Vacation. (1/1)
Chanyeol had several friends who were from China. As a group, they would often go back to visit their home country, and invite some of their other friends to come along. Emma saw it as a great opprutunity for all of them to go on a little trip together. Emma was good at hanging out with the guys so it didn't matter if she went. Any trip always excited Emma, especially to a place she had never been. Chanyeol had been to China before, so he would enjoy taking Emma around and watching her reactions to things like the Great wall and Forebidden city and other amusments in Beijing. As soon as they booked everything, Emma started packing for a weeks worth of stuff as soon as they got the go-ahead. Chanyeol had been feeling better, and he was also excited to just go and be with his friends and girlfriend. Since Emma had never been to China, just staring out the taxi window on the way to the hotel was plenty exciting for her. Looking at all the buildings, people, shops, street stalls, and overall atmosphere made her very eager to go out and explore. When they got to the hotel, she had turned into a 6 year old kid again. She ran out, lugging her bags with her, and ran up to the desk to get the key, leaving Chanyeol behind. As soon as she got into the hotel room, she flopped onto the bed and just laid there with a content smile on her face. Chanyeol finally caught up to her and flopped down on the bed next to her."Well thanks for waiting....""Sorry!...I'm just so excited! I can't believe I'm here.""Yeah...It's nice." Emma swatted him on the chest with her arm, glaring at him."Excuse you! I've never been here before, so I think it's amazing." Chanyeol rolled over on top of her pinning her hands above her head and giving her a peck on the lips."I'm sorry.... Will you forgive me? He gave her a little puppy pout with sad eyes trying to win her approval."If you get off me then I will.""Nooo I like being up here.""You're crushing me..." He leaned down to give her another kiss, but this one was longer. They both jumped out of their skins when they heard a voice in the door way. Tao popped his head into their room and grabbed the door."OH MY GOD YOU GUYS. CLOSE YOUR DOOR."He slammed it shut, leaving them there awkwardly silient. "Close the door next time Chanyeol, we don't need to put a show on for the whole hotel."He was still on top of her, pressing his weight down on her and gave her a sly smile. "Chanyeol no. Not here, this is a hotel room...""Yeah and??""Its gross, and Tao thinks we're gonna do it...""As long as he thinks it." Wow, this kid. Just didn't know when to let up. He began kissing her neck feverishly and grinding himself against her, leaving her breathless and wanting more. It was cold there, so they got under the covers and resumed. "Eww, I'm not sharing a bed with Lay.""Nobody wants to share a bed with you either Baekhyun.""You keep trying to bite my neck, it's not funny.""Yeah it is." Kris rolled his eyes and tried to shoo them out."Well that sucks for you guys then, Tao's in this room and Luhan and Xiumin are in the other room. So figure it out yourselves." A banging noise that sounded like a hammer began crashing against the wall on the other side where their headboard was."What's that noise?""Is it the shower?""No, I hear a banging noise, do you here it Lay?""Yeah, it's next door, I think their re-doing the room." Kris raised his eyebrows, "Really? I thought Chanyeol and Emma were in that ro--"He stopped and blankly looked at the other two. It was exactly how it sounded."Oh....umm.... well then..... wow.""Haha, good luck sleeping tonight." Baekhyun ran up to the wall where the banging was coming from and enclosed his mouth around his hands up against it, yelling at the top of his lungs."GET SOME CHANYEOL. YEEEEAAAA." Emma woke up early the next morning to get ready for the day. She had never been to the forbidden city before, she'd only seen it in the pictures. She got herself ready and went down to the lobby to get some breakfast and bring it back up. Chanyeol was still waking up slowly. While he was washing his face, he coughed into his hand and saw a bit of blood traced in his phlem. Damn it. He heard the door swing open and quickly washed his hand under the faucet."Good morning love!"She walked over to him while he was wipping his face with a towel and handed him a coffee with bacon, eggs, and little pasteries. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and giggled."Your face feels smooth!" Chanyeol looked down at the plate he handed her, and winced at it. It didn't look appatizing to him at all."Uhh, I think I'll pass.""What? We're going to be walking around alot, you need your energy!" The last thing Chanyeol wanted to do was worry her, so for her piece of mind, he ate a muffin and some eggs.* "Whoaaaa!!"Emma's breath was completely taken away when she looked up at the structure. Chanyeol was busy taking photos with his camera, admiring the scene before him. He called Emma over to where he was, and had Kris take a photo of them both in front of the building. Emma tried to rub her arms closer to her, it was pretty chilly outside. Chanyeol saw and pulled her closer into him, trying to warm her up. Lay passed by them rolling his eyes."Okay okay we get it already. Get a room.""Ignore him, he's jealous." Chanyeol whispered in her ear."I heard that." They walked up closer the the magnificent structure to take a better look. The others had been here numerous times already, but Emma was adament to get closer and took Chanyeol by the hand to go up the stairs. Maybe it was was the cold, but the wind was starting to make Chanyeol a bit dizzy."You okay?""Yeah! I feel fine!""Let's sit over there for a bit." It was probably just the wind, it's all in my head, Chanyeol thought to himself. They enjoyed the rest of their day, walking around the streets, and going into shops, and seeing other sights together."We should go back to the hotel and rest for a bit.""Yeah, I'm feeling kinda tired. Lets go."It was 3:00 PM, and they left the others to go back to the hotel. The taxi dropped them off in front of the main entrance, and Chanyeol had a dazed look on his face. "Chanyeol? What's wrong?""Nothing! I'm fine, come help me." Emma helped her boyfriend up out of the taxi and leaned a bit against her. Once they got into the lobby, Chanyeol stopped and dropped to the floor. Emma bent down to try and help him back up but he had passed out. She went into panic mode. She grabbed his face in her hands and begin slapping him.""Chanyeol?! Hello?? Chanyeol wake up!! Hello?!" It felt like she was dreaming, like this wasn't actually happening. He looked very pale and his skin was ice cold. When she opened his eyelids, she saw his pupils were dilated."SOMEONE CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE." The people behind the front desk saw what was going on and called the emergancy number. A few of the staff members rushed over to him, trying to make him regain consciousness. Emma didn't cry, or say anything. She couldn't. All of the sounds she wanted to make were stuck in her throat. She continued slapping his face harder and harder, and passer-bys stopped to look and see what was happening. A bell hopper tried to pull Emma off of Chanyeol because she was slapping him too hard. Slapping wasn't going to make him wake up any faster. She felt frozen and helpless, she watched someone trying to pump his chest with their hands but it didn't work. An ambulence and emergancy team showed up just as the others showed up to the hotel. Everyone was confused until they saw Chanyeol being strapped into a gurney and put in the back of the ambulance. Emma followed and was about to go in when Kris ran up to her."Emma? What's going on? Where are you going?" Emma's entire life was focused on Chanyeol right now. She didn't even hear Kris ask her. She got into the back and waitied until they got to the hospital. She felt a tear run down as she looked at her boyfriends face attached to an oxygen mask. I'll be fine. Why didn't he tell her anything? Why did he just lie to her? He knew very well she would want to know. Emma felt her sense of fear diminish into furry.* Chanyeol opened his eyes slightly, only to be stabbed with a blinding white light. He had been out for 3 hours. Not bad, according to the doctors, but that fact that he passed out was serious. He tried his best to sit up in bed but heard a sharp voice snap at him."Don't even. Lie back down." He whipped his head to the right to see his girlfriend lying sideways on a plush armchair. Glaring at him. It was obvious she wasn't pleased. There were visible stains on her cheeks from tears that had been dropped hours before."You lied to me.""No I didn't! I swear, I was feeling fine...""Then why did you faint?" Chanyeol stayed silent for a minuet, just looking down at his hands in silence, she continued staring at him waiting for an answer. There was a slight chill in the room which made him feel more uncomfortable."I've just been....stressed lately.""Bullshit.""I know you're mad, I'm sorry, but please believe me when I tell you I was feeling fine earlier." He reached out from his bed to stroke her arms that had been crossed at her chest the moment he woke up. Her hardened expression softened a bit. She couldn't stay mad at him. She could, but she didn't want to."Okay, I'm just glad you're fine now." Something had hit Chanyeol, and made his face very alert, Emma took notice of this."What's wrong? Don't lie this time.""I didn't lie the first time! And I was just wondering where the others are?""They all followed you here when you first came in, but the nurse wouldn't let too many people in the room at a time. You get 2 visitors at once." Chanyeol nodded."Have the doctors told you anything?""No they haven't, Kris is coming in a few minuets." The atmosphere of the hospital wasn't helping the mood. The white walls and poorly insulated roof with stains and holes through the top, and the beeping sounds down the halls of various machines working in different rooms. Too much white didn't make Emma feel good."Will you be okay? For real this time?" Chanyeol took her by the hand from his bed and gently stroked her knuckles with his thumb. "Yes I swear. I was probably dehydrated, that's all." Emma gave him a little sweet smile and leaned in to kiss him, but they were interrupted when they heard a "ahem" at the door. They both looked up to see Kris standing there, feeling awkward that he walked in at the wrong time ."Oh, should I come back?""No Kris! Come in!" He slowly strode in with his tall self and sat down on a chair on the opposite side if the bed, he had a neutral look on his face, which was expected, guys don't really show emotions like that to each other."So, what the hell happened?" He asked."I was too dehydrated." He looked at the couple as if trying to read something or wait for a reaction. He sat back in his chair."I see. I think you guys should go back to Korea." Emma nodded, "I was planning on it." Chanyeol spun his head around wildly to look at both of them on his opposite sides."What?! No! We should enjoy the rest of our time here!" Emma smacked him on the arm, "And risk something else happen? We should leave."Chanyeol didn't say anything because he knew she was right. He felt guilty that they had to leave because of him. "Chanyeol...." Kris began, "have the doctors come in yet?"He shook his head. "Emma, I wanna talk with Chanyeol for a second, would you mind?" She nodded and got up, giving them a confused looked, and headed out to the waiting room. She sat there in a plastic chair, with a little TV and stained off-white carpet. She hated the smell of hospitals too, it smelled like illness and death. There was a woman and her son in there, looking at the TV. And the room had a creepy feeling when the fluorescent lights flickered on and off. Emma sat, with her face in her hands, hunched over, and just hoped this would all go away when they got home.After a few minuets, Kris came back, looking normal. Something didn't feel right, but it didn't matter much right now. He walked into the waiting room."Hey, he said he's gonna be fine, really. He'll be able to leave soon, so you can leave tomorrow morning.""Okay, thanks Kris." She stood up to give him a quick hug and he left. She made her way back to the room and just saw Chanyeol idly staring into space until she came in."Hey beautiful."She blushed and sat down next to him in the arm chair again. "I'm sorry I worried you." He looked up at her shyly with his puppy dog eyes wanting forgiveness."Dont give me that look, it's okay, I'm just glad your awake." He smiled and reached his arms up to her into a hug. After hugging her close for a few seconds, he moved his hand down quietly and smacked her butt lightly."HEY."He gave her a sly smile and that 'look'."You devil you...."