The Unexpected (1/1)

Love in Disguise KAIriEXOtic14 25930K 11 month ago

Mr. Xi have go back home in China, while Mr. Oh needs to go and Live in Canada with his family due to his business. Before they departed, they made a promise to have communication between their families and they agreed. After five Months, The Oh family has added new member. Hwayoung has successfully given birth to her baby, as Mr. Oh expected, it is a Boy! They decided to name the baby boy “Sehun”, Mr. Oh is very proud having his first Grandson, he then quickly called for Mr. Xi to tell the good news, “Chukhahae Chingu!” Mr. Xi congratulated him from other line for having his grandson’s born, “ye, gomabsumnida! We’ll make a Celebration as welcoming Baby Sehun in our family, too bad, you can’t meet your Grandson-in-law” Mr. Oh mumbled, “It’s okay, me and my granddaughter will just wait for him after 18 years” Mr. Xi chuckled, Mr. Oh laughs from the other line and he suddenly remembered “ by the way, when will your daughter give birth?” Mr. Oh asked, “We’ll still have to wait for 2 months, so don’t worry” Mr. Xi answered, “Well I hope she’ll deliver her baby well” “Yes, she will” Mr. Xi assured. 2 month have past, the Xi family waits for their daughter give birth. While having dinner. “Baba (dad in Chinese) can you suggest what to name our baby?” Yo Han the son of Mr. Xi asked while carrying a spoonful of rice to his mouth, “I suggest that we name the baby, Mei Lin” Mr. Xi suggested and chokes his food, his daughter-in-law shook her head, she deprecates from the old man’s suggestion “baba! The name that you’ve suggested is really similar to mine, I’m not agreeing to that” Mei Liu protested, “I will combine mine name and Yo Han’s name, I shall name my baby, Mei Han” she added, everyone from the dining area seems to be approving her suggestion, “Ok, you win” the old man grinned. Meanwhile, Mei Liu felt something that causing her to groan “Honey, are you ok?” Yo Han asked worriedly, “I-I think... I think...  the baby is coming!” she yelped out for pain, everyone is panicking, Mr. Xi commanded his driver to ready the car to go to the nearest hospital while the housemaids were commanded to ready the things that need to bring.  Her husband carries her with bridal style into the car and they’re off to the Hospital.  In the Operating room, the doctor is already inside and with nurses ready to assist, while Mr. Xi and his son Yo Han wait outside the O.R, the two are really nervous, but they still need to calm their selves. After an hour, the doctor came out from the O.R, she removed her surgical mask “Mr. Xi” “yes?!” the two answered in unison, “may I speak to Mrs. Xi’s husband?” she asked, Yo Han raises his hand “how is she Dr. Wu?” he worriedly asked, Dr. Wu handed her right hand to the worried man “Gong Xi! (Congratulation in Chinese) Mr. Xi, your wife successfully delivered your baby” she smiled Yo Han perks up; he grabbed and shook Dr. Wu’s hands “Xie Xie!” “And it’s a Boy!” Dr. Wu announced, which make the two man surprised, “B-b-boy?” the old man stuttered from shock, Dr. Wu nods “well Mrs. Xi has already been transferred to her Private room, you can see her and meet your baby now, I’ll go to my office now, I’ll just ask the nurse to hand you some forms for you to fill up later.” Dr. Wu excused herself and makes her way to her office leaving the two dumbfounded.At room 365, “this is not what I've expected” the old man said with disappointment, “well what can we do? Take away my son from me?” Mei Liu glared as she cuddles her baby laying beside her “Baba, don’t do this to our son” Yo Han Begged, the old man sighs heavily “I can’t blame you for having a baby boy, but I’m afraid that the Oh family will get disappointed” the old man looked down “well is it important, I don’t really care, you’re the one who sets this agreement without consulting us!” Mei Liu cried out, “I owe them my life! And they are a big help to us, if it wasn’t for them our business would have been bankrupt!” the old man reasoned out “so business is important than your own blood?” Yo Han asked with teary eyes, “It’s not like that son, and what makes you think that I’ll take my own grandson away? I didn’t even planning to abandon my grandson” the couple felt relief from what they’ve heard. The old man went closer to his grandson and slowly carried the baby, “what should we call him?” the old man grinned, Mei Liu cleared her throat “I’ll name him Luhan” the old man just nodded and took a glance to his grandson, “Xi Luhan, welcome to our family” suddenly Mr. Xi’s phone rings, he took it out from his pocket and saw that Mr. Oh is calling, he answered it. “Yeoboseyo ”, “ManShik, w-why did you... you call?” the old man stammered, he’s really nervous to speak “I just call to tell you that our suppliers agree with the deal I made for your restaurant ” “ah.. I-I... I s-see, g-goma-wo” “Yuan are you ok?” “I’m.. well I have something to tell you” “really, well I hope it’s a good news”“n-nae, well my-my, daughter –in-law just gave birth”“well that’s a great news! What’s the name of my granddaughter-in-law?” the old man took another glance to his grandson, *Sorry Luhan* he mentally said  “m style="font-family:'comic sans ms', cursive;font-size:14px;">M-Mei Han” he lied, the couple was surprised, Mei Liu covered her mouth and shook her head, she really can’t accept the fact that her father choose his decision over his son “Congratulation Yuan! I can’t wait to see her after 18 years”“m style="font-family:'comic sans ms', cursive;font-size:14px;">n-nae” “m style="font-family:'comic sans ms', cursive;font-size:14px;">Ok, I’ll hang up now, I’ll just update you other information, bye partner” then Mr. Oh hang up the phone. “Sorry dear, I can’t” the old man put down the baby, “baba, since you lied, how can you face Luhan to them? I understand you’re just doing this for good, but how?” Yo Han is really confused, “Baba, I’m not going to accept this!” Mei Liu mumbled. “I decided to make him disguise as a girl” “NO!” Mei Liu protested,“you may be good to me baba, but I won’t allow it! We’ll raise him as a Normal boy, nothing else”  There might be  some errors in some sentences, Sorry for that.Don't forget to Comment and subscribe :)THANK YOU !!!