Feelings Part II (1/1)

Feelings PJShin 69070K 2023-11-02

"Do you want to order something?" Taeyeon asked. Tiffany nodded and they went to the counter."Did you guys just finished?" Jessica asked them."Yup. We just finished.""Any orders?" Jessica inquired. Tiffany nodded while Taeyeon was already looking at the menu."I'll have the pound cake and chocolate ICE CREAM~" Taeyeon shouted and sang the last part. Jessica laughed while Tiffany was rather surprised to see the photographer this... playful and joyful."As always Taeyeon. You still like ice cream that much." Jessica smiled at her friend before turning to Tiffany."How about you?" She asked with a smile that made Tiffany smile as well, even if she was bothered a little bit by Taeyeon."I'll have some strawberry cheesecake and just some coffee.""Do you like coffee?" Jessica asked Tiffany as she took note of the orders."Yes. But I'm looking for a different taste.""How about an Americano? Or Cafe au Lait? How about Flat white?" Jessica asked."I've tasted them before. They are pretty good.""But you're looking for a new flavor right?" Jessica said as she gave the patient Taeyeon a serving of pound cakes and a serving bowl of ice cream. Taeyeon was very happy but she was unnoticed. Tiffany nodded. Tiffany spared a glance at Taeyeon to see that her ice cream bowl had small designs of peas."Peas~ thanks, Jessica." Jessica nodded."Wait for a bit." Jessica said after she gave Tiffany her cake in a box. Tiffany waited patiently until Jessica came back."Here, this is for you." Jessica gave her a medium sized coffee cup."Oh, thanks." Tiffany felt her face heat up when her fingers brushed with Jessica's."Taeyeon. I'm going first, okay?" She heard an exuberant reply from Taeyeon before she smiled to Jessica and exited the shop. The whole drive back home, she was smiling so much that her eyes were almost lines the whole time.She opened the door in their apartment."Sunny. I'm home. Want some cake?" At the word "cake", Sunny came to her."Cake? Did your meeting with the photographer ended well?" She asked as Tiffany gave her the box with the cake."Yup~" Sunny looked up from the box when she heard Tiffany's tone. She eyed the box again to see if there is any reason Tiffany was acting like this. Her eyes widened when she saw the shop's trademark name."Jung?" She eyed the receipt that was stuck to the box."Jessica Jung?!" Tiffany looked at her in surprise."You know her?" Sunny nodded."She was my classmate until college. She always appear cold to everyone but she's so nice. When I met her, we became friends. I didn't think that she'll own a cafe. She had a company to manage." Sunny looked at Tiffany to see her agape. Then it hit Sunny."You... She... This... She's the reason you're so happy?! Perhaps, you've fall-""No fair! You already know her. And spent time with her, too. I wish I met you earlier! Then I would've met her too!" Sunny laughed to see her manager acting childish."Well, I'll eat this now." She said as she left Tiffany and went to the kitchen."This will help cheer me up a bit..." She thought to herself as she ate."So Tiffany, how was the new photographer?""She caught on pretty quickly. I told her the details and what the emotions in the pictures she should try to capture. She seems capable. But one thing I know for sure, she loves ice cream so much that she sings about it, not caring what other people think." Sunny suddenly remembers Taeyeon. But she shrugged it off."And she seems close with Jessica." Again, she thought of Taeyeon. "It can't be...""And she seems to like the bowl Jessica gave her with cute designs of peas on it.""What's her name?" Sunny quickly said."Eh?" Tiffany asked."What's her name?" Sunny asked again."Kim Taeyeon. Why? Don't tell me. You kno- Hey! Where are you going?""I have to see her. I didn't even know that she's back.""She might have left already.""No. The Taeyeon I know would take hours to finish her ice cream if her bowl had pea’s designs!" Sunny shouted and the door slammed shut, leaving a confused Tiffany "Ya! You didn't change much, did you? You've been eating that ice cream for half an hour already." Jessica scolded Taeyeon, who just smiled at her."I can't help it. The peas look so cute! And why did you give me this bowl anyway if you already knew?""Fine, I'll get you another one." Jessica made a motion to take the bowl, but Taeyeon took the bowl possessively and shook her head. Jessica was about to try again when the door opened. She looked at the door and surprise came over her. She didn't say anything but she looked at Taeyeon who seemed to have not noticed.Jessica saw Sunny walk in towards them. The first step Sunny took, she stopped right away. Jessica was confused. That is until she looked at Taeyeon who had stopped eating but was still not looking.The second step Sunny took, she stopped again as if to test the waters. But Taeyeon was still not looking."You know her footsteps even after all this time?" Jessica thought to herself as if saying those words to Taeyeon.Third step. "Look up..." Nothing.Fourth step. "Look up." Still nothing.Fifth step. "Look up, Taeyeon!" Jessica shouted in her mind"Tae..." Finally, Taeyeon looked up. Sunny and Jessica gasped. Taeyeon's eyes... they were..."Tae..." Sunny called again. But her voice trembled. That look. She knows that look. It was the same look Taeyeon had given her 10 years ago. The last look she got from their 12 year old selves. The look Taeyeon had in her dream. The look when she's about to cry.Jessica left right away but not before placing a hand on Taeyeon's shoulder and walking past Sunny while whispering the words, "good luck." "Tae..." Sunny broke the silence. Taeyeon had her head down. She was no longer looking at Sunny."I... How have you been?" Sunny didn't know how to start. But she did want to know how Taeyeon is feeling."... I've been good. I'm a photographer now." Taeyeon said, eventually looking up to meet Sunny's eyes but looking away since it hurt."I heard. I'm an artist now.""Yes. I know." Taeyeon smiled at Sunny and this pained Sunny even more."I heard you have a photo shoot tomorrow.""... Are you the one I'm taking pictures of?" Taeyeon asked, half hoping for a yes and half hoping for a no."Yes." Taeyeon gave another smile to Sunny."Don't smile like that... Please don't..." Sunny said, no, pleaded. But as soon as those words left her mouth, she saw Taeyeon looked at her with hope yet that hope seemed to dim."Tae..." Sunny called her name again. She saw Taeyeon sigh and soon, she looked straight at Sunny."I'm fine, really." In her eyes, everything was masked, was covered up. Sunny didn't like it at all."You know..." Taeyeon continued."When I was in America, I realized I wasn't really rational then. I was just confused.""Confused?" Sunny thought."Who was I kidding? I just misunderstood things. You were very nice to me. You appreciated me. You were there for me. But I crossed the line.""No...""I had thought...""No... Don't say it...""I had thought and convinced myself that I love you." This statement broke Sunny's heart completely."But don't worry. I'm sure that I'll get over this soon. It's been a long time but I'll give up now. I finally saw you so... I won't trouble you anymore. I'll give up now." Taeyeon stood up."Don't... Don't leave... Please..." Sunny wanted to say something but she felt no strength at her voice at all. "I'll see you tomorrow at the set." Taeyeon walked away. Sunny hears her footsteps slowly waning, until they were gone.Tears started flowing again."Tae... Don't give up now... Not now...” Jessica approached her. She looked up at Jessica and she cried in her arms. Jessica just hugged her. The next day came soon. It was time for the photo shoot. Tiffany went to the set first. She saw Taeyeon getting set up."Good morning, Taeyeon!" She saw Taeyeon flinch. Taeyeon turned to see Tiffany."Oh, Tiffany. Good morning." Taeyeon smiled as she set up her camera in focus and made sure the stand was at the right angle."I didn't know you knew Sunny." Tiffany brought up."... Yes. We were classmates in middle school. I left before I finished so I didn't graduate with them.""Left? Where did you go?""I went to America. My parents were working there so they asked me to live with me.""Oh! What a coincidence. I lived in America before I came here. Which area did you live at?""I stayed in Chicago for a while.""I lived in Los Angeles." The two ended up chatting while waiting for Sunny. Sunny was actually done getting ready but she was composing herself. She had to be professional. She walked out of her room in an outfit for the photo shoot. Her brown hair was down, flowing freely. She wore a black fit shirt with long sleeves. She was doing the cover first before the first scene. She was wearing fit pants that glossed as the light hit its surface. It was paired with black boots.In the movie, she's playing a spy who falls in love with a civilian. Of course, the civilian loves her back but she didn't want him to know about her job. Problems ensue when they use him to get to her. In the end, she goes away."Okay. Sunny-ssi, I need you to do what feels natural for you until we get to the other scenes. I know you already familiarize yourself with the concept so please do your best." Taeyeon said. The photo shoot began.The shoots were very good. Sunny was able to act very well as if she was the character in the movie. And Taeyeon can't help but smile at how Sunny has been doing. She really has grown really well. After all those years, she's been doing great on her own. She would take certain shots that really fitted for the concept. Then, they added a leather jacket for Sunny to wear. It was just the right size so she really looked like an authentic spy. They passed some of the shots that only needed Sunny.Then, the other scenes came. Of course the male actor was there as well. But that wasn't the issue. It seems that instead of looking at the guy, Sunny kept projecting her emotion-filled expressions into the camera, from where Taeyeon was looking."Sunny-ssi. You have to look at him. Not at the camera." Sunny nodded but when Taeyeon saw the looks she gave to the actor, she could see that it wasn't the same look. Taeyeon rubbed her eyes."Oh, are you tired?" Tiffany asked."A little bit. Can we take a break?""Sure. We've going on for three hours so go ahead. Guys, take a break. We'll be back in fifteen." The crew set the equipment down and everyone went on their own until they were needed. Taeyeon headed to the rest room. She washed her face. She was getting tired. She just stared as the water went down the drain. She splashed water again in her face."It's bad for your eyes. If you're tired, rest. Don't wash your face." Taeyeon froze momentarily at the voice."Are you mad at me?" Sunny asked. Taeyeon just shook her head."I'm not mad.""I can never be mad at you, right?" Sunny asked as she quoted Taeyeon indirectly. Taeyeon didn't answer."Would you look at me, Tae?" Taeyeon didn't want to but she did anyway. She was tired. Her face was still wet from the water. She saw that Sunny had brought a towel.Sunny walked closer cautiously."Too close..." Taeyeon thought."Can I?" Sunny asked. Taeyeon didn't move away so Sunny took it as a yes. She used the towel to gently wipe the water on Taeyeon's face. She felt Taeyeon unconsciously lean in her towel-covered hands. She continued wiping the water. At one point, she removed her hand from under the towel and held Taeyeon's face. She immediately regretted.Taeyeon tensed at the touch. She opened her eyes and Sunny saw that they were blank. Then, Taeyeon's eyes seemed to focus again. She moved away and out of the restroom. Sunny followed right after."Tae!" She called but the girl just continued walking, not knowing where she was headed."Please listen to me, Tae!" Sunny shouted but she clamped her hand before her mouth when she realized what she had just said. Just as expected, Taeyeon stopped walking and Sunny dreaded the event."Don't call me that." It was the same dialogue."Can't you just let me be? Why do you have to make things harder for me than it already is?" Sunny was frozen. Those were the same lines."I've tried so hard to forget. When I found someone I thought that I'll be able to forget. And I would not feel so hurt about what happened then. I knew it was my mistake. I shouldn't have told you. Do you know that the look you gave me that time hurt me the most?" Taeyeon shouted at her as she cried. Sunny knew she had to do something. Or it will end the same way."I never forgot that look. That look... the look of rejection, shock... the look you had when you said, "Could we not talk about this?" Sunny was thinking what she should do as the words match each one in her dream."What was I supposed to think then?" Taeyeon's question brought her back."What was I supposed to do when the person I love couldn't even meet me halfway?" Taeyeon hit Sunny as the girl embraced her tightly. She sobbed in the arms of the girl she loves yet it was the same girl that hurt her the most."Tell me, Lee Soonkyu!" Taeyeon shouted at her again. This time, Sunny knew what she could do. She woke from her frozen stupor and embraced Taeyeon tightly, tighter than how she had been holding the girl.This shocked Taeyeon, her heart beat wildly. Her breath was still unstable as she was crying during the whole thing. Taeyeon waited for Sunny to say something. When she thought she wasn't going to say anything, she was about to speak when Sunny did."Did you think that I was happy when you left? Did you think that I was going to be happy with someone else? Didn't I ask you if we were going to meet again? Did you even wonder why I asked that?" Taeyeon couldn't answer. Honestly she wanted to ask, but she didn't want to hear the answer as much as she did."I didn't think that you would leave. I thought you were going to stay and wait until I had the answer. How do you think I felt when you left? Without even giving a proper goodbye..." Taeyeon tried to break free from the hug to look at Sunny but Sunny thought that she was going to go away."Don't leave... Please..." Sunny begged. She pushed Taeyeon and they fell down. Sunny was on top of Taeyeon and she was hugging her so that Taeyeon won't be able to get up. Sunny's head was on Taeyeon's chest, listening to her heartbeat. Taeyeon looked around and she noticed that they were at Sunny's make-up room."Sunny..." Sunny thought that Taeyeon was going to ask her to get off. She shook her head."Sunny." Taeyeon called again, this time reluctantly putting a hand on Sunny's head and the other on her back."Tae..." Sunny finally looked up."Can I at least sit up?" Sunny looked down and she noticed their position. She didn't care but Taeyeon must have not been comfortable. She let Taeyeon sit up.Taeyeon didn't say anything but she pulled Sunny so the girl was sitting next to her. She held Sunny's right hand with her right and placed her left around Sunny's waist. She set her cheek on Sunny's crown."I..." She didn't know what to say. Sunny squeezed her hand to show that she was listening.“I…” Taeyeon tried again but in the end, she didn’t know what to say. She doesn’t even know how to start. Sunny noticed this but said nothing. She embraced Taeyeon tightly as she was kneeling before Taeyeon's sitting form. She appeared to be taller since she was on her knees. Taeyeon sat properly and Sunny knelt closer. She held Taeyeon's face as she gazed at her eyes. Taeyeon held her wrist for comfort. Sunny leaned down. She saw Taeyeon look up at her, her eyes about to close. Tears welled up in Taeyeon's eyes as she felt Sunny kiss her forehead. It was crazy how Sunny knew just what to do. After she kissed Taeyeon, she just embraced her, wanting the moment to last forever. Outside the roomTiffany was waiting. She had ordered some coffee. Of course, she was smiling really wildly because of this. Why pass up an opportunity to see her angel?"Ms. Hwang. Here's your coffee." Tiffany turned to the owner of the beautiful voice to see her angel."Thanks, Jessi. But you can call me, Tiffany.""Jessi? Okay. Then Tiff." Jessica handed Tiffany her order."What's this again?" Jessica smiled."It's Caramel coffee. You can try others but I make it differently.”“What makes it special?” Tiffany asked with one of her eyebrows raised as she drank her coffee.“I only made this mix for you.” Tiffany coughed as those words left Jessica’s mouth. Jessica just gave the girl a white handkerchief and turned on her heels to go. Tiffany just looked at Jessica’s retreating form before her cheeks reddened.A/N: This was an ideal ending.