END (1/1)
Suho is waiting for Kris to come back from his work. It’s already seven in the evening and Kris wasn’t home yet. He was supposed to be home at six and he is already an hour late.Suho can’t stop thinking about something bad with Kris like what if Kris in an accident, or what if he is cheating on him with a beautiful girl because Suho isn’t great enough for Kris now. Blame his hormone for being insecure like this.Sometimes Suho just stood by a mirror and looked at his bulging tummy.“Am I still beautiful enough or this pregnancy made him looks like a bloated fish?”His brain is a mess because of that thoughts and the fact that Kris is like a male God that every girl and guy will get down on knees just to be his with him make it worst.“Joonmyeon baby I’m home!”Suho hears his Kris opening their apartment door.He looks up to see his husband walks to him with a smile on his face.“Kris, you’re late” Suho pouted, earning a kiss at his pouting lips.“Appa is home baby, did you miss me?” Kris gets down on Suho’s level and strokes his tummy. “You weren’t naughty to your eomma right baby?” Kris baby talked to his unborn baby. He just loved doing that.“Appa is late, eomma is mad” Suho answered back, using the same baby talk voice. Cute.“I bought you a mango shaved ice, you told me last night right?” Kris pinches Suho’s soft cheeks. He is wondering how will the baby look like? He hopes that he will be cute and beautiful like Suho if they have a baby girl. And if he’s a boy, he just hope that he will inherit his height, not like he don’t like Suho’s petite figure, he love it a lot, but with tall figure, he can protect his eomma later.“Mango shaved ice?’ Suho’s eyes is getting big hearing the mention of that ice.“Yes. I’ll prepare it for you. Wait here okay?” Kris gives Suho’s cheek a soft peck. “And you too my little sunshine, don’t do something naughty to your eomma okay?”Suho let out a chuckle, Kris sometimes is really cute like this. He just goes to the kitchen right behind them but he talks like he will go to another part of the world.Suho smiles and touches his tummy, “hey baby, eomma loves you so much. Please be healthy and strong, I’ll see you in few months”Kris who was standing behind Suho with a bowl of ice can’t hide his happiness. His life is so perfect.He gives the ice to Suho and sits in front of him on the floor, watching him eat.“Why do you sit on the floor babe?” Suho asked with his mouth full of ice.“Don’t talk when you’re eating honey” Kris scolded Suho lovingly. “I just like watching you eat”“Huh silly!” Suho murmured, his cheeks tinted red.“Hey why? I love watching you eat” It’s Kris time to pout.“I love eating didn’t I? I will be fat and you’ll stop loving me because I’m ugly right?”Kris jaw drops. In front of him, Suho is crying but his mouth is full of ice. He looks like a cute chipmunk in the movie.“Sussh baby no, don’t cry please no” Kris begs, his finger brushing Suho’s cheeks to wipe the tears.“I’m ugly Kris *sobs* and you’ll looking for another one *sobs*”My God, Suho and his hormones.“Baby, please? Look at me” Kris hold Suho’s face until he looks directly at him. “You’re beautiful, you’re perfect. Why would I look for someone else? I have the most beautiful and perfect wife in the world. This pregnancy makes you even perfect and glowing. You know that baby?”Suho is looking at Kris with his teary eyes, lips quivering. But he can’t stop the blush that starting to form again.“Smile for me?” Kris touch the end of Suho’s lips and Suho gives him his dazzling smile right after that.“Good. Now *peck* let’s *peck* finish *peck* your *peck* ice *peck*”Suho hit Kris’s broad chest playfully. “Promise me you wouldn’t leave me?”Kris laughs, Suho can be childish too then. He raises his pinky, “I promise. Pinky promise?”Suho raises his pinky too and they make their pinky promise.“I love you Kris” Suho put his head on Kris chest, listening to his heartbeat.Kris brush Suho’s hair and says, “I love you more Wu Joonmyeon. So much”Suho smile hearing those from his husband. Suddenly he has an urge to scratch Kris abs under his white buttoned up shirt. So he slowly creeps his finger under the shirt and scratch it.“Ouch! What are you doing babe?” Kris takes a few space from Suho, too shock with sudden move from him.“Umm, the baby I guess?” Suho answered innocently.Kris raises his eyebrow, “really?”“Uhh hum” Suho nods.Kris smirks.“I think eomma is being naughty again, should appa punish him baby?” Kris inch closer to Suho with a grin on his face.“Kris? What.. NO! Stop!”But it is late because Kris already picks Suho up, bridal style, to their bedroom.The heated night of Kris and Suho is starting now.Hope the baby is okay.Well, because Kris is a badass on the bed after all. It's almost midnight and I'm here writing this ><But hope you guys enjoy this ^^Please tell me what you think *wink*I love you <3 -FM-