Overlooking the sea (1/1)
Yoongi- straightNamjoon- GaySeokjin- GayTaehyung- Gay Jungkook- Gay Jim- GayHobi- GayY/N- Straight Relationships Namjoon + Seokjin = NamJinJungkook + Taehyung = Taekook Jimin + Hobi = Homin? It was an hour after the concert. They were all exhausted especially you. You had performed your new single which had a lot of dancing in it. (You are a rapper and vocalist. I forgot to mention that before) Yoongi who was being a nice person for once, was carrying you out to the van. When they got out side they saw all the fans waiting to say goodbye to BTS. After all of them said goodbye they got on the van. "Y/N get off of me now." Yoongi said."But I'm tired and you're comfortable." You whined."I might be comfortable but you're not! Now get off!""Fine!" You said climbing off of Yoongi."Thank you!" He exclaimed."Wait where are you going?"He asked.You were now climbing over the seats to get to Seokjin who was unfortunately sitting in the very back of the van. "Ow!! Y/N!" Hobi yelled as you climbed over him accidentally kicking him in the head."Sorry!" You said while still climbing to Seokjin."Come child" Seokjin said with open arms. Namjoon and Yoongi both glared at Seokjin and Y/N then looked at each other.*later in the dorm*You were sitting in your room."Hi babe!" you said while video calling you boyfriend. They have a long distance relationship. His name is Andrew. He lives in America while you are in Korea."Hi! I miss you so much!" Andrew said."I miss you more!" you giggled."Love you. You should get some sleep. It's late there right?" Andrew asked concerned for his girlfriend."Yeah, ok I'll talk to you tomorrow if I have time. Love you too! Bye!" you said while ending the video call. Little did she know that Yoongi was standing right outside her bedroom listening to her conversation, silent tears coming down his face. "Y/N... please... I love you... why can't you love me back?" Yoongi whispered to the door. He turned around and ran out of the dorm. He didn't know where he was going. His mind was subconsciously taking him to the spot where you two first met. The clouds started crying too as if they understood Yoongis pain. The hardest thing is watching someone you love, love someone else. He sat down at the spot the met at and thought about it for a while.-flashback- Yoongi was out for a late night walk in the rain. As he was walking near the sea he saw a girl sitting on a rock that was overlooking the sea crying. He went up to her and asked her why she was sitting out in the cold rain crying. She said that she got in a fight with her boyfriend about joining a k-pop group. He sat down next to her and hugged her. She hugged back and cried on Yoongis shoulder. After a while she pulled away and stood up. She said goodbye and started to walk away. He called after her asking her what her name was. She turned around and yelled one word "Y/N";-end of flashback-After a while Yoongi stood up and walked back to the dorm. All the lights were off except one. When Yoongi walked in he saw you pacing around the room. Just then you looked up."Min Yoongi where the fuck have you been?! Why didn't you take an umbrella? Why didn't you tell anyone? I was worried sick!" You whisper yelled."I just went out for a while." He said back."Why are your eyes red and puffy? Have you been crying?" you said noticing everything other than the fact the Yoongi loved you."Umm..." he said looking away."What ever that doesn't matter. Hurry come in you'll get sick." You said pulling him further into the house. He followed you blushing at the contact. You shoved him in the bathroom telling him to go shower while you got some blankets and made some soup. Yoongi looked at you for second then he closed the door and stripped. He stepped into the shower and stayed there for the next 20 minutes.He heard a soft knock on the door. "Yoongi are you almost done?" He heard. It was you. "Yeah just a minute." He said stepping out of the shower turning it off. He quickly put the clothes you gave him on and left the bathroom. "Here. Eat this." you said pushing Yoongi on the bed carefully giving him a bowl of his favorite soup.He ate the soup quickly not realizing that you were watching him eat. "Slow down you'll choke on the food. Is it really that good?" You asked. "Yeah, it's the best I've ever had." He said giving you his adorable gummy smile. You grinned back and pinched his cheeks. " You're so cute! I'm glad you like it! Well you should get some sleep. So should I. Goodnight Yoongi. See you in the morning!" you said while giving him a small kiss on the forehead then walking out of the room. Yoongi turned bright red. "Love Y/N. Goodnight." He whispered not aware that you were still standing outside the door. *morning* (Ding dong) "Someone get the door!" Taehyung yelled from Jungkooks room. "I'm going! I'm going!" you yelled back. When you opened the door you were surprised to see Andrew. "Andrew!?" you gasped. "Surprise!" Andrew yelled. "Omg! I can't believe you're actually here!" you yelled while jumping into Andrews open arms. "Come in come in" you said pulling Andrew in the house. "Yo, guys come down now or I will come up there and personally kick your asses out of bed!" You yelled. Slowly the guys came down. "Taetae why are you limping... oh wait I don't wanna know!" Namjoon said blushing into Seokjins neck. "Guys this is Andrew. My boyfriend." you told them. All of the guys talked to Andrew. All except for one. Yoongi. He had slipped out of the room as soon as the others had started talking to Andrew. unfortunately it was raining again when Yoongi left the house. You noticed that Yoongi was gone but didn't say anything. "Hey Andrew can we talk about something serious for a minute?" When those words left your mouth all heads turned to you. "Yeah sure why not." Andrew responded. "Alone. Guys can you leave for a moment?" "Yeah no problem. Let's go guys." Seokjin said while herding the youngers out of the room. "Yeah so what did you want to talk about?" Andrew asked turning to you. "Ok... um... so... I don't know how to say this... Ithinkihavefeelingsforsomeoneelse." You quickly said. "Wait what!?" Andrew exclaimed. "Yeah... um Andrew.... I think we should break up." you said after a minute of silence. "I can't believe this. I came all the way here only to get dumped! What the fuck Y/N?!" Andrew said collecting his stuff and heading towards the door. "I think we should break up too." Andrew said looking at you one last time before leaving you behind.Yoongi is sitting on the rock again in the rain, crying. "Y/N why do you do this to me?! I fucking hate you sometimes!" Yoongi yelled to no one. *20 minutes later* "Yoongi?" Someone said softly from behind him. He turned around to see you standing there. "Y/N!" Yoongi said standing up shocked by your sudden appearance. "Why are you here crying?" you asked. "You know why Y/N! Don't play dumb!" Yoongi yelled suddenly angry for everything you have put him through. You looked down. "I do know why but I want to hear it from you. Just to make sure of my feelings." You said softly. Yoongi stared at you and softly said. "I like you Y/N. No wait... I love you. I can't take it anymore. You love someone else. It's so hard seeing and hearing you with Andrew. You love him and there's nothing I can do about it." "I broke up with him." you said taking a step closer to Yoongi. "What!" Yoongi said surprised that you would do that. "Yeah, I did it for someone though." "Who?" "You." "What!" "I realized that I love you. I didn't know until like yesterday. I love you Yoongi." "I love you too." Yoongi said confused about what was happening. Just then you took a step forward. They were now only a couple inches away from each other. Yoongi closed the distance between the two of you and kissed you. The rain was still falling. By now the two of them were drenched to the point where their shirts were see through. They sat down on the rock on the spot they met. "Yoongi..." "Yes Y/N." "How long have you liked me for?" "Since I met you here on this rock overlooking the sea." With that they kissed again.