Chapter 10 (1/1)
After calling him ten times, I decided to walk to the center. Chanyeol wasn't answering his phone. I walked pass the cafe and after three blocks of walking, I arrived. I went in and was greeted by Joonmyun and the sleeping kids. Joonmyun gestured for me to wait outside. I closed the door behind me. I checked my phone one more time and he didn't even tried to call me back. I heard the door close behind me. "Sorry 'bout that," Joonmyun pulled my wrist towards the bench. "What's with Chanyeol?" I asked immediately. "He said he is suffering from a very painful headache," "He's not even answering my phone," "He told me not to tell you," "Why are you telling me now," "Because he is stupid," Joonmyun smiled. "I kept telling him to tell you but," he took something from his pocket. "Well, it can't be helped right," he gave me a piece of paper. "That's his address." "Thanks, Joonmyun," I stood up. "Anytime, Beautiful," he winked at me. I walked fast and hid my face. I hailed a taxi. The taxi driver seemed to know the place so he drove off. The buildings changed to trees and we went up a hill. There were full of trees and we stopped in front of a big gated mansion. "We're here," the driver turned to me. I looked at him for a while. "Ah, yes," I took my wallet and paid him. I got off and took a look at the big house. A guard asked me what my purpose is. "I'm a... friend of Mr. Park Chanyeol," the guard smiled and opened the gates. I walked in, still not believing that this is where he lives. The guard pointed to the big door of the mansion. I was about to knock when the door suddenly opened. A maid in uniform greeted me and let me in. She took my coat and my bag. Walking on the marble floor felt unnerving. I heard my own footsteps filled the room. The maid followed slowly from my back and gestured me to the left. There was another room. I thought that they only existed in books but this victorian styled house made me feel like I'm inside a castle. A man was reading newspaper while drinking tea from a fancy cup. "Good afternoon, sir," I bowed down. He looked up once then he returned to what he was reading. The maid left. I stood there with my legs numbing. "Take a seat, will you?" The old man's deep aged voice commanded. I did as I told. I sat at the couch across from him. He closed the material and smoked from his tobacco. He blew and the smoke went my way. I closed my nose slightly and he smiled. "You don't smoke do you?" He found it amusing. "Sorry to disappoint, sir, but I don't. Probably I never will," "Here," he offered the brown thick stick. "Try it," I didn't know what happened. Next thing I know, I was holding the filthy thing. I took a deep breath and inhaled from the stick. It burned my throat. My lungs felt the heat and tightened in defense. As soon as I relieved myself, I looked at a laughing old man. I angrily flicked the stick in the ashtray and prepared to leave. I felt someone hold my wrist. The old man looked at me intently. "My son doesn't even try. You made me a happy old man." He smiled widely which resembled a stupid smile I took a liking to. "Mr. Park, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Byun Baekhyun, Chan-Chan- I mean Chanyeol's... very close friend," "Pleasure's all mine," he shook my hand and put his arms around me, leading me to the couch. "Very close friend, huh?" He lit another one of his tobaccos as we sat down. "Yes," "How close?" He asked. He eyed me like I said something wrong. I didn't really know what to say. "Like peanut butter and jelly... I think," "My senses tell me that there is something more to it," "Your senses might be wrong," "Am I?" He winked at me. "Uncle, I-" we both looked where the voice came from. A tall buff wide eyed man stopped from his tracks. He blinked twice. "Taecyeon, kindly bring Mr. Byun here-" "You can call me Baekhyun, sir," "Lead Baekhyun to my idiotic son, please," he pushed my back and I stood up. I looked back at him, earning a smile. It felt like parting from a good friend. The guy bowed down. We walked at the large empty hallways. "I'm Taecyeon, by the way. Chanyeol's cousin," he introduced himself. "I'm Byun Baekhyun," "I know," he smiled at me, his eyes looked like they were smiling too. "I thought it was just rumors," "What do you mean?" "Well, everyone in this house thought that Chanyeol was only making stories up. You're his boyfriend, right?" He said casually. It was awkward to talk a sensitive subject with someone I just met. I hate to deny it. I didn't answer the question nor said anything as we stopped in front of a big door. He knocked twice then opened the door for me, letting me in then closing it. I looked around and saw the whole room was carpeted. There was the big window where all the light was coming from and a king sized bed at thecenter of the room. I saw some movement from the bed. I walked towards it and noticed that someone was actually breathing under those thick blankets. I ran towards the bed and Chanyeol's head popped out. He opened his eyes. "Chanyeol," As if he couldn't believe the situation, he squinted his eyes. "Baek, is that you?" I sat carefully down the bed. I ran my hand through his hair and felt that he was burning up. "You're hot," "Baekhyun, now's not the time you think about dirty things," "I meant literally. You're hot. Why didn't answer my calls?" "My head... it's exploding. I can't breathe..." he closed his eyes. My heart melted. I was furious but seeing him in this state made me feel like crying. I kissed his forehead. The door opened. I looked at who it was and it was his cousin. He was pushing a try with cloths, a bowl of water and something enclosed under the stainless dome I assumed was food. "Maybe you can make him eat. He hadn't eaten all day." I looked at Chanyeol and he avoided my eyes. "Thanks, Taecyeon-ah," "Anytime," Taecyeon left the room. I helped Chanyeol up which revealed his half naked body. "Why're you even naked?" "I was sweating too much," "Why're you wrapped under the covers then?" "It was cold," Better not argue with a sick person. I removed the cover and it revealed a hot steaming soup. I took a spoon. "Baekhyun, that's not the spoon you should use," "I don't have time for you and your fancy utensils, come on." I let him take his time to sip from the spoon. As soon as he swallowed everything came back out. He choked out more fluid which ruined the sheets and my clothes. When he finished expelling the fluids from his empty stomach, he hid his face. I set the bowl aside and took the basin of water and some cloth. I dipped the cloth from the water first then tried to dampen his mouth. He refused and pushed my hand away. "Chanyeol," "Don't. I'm disgusting," "You're stupid,"I tried once again but he fought back. "Chanyeol, what's wrong with you?" "Please leave. I don't want you to see me like this," "Like what exactly? I love you no matter what... remember?!" I shouted. He calmed down. I cleaned him up. "You really are stupid," I wiped his mess down and saw his boxers wet with vomit as well. I looked up at him. "Where is your closet?" He pointed towards a door. "For real?" He nodded. I took off my long sleeved shirt and placed it under the wheeled tray. I took out the first layer of his ruined sheets. I walked towards the door and opened it. It is as big as Yifan's living room. I looked around for a pair of boxers. I opened each drawer and finally found what I was looking for. I came back to his bedside, looking at his weakened state. "Change," I handed him his underwear. "Could you turn around please?" "Oh, right." I turned around. I heard a few shuffling and tugging of the garter. "You can look now," I turned around and he was wrapped under his blankets again. "I think eating is not a good idea," I helped him to lie down and took off his blanket. He cringed from the sudden cold. I dipped a new cloth and removed the excess liquid. I started from his arms. He flinched every time the damp cloth touch his skin but he grew used to it. I put another damp cloth on his forehead and changed it constantly. He fell asleep. Taecyeon came back to check from time to time. I requested for a thermometer and they gave me a digital one. For hours of repetition, I managed to get his fever down to 37.9 degrees. The maids took all of the blankets and replaced it with clean ones. I can't help but stay by his side all the time. "How is he?" Taecyeon materialized to my side. "He's fine now," I said. Chanyeol skin glowed under the light of the fire burning in his own fire place. It was humorous to me that one can get his own but I was thankful since it felt really cozy. "You should get some rest," Taecyeon said. "I'm fine," my stomach grumbled. "Your stomach disagrees," ... I was sitting right across the long table from my boyfriend's father. Taecyeon sat at my left side. I looked at the platter and the banquet of meals. I looked at my own plate which is filled with different kinds of food. I was cautious as to what spoon I should use. "You can use chopsticks," Taecyeon said. I looked at the two stainless stick at the right far side of my plate and took them. I started eating. "How's my son?" Mr. Park asked. "He's better now, sir" I said. "Please, Baekhyun. Drop the 'sir'. I am not your commanding officer. Besides, is that how a lover should address his boyfriend's father? I think not," he put on that playful smile. "And it makes me feel old." I shifted from my seat and pulled the sleeves of the shirt I'm wearing. Chanyeol is tall but I never thought his clothes wouldn't fit me. A butler went to Mr. Park's side and whispered something inaudible. "Baekhyun, I'm afraid I must go." He walked towards me. "I will be flying to Paris by midnight. I'm glad you were able to take care of my mentally unstable son." He patted my shoulder. "It is nice having you here. You should visit more often." He said before leaving the dining room. We finished eating then I ran off to Chanyeol's room. I almost got lost but I managed to open the correct door. He was still sleeping. I stroked his head slightly. I placed a kiss on his forehead and turned to leave. A force pulled me as I toppled on top of him. His eyes opened. He brushed his nose against mine. "Chanyeol," I protested. He put a finger on my lips. He moved his arms down to my lower back. Lower than it should, grabbing my behind. I took his hands and placed it on my back instead. He laughed quietly. I felt something hard on the sheets. Then my phone rang. He looked frustrated. I stood up and took the call. "Hello," "Where are you?" Yifan's irritated voice questioned. "I'll be home," I sighed. I felt Chanyeol enclosed me under the warm comfort of his blankets and pulled me down his bed. I felt something poking me from behind in between his thighs. He started kissing my neck. "You better be," "Bye! S-see you soon," I said then ended the call. I pushed Chanyeol down. "You just got better. You might get sick again," He flipped me over, pinning me down the bed. The door opened which made him collapse down the bed. I stood up and fixed my shirt. Taecyeon cleared his throat. "Sorry for barging in, but uncle just wants to ask if Baekhyun will be staying," "I should be going," I looked at Chanyeol who was now pretending he was sleeping. I kissed him on the forehead and walked off. I stopped on my tracks when someone suddenly hugged me from behind. I turned around and hugged Chanyeol back. "You better get some rest, okay? I'll see you tomorrow." It took some time before he let go. I tucked him in before leaving his room. Taecyeon led the way out. "He's lucky to have you," Taecyeon said. After a treacherous way out of the big house, a maid opened the door and finally we were outside. He led me to a display of several cars. When I say several, I meant rows and rows of vintage and sports cars. He opened the door for me n one of the convertibles. I buckled up then he started the car. The gates opened and Taecyeon drove off to the dark road. He asked me for directions and I told him the way to our house. I told him to stop and he parked in front of the house. "Thank you," "For what?" I asked him. "For taking care of him," "It's nothing. It's not like it's my obligation to do so," I said. I thanked him then got off the car. I went inside the empty house. The lights were off so I went to my directly to my room. I plopped down my bed and took off my shoes. I realized I was still wearing Chanyeol's shirt. I smiled to myself and closed my eyes as I let my mind wander in the realm of the subconscious mind. I dreamt of the blue sky with streaks of white clouds floating. Chanyeol was lying down beside me on a meadow. I didn't want to wake up. ...............................................................................................................................................................Hi everyone! A lazy Sunday afternoon update.Hope you guys like, subscribe, and comment! :D