Words Of Solace (1/1)
Namjoon had never really realized this before, but his Jin could eat quite a lot for someone with such a lean and slim frame.With his elbow propped on the table and his chin resting on his hand, the younger watched with slight amusement how Jin shoved a whole bun into his mouth, cheeks resembling a bloated frog’s while he chewed, already picking through his plate with his chopsticks for a new big bite.“You should start your own little food show.” Namjoon joked with a fond smile.Jin, who had been so engrossed in eating, stopped chewing when Namjoon spoke up and looked at the younger with raised brows. Sudden embarrassment washed over him as he imagined how unattractive and ill-mannered he must have looked like to Namjoon , causing his gaze to drop down in slight shame as a sheepish smile made way on his lips before forcing the food in his mouth down with a deep swallow, grabbing his cup and taking a big gulp of water to help wash it down. Clearing his throat softly, he mumbled a shy, “Sorry.” covering his mouth with the back of his hand as he placed his cup back down.Jin’s reaction made the smile on Namjoon’s face grow more prominent and he couldn’t stop the chuckle at the sheer sweetness. All these new little experiences with Jin felt so surreal but were endearing in every way. Every little thing about the older captivated Namjoon. He’d known him for six years, pretty much observed him all that time, but he found there was still so much to learn about Kim Seokjin. Namjoon had always allowed himself only to watch from afar, to never look deeper in fear of falling harder for the older.But now, Namjoon lifted his chin from his hand and reached over the table to gently pry the hand that was still covering Jin’s mouth away, the older looking back up to meet his soft gaze, letting Namjoon fully intertwine their fingers as he rested them on the tabletop between them. The gesture had Jin startled at the unashamed little display of affection while they were sitting outside a little restaurant, but Jin didn’t let his eyes stray to check his surrounds for any watchful eyes. Instead he found himself entranced by Namjoon’s gentle gaze, wishing he could read the younger’s mind and decipher the true meaning of the feelings behind it.“You have a little something on your face.” Namjoon noted after a while, breaking the small pleasant silence by standing up to move his chair around the table, coming to sit next to Jin without letting go of the hand he was still holding.“Really? Where?” Jin asked a little surprised at the sudden shift, using his free hand to quickly wipe at his mouth before Namjoon got any closer, feeling his own cheeks heat up at the thought of his pretty image being blemished.Namjoon picked up a napkin and turned back to Jin, feeling the other’s embarrassment by the way he avoided eye-contact, “Right…” he began, lifting the napkin while leaning in. “Here.” He finished, suddenly lowering his outstretched hand and sneaking a soft kiss to the corner of Jin’s mouth.Jin’s heart leaped at the unexpected act, eyes growing slightly wide in momentary shock. But before he could act on it, Namjoon had already pulled away, sitting back with his smile still intact.“We’re in public.” Jin stated lamely, for it was all his mind could comprehend in its current state, even if that was the least of his worries. He didn’t know how comfortable Namjoon was about this, since they were sitting out in broad daylight with people constantly walking past them on their daily stroll through the busy streets of Seoul.But Jin’s little warning only made the smile on Namjoon’s face turned into a playful grin, putting his beautiful dimples that Jin loved on full display. “I know.”Jin didn’t know why, but he smiled. Really smiled as he saw the carefree look on Namjoon’s face that seemed to be contagious. It was something he’s been doing a lot lately in Namjoon’s presence. Yes, Jin had doubts, and yes he questioned how long his luck would last with Namjoon before it ran out, but for the moment he was happy.For the first time, he really felt content with his life.“You’re unbelievable.” Jin muttered, dropping his shy gaze back down again, starring at their hands and admiring the pretty picture their laced fingers made and how perfectly warm and safe Namjoon’s hand felt snug around his. “It’s just like you to have no shame.”“Shame of what? Being seen with you?” Namjoon asked, but the teasing smile he held slowly vanished as he witnessed how Jin’s expression seemed to have saddened a tad bit at his words. At first he was worried he had offended Jin, but the more he thought about it the quicker it dawned on him. “Is that asshole ashamed of you?” Namjoon asked lowly, feeling every thought in him darkening. He couldn’t believe it. His deep hatred for that man kept increasing and Namjoon could just feel the sudden anger boiling in him like a ticking time bomb. He wanted to pummel the guy to clear oblivion. But a haunting reminder kept mocking Namjoon that he hadn’t been any better.Jin didn’t appreciate Namjoon referring to him as an ‘asshole’, that’s why he found himself making up excuses for him. “He isn’t, I swear.” He should have left it at that, but the slight anxiety he felt every time they talked about him was back, and Jin just couldn’t seem to shut up. “His company status is important, along with the press and-”Namjoon slowly shook his head the more he listened to Jin, eyebrows scrunched in confusion but he knew he had pretty much understood all too well. “Wait, wait, wait.” He interrupted hastily, causing Jin to stop mid-sentence as he looked back at Namjoon with clear unease in his eyes. “So you’re saying he could lose his reputation if the press ever caught wind about you?”Jin stayed silent but eventually nodded timidly. He didn’t know how to feel about the fact that Namjoon knew. It had him feeling like one of those pathetic little mistresses that rich men kept for their own leisurely time just because they weren’t happy with their arranged wives. But his boyfriend Junseo truly did care for him, and even if Jin felt like he was abusing his kindness at times, he couldn’t deny that he cared about him just the same.“You don’t deserve this, Jin.” Namjoon couldn’t accept that fate. “You deserve being recognized, to be admired by many. Your pretty little face deserves recognition.” He delicately traced his fingertips from his prominent cheekbone down to his sharp jaw, Namjoon’s eyes following the movement of his hand with a hint of a delicate smile ghosting across his lips. “And especially for this gentle heart and amazing talent hidden within.” Fingertips having moved down to poke softly at the spot just above Jin’s heart before up to lightly tickle at his Adams apple. Even though Jin could feel a familiar sting of tears at witnessing the loving tint in Namjoon’s eyes and gesture, he couldn’t stop the soft grateful smile from pulling up the corners of his lips as he chuckled lightly. His true insecurity had been touched, the fear of never being appreciated to his full extent having pushed him down for so long now. To think Namjoon would the first to ease his heart after everything they’ve been through.Namjoon huffed a laugh along with Jin and muttered, “God, how embarrassing. I’m sorry.”Jin knew what Namjoon had said had taken a lot out of the younger, it forcing him out of his comfort zone. But it meant so much to him, that’s why he found himself saying, “Please don’t apologize. It makes it seem like you regret your words.”“Never.” Namjoon answered instantly, “I meant every word.”And neither could look away, eyes locked as a small silence seemed to stretch the air between them. It was a different means of communication, one that didn’t involve talking but simply conveying ones feelings through their look alone. They shared many such looks, but only because they couldn’t help constantly appreciate each other because both could only dream of this moment before.It had Namjoon promising to himself not to dwell on his ignorance of the past, but to make up for it and be as deserving as best as he can of Jin. He couldn’t deny the obvious worries he had, but he had realized that with Jin everything, along with his constant anger, were easier to bear as long as the older was there to keep him leverage.Jin wasn’t any different, having held on for so long, even if his love towards Namjoon had seemed pointless at times. He had never given up.All these years he selfishly stayed by Namjoon’s side with the excuse of the recordings, and Namjoon had done exactly the same.“Tonight is the Fireworks Festival.” Jin didn’t know why he had started pointing it out now, but he had been debating on going for almost two weeks now if he should go. Looking at Namjoon with the image of them huddled together under flashing lights had him hoping to get the younger to go.“And you’re going?” Namjoon had heard of the fireworks festival and he knew that it was coming sometime soon, but that it was today was kind of a surprise.Jin nodded in affirmation, “Yeah. Jimin had the idea, and Taehyung is coming too,” he could see Namjoon listening carefully and it had Jin feeling a little hesitant as he guiltily added, “…but so is Hoseok.” Jin only felt guilty, because he knew that things between them weren’t so great right now, yet he was still going to ask him to come. “And I know it’s selfish of me to ask you this, but I really want to be there with you.”Namjoon had told Jin about his quarrel with Hoseok and had trusted him with the full truth, which had been a little difficult for Namjoon knew he carried fault in their argument. But Jin had been understanding and not as judgmental as he had first thought he would, even though he should have known better than to think Jin would hold this against him.And even though Jin did not agree with the way Namjoon had handled the situation between him and Hoseok, he still felt understanding because he knew that deep down Namjoon wanted to apologize to friend but was way too stubborn and hardheaded to make the first step himself. Jin had tried to talk to Namjoon about apologizing, had tried to explain it from his point of view and the way it must have made Hoseok feel, but it only made Namjoon more defiant to see Jin leaning more onto Hoseok’s side in this argument, it obviously upsetting him more.Now wasn’t any different. Jin could see the slight disappointment in Namjoon’s face, the way his smile had gradually dropped into a blank line as he stared back at Jin with an expression suddenly devoid of any emotion, slowly letting go of the hand he was still holding.“You know that I’d rather not want to be in the same space as him right now, and you using the excuse of wanting to be there with me is something I wouldn’t have expected from you.” Namjoon knew the last part had been unnecessary, but he couldn’t help but feel bitter about the fact that Jin thought he could use that against him. He loved Jin, so much, but it just didn’t sit well with him.“Namjoon, it’s not an excuse. Is it so hard for you to believe that I want to maybe experience this event with the people closest to me, you being one of them?” Namjoon’s words had hurt, but Jin knew him to well to start an argument with him about it. He knew Namjoon was a little prideful and that it irked him when things didn’t go the way he liked. Jin accepted this, because he knew Namjoon didn’t mean to do it intentionally. Namjoon dropped Jin’s gaze, already feeling the dreaded guilt seep through him even if he did his best to hide it. It was hard fighting this possessive side of him, especially when it involved Jin. He didn’t want to act cold against the other, especially now when he had been nothing but gentle. He tried his best to push down his annoyance, since he wasn’t annoyed at Jin, but at the fact that he’d have to share him tonight, and he wasn’t quite ready for that yet. “Then let’s go. Just you and me.”“Namjoon-ah.” Jin pleaded softly, and Namjoon disliked it when the older used his name in that way. “You know I would love to, but they’re my friends and I can’t just decline their offer and show up with you instead. Please, join me and I’ll promise it will be fun for the both of us.”It was hard trying to resist Jin, because in the end all Namjoon wanted was for the older to be happy. But the problem was, Namjoon hated being pulled into situations he felt uncomfortable with, and so he tended to put himself first at minor times like these. “Jin, I…won’t come if he’s there.”He would have expected Jin to be angry or annoyed, for any other person would be in Jin’s situation, but Namjoon saw nothing but concern in Jin’s eyes. “He’s your best friend. You miss him, you know you do.” Jin felt the need to press further. He knew this behavior would end up hurting Namjoon in the end if he kept blocking people out the way he did, and Jin didn’t want to see that happen.Of course Namjoon knew that, but it only made the matter worse because it made him feel so fucking weak. “You make it sound like I haven’t seen him in ages.”“It’s been over a week now. That’s long enough.” Jin argued back, eyebrows slightly furrowed with impatience.Namjoon didn’t want to talk about this any longer. “I won’t go, so can we drop this now? I really don’t want this getting in the way of you and me enjoying ourselves today. I’m begging you, Jin.” He hated using this stern tone with Jin, because he knew he wanted to help, but that was the point. He didn’t want help, he just wanted to spend time with Jin right now and nothing else.Jin could feel his heart sting at Namjoon’s dismissive words but he swallowed it down and sighed. At one point Namjoon was right, he didn’t want to start an unnecessary argument about something that didn’t even involve them to begin with. “I’m sorry. I got way ahead of myself and overreacted.”Namjoon’s gaze softened and he placed his hand to Jin’s cheeks, rubbing his thumb in a soothing motion along his skin in reassurance. “Don’t be, we both know it’s my fault.”Jin was about to protest, but Namjoon leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his lips made him halt his words, because it suddenly didn’t matter anymore who had started what. The simplicity of feeling Namjoon’s comforting warmth was enough to have him forgive.“I love you.” Namjoon said earnestly, eyes boring into Jin’s with such care.Jin rested his forehead against his and smiled gently in contrast with his heart clenching and thrumming. Hearing those meaningful words coming from Namjoon was still something he had to get used to, but was something he treasured nonetheless. “I love you too.” *** “It’s so packed here. I love it!” Jimin exclaimed with enthusiasm once they made it out of Yeouido station through the mass of people, feeling especially excited this late afternoon. “Tae, I can’t believe were actually doing this again after having talked about it for two years!”“Yeah, we as in you and I, but you had to bring him along.” Taehyung grumbled, throwing an annoyed look at Hoseok.Taehyung had felt excited when Jimin had first voiced the idea of going, having looked forward to some quality time with his best friend, but he should have known that he was going to end up being the third wheel. There was no longer a Jimin without Hoseok.He still had no idea what he thought of the older since his personal first impression of him had been bad. And if he were honest, he wasn’t really trying to be nice to Hoseok and understand him even if the older was trying his best to get on his good side.But when he wasn’t hurting his Jimin, he really made him happy, so he tried to get along. Though Taehyung would have never pegged Jimin to ever be this hung up on a guy, but here he was clutching onto Hoseok hand like a lifeline while sticking to his side like glue.The Jimin he knew for almost four years was playful by nature and usually an awful tease when it came to his partners. But if Taehyung actually really thought about it, he had never really seen Jimin in a serious relationship before since their own relationship had been far from serious years back.“Don’t start, Taehyung.” Jimin warned with a sigh, giving Hoseok an apologetic look but the older gave him a kiss on the cheek in reassurance.Taehyung couldn’t keep from rolling his eyes at Jimin’s warning and the god-awful cheesy move from Hoseok that had Jimin smiling like an idiot. But for some stupid unknown reason he felt his own insides clench a little at the sight. He had to admit, he felt like he was missing out on something. And the worst part was he actually knew what he was missing out on.But he kept telling himself that this was the Seoul International Fireworks Festival. Moping around alone in their dorm would have surely made him go insane sooner or later, so he had accepted Jimin’s offer. Plus, he’d been wanting to go to the Fireworks Festival again, having gone with Jimin three years ago for the very first time had been an experience he wanted to relive again. “I’ve actually never been to the Fireworks Festival before.” Hoseok confessed, bringing Taehyung out of his thoughts and making Jimin’s eyes grow wide instantly.“Are you serious!? You’ve been living in Seoul for much longer than I have and you’re telling me that this is your fist time watching the fireworks?”Hoseok shrugged with a soft little smile at Jimin’s disbelief, “I’ve seen them from afar, but I’ve never really made the effort to actually go and watch them from the very beginning.”Jimin’s own face broke out into his trademark eye smile, “So you’ll get to experience them with me, hyung.”By the stupid look they were giving each other, Taehyung secretly wondered why they hadn’t knocked into someone yet. He could already tell this was going to be a long night and maybe he did wish he had stayed back at the dorm. It would have at least spared him the feeling of being forever alone. Who was he kidding, no matter where he was he would always feel alone. He had hated commitments from the start but a certain someone had given him the slight longing to have one.Aish jinja! Not this again, Taehyung thought bitterly as he quickly dismissed that pervious thought, concentrating on where Jimin was leading them, otherwise he would be the one knocking people over.“Ah, there he is!”Jimin’s sudden outburst had Taehyung peering over his friends shoulder in a flash, having felt the sudden increase of his heartbeat the minute he pictured who it was. It was him, he could sense it-Jin waved at them from his spot, heading in their direction to meet them half way.It wasn’t him. The harsh realization dawned on him and Taehyung could feel the heart wrenching disappointment seep deep into his bones, his feet gradually slowing their pace when he felt the reality of it all sink in. He wasn’t here, and why should he be? What reason would he have to show up? He didn’t even have the decency to answer his last text and Taehyung asked himself why he still hoped when it had been him who had broken off things between them. He obviously didn’t care and Taehyung couldn’t understand why that wouldn’t settle through his thick skull because the younger had given plenty of signs of wanting to be left alone by him.“Jin hyung! Annyeong haseyo.” Jimin greeted when they finally reached each other. “Annyeong, Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah.” His eyes shift to Hoseok, not missing the protective hold he had on Jimin’s hand, causing his smile to soften. “Hoseok-ah, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”“Since the gig.” Hoseok answered with a nod, returning Jin’s smile with a sincere one of his own. He was glad to see Jin again, and even though they weren’t particularly close, Jin was still one of the people whose presence he enjoyed the most, especially during recordings where they spent most of their time talking. “You haven’t been to the studio at all lately“Work has been cramming my schedule a lot.” Jin answered, gaze turning to Jimin and Taehyung. “Especially when I have to deal with many students like these two all day raking on my last nerve.” A simultaneous ‘Hey!’ was heard from the two said students, causing Hoseok to chuckle and Jin to ignore the two as he continued to speak to Hoseok, “Do you guys still preform though?”“From time to time. But lately Namjoon and Yoongi have taken on preforming on their own. Yoongi’s on stage almost every other week.”Jin didn’t know why, but this new information had his eyebrows furrowing in confusion but also because he felt slightly worried. Even Jimin’s ears had started to perk up with new interest while Taehyung had stopped listening and was staring at no spot in particular, watching the many people mill by. “That isn’t his usual behavior is it?”Though Hoseok agreed with Jin, he still felt unsure about it because he knew how much Yoongi loved his music, “Yoongi was born for the stage, it doesn’t really surprise me.” But on second thought he added, “He has been acting strange lately, but I’m guessing that’s only because he’s angry at me personally.”Jimin, who had only been quietly listening, couldn’t help but look back at Hoseok with a frown, “I knew there was more behind your argument with Yoongi that you aren’t telling me. It explains why you kept avoiding the recording studio this past week. ““You know I don’t want you to unnecessarily worry about me. It’s really not that big of a deal, I promise.” Hoseok tried to sooth Jimin’s obvious unease, his voice laced with unmistakable care.It was sad for Jin to watch, because he knew better than it not being a big deal since he knew the truth. It was obvious that Hoseok didn’t want to burden Jimin and the obvious worry in Hoseok eyes was very unsettling to him. He could imagine how hard it must be for Hoseok to deal with two of his closest friends siding against him when he clearly had done nothing wrong. It always left a bitter taste in Jin’s mouth at how unfair their behavior towards Hoseok was, because the latter didn’t know the true meaning to why Namjoon and Yoongi seemed to treat him that way.Jin could tell the younger had a lot to say, but thought better of it as he dropped Hoseok gaze with a silent ‘okay’ before letting go of his hand to turn to a rarely silent Taehyung before latching onto his shoulder, dragging him along.Hoseok looked after Jimin a little torn as he heaved a small defeated sigh. When he looked back he was a little startled to realize Jin had witnessed that little display and tried to play it off with one of his winning smiles, “Come on, hyung, or we’ll lose them.”Jin didn’t know what was worse, Hoseok’s friends neglecting him or the obvious tension between him and Jimin. He didn’t know anything about their relationship, but he it had felt so strange to have watched their mood switch so suddenly. They had seemed fine when he just arrived, but now a single switch in conversation had seemed to cause a huge rift between them. Even though it was none of his business, he felt for them in a way he couldn’t explain. Every word and every move seemed so fragile between them.He came to join Hoseok as they walked a short distance behind the other two, keeping an eye on them as to not lose sight. “I know you lied.” Jin spoke up softly, loud enough to hear through the bustling crowd but not enough for Taehyung and Jimin to catch ear of it. He couldn’t shake the feeling, and Jin couldn’t help but want to talk to Hoseok about it. He cared about Hoseok, having known him for so long. Their friendship wasn’t anything big, but it had felt so light and natural from the start.He seemed to have pulled Hoseok out of thought for the latter looked at him with a formal, “Pardon?”Jin could tell Hoseok knew what he had said, but was hoping he had meant something else. “You lied to Jimin about Yoongi, and I know that because you and Namjoon aren’t on good terms either.”Hoseok turned his gaze ahead of them and away from Jin’s, a similar look to Namjoon’s crossed Hoseok’s face, “Did Namjoon tell you or how do you know?”“He told me.” Jin confessed. He didn’t plan on keeping it in the dark.“What about it then?”He had never heard Hoseok speak in such an indifferent tone before and it had Jin feeling slightly intimidated. He was used to an always friendly Hoseok’s laughing about everyone and everything. But never have they ever talked about something as serious as this, so it was no surprise. “I’m just wondering why you won’t talk to Jimin about it, it would definitely help you than keeping it bottled up. Unless you think it’s none of Jimin’s business to know then I guess I’ll understand.”“I trust Jimin more than I trust myself if that’s what you’re trying to insinuate. It’s just…” Hoseok felt himself pause, his annoyance started to crumble the harder he thought about it. He bit down on his lip, the oncoming emotions he had successfully pushed down for a while now slowly started to creep their way into his chest. He didn’t talk about it, which helped, but having someone’s concern other than Jimin’s being trained on him felt like such a relief. “…we have enough concerns as it is. I don’t want to add my personal problems to the mix.”Jin didn’t know what Hoseok was talking about, it clearly going much deeper than the younger was willing to admit. “Is everything okay?”Hoseok didn’t know the answer. “Barely.” He cared so deeply for Jimin in a way that still scared him at times. “I feel like I’m always on edge, afraid to make one wrong step that could risk another misunderstanding between us. I almost lost Jimin twice.” He knew if anything ever happened again, Jimin wouldn’t be as gracious anymore and take him back. Jimin had been way too patient for that.The way it sounded to Jin, it all felt strangely one sided. “Is Jimin being too hard on you?”He didn’t expect a frustrated look to cross Hoseok’s features, “No, not at all and it kills me to see how much I actually hurt him when all he really wants is to be with me. I keep messing up, hyung.” Hoseok looked up at Jin, “I know how I feel and I know exactly what I want, but I’m just too afraid to obtain it.”“This is all new to you. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you need time too.” Jin tried to reason, but his words felt useless when Hoseok just shook his head.“It’s been five months.”It had Jin at a loss. If it’s been this long then why was he holding back? “Then what are you so afraid to admit?” Jin followed Hoseok’s gaze, and it was no surprise that it fell on Jimin. The frustration was gone, replaced by something aching to longing.“I’ve know this for a long while now.” Hoseok began, digging his hands into his jacket pockets. “And what took me this long to admit, is that I love Jimin.” Hoseok dropped his gaze to the ground, his shoulders slightly hunched at having finally voiced it out loud. “But with me it’s just not that simple. I’ve suddenly gotten the feeling that if I can openly say I love someone, it holds no real meaning.”“What are you saying, Hoseok-ah?” Jin had been listening so intently, wondering how Hoseok could possibly think that way, the situation itself seeming to burden him a lot more than Jin had originally thought. “Loving someone doesn’t hold no meaning, it holds every meaning.”Hoseok audibly sighs, raking a hand through his hair. “But I’ve been mistaken about it so many times before. I don’t want this to be another delusion made up by my mind just because Jimin makes me momentarily happy.”“If you can compare your feelings for Jimin to all your other previous girlfriends, than maybe it really is a delusion of yours. But think about all the things that make Jimin special in your eyes and then try thinking if it’s worth holding onto. Because you falling for Jimin even if he is man, is enough of an answer to me.”Jin has never seen a case quite like Hoseok’s before. It amazed him that someone could feel so strongly for solely one person he had never imagined he could love because they were the same gender. Jin could never imagine himself loving a woman as much as he loved a man and maybe he wasn’t the right example for this, but it certainly held the same meaning. Jin knew Hoseok wasn’t gay for he would have caught onto it a lot sooner if he were, just like Jin had always known Namjoon was, even if he had doubted it at times.“You should tell him. Maybe not today, but I’d advise you to soon.” *** “Hey, Tae.”Taehyung averted his gaze from the water back towards Jimin at the mention of his name, smiling in reassurance when he saw the worried looked on the other’s face. “Yeah?”Both stood by the railings overlooking the Han River, the sun surely starting to set as the Fireworks show was only two hours away. Jin and Hoseok had left fifteen minutes ago to head to the nearest food stand to grab them a bite to eat, leaving the two youngest to some quality time while they reserved the spot they stood on. “You haven’t said all too much ever since we got here.” Jimin said with a little frown, running a comforting hand over the back of Taehyung’s head down to his nape before slipping it around his waist, leaning his head sideways against Taehyung’s shoulder. “I’m always here for you, even if it’s not as much as before, but I just want you to know that you’re not alone. Okay?”Taehyung had truly missed this. And while his heart felt so heavy, he knew he needed his friend the most to console him, because Jimin had always been there when even Taehyung felt himself being down. He had never doubted him but it felt nice to hear those words voiced out loud, sending a huge surge of comfort through Taehyung that only Jimin could provide. It had him genuinely smiling to himself, even if it felt a little sad.“I know, Jiminie. Thank you.” Taehyung answered softly, leaning his own head against the top of Jimin’s, both falling into tranquil silence as they watched the warm colors of the sunset dance across the water while they enjoyed each other’s warmth.Jimin knew what was weighing on his friends mind. He didn’t want to question him about it, afraid it would hurt him. But it was moments like these that Jimin wished he could reach out to Taehyung, but he felt clueless on what to do. The only helpful thing he could do was be there, and wait. “I remember the last time we watched the fireworks together. We had just become friends, do you remember?” He recalled lightening the mood, having to smile to himself at the memory.“We were a little more than friends, Jiminie.” Taehyung answered with a little smile of his own, his own mind reverting back to better times spent with his best friend.Jimin rolled his eyes, “I know, but that’s not the point. The point is that I’ve never felt so accepted by anyone before. I owe you so much, Tae.”Taehyung lifted his head from Jimin and looked down at Jimin, “You owe me nothing, Jiminie. You know I would do it all again in a heartbeat, that’s what friends are for, isn’t it?”Jimin snuggled his cheek closer into Taehyung’s shoulder, “Hmm.” He hummed in agreement. “If Hoseok ever really breaks my heart, you’ll be there in a heartbeat too, won’t you?”Taehyung didn’t hesitate in the slightest as he said, “Of course. But that won’t happen.”Jimin had almost overheard Taehyung’s words, too deep in his own musing while snuggled against his friend’s warmth and comforting words. But he hadn’t overheard them, having him suddenly lifting his head from Taehyung’s shoulder as he stared up at the taller male in slight disbelieve, just to make sure he wasn’t actually kidding but Taehyung’s face was dead serious. “What…do you mean it won’t happen?”“I might be a little hard on Hoseok at times, but he obviously loves you, Jiminie.” He didn’t really trust Hoseok with Jimin, but that much was clear when it came to the older.Jimin didn’t know where this was suddenly coming from and it left him speechless for a moment. He knew Hoseok cared about him a lot, but that he actually loved him seemed a little farfetched. He didn’t correct Taehyung though, for he didn’t want to start this conversation. Jimin was tired of raking his mind about this subject. It only left him depressed because he himself was in the clear about his feelings. Hoseok had never loved a man, and that was okay. Jimin didn’t want to think too much into all of this. He just wanted to be by Hoseok’s side. Nothing else mattered, and he was tired of every little thing getting in the way, so he’s come to the conclusion to just not care anymore. As long as Hoseok gave him the impression he loved him, that would enough for Jimin. Words were just words anyway, they didn’t mean much. Well, that’s what Jimin was trying to tell himself.So Jimin simply just forced a smile for Taehyung. He was about to open his mouth to lie, but something just a few feet infront of him caught his attention and he felt his smile becoming a lot more genuine. “Tae, you wait here. I just spotted Hoseok and Seokjin. I’ll quickly head over to them and show them where we are.”Taehyung barely got an ‘okay’ out before Jimin turned around and slipped through the crowd, leaving him a little confused and alone. He lightly shook his head and looked back out at the Han River again, waiting for them to return. His mind drifted back to just a mere second ago and he could have sworn Jimin had looked in the other direction than he had run off to. Why say he saw Hoseok and Seokjin and then just randomly turn around. Did he have eyes in the back of his skull?Suddenly, Taehyung’s eyes grew wide and he himself quickly whirled around, just to come face to face with an all too familiar figure. It had him jumping a step back against the railings, not being able to control his eyes from greedily taking in his glorious form, from his perfect raven head of hair to his red ankle sneaker clad feet, roaming back up to lock with the youngers dark orbs. He loved his eyes the most. They were the only feature that still stayed faithful to his youthful age compared to the rest of his body because of their unusual doe shape, even if they held the look of an old man instead.“Jungkook-ah.” He breathed.Jungkook stood naturally tall, hands buried in the pockets of his dark hoodie, strong legs standing tall in those tight black pants and Taehyung could have sworn the younger has grown in the short time they were apart. Crazy, that after everything he had put himself through, Taehyung could still feel his traitorous heart automatically begin to beat harshly for the younger as it recognized the deep longing that had been coursing through him ever since that night at Jungkook’s house.He had undeniably missed his Kookie.“Hyung.”It was like time stood still for Taehyung when he heard the younger’s voice, feeling himself crumble at the strong hold it had on him while he waited for the younger to continue with an anxious heart.“Will you watch the fireworks with me?” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Fireworks Festival always reminds me of the drama Pinocchio, that part was so sad :(So, I'm guessing this is a filler chapter and there will be a continuation of it. Can't promise it will be soon though, I'm so sorry T T Wow, I can't believe I reached over 300 subs, I feel truely blessed by you guys <3 I hope to write better chapters than this one in the near future to really make it up to you. Thank you so much for still subscribing and commenting and voting, it really pushes me not to give up. Even though my updates are slow you can still count on one. Is it weird if i say, I really love you all? Thank you again!