of questions (1/1)

Oh Sehun could be described as many things. Call him cunning and it would be true. Call him narcissist and it would be true too. However, as many adjectives that can describe Sehun's personality, there was one thing you could never call him and that is subtle. Oh Sehun was anything but subtle if that one time when he had told his mother's friend that she looked like a witch with all the makeup she had was anything to go by. And there were many other times that he had bluntly said everything he thought. Whether it was intentional or just plainly the way he has always been, Sehun had never been able to stay subtle in any occasion. It wasn't even that he wasn't able to control it. He just thought that giving your most honest opinion was the best option. That's why now, in that exact moment, there was one flustered Kim Jongin and one curious Oh Sehun together in one room. How they arrived at that point? Let's find out.  ;;; Everything had started innocentely enough. It was just a normal day as every other one. Both Jongin and Sehun were sleeping pacefully since that day was a Saturday and they didn't have any classes to go to. It wasn't until the sun hit directly into Sehun's face that he started to become awake. However, being the lazy ass he was and taking into account it was a holiday, he decided to just move the other way around in bed so he would be facing Jongin's bed and put the blanket over his head to catch some more sleep. As he did so, when he settled down on the other side, he could feel something press against his side that he hadn't felt before since he was too deep into sleep. He cracked an eye open slowly and looked at what was preventing him from moving around too much. Sehun's eyes flew open when he saw who it was that was in his bed. For a moment there, Sehun calmed down and thought that this was just one of his many other dreams involving Jongin. It was such a daily occurence that it wasn't something that should surprise him anymore. He pinched his own arm hard, waiting for the dream to start dissapearing but insted of that he only felt pain. He winced because it actually hurt like a bitch. The realization that came with the pain, though, had Sehun's mind going dumb in an instance. He didn't understand why Jongin would be sleeping in his bed when he was pretty sure they went to sleep in their on beds and as far as Sehun was concerned, he didn't sleepwalk or anything. Speaking of sleepwalking, Sehun guessed that maybe it was Jongin that did it but they have been sleeping in the same room for two weeks and nothing had happened before so it was definitely strange. He looked at Jongin's sleeping face and just admired him for a moment, sleep long forgotten as he found something far more interesting to focus on. Sehun had started plenty of times at Jongin and Sehun had always seen how the other fidgeted slightly whenever he did so, most likely uncorfortable with Sehun's intense stare. Not that it made anything to make Sehun stop. Quite the contrary, Sehun feel delighted to see such reaction from Jongin. Now, as he was face to face with the other guy, Sehun brought his gaze over Jongin's features. Jongin had long eyelashes and really pretty brown eyes that Sehun always found himself looking into whenever Jongin so much turned his attention to him even for a little while. His nose was small and fit perfectly to his face and Sehun had felt the urge to kiss him there more than once as he found it cute when Jongin had his face crounched in annoyance. His lips were plump and pink and so, so inviting. It was hard to control his desire to kiss Jongin whenever the oportunity striked. And Sehun has been having lots of dreams which involved kissing the other. Most of them gave him plenty of relief but sometimes it wasn't enough and he just wanted to capture Jongin's lips between his own and never stop kissing him. Jongin's skin tone was something Sehun loved. The other guy was rather tanned, not so much to be something that stood out but you could see he had a darker tone, especially if compared to Sehun's own. Sehun found it rather attractive, especially since it complement Jongin so well and it didn't make the other uglier in any way but it rather made him more gorgeous in Sehun's eyes. Thinking, Sehun remembered Kris' words from two days before. He really couldn't comprehend how someone as handsome as Jongin hadn't had his first kiss yet. If it had been another first, Sehun would have probably understood, more or less. But kissing was something beyond what Sehun's mind could actually digest. After giving it many thoughts, however, Sehun found the idea of Jongin being pretty much a virgin in all the possible ways rather interesting. He also couldn't help but come up with a pretty amazing idea while having to 'take care' of Jongin, as his brother so nicely had put it. In Sehun's mind, the 'taking care' part went more along the ways of 'naughty' rather than any other nice adjective but no one had to know that, especially not his brother or the ugly deer. And speaking about the ugly deer, Sehun couldn't wait to annoy the other more than he already did. Just when he was about to bring his hand up to carres Jongin's smooth skin (Sehun knew it was, he touched Jongin at every oppotunity he could get), the latter oppened his eyes slowly, having woken up and blinked cutely to get the sleep out of his eyes. Sehun looked at him, all the while feeling the urge to grab Jongin in his arms and smoother him with kisses but he resisted. Jongin wouldn't appreaciate him doing so and Sehun had other plans anyway. 'Good morning.'Upon hearing Sehun's voice, Jongin looked up at the other and his eyes widened before he seemed to come back to his senses and smiled slighty. 'Morning.' Sehun smiled too, enjoying the view of sleepy Jongin. 'How did you arrive in my bed, though? I remember we slept in our own beds.' Jongin seemed to blush slightly at that and Sehun was starting to feel rather uncomfortable and hot under the suffocating wamrth. 'Sorry, I woke up at around three from a nightmare and I didn't want to sleep alone.'If Sehun's desire of smoothering Jongin with kisses had been strong before, now it was rocket high. He resisted to urge to do so, however; every part of his whole body twitching with the force of staying calm and not do anything rash. Over the past few days, they had become pretty good friends. Sehun found out he had a lot in common with Jongin and they seemed to become even closer friends as the days passed. Sehun was beyond happy with their progress as he thought it would take a while for them to get on pretty good terms as Jongin seemed to be rather shy with people he didn't quite know but that didn't happen and Sehun couldn't be more grateful. The fact that they both were almost in every class together except one  (they did the same major but Jongin seemed to have choosen a different optative from Sehun) was also a bonus point as Sehun had plenty of time to get to know Jongin better. While Sehun was in his own thoughts, thinking about their friendship, Jongin kept on looking at Sehun with as much intensity as Sehun normally did. It seemed that Sehun himself noticed as he felt himself being watched and he brought himself out of his dazed state. 'Something wrong?' Sehun's voice snapped Jongin out of his intense stare and the latter blushed at being caught which only brought more joy to Sehun's heart. 'Not really, sorry.'The 'it's okay, you can stare at me all you want' was at the tip of Sehun's tongue but he held it in and instead asked Jongin something else; something he had been planning on asking for a while. 'Hey Jongin.' Said guy looked up at Sehun, cheeks still tinted red and nodded, promting Sehun to go on.'Have you had your first kiss?'Sehun, obviously, knew the answer to that question in particular but he just wanted to see Jongin's reaction when asked directly. The ugly deer and his brother would probably kill him after they even heard of this but Sehun wasn't about to think of the consequences when Jongin, upon hearing Sehun's inquiry, chocked and started coughing right afterwards. His cheeks became reder and spread further until he looked almost like Sehun's red angry bird pajama shirt.It was totally worth it.   ___________________________________________________  hiiii everyone, it's been like ages since i last updated this and i'm really sorry for that but like my inspiration is not with me atm :/ even this, i had written a few months ago but never actually got around to post it so here you go (it's a bit smaller than the other two but bear with me OTL)