Chapter 6 After that, together they walk out of the café and stop exactly in front of the café. Fate really seems to be on Siwon’s side as the weather at that time is raining heavily. “It’s raining.” Sungmin said, “And I didn’t even realize it.” she said, frustrated. “So, I guess…” Siwon smirks, his plan is now back on track. Sungmin turns to look at him slowly, and hesitate, “Please?” Siwon’s smile grew even more, “Sure, I’ll be glad to.” He said and Sungmin sighs faintly. In the end, due to the heavy rain, Sungmin end up in the car with Siwon. Meanwhile, the said man, Siwon is so happy because fate has helped him to be alone with Sungmin. His lips didn’t even stop smiling at all. While they’re on their journey home, Sungmin phone rings. Sungmin excuse herself to answer, and slowly speaks. “Hello, Kyu?” “Where are you now?” “Somewhere, why?” “Somewhere is a lot, Ming. Hyung said that he has to leave you at the café. Are you still there? Wanna me to fetch you home?” Kyuhyun suggests. “No, Kyu. It’s fine. I’m already with friend.” Friend. That sounds nice to hear from her. Siwon told himself, eavesdropping with Sungmin’s conversation. “Friend? A guy or a girl?” “Why? You never really care who am I with before right? Why now?” Sungmin teased. “Lee Sungmin please. I’m just concern for you. I don’t want anything happen to you.” Kyuhyun stated. Sungmin smiles genuinely, “I’m okay, Kyu. I’ll call you again when I’m at home.” “Make sure that.” Kyuhyun reminds. “Yes, I promise. Bye.” They hung up. Kyuhyun pabo, it’s not like you like me or something to be concern about me. Sungmin thought. “Your friend?” Siwon speaks. “Ah, yes.” “Is he the same friend that hates me?” “Hate? I don’t think he actually hate you.” Siwon sneered, “If you just squint clearly on how he looks at me, you can see that he is truly hates me.” Sungmin giggles by the statement, “Don’t worry, even if he hates you, he will not hurt you. That’s the friend that I know.” “Well, he did hit me the first time we met, 2 years ago.” “And that’s because you did something wrong.” Sungmin fast adds. “What? It’s just a kiss right?” Sungmin’s cheeks flushed by the words easily said by Siwon. “If only it’s just a kiss…” Sungmin mumbled under her breath. “What? Did you say something?” “No, nothing. It was just…the rain is stopping.” Sungmin changes the topic. “Was it your first kiss?” “What?! No! Of course not!” “By the reaction, it’s obvious it was your first time after all.” Siwon smirks evilly. In turns, it makes Sungmin blushes even more, “I say it wasn’t!” She denied, but obviously, the nervousness shown didn’t help her at all. “Really?” Siwon teased again, feeling a bit fun with the teasing. “Yes! It’s real! I don’t want to talk about this anymore!” Sungmin protested, sulking a bit. Siwon laughs lightly, “Okay, okay. I don’t want you to be upset with me. Let’s just forget this topic okay?” “You better.” Sungmin warns, looking serious as ever but it looks so cute in Siwon’s eyes. Their journey continues in silent and only soft music by the radio accompanied them. Few minutes later, they arrived at the destination. With heavy heart, Siwon opens the car door for Sungmin and really don’t want the day to end just like that. “Thank you for sending me home.” Sungmin bows a little to the guy. “You’re welcome. I will always be at your service if you ever need me.” Sungmin shakes her head slowly and smiles by the proposition, “This is more than just enough, Siwon-ssi. I’ll take my leave now.” “Oh…okay. See you again, can I?” “Yes, sure. We’ll see each other again. I owe you a coffee right?” “Right.” “Thank you again. Good bye.” Sungmin turns her heels and walks away from there. Siwon’s eyes keep on watching Sungmin walk, adding the distance from him. “Oh, I almost forget.” Sungmin said suddenly. Siwon is surprised when Sungmin turns and run back at him. She stops exactly in front of Siwon and starts rummaging inside her bag, searching for something. Siwon just stare, waiting patiently on what Sungmin is going to do. He tense when Sungmin takes his hand. “Here.” She puts a beautiful plastic bag, carefully wrap with a ribbon on top. “I bake these cookies this morning for my friends and got some extra left. You can have it. As a token of gratitude from me.” Sungmin said, “Also, thank you for the pink roses. I really love it.” Siwon didn’t utter a word and just stare at her, still confuse. “See you again, Siwon-ssi.” Sungmin waved goodbye happily and walks away for real this time, leaving Siwon there gaping for a few seconds before he realize he is alone at the parking lot. “Yay!” he cheers happily ignoring if there is anyone there. He drives back home, grinning like an idiot all the way. It is nothing much but the little affection by Sungmin is already enough to makes his heart flipping and excited. He of course enjoys the cookies so much and reminds himself to give Sungmin something even more special in return the next time. Later that night, Sungmin just finishes her bath. Stretching herself a bit, she drags her feet to the kitchen. A message arrives, and when she looks at it, it’s from Kangin. Arrived safely at home? Sungmin smiles, and type the answer. I’m fine, oppa. Thank you. She puts the phone back on the kitchen counter and get ready for dinner. She lives alone, so she has been used to just cook at home and eat it. For her, it is a lot convenience and less lonely to just eat at home, watching rerun of drama. She’s accustomed to it anyway. While she is preparing, and cooking, her phone rings few times. “Hello?” She picks it up. “Hey.” “What’s wrong, oppa?” Sungmin smiles, confidently recognized the voice, which is Kangin. She plugs in her earphone, to make it easier, and puts her phone inside the apron pocket. “What are you doing? Cooking?” Sungmin hums to the question, “Menu?” “Today’s menu is…Japanese cuisine. Tempura Donburi plus some grilled fish.” “Ahh…so lucky.” Kangin whines on the other side. Sungmin smiles lightly, “What’s wrong this time, oppa?” Sungmin could hear Kangin’s sigh and she could imagine the depressed look of the guy. “My mother makes a fool of me, again, as usual.” “Really? What did she do this time?” “She lied to me about meeting me at the hotel and forced me to attend a dinner meeting instead.” “Marriage gathering?” Sungmin guess, and Kangin’s sigh is enough to say that her guess is right. Sungmin laugh softly to hear that. “Sungmin! You should not laugh at me! I didn’t call you to get another laugh.” “Hehehe…sorry oppa. But, seriously, you are so funny.” Sungmin holds her laughter, “I’m sure aunty didn’t mean to do any harm to you.” “Yeah, nothing harm. But, it’s so tiring. I can’t believe that she could keep on lying to me only to find a partner for me.” Kangin complained. “Then, maybe it is the right time for you to have a partner now, oppa.” Sungmin puts the last finishing touch on her plate and sits down at the dining table. “I don’t know…Minnie,” he whines, like a kid, “It’s hard to find someone who wants to love me, only for me, not my money.” “Oh, nonsense, oppa. You’re strong, handsome and a clever president, there’s a lot of girls flooding around you. It’s just you who didn’t know who is the destined one…yet.” Sungmin advised. He sneers, “Really? I’m grumpy and a heavy drunker, you know that.” “So what if you are like that? It’s not like you attack other people if you’re drunk.” “But, I become a kissing maniac if I am drunk. Which girl would like that?!” Sungmin laughs again by the comments, “There will be one, oppa.” She assures the guy, continue with her dinner, “I’m sure there’s someone out there waiting for you too.” “Maybe.” Kangin sighs again, “If only you accept my proposal, this will not continue to drag.” Sungmin’s expression instantly fell by that remarks. “Oppa…you know why, right?” “I know, Sungmin. And you should also know that I never forget about my feeling for you.” “And, I never neglect you, oppa.” Sungmin added to the statement. Kangin smiles weakly, “I know, Minnie. But, what should I do with this feeling of mine? It hurts and yet, it isn’t that bad at all.” “Time will heal you, oppa.” Sungmin inwardly smiles, “I’m sorry that I hurt your feeling but you should know that you mean everything to me.” Sungmin said. “Forever?” “Yes, forever.” Kangin finally let out a laugh. He knew that Sungmin really meant what she said and he never really blames the girl for rejecting his love. He also treasures Sungmin more than anything in this world. In the end, Sungmin and Kangin continue chatting for the whole night. And Sungmin, has totally forgotten about her promise with her best friend, Cho Kyuhyun. “Aish! That girl! Why hasn’t she call me?!” TBC ~~So, the marriage gathering is the reason why Kangin is hurriedly called by his mother. And sorry about Sungmin already rejecting Kangin’s love, cause Sungmin just didn’t want to accept anyone yet in her life, that’s why. She likes Kangin, and also Siwon and Kyuhyun…argh.. I don’t know how to continue this anymore!! Help me!!!Anyway, thank you in advance for anyone reading!! Comments are highly appreciated!!~~