The Group Project (1/1)

Menho BamJinTaehyung 13270K 2023-11-02

"Mae, please calm down, its not the end of the world!" Nadia rushed after Mae, papers flying, as she furiously strode away. "Please wait Mae!" She continued to run down the hall, "I promised him." Mae hesitated and slowed down. Nadia huffed and panted, leaning against the wall to catch her breath. She knew Mae would be mad, but not like this. "Mae....stop......please.....let me...explain.." Nadia straightened herself and collected her fallen papers, which had slid out of her folder as she ran. " Its not as bad as it looks..." Mae glared at her and started to speak, " Nadia, WHY, out of all people, WHY him?? Nadia looked down at the floor sheepishly and figeted with her necklace. " You know I don't like him! It's not going to happen. I just won't work with him!" Mae crossed her arms and looked determined and upset. Nadia was thoroughly confused. " Mae, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Jin! You talk to him all the time! And besides, if he is in our group for the Civics project, he could help us with the tech stuff. You know he is good at that." Nadia pointed out. Mae groaned loudly when she realized the situation she was in was unavoidable. "Fine, I'll work with the rich kid. Whyyyy not. This is great. Just great. Its enough that I have to see him every day, but now I have to see him more...."  Mae rolled her eyes at the thought of her group member. Nadia was overjoyed, and lept up to hug Mae. Not expecting the gesture, Mae got startled and gasped. "Thank you Mae!! You have no idea what this means to me!" Nadia skipped away to the lunchroom with her notebook and folder. Mae let out a frustrated breath and walked in the opposite direction. She thought to herself, " I can't believe I'm doing this. More hours with that insolent rich boy because I just had to show Nadia kpop. Ever since then, she's been even more obsessed than I am, even going to such a length as calling Jin oppa and doing aegyo around him... She's just as obsessed with Jin as she is with Bambam...." Mae rolled her eyes at her hyperactive friend. Mae knew that Jin wasn't just in her group because he was tech savvy, yet, she had to give it to Nadia, she would have never guessed she could have gotten him to help with their Civics project. "She's crazy," Mae said under her breath. "Who's crazy?" Kami asked. Mae hadn't seen Kami walk up behind her, and got startled. "Oh, nothing, just Nadia again." Kami grinned. " Oh, did she tell you about our group arrangements?" Kami giggled and shook her head. " You know she's planning something, right?" Mae and Kami walked to their lockers. Mae's eyes widened as she took in the new information. The one earphone she was using to listen to kpop she pulled out of her ear. " What!?! You already know?!?!" Kami put one hand on Mae's shoulder, " Yea..I've known for a week now...But it will be fine, okay? I promise. Kami took her hand off Mae's shoulder to open her locker and took out her lunch. She popped some gum in her mouth, " Come on, lets go, or we'll be late," Kami motioned with her finger towards the lunchroom. Mae put her earbud back in, " Fine, I'll see if this works out. If it doesn't, well, she'll be sorry....." Mae walked away. "It better....." Kami said.