realising, she placed her hand to her hurt heart and stepped back from the door.Tears flowing down her cheeks like rivers.She really felt pain in her heart. I knew it..i knew there's something between those two.How i can be so stupid to realised that they're back together.How could you,soo..You said you love me but you cheated!! Jessica ran away and went out from the hotel. She ran along the road with no direction with tears still flowing heavily. Her vision get blurred because of the tears. Suddenly..BUMP!!Jessica ran into someone and they head knocked very hard."Ouch!!" jessica heard the other person yelled but she ignored it.Her heart more hurt than her head.She sit on the ground not looking to the other person and buried her face on her knees crying her heart out. The other person panicked thinking that jessica's head hurt very much." your head injured?" She kneeled in front of jessica trying to look at the latter's face while her hand placed on jessica's head.Jessica heard her. Why her voice sound familiar? Jessica lifted her head and loot at the other person."Sica?""Soo?". They said at the same time."Hey,what are you doing out here at time like this? Why are you crying? Is you heart injured?" sooyoung asked worriedly."S-Soo.." jessica called softly.Her tears start to form in her eyes.Then,she hugged sooyoung tightly. Sooyoung rub the latter's back slowly to calm her."Sica,tell me..what happened?" sooyoung asked again. Then it hits jessica back to her sense. She remembered what she heard earlier and released the hug."What did you do with tiffany just now?" Jessica's voice crack. Sooyoung looked confused."Huh? What did i do?" she asked."I-I heard tiffany moaning in your room just now.D-Did you do it with her?" Jessica tears fall again.Her heart hurt by asking that question."Fany moani--" sooyoung paused then she laughed whole heartedly.Jessica just glared at her. Sooyoung then stop laughing and smiled at jessica."Jessie,it's not me with tiffany..but taeyeon," she said calmly."Taeyeon??" Jessica eyes widen and jaw dropped. I know you'll be shocked,jessie.."I think i've a lot of explanation to do with you," sooyoung smiled while caressing jessica's cheeks.