This chapter is dedicated for @lindatan for her support with reading my story. I really appreaciated it and hope this chapter will be able to ease you a little. I promise I will continue writing and end this story. Thank you so much for anyone who still reading. ^^ Chapter 54 Eunhyuk opened the door to Sungmin's room with a tired face. He sighed. His body and mental is already tired with everything that happened. His eyes turned up and immediately widened upon seeing the empty bed. "Sungmin!" he ran to the window and pushed away the curtain but to see an empty balcony instead, and he became more anxious, "Oh no…where did she go now?" his eyes roamed around the room. Softly, he heard the sound of water flowing. He rushed into the bathroom. His heart crushed in pain seeing the person inside. There, his daughter, sitting on the bathroom cold tile and rubbing herself down the pouring of water. "Sungmin..." Sungmin’s body tense by the call. Her head moved looking at the man. There are fears in her eyes, Eunhyuk can see it clearly. "I'm...I'm...sorry..." she apologized. "Ah." "I'm sorry...I dirtied...the floor...I'm sorry..." she said, continued on rubbing herself as hard as she could like there is some sort of stubborn dirt stuck on her body. "Sungmin stop it. You're..." "Don't!" Sungmin stopped him from moving forward, "I'm...dirty..." she claimed, "So please..." the tears fast flowed from her eyes. Eunhyuk falls on his knees in front of her. With pained heart, he let the tears flows. "I'm sorry, Sungmin..." he blamed himself. Sungmin didn't pay attention to him but to continue rubbing her body until at some point it leaves a blue bruise on her. But, she continued, like the pain is nothing at all, like she's already lost the sense of feeling the pain. ///// “Hyukkie.” Eunhyuk’s eyes abruptly flung open by the touch. He’s panting, hard. Looking around, what came into him is his wife’s worried face. It’s a dream. “Are you okay? You’re sweating…” Donghae said, wiping away the sweat gently. Eunhyuk feels a bit relief by the touch. He took Donghae’s hand and holds it. “I’m fine…” he assured her, though it’s a lie. He sighed as he pulled his wife and let her sit beside. Sungmin is still on the hospital bed, sleeping. A part of him extremely relief because what he saw just now is just a dream, a nightmare that he has once tried to forget. “Did something happen?” Eunhyuk denied, “I just had the worst dream, that’s all.” Donghae frowned bitterly. She moves closer and hugged Eunhyuk’s arm silently. They snuggled with each other warmth. Both of them have their gaze looking towards Sungmin. No words were spoken for a few moments. It has only a day passed after everything bad that happened to the family but it affected them so much, especially Eunhyuk. It drains so much of his energy added from the dream just now. “Does it still hurt?” Donghae is first to break the silence. Eunhyuk hummed. Donghae embraced him tighter, “Don’t worry. I’ll be here with you. Our family will always be here, with you.” She promised, sniffing back her tears. ///// Hands. There are hands everywhere. They are holding her down. They restrain her from moving. Then, she felt it, a shot pain on her body. She screams for them to stop. But, they didn’t stop. Tears flow down through her cheeks. She cries again and again but the torture continues. And no one is there to help her. “Ah…ah…” Sungmin cried struggling from nothing around her. “Noona!” Sungjin called, “Wake up, noona!” shaking Sungmin’s body. “No!!” Sungmin struggled, “Appa help!! Help!!” she called desperately. Sungmin continued on screaming and struggling away from the touch. Tears flowed like river. He pushed Sungjin’s hand and cried repeatedly for everything to stop. Sungjin’s effort of calming his sister was useless when Sungmin’s condition worsen. Panicked, he called for the doctor to which they rushed immediately. A group of nurses hold Sungmin, while the doctor force sedative to calm her after minutes of trying. “Appa….” Sungmin’s voice subsides as the medicine starts taking its effect. Her eyes fluttering close with a drop of tear and she fall into unconsciousness. The doctor sighed, so did the nurses. Sungmin’s struggles were a lot stronger than they thought. Eunhyuk, Donghae and Sungjin are just outside the room, the doctor needs some space. Donghae is crying again. It breaks her heart to see Sungmin in such a pain state. Eunhyuk feels the worse. Sungmin is calling for him but he couldn’t do anything. “Doctor.” The family rushed when the doctor walked out of the room. “How’s our daughter?” Donghae impatiently asked. “She’s fine now. We’ve given some sedative. It will calm her for now. She also has a slight fever but don’t worry she’s healing. We’ll keep an eye on her from time to time. Everything will be alright. Don’t worry.” He explained the family. They become more worried by what have been told. “How…long will she continue to be like this?” Donghae asked. The doctor shakes his head, saddened, “I’m not sure Mrs. Lee. It seems that what happened gave her a huge shock and it is severe that what we expected. Let’s give her some time and space. I’ll come back again in an hour. Please call for us again if there’s anything.” He informed. Eunhyuk thanked the doctor and he left with his team. The family walked into Sungmin’s room. They approached Sungmin without saying a word. They see traces of tears on Sungmin’s cheek. Eunhyuk wipes the unseen tears while Donghae arrange the blanket comfortably. The three of them sit beside Sungmin’s bed. There’s no need for words spoken. Just being together is enough to keep their sanity sane and strong. Their only hope and pray were for Sungmin’s health and safety. Nothing else matter anymore. //// “Sungjin.” The boy turned when his name being called and didn’t expect to see Kyuhyun. It is so early in the morning after all. “Kyuhyun hyung.” Kyuhyun waved reluctantly and approached him. “I bought some breakfast.” He hands the paper bag to the boy. Sungjin blankly took it after thanking him. He looks at Kyuhyun who had his neck high looking through Sungmin’s room. “Noona’s still sleeping.” Sungjin answered. “Oh, really? Your…” “Appa and umma are inside. My mama stayed with Wookie noona in the next room. And, my baba and Yesung hyung is at the police station. If that is what you want to know.” Kyuhyun chuckled, “Well thank you for that sarcastic answer, Sungjin.” He replied. Sungjin stares at the man in front of him. He sees the tiredness, his baggy eyes and the sullen on his face. “Hey hyung.” “Hm?” “What are you going to do now?” Kyuhyun frowned, didn’t understand the meaning behind the question. Yesung hyung tell me about what he told you. Well, umma also explained a lot to me yesterday.” Added Sungjin. Kyuhyun sighed, “I’m still confused.” He said. “I know it’s going to be difficult for the whole family with the situation. But, I can promise no matter what happened now, it will never changed anything about how I feel to your sister.” he vowed. “Good then.” Sungjin simply commented. Kyuhyun hummed, and they both didn’t continue talking, taking in the comfortable silence. //// After his visit at the hospital, Kyuhyun went to Sungmin’s apartment. Some officers are there, doing the investigation of the crime scene. From the prime evidence, there is more than one person involved in assaulting Sungmin. And everything happened within just 2 hours of time. “There are no traces of people breaks in. The door is intact.” The inspector informed, “We found 2 keys though.” He showed the picture to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun takes it and examined the key. He frowned. “This one is Sungmin’s key. I remembered seeing her holding it.” Kyuhyun affirmed it. The said inspector, Doojon and another, Junmyeon take note of it. The reason why Kyuhyun is allowed at the crime scene is because of Junmyeon. They are friends with each other. Kyuhyun wanted to clarify few things and at the same time to help the investigation. Though he kept remembering the bad things, he feels the need of him there. “So, who’s the other one?” Kyuhyun shrugged. “Maybe someone makes spare out of her key. Do you know anyone else who might have the possession, Kyu?” Junmyeon asked. Kyuhyun denied, “I’m not sure. But, I think her father,” he started counting, “Yesung hyung as her brother or Ryeowook has the key. Other than that, I don’t think so.” “I’ve checked with the building security. They said, the spare keys they have are still safe and sound.” Doojoon added. The three of them let out synchronized sigh. “Did you get anything from the CCTV?” Kyuhyun asked. “Nope. The footage was cut off and broken by someone right after Siwon left. And that was within a few minutes after that. It happened too fast in short period of time.” Too fast. Kyuhyun hate that word. If only he didn’t arrive late, he might have been able to prevent the incident from happen. He blamed himself. But it happened and he couldn’t turn back the time. The boy is Lee Minhyuk. Kyuhyun suddenly remembered Yesung’s words. Minhyuk. He Sungmin only introduced him as her friend. She never talks about the man before this. I only know that Minhyuk is Minjung’s other manager apart from Jonghyun. But, I admit that Sungmin and Minhyuk are close with each other. He appeared whenever Sungmin’s in trouble and he’s always somewhere looking out for her. But, who is he actually? Kyuhyun pondered all by himself. Puk! Kyuhyun accidentally kick a bag on the floor. It certainly belongs to Sungmin. She did told him that she’s packing some of her few things before she sold the apartment. He thought of ignoring the bag when something pulled him to look closely. He squinted and notices a small book. He took it and scanned through it. A diary? Sungmin’s? He found few pictures inside. Sungmin’s family, her friends and strangely an old picture of 2 children in a park, a boy and a girl. He turned the back of the picture, and reads what’s written. Min-oppa? What’s this? While wondering, his phone suddenly vibrates, a sign of message arrived. He took it out to and downloads a video he received. What he didn’t notice, the people inside the room also received the same thing. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” It showed a man tied on a chair, chanted desperately. “Who told you to do it?” a raspy husky voice questioned. “Minjung! She gave us the key! She was there too!” “Really?” “Yes! Yes!” Pang! “Ahhhh!!” the man screamed when a bullet passed just beside him. “Why did you do it?” “Uh…uh…” the man cried, “I don’t know…Min...Minjung paid us. We didn’t know anything! We didn’t know she’s her daughter!” “So, you admit?” the voice questioned again, pushing a gun onto the man’s head. “Yes! Yes I admit!” he yelled, scared the hell out of him. “Say it.” He ordered, cold and deadly as ice. “We rape her! We rape Lee Sungmin!” Pang!! The video went black on time as the gunshot. People watching, all widened in horror. Everyone was render speechless. Junmyeon wakes up from his trance fast and ordered towards his men to investigate right away. “Find them now!” Junmyeon yelled, to which his men obeyed right away. Kyuhyun stood still, couldn’t believe what he just see. He’s trembling in shocked. What really happened, almost each person who has smart phone received the video. It spread within seconds, live. It reached Jonghyun too. “What…it can’t be…” Jonghyun took his car key and rushed away leaving his work abandoned. He hoped for the video to be a lie. He hoped for whatever he’s thinking is not true. “Dear…” Donghae holds onto Eunhyuk’s sleeves, flabbergasted after watching the video, “It’s…the voice…” “Hyukmin.” Eunhyuk continued Donghae’s sentence, recognizing the voice, “He took back his name.” He swallowed d the lump in his throat bitterly. //// His story I was five when the first time I saw her. Almost every day, I saw her waiting and playing alone at the park, till late in the afternoon. Sometimes, I saw her being bullied by the neighborhood kids, pointing and throwing pebbles at her. She remained emotionless but I remembered seeing her crying behind the tree once. It was winter when I finally mutter my courage to approach her. It was snowing. White snow covered the park completely. Despite the coldness of negative 5 Celsius, that girl was still at the park, playing under one tree. She had her gloves on to keep her hands warm and cozy. She must be waiting for her mother, I guessed. I saw them few times before. And just like the other time, she left to somewhere. It has been few hours, but the little girl was still left waiting. “Hey.” I called. She turned up looking at me. She had a pale white skin no comparison with the white snow. Her M-shaped lip was red, pouting cutely. Our eyes met. It was then, I blurted out the first thing I thought from my mouth. “Your eyes are blue.” She stumbled by my words, turning pale as corpse. Before I manage to say anything else, she already left me there hanging. I blinked, didn’t understand the reaction from her. I shrugged and went back home. After what I said, I didn’t expect to meet her again on the next day. She seems to have nowhere else to go. It makes me wonder about her so much. “You’re here again.” I said and she turned looking at me, startled. She didn’t run away but instead, she took out something from her small bag. It was a pair of sunglasses. It is definitely not hers because it easily slips when she wore it. But, it was enough to hide her eyes. Is that the reason she wore it? To hide her eyes? I questioned myself mentally. “Why are you wearing it?” I asked. “So…sorry…Min…” she stammered, obviously avoid from looking at me. “That’s your name?” I continue asking. Her eyes followed to where my hands pointed the snow on the ground. There is a consonant of letter written. She has this confused look on her face but she nodded nonetheless. “We have the same name.” I sit beside her and took the stick she’s been holding. I write the same consonant beside it. She didn’t say a word. “Look, we both are Min.” I said, pointing the name respectively. She stares and slowly processing what I said. I got a small nod. And I honestly remember she hummed a little bit. “Same…” she mumbled the word softly. There’s a thin smile on her lips. I was mesmerized by it. She looked so enchanting with a smile. Yet, before our conversation continues further, a loud yell was heard calling. Her body tensed immediately. Once more, without saying anything, she grabbed her bag and dashed away from there. I scratched my non-itchy head, didn’t understand her reaction, again. I went home but couldn’t get the girl out of my mind. To say that I’m falling in love is quite impossible because I’m still five, but I know there’s something attracts me towards her. On the next day, I waited her at the park, at the same place and time. She didn’t come, not until a week later. “Where were you?” She flinched by my question and in fast mode, she took the sunglass to wear it. I ignore her action and sat in front of her. “Where were you?” I asked again. She averted her eyes from looking at me. And after few seconds, finally I heard some answer. “Home.” She said, short and simple. “Home? For a week? You were at home?” she nodded again. It turned silence. Her right hand was holding a stick, jabbing onto the snow repeatedly. I continued talking to her though she only answers me with short answer. At that time, I didn’t even realize anything about the difference on her. I didn’t ask why she was away in that week. I want to be with her, and that is all that matter. “I’ll call you little Min from now on.” “Eh? Little Min?” “Yeah, little Min.” I repeated with a smug, feeling so proud by the nickname I gave. She looked at me confusedly. It has been 2 weeks since the last time we become ‘friends’, because we never declare anything. “And you’ll call me Min-oppa from now on.” I added, making her more confused. “Why?” “No reason, I feel like doing so.” I reluctantly answered. She shrugged, didn’t say anything. And we continue playing. Late that afternoon, when we parted away I slowly heard she called me ‘Min-oppa’. I swore my heart showered with happiness from it. Starting from that day, the two of us were inseparable. Little Min and I were both unfortunate child. She had a family problem and so did I. Our imperfectness completes each other though after she became my little Min and I became her Min-oppa and only friend. Every time we’re together, we didn’t speak much but we feel comfortable with each other. We were happy back then. Things started to change when our family get closer and know each other. I realized the stare and look of Little Min’s mother on my appa. It’s a hideous look and I hate it, so much. I tried to ignore and focus on my umma and Little Min’s happiness instead. “Do you like my Min, Little Min?” I eavesdrop on her and umma’s conversation one day. I see red flush on Little Min’s face. She’s must be shy. Umma shouldn’t ask that question but after seeing her nod, it was me who blushed instead. Umma has always been sick and had to stay at the hospital. When I first introduced her to my Little Min, she seems very happy and I like that sort of feelings. Little Min also has become more comfortable with us. “Min-oppa is Minnie only friend. Minnie loves him so much.” She confessed shyly, “He gives Minnie cute name too.” My umma slightly laughed, “It’s a cute name, for a cute girl. But, I’m quite surprise that he wants you to call her Min-oppa.” “Well, he told me too. And I like it.” Little Min said, making me more flushed. “Come closer, Little Min.” Umma patted the place beside her. Little Min walked slowly and sat down. I saw umma hold her face, and they stare into each other eyes. “You’re beautiful, especially your eyes.” I saw Little Min’s expression instantly changed. She closed her eyes tight and backed away from my umma. Umma looked at her confusingly. “Little Min?” “I’m…I’m sorry…” My hand fast grabbed Little Min’s hand before she runs away. “Where are you going?” I asked. “I’m…” There are tears swelling in her eyes, “Le…leave…” she whispered softly. I sighed. Not letting go of her hand, I pulled her back to my umma. “Umma, Little Min didn’t it like when someone talk about her eyes.” I said sternly to my umma, “So, please don’t ask her.” “Oh, sorry dear. I didn’t know.” I pouted, showing my dissatisfaction, still holding Little Min behind me. “Min-oppa, it’s okay. Min understands that Min’s eyes are weird.” My eyes flared when I heard she said that. “What’s so weird about it? I told you to stop saying that, right? Your eyes are beautiful and I love it.” I said, locking my eyes with her. I saw the confused look on her face, “Love? You’re…not afraid?” “Why should I?” Little Min lowered her head down, “Well…because…I don’t know…” she stammered, “Maybe because…I am…weird?” her confidence is also lowered. “No, it’s not weird. It’s beautiful, really beautiful like the colour of the sea.” After the longest silence, Little Min finally hummed and nodded agreeing. We smiled to each other. Umma also, unconsciously smile. “Both of you are the cutest!” she exclaimed out loud and hugged the two of us tight. “Umma!” I struggled by the sudden intimacy but umma ignores it and hugged us even more. Umma seems really happy, so she laughed. Little Min also laughed. So, I also followed laughing. The three of us were laughing happily to be next to each other. We were indeed happy. That was really our happiest moment ever. But Umma’s death changed our relationship completely. “You mother killed umma!” Little Min sobbed, “Oppa…” “Get away from me! Murderer!” I shouted at her. Umma died because of appa’s affair with Little Min’s mother. She was hurt so much. And I put all the blame on Little Min. she cried, saying sorry but I ignore everything. The last time I saw her was at umma’s funeral and that’s the end. I moved out of town with my appa, cutting off all ties with her. Five years later, we met again, unexpectedly, on the cruise. I remembered the look on her face. She looked pale, flabbergasted by the meeting, same as me. But, my anger rose when I saw her mother. She had that sly smile on her. Because of that, I rejected Little Min’s greetings and chase her away. I know she was disappointed. I saw her face. The first day, she still tries to talk to me, but on the next, I didn’t see her anywhere. It’s weird because even when it’s dinner, I still see no trace of her. “Where’s little Min?” I asked Minjung. Minjung snorted, “Little Min? I can’t believe you still call her that after so long.” she mocked. “It’s not your problem. I can call her whatever I like whenever I want.” I boldly responded. Minjung feels a bit threatened by my retort, but she smirked. “Perhaps. But so you know, Sungmin is also not your concern anymore.” And this time, it’s me who feels insulted by Minjung’s statement. “Sungmin is no longer the little Sungmin you thought she is.” She continued, “She’s moving into adulthood, Hyukmin. Far earlier than what you expected.” Her eyes darkened with evil. I gaped for a moment, “What the hell are you talking about, Lee Minjung?! Where’s my little Min?!” I ticked off. Minjung laughed at me, “Forget about Sungmin. This is for your own good.” She left just like that. My body was trembling by anger. I could feel there’s something not right. There are pure evil in Minjung’s thought. I secretly followed her and what I found ‘killed’ me. It happened within split second. By the door, I saw Little Min being restrained by men around her without a single thread on her. Only one thing concluded inside my head. DANGER! “MIN!” I yelled, running towards her but immediately being stopped by two bulky men, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?! LET ME GO!” I struggled from their hold but obviously failed. “MIN! MIN!” I called, and hoped for her to hear my call from her unconsciousness. I saw how her eyes flutters weakly, looking at me, “Mi…Min-oppa.” Her lips trembled. My heart crushed to hear it. Tears automatically shed. “MIN!!” “Take him away.” A voice ordered and the two men immediately pulled me away. “No! No! Don’t!” I cried. “AHHH!!!” I last heard Little Min’s voice crying before it being covered by evil laughs. The men pushed me into one room and beat me up. I tried to fight back, pushing and punching but none of it to any use. After satisfied, one of them men kicked me on the stomach and locked me. “Stop! Please! Stop it! Don’t touch her! Let her go!” I banged on the door, crying, “Help her! Please! Help her!!! Arghh!! Min!!” I punched the door repeatedly, crying my eyes out until my strength slowly fading. Leaning on the door, I continued crying helplessly. Regrets were all over me. I was supposed to protect her. If only I hear her explanation. If only I stopped and listen. If only I could change the time. So many ‘ifs’ were playing inside my head. And just before I close my eyes due to the exhaustion, I heard one sound. BANG! I remembered my body flinched by the sound and it was darkness. That was the last time that I was her Min-oppa. That was also the last memory of me and my Little Min. she is my Little Min. My one and only Lee Sungmin. My name is Seok Hyukmin. TBC