Why Did We Fight? (1/1)

On a high from their memorable date, Leedo and Seoho walked back to Seoho's apartment with their fingers laced tightly together. They knew it was best that the night ended before things elevated further than either of them was ready for. Seoho tried to argue that he should be waking Leedo home for once, laughing that maybe he was scared for Seoho to see his apartment. Seoho teased him about leaving his boxers on the floor and how that was probably why he didn't want Seoho to see his place. Leedo enjoyed the teasing because it felt so comfortable. There were no awkward tensions between them. After that second kiss, they were both itching for more, but Leedo knew he shouldn't give in so easily. Seoho, in his human form, wouldn't be able to deal with his strength or stamina, and he didn't want to hurt Seoho. Luckily wanting to wait before they went further together went over well with Seoho. He had mentioned how his last relationship was a bad one, and taking things slower was what he needed. The thought of someone else having been with Seoho made Leedo's blood boil, especially someone that didn't cherish him like he should be. Leedo he had to keep telling himself this was a different situation. Before all this, he was the only one to have ever known Seoho in that way. Sexually. Even though he didn't know the details of Seoho's sex life, even a kiss was more than he wanted to think about.So they didn't talk about it. Instead, Leedo and Seoho walked with their fingers locked together, heading back to Seoho's apartment. The conversation was light, the two of them making each other laugh the whole way home. Briefly looking away from Seoho, Leedo saw Ravn running towards them at an alarming speed. Leedo could see him clearly even though he was moving so fast. Seoho probably had no idea Ravn was coming. Quickly Leedo spun Seoho around so he wouldn't notice before he got down on one knee and pretended to tie his shoes for him. Seoho, none the wiser, looked down, smiling happily at Leedo before thanking him for helping. Seeing what was going on, Ravn stopped running. Knowing he was at a distance where Leedo would hear him, but Seoho wouldn't. An excellent benefit to them having supernatural hearing."Xion came to find us at the house, Seoho's ex is here somewhere. He is drunk and came to see him. Apparently, it's not a happy visit. Maybe you should bring him back to our house…" Ravn said. At the mention of Seoho's ex-boyfriend, Leedo's head snapped up. His eyes flashed red with anger. Seoho jumped back, a little confused at the sight before he rubbed his eyes. Leedo was able to blink it off, doing his best to calm down before getting to his feet. He didn't want to let his emotions get the better of him, but it was hard when he was so protective over Seoho."Are you okay?" Leedo asked, carefully grabbing for Seoho's hand. Seoho looked up at his eyes carefully before he let out a relieved laugh. Using his free hand to rub at his eyes almost as if he thought it was just his eyes playing tricks on him."I think it was how quickly you looked up into the streetlight, but your eyes were like red for a second." Seoho said, leaning in closer to get a better look. Trying to distract him, Leedo leaned in, wrapping his arms tightly around his torso to pull him in for a kiss.Unable to protest, Seoho happily leaned in, letting his eyes flutter shut, enjoying the feeling of Leedo being so affectionate. It wasn't only the affection he was receiving. It was how comfortable and safe it felt for him. How his head felt light and dizzy when he was pressed up this close to Leedo."Gross. In public? You both have no shame. How many years married?" Ravn teased, looking away from the two trying to scan the building. Leedo could hear him, but he decided to ignore it.With so many humans inside the apartment complex, Ravn couldn't sort out if the ex-boyfriend was inside based on heartbeats. He figured if the ex-boyfriend had been drinking, he would be easier to find. He would have an elevated heartbeat. He could pick up on something, but by the time he noticed it, the man was already charging towards the happy couple."Who the fuck is this?" A voice called out. Leedo pulled from Seoho to see a strange man standing there. Narrowing his eyebrows at the thought of someone speaking to Seoho in such an angry way. Turning to see who it was, Seoho's heart rate picked up so rapidly Leedo winced. It was so loud to him that he felt dizzy almost. Seoho quickly moved to stand somewhat behind Leedo, gripping tightly onto his shirt."Jongin... What are you doing here?" Seoho asked, peeking out from behind Leedo."I came because your phone is off. I thought you were just being forgetful again but I see you're here with this tool. I don't know why you keep doing this to yourself. Being like this is going to make nobody want you." Jongin said. Leedo's hand balled into a fist as the man's words sent a wild rage through his body. Leedo had to close his eyes. Rubbing at the bridge of his nose, he took a moment to calm himself down before looking back at the man."I'm not sure where you get off thinking you can speak to him like that." Leedo snapped. Going to take a step forward but stopped when Seoho's grip on his arm tightened."I dated him for two years. I didn't put up with that scared clumsy virgin for two years for him to start sleeping around the minute we break up. You have got to be kidding me!" The man yelled. Seoho winced, taking a step out from around Leedo."Don't talk to him like that. You broke up with me months ago. I can be with whoever I want. He makes me feel things you never did." Seoho yelled. Leedo reached out to put his hand over Seoho's chest to prevent him from moving any closer."I think it's best if you leave. Leave him alone, forget his name and face. This is your only warning." Leedo said, motioning for Ravn to come out of the shadows. Seoho looked up at the sight of him, confused since he didn't know Ravn was there, but Leedo clearly did."Ravn what are you doing here?" Seoho asked, looking between the three men."Xion sent me to find you two, because of this asshole." Ravn said, standing in front of the man."Who the hell is this? You're really getting around aren't you. Don't think I'm going to leave boys. Why would I be scared of losers like you two? Seoho will come crawling back to me, he always does." The man said, and that was the final straw. Leedo had enough. Walking the few steps to close the gap between the two of them, Leedo's eyes were not even the typical vampire red at this point. They had become such a dark shade it looked as if his eyes were completely blacked out. Ravn turned his head, cracking his neck, his eyes their usual red shade. He wasn't at the level of anger that Leedo was experiencing, but he was pissed. Jongin jumped back, letting out a strange sound. Both Ravn and Leedo bore their teeth, fangs elongating for dramatics, making it quite clear what they were. "We said leave." Leedo said, shoving the man back against the nearby car hard enough to leave a dent in the side of it. Seoho let out a gasp as his ex slid to the floor, groaning in pain. Scared for his life, Jongin ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. Ravn reached out to Leedo and rubbed his shoulders, whispering so Seoho couldn't hear as he reminded Leedo to calm down unless he wanted to have a difficult conversation with Seoho. Leedo closed his eyes, focusing on thinking about the kiss they shared in the park as he willed his body to relax. Seoho walked over to the two of them, reaching out to touch Leedo's shoulder. Even if they weren't standing directly under a streetlight, Leedo kept his eyes shut so Seoho wouldn't notice anything."I've never seen him run like that, whatever you said to him... thank you." Seoho said, his hand soothing down Leedo's back. Once he could feel his eyes returning to normal, Leedo turned around to face Seoho. His hands reached out to cup his cheeks, needing to look him in the eyes and make sure he was doing okay. Seoho offered him a smile, assuring him everything was okay."I didn't mean to hurt him, I just can't stand for someone talking to you like that. You're not mad are you?" Leedo asked in a worried tone, pushing his cheek against Seoho's hand. Seoho just shook his head no."The things he's put me through, it was actually relieving to see him get a taste of his own medicine. Thank you.. I don't know why you care so much about me, but I hope you stay around." Seoho said, forgetting Ravn was standing right there. Leedo couldn't help but smile wide, moving to press a kiss to Seoho's palm."Can you two get a room! Gross." Ravn teased. Jumping back, Ravn knew that Leedo would try to hit him."Do you think he will come back?" Ravn added, looking in the direction the man ran. Leedo pulled from Seoho to look as well before he looked down at the damage done to the car. Luckily, it was dark. They could see the dent, but he wasn't sure if Seoho could."I don't know, he might. If he thinks you guys left he will come back to take it out on me." Seoho said. Leedo could hear the nervous spike in Seoho's pulse had Leedo's annoyance return. Instinctively Leedo pulled Seoho closer, assuring him that he wouldn't leave his side. Seoho buried his head into Leedo's shoulder, feeling that dizzy safe feeling as he breathed in his cologne's smell lingering on his clothes."So you'll stay with us tonight. We have more than enough room. Unless you two aren't ready to share a bed." Ravn teased, singing the last part of his words. Leedo shoved him playfully, shaking his head while laughing before he turned back to Seoho."I… can't really say what will happen but I'm okay with it. I just need to go upstairs and grab some clothes if that's okay." Seoho said, waiting for Leedo to give the green light before he ran into his building. Once the elevator door closed, Leedo groaned, rubbing over his face several times."Oh, Xion knows about us. At least I'm going to assume he does now. I thought it was Hyungji or Kiwon listening in on our conversation earlier, but it was Xion. I guess when he came to see if you two were at our house, he overheard us talking about what we are and yeah, Hwanwoong and Keonhee are dealing with it." Ravn rubbed the back of his head. Leedo groaned, crossing his arms over his chest."Do you think he can really handle knowing everything? He's more curious than Seoho, I always hear him whispering questions about us to Seoho during the day." Leedo crossed his arms over his chest. Ravn simply shrugged."I don't know what Hwanwoong and Keonhee are telling him, I left that up to them. We will see what happens when we go back. He will either think we're all insane, or he will have a lot to say. Either way, he should probably stay away from Seoho unless you plan on telling him tonight too." Ravn added, looking up when Seoho ran back outside with a small bag. Leedo reached out for Seoho to take his bag for him before lacing their fingers together. Seoho happily handed over the bag before he took Leedo's hand in his own."I've never seen your place before, do you all live together? He never tells me anything." Seoho said, looking up to Ravn."Yeah! We all have a house together. Well I think it was just an apartment building turned into a house because we all have like our own areas. Although his area is pretty boring. I have this super cool gaming area set up with lights that can become any color I want them to be!" Ravn smiled, looking over at the two. He was so proud of his room. Leedo just rolled his eyes. Seoho seemed somewhat interested in what Ravn had to say."I don't like to decorate, I'm bad at it." Leedo said, looking over to Seoho."I love to decorate! Let me get some flowers in there, add some color. I assume it's all dark colors." Seoho laughed, nudging Leedo's side playfully. Leedo lit up at the idea, nodding his head happily."Mostly... dark colors. Deal. You can decorate my space however you like." Leedo said, bringing their hands up to his lips to kiss the back of Seoho's hand."One date and you are so whipped! Don't let him go Seoho, I like a Leedo that actually agrees to have fun." Ravn bounced, entertained by the happy couple. How he saw a Leedo shine through. Someone that he hadn't seen in a very long time.The walk from Seoho's apartment to their house was 30 minutes. Leedo typed his code into the main gate, watching as it pulled back to let them inside. Seoho gasped when the full house came into view. Looking at the grand scale of it, he turned to the two boys and hit them both playfully on the shoulders."You two work at my little shop, where did all this come from! Wah, are you in the mafia?" Seoho gasped. Leedo started to crack up, pulling Seoho in close to his side."No! I told you that we didn't need you to pay us. We all come from well off families." Leedo said, tugging Seoho along up the main stairs and into the grand entrance."You're home!!! Oh.. Seoho is here." Hwanwoong bounded down the stairs, looking at the three for a moment, trying to decide what to do. He wasn't planning on Seoho returning with Leedo. Especially with Xion still in the processing stages of what they had gone over with him."Is Xion still here?" Seoho asked, removing his shoes in the entrance. Leedo offering him a pair of slippers before doing the same."Yes. He is still here. He would like to talk to these two. What do you say you and I go make drinks for everyone." Hwanwoong said, gesturing for Seoho to follow him. Leedo narrowed his eyes, warning Hwanwoong to behave. Hwanwoong simply waved them off, wrapping an arm around Seoho to lead him towards their main kitchen area. The last thing Leedo heard was Hwanwoong asking how their date went, and the faint sound of Seoho's heartbeat picking up. Leedo couldn't help but smile.Heading up the stairs and into Keonhee's part of the house, Leedo saw him sitting in his little living area with Xion. Once the two of them entered the room, Xion jumped up to his feet. He went to say something but stopped. Taking a moment to compose himself before he walked closer to both Ravn and Leedo. He looked less nervous. His heartbeat was calmer than either of them expected it to be. Waiting for him to talk, the two of them stood there observing Xion."They explained everything. Even though a lot of it is hard to believe a lot of it explains my dreams and why things are happening the way they are. I don't know what Seoho will want to do, but I want to come back. If I really am who they say I am… then I want my memories, I want to come home. Seoho might be different. I'm sorry he was taken from you. It sounds like you two had a picture perfect love and I hope you can get that back. If there is anything I can do to help, I'll try." Xion said. Leedo nodded his head, reaching out to touch Xion's shoulder gently."He was saving you when it happened, I can never fault him for having a heart as big as he does. I'm just happy that in this life you both found each other. If this is what you want I'm sure there is a way that we can look into. Sleep on it though. There is a lot that comes with this life." Leedo said. Ravn nodded, agreeing with him before he moved to sit down."Did anything happen during your date?" Keonhee asked."Seoho came back, like my Seoho. He called me Geonhak, he knew about the engagement, about the day I changed. It wasn't long, but for a moment Seoho, my Seoho was back. I know he's in there but… I can't take the sun away from him again. He loves it so much and has an opportunity to be what he always wanted to be. I don't know... I think I'll just be with him and let this be his life." Leedo sunk down into a chair, running his fingers through his hair."But you guys have the necklaces. He wont have to give up anything. He's had a crush on you since the day you guys showed up, do you really think he would do something to not stay with you?" Xion pointed out. Leedo thought for a moment before he reached into his shirt, pulling his necklace out."Wait, he has?" Leedo registered what Xion said, looking up at him as his necklace fell against his chest."Oh yeah. He said from literally the second you walked in. He hasn't been able to stop talking about you, thinking about you. I've been pressuring him since that day to finally ask you out. I've never seen him get like this over a guy before." Xion spilled. A confession that had Leedo feeling almost shy. It was so similar to how Seoho was when they first met. His mind started to race, a smile slowly spreading across his cheeks."It's different this time, none of us are giving up anything. When we were set free it was like a re-birth for us. We have these necklaces, we can track down others in case any of them break. Seoho can have his sun, and you two can have each other. I think it's worth talking to him about." Ravn added, patting Leedo's shoulder before scooting his way onto the chair next to Xion. Feigning annoyance, Xion huffed. Crossing his arms over his chest."We are going to head down to Busan with you guys, maybe there will be more answers there. Try to get him to close the shop next week so we can all go sooner." Xion said, making another face at Ravn, who took up a good majority of the chair."Wine for everyone." Hwanwoong said, entering the room. Xion raised an eyebrow before he saw Seoho. Jumping up quickly out of the chair, nearly sending Ravn to the floor."Oh you are still here! Are you also staying the night?" Seoho asked, raising an eyebrow. Xion looked around to the others. Keonhee shook his head yes before he grabbed a glass. The wine was the only thing they found tolerable to drink that wasn't blood, so there was always a lot of it in the house."Yeah, it's too late to walk home. Plus the shop is closed tomorrow, no need for us to rush back or anything." Xion said, looking from Leedo to Seoho."True. I was going to stay in Leedo's part of the house but if you're more comfortable I can split a bed with Xion tonight." Seoho said, turning to hand a glass of wine to Leedo. Waving off the thought, Leedo dismissed the idea. Taking the glass with a soft smile."There is more than enough room for you where I am. Plus you always room with him, have a night off." Leedo smiled, gesturing out of the room to bring Seoho to his area."I guess that settles it, good night you guys. I'll see you in the morning." Seoho said, linking his free hand with Leedo's own, allowing him to be lead through the vast house. Xion sunk down nervously, playing with his cup before he looked to the others."He wont get hurt will he?" Xion asked. All of them shook their head no."There is nobody walking this earth right now that loves Seoho more than Leedo, they will be fine. This might be good for them, it might bring back more memories." Ravn said. He swirled the wine around in his glass before taking a sip."No, I meant like you guys are superhuman... Wouldn't Leedo like break him if they try to..." Xion said. Hwanwoong started to choke on his wine, coughing several times before shoving Xion nearly off his chair."Can you not! We have some time before all that will happen. Let us enjoy the quiet before those two rabbits start going at it again." Hwanwoong said, grumbling into his wine.______________________________________________________________________________________________________The house was bigger inside than Seoho thought. Broken up into 5 suits with 4 in use for the boys. Leedo's space was the furthest away from the others, on the top floor. Opening the main door to let him inside, Leedo flipped on the light switch before heading inside. It was as Ravn described. Without much decoration or life. Seoho frowned at the sight, setting his bag down on a nearby chair before moving further into the room. It had a small sitting area, a bathroom, and the bedroom section where Leedo had his king-sized bed. The colors were dull, there was no art on the walls. Shaking his head disapprovingly, Seoho turned to face Leedo."This wont do at all. There is no life here. We are going shopping tomorrow to fix all of this." Seoho gestured around the room. Leedo was amused by it, sitting on the bed's edge with a content smile on his face."Whatever you want, we can get it tomorrow. Do with this as you want." Leedo said, gesturing around the room."Good. So whenever I stay here it will have more life to it." Seoho said."Oh? Are you planning on sleeping over a lot? Just you being here is all the life it needs." Leedo's smile grew, sitting upright more."I…. oh uhm well. Shut up." Seoho said, moving over to gently shove at Leedo's shoulder. Leedo let himself fall back exaggeratedly, a hand rubbing over where Seoho hit him as if he was really hurt. Seoho just laughed, bending down to kiss Leedo gently before he started wandering around the room."I'm going to shower, make yourself at home." Leedo said, getting up from the bed. He quickly grabbed a change of clothes before he made his way into the bathroom. Seoho watched the door shut before he continued looking around.The room was nice, big, but empty. Walking over to the window to push back the thick curtains, Seoho noticed the room had a balcony. Opening the door to let the night air inside, he walked outside to better look at the property. It was too dark to see everything, but he could tell the backyard had a pool and a little garden. That made him happy to see.Taking a deep breath, Seoho thought about everything that had happened that night. Between their date, the encounter with his ex, and his feelings being there with Leedo now. He wasn't typically someone that just jumped into new relationships, not that's what he thought he had with Leedo, but something about it felt right. As if he took things overly slow all this time because this was what he had been waiting for. Nothing ever felt this right, and that should have scared him. He wasn't the type of person to be so comfortable kissing, holding hands, showing affection, especially around other people. Leedo had some sort of effect on him, one that removed the awkward feeling he got when he was affectionate in front of others. For the first time in his life, he thought about sleeping with someone on the first date. Sleeping with someone in general.But the dreams had to mean something, right?Heading back inside, Seoho started to poke around Leedo's clothes. Smiling at the familiar t-shirts and wovens that Leedo would wear to the shop often. That's when he spotted it—the box. Sitting on top of the nearby dresser, looking totally out of place among the more modern furnishings. Walking over to it slowly, Seoho felt a strange familiarity with the box drawing him to it. Inspecting it closer, Seoho ran his fingers along the crest in the center, tracing over all the designs before his fingers moved to the lid. It wasn't his, but he had seen it somewhere before."Be careful with that. Please." Leedo said, his voice made Seoho jump. Pulling his hand away like he was a child who had gotten caught with their hand in the cookie jar."What is it?" Seoho said, looking from the box to Leedo."It belonged to someone special that I lost. The contents mean the world to me." Leedo said, wrapping his towel around his neck as he closed the gap between him and Seoho."Oh… I didn't mean to pry. I'm sorry. I got nosy." Seoho said, frowning. Leedo lifted Seoho's chin up, giving him a reassuring smile before he kissed his forehead gently."It's okay. I'll tell you about it one day. Not tonight though." Leedo said, leaning in for a soft kiss before he made his way over to the bed. Seoho, of course, wanted to know more, but Leedo was a closed book at times. He was surprised he got even that much out of him. He knew that if he really wanted to know what was inside, he would have to wait.Seoho excused himself to get ready for bed. Taking a quick shower, getting himself changed, brushing his teeth, and mentally preparing himself for the fact that something might happen between them should Leedo initiate it. He knew he was too scared, but Seoho also knew he wouldn't be able to say no since it was something he wanted deep down. Seoho couldn't help but poke around the bathroom, smirking at all the little lotions and colognes Leedo had lying around. He always smelled so good, but now Seoho could see why. When he was done, Seoho killed the lights, making his way back through the bedroom. Leedo was throwing one of the pillows on the floor next to the bed. Seoho raised an eyebrow."I'll sleep on the floor if it makes you more comfortable. You should be in the bed." Leedo said. Seoho shook his head no before picking up the pillow, tossing it back onto the bed."I feel comfortable next to you, I know you wont cross any lines that you don't think we're ready for." Seoho said, rubbing Leedo's arm gently before nudging him onto the bed. Leedo allowed Seoho to guide him, sinking back against the blankets watching Seoho crawl on top of his body, straddling his waist with his thighs.It was then that Seoho's ex's words dawned on him. Seoho was a virgin.Maybe not in every respect, but the one that mattered most to him. Leedo couldn't help but smirk. His hands reached out to rest gently on Seoho's hips, drawing him closer as Leedo flipped them over. Seoho let out a gasp, situating his back against the mattress quickly before pulling Leedo down for a kiss. Wanting to keep things simple given that Seoho was human, Leedo pulled back from their kiss after a few moments before things could get overly steamy. Trailing his kisses down the side of Seoho's neck instead, peppering his skin with gentle affection. Getting to his pulse point, Leedo pressed his nose against it, gripping tightly at the blankets on either side of Seoho's head. Even with his blood lust gone, it was tempting having Seoho so close like this. He knew one bite would change him, but it wouldn't resurrect him. He needed Seoho to have all of his memories back before biting him or risk never getting him back.Pulling away from his neck Leedo sighed, rolling over onto his back before he rubbed his hands with his face, mumbling something about how tempting Seoho always seemed to be. Seoho smirked, rolling onto his side to curl up next to Leedo. His leg wrapping around his mid-section as his hands rubbed at his chest gently. Leedo looked over, moving an arm for Seoho to rest his head-on. Having him this close made him feel as if he were whole again. He kissed the top of Seoho's head before pulling the blankets up and over their body. Seoho rolled in tighter, his head snuggled against Leedo's chest. Looking down to watch him, Leedo could feel a series of emotions running through him.As he felt Seoho's breathing change signaling he had fallen asleep, Leedo thought back onto their date. Thinking back to their life together prior to the morning, they were all captured. Seeing Seoho asleep so peacefully against his chest, Leedo knew he had to do everything to keep him safe. Protected. As much as he wanted to be selfish and tell Seoho everything, he had to decide to turn on his own. Leedo would not sway him either way."I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but whatever it is, I'll never leave your side." Leedo whispered to a sleeping Seoho, curling up more with him safe in his arms, getting the two comfortable before finally closing his eyes.

May 1682
Seoho must have looked through the window 200 times a day over the last two days. He and Leedo typically never fought, at least not bad, but something set them off this time. The fight just kept getting worse and worst until by the end of it; Seoho didn't even remember what the original argument was about. All he remembered was Leedo storming off through the door. With it having been so close to dawn when he left, there was nothing but panic in Seoho's body now. Two whole days and he'd heard nothing from any of his friends about if they knew where he was if they had seen him. He'd sent out countless letters begging any of them to tell him the second Leedo showed up. Until then, he waited by the door. Peeking through the window every so often to see if his lover was walking back up the driveway.It was finally sunset, day three of waiting. Seoho rushed from the sofa where he had been sleeping and over to the main window. He refused to sleep in the bed with Leedo not in it with him. That was always the case. Even if Leedo had to leave for family matters or run off with Ravn on business, Seoho would sleep on the sofa and wait.Thinking he saw something, Seoho pushed back the shades more. There walking up their long driveway, was Leedo. He looked exhausted but determined to get back home. Seoho rushed through their grand estate and down the main stairs into the entryway, flinging open the front door unbothered to close it behind him as he made his way through the front yard. Leedo looked up when he heard the running and saw Seoho coming at him full speed, stopping in his tracks to catch him as Seoho collided with his body. The force of Seoho's running had Leedo sliding back some, wrapping his arms around him tightly."I'm so sorry, I love you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Seoho whimpered, arms wrapped tightly around Leedo's neck to prevent him from being able to leave. Leedo just scooped Seoho up so his legs could wrap around his hips before carrying him back up towards the house. Once the door was shut, Leedo went to leave Seoho down, unable to stop laughing when Seoho wouldn't budge."I'm sorry my prince, I never should have left your side. I love you so much." Leedo finally said, carrying Seoho through the vast estate and up into their bedroom. He could tell by how tight Seoho was clinging that he wouldn't get down until Leedo laid him down.So he did. Laying him down in the middle of their bed, kissing all over his neck and chest. Seoho groaned, unwilling to let go at first until he realized where they were. Eyes focused up on Leedo. Seoho cupped his cheeks, pulling Leedo in for a deep kiss. Leedo knew that type of kiss. It was the start of many fun nights and the end of almost every fight. Leedo happily kissed back before he sat up to remove his shirt, yanking Seoho's off shortly after. The time for words was not now, not with so many emotions running through them. While Leedo was busy discarding their things onto the floor, Seoho made quick work of getting Leedo's pants untied. Pulling at the strings before he pushed them down and off his hips, another groan falling from his lips at the sight of Leedo's naked body coming into view. Smirking at Seoho's reaction, Leedo kicked his pants off the rest of the way before slid to the bed's edge. Even after all of their years together, Seoho still looked at Leedo like it was their first time together. His fingers hooked into Seoho's pants, pulling them down and off his body in one quick motion, tossing them to the side. Leedo's eyes scanned over Seoho's body, licking his lips in appreciation before he knelt down between his legs and dropped his head down to kiss along the inside of his thigh.Seoho laced his fingers through Leedo's hair, pulling gently at the soft strands as Leedo's lips got higher and higher up his thigh. Body thrumming with arousal as Leedo kissed his way up to his hip. Seoho groaned at him for teasing, trying to push his head back down. Leedo only laughed, climbing up Seoho's body kissing his lips. Desperate for any sort of contact, Seoho wrapped one of his thighs around Leedo's body while deepening the kiss. Leedo fit easily between Seoho's legs, nudging the other open more to give him easier access to the things he wanted. Hips rolling together, the friction helpful but not nearly enough for the two of them. Painfully hard erections pressed together until Seoho couldn't take it any longer. He pulled from the kiss and gave Leedo that look. A look he'd come to know all too well over the years. Seoho wasn't always comfortable with dirty talk, so Leedo had to come to learn his faces when he wanted certain things. Leedo pulled from Seoho for a brief moment, getting the little bottle they kept by the bed for just an occasion before resuming his rightful place between Seoho's legs. Before anything, he allowed himself to take in all of Seoho's beauty. Eyes raking over every inch. From his broad shoulders, defined chest, his meaty thighs just begging to be marked. Leedo allowed his eyes to linger on Seoho's erection, smirking at the visible excitement pooling from the tip, dripping down the length. When Seoho noticed what Leedo was looking at, he groaned, nudging his lover to act instead of stare."Never before have I met someone with more perfect thighs than you. With such a perfect everything really." Leedo groaned, fingers running over Seoho's thick legs, gliding over his full hips, and back around to his perfect ass. Leedo gripped into the soft flesh until Seoho let out a soft cry. Leedo eased his grip before grabbed for the small bottle of oils that would make all of this much easier on Seoho."You're too much." Seoho giggled, spreading his legs wider to accommodate what he knew Leedo was about to do.What he wasn't expecting was to feel the heat of Leedo's mouth engulfing him in one go. Head falling back against the mattress as Leedo took Seoho's full length into his mouth without warning. Seoho was so distracted by the sensation he didn't notice that Leedo had worked one of his fingers inside him. Running his fingertip around the sensitive ring of muscles and down to the knuckle in one shot. When he realized everything that was going on, soft moans and needy whimpers started to pour from Seoho's lips.Leedo remained focused, tongue pressed against the underside of Seoho's cock as he worked his lips along every tasty inch. His saliva making it easier for his lips to glide up and down the length. His finger slid in and out in a similar motion. Seoho's moans only grew louder as Leedo worked a second finger deep inside of him, fingers spreading to help open him up. Seoho always tasted so good, and if Leedo wasn't in a rush for other things, he could have spent hours pleasing him just like this.Leedo pulled his head off with a lewd pop, a small string of saliva connecting his lips to the tip of Seoho's cock before it fell back against his stomach. Dark eyes watched his lover shiver, grabbing at the blankets on the bed for support. Leedo's fingers pushed deeper inside, pressing up against that sensitive bundle of nerves. Seoho's cry of pleasure was music to his ears, driving Leedo to do more to hear more. With every moan, it let him know what Seoho liked, what didn't feel as good. Even though he already knew what buttons to push to get the best reactions out of Seoho, Leedo liked to push himself every time they made love to transform the experience for them both.Since this was technically make up sex, for a fight that neither remembered what they were fighting about, Leedo wanted to make it extra special for them. By the time he had slid the third finger inside of Seoho and could feel the tense muscles relaxing around him, Seoho was already quivering with anticipation. Leedo didn't expect Seoho to flip them over, getting Leedo onto his back as he straddled his hips effortlessly. His thick thighs looked perfect wrapped around his slim waist, positioning himself to make it easy for him to sink right down on Leedo's erection. Maybe too fast for initial entry, Seoho gave himself a few moments to adjust as he sat happily on top of Leedo. Admiring the view before him, Leedo's hands slid up Seoho's thighs, gripping at his waist."Never ever leave me again, ever. Do you hear me?" Seoho said, his hands pressed flat to Leedo's chest as he rolled his hips in a slow figure eight. He could have said anything while doing that, and Leedo would have agreed. This position was always his favorite because all of Seoho was on display for him to see. Knowing that this beautiful creature was all his was Leedo's most significant source of pride."Never, I will remain by your side." Leedo promised, head pushing back against the covers as Seoho bounced up just enough so that when his ass smacked against Leedo's hips, the sound clapped around the room. Pure music to his ears. Leedo groaned, the grip on Seoho's waist tightening. Seoho knew how much Leedo loved that, how obsessed he could be at times with his ass. Their love life was always on another level once Leedo caved and gave into Seoho. Despite how long they had been together, they never stopped turning the other on.Deciding to take matters into his own hands, Leedo pressed his feet against the mattress and rolled his hips up. Seoho was caught off guard by the sudden switch in dominance, bracing his hands on the bed, knowing how Leedo could get when he got started. Loud cries of pleasure fell from Seoho's lips as Leedo found a steady rhythm. His hands worked to pull Seoho back down so that his ass would crash against his hips every time he thrust up.The sound of their lovemaking could be heard through the whole estate. Seoho was never one to be quiet if he didn't have to. It made it hard for them to have sex when guests were around, especially ones with heightened hearing, but when Seoho had a need, Leedo would never turn him down and vice versus.That night the bedroom became their playground. Moving off the bed when Seoho's hips started to hurt to the love seat at the edge of the bed. With Leedo standing and Seoho bent over the back of the sofa gripping at the covers, it provided Leedo a better angle. Seoho braced himself, happy the bed was recently reinforced to prevent another bed from breaking. Sliding back in with ease, Seoho could only moan. He loved how full he felt with Leedo inside of him, another level of feeling complete. Once Leedo got lost in his motions, nothing was safe. Seoho could already feel his legs turning to jello with each powerful thrust. Seoho turned back into a whimpering mess as his head pressed into the blankets. His head snapped back up when he felt a hard smack to his ass. Gasping, he looked back at his lover. The smug look on his face was enough to tell Seoho that it was better to not question the direction Leedo planned on taking the night in. Letting out a light laugh that soon turned to moans, Seoho allowed his body to be used for Leedo's pleasure.It wasn't until the faint hint of sunlight peaked through the curtains did the two of them finally calm down and end their lovemaking, laid in the center of the bed covered in a visible layer of sweat. Not even bothering to clean up the mess they had made, the two lovers lazily curled up together, enjoying sleepy kisses. That's when it dawned on Seoho.The sun was coming in the room.Looking between the light and Leedo, he got confused. Quickly moving away from the light, trying to pull Leedo away from the light. Leedo just waved it off, pulling Seoho back down into his arms as if the sun wasn't really there inching closer to their bodies. Seoho tried to get away, scared of what the light could do if it reached their skin. He felt as if he were yelling, but Leedo couldn't hear him.That's when he woke up, eyes flying open nervously. Seoho saw the light pouring into the room and looked down at Leedo, still fast asleep as the sun cascaded over their bodies. Quickly Seoho checked his phone for the time. It was 8am. He noticed that it had only been a dream. A good dream. Everything felt so real. Groaning, Seoho adjusted the way he was laying, looking down between their bodies to notice a visible issue. He'd had a wet dream. Embarrassed, Seoho tried to think of how to get out of bed without Leedo noticing. The second he tried to move, Leedo curled his arms around him tighter, way tighter. It almost hurt he was holding him so tightly."I'll never leave again, promise." Leedo said in his sleep, his face pushing against Seoho's shoulder. Seoho gasped, covering his mouth with one of his hands.How did Leedo know about what happened during his dream?That's when it dawned on him. In his dream, he was a vampire. Not a human. That's when he started thinking back. Almost all his dreams were set at night time, but this was the one time he tried to focus on the details after waking up. Curious, Seoho reached his hand over to Leedo's face, holding a finger under his nose. No air. Was he breathing? Looking down at his chest Seoho noticed it wasn't rising or falling like an average person's body would do while breathing. Letting out a nervous whimper Seoho went to go shove Leedo. That's when he noticed it, there was light. The windows were left open, and the light was hitting them. Vampires couldn't be in the light. So what was happening? Even more confused, Seoho nudged Leedo."Mmmm no, it's not dusk yet." Leedo groaned, taking a moment before he slowly opened his eyes. The warmth of the sun pouring onto his back had him confused. Looking first to Seoho and then back at the window. Groaning at how bright the light was, Leedo pulled the covers up over them more. He was trying to hide his face, and Seoho found it the most adorable thing to see first thing. A disheveled Leedo wanting nothing but darkness and affection."Did you sleep well?" Leedo finally asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His voice was ten times deeper in his groggy state. It sent chills through Seoho's body, causing him to cover his mouth in surprise. His body had never reacted like that to anyone before."Very well. What did you dream about?" Seoho asked, reaching for Leedo's necklace. He had noticed that Leedo always had a chain peeking out of his clothes, but he'd never seen it. Leedo looked over to him and carefully took his necklace back. He couldn't risk anything happening to it with so much sun in the room."I had a, well, I don't know if it's right to say." Leedo laughed, getting up to draw all the shades again, needing the room to be dark. Seoho observed, cocking his head to the side. It seemed he wasn't the only one that had had a wet dream. It was made very visible by the damp spot on Leedo's boxers."A dirty dream, where you and I were fighting and the two of us well… made up for it." Seoho said, looking to Leedo. Cautiously walking back to the bed, Leedo itched the back of his head nervously."Yeah, actually. How did you know about that fight? I don't even know what we were fighting about." Leedo said, itching the back of his head."Because that's what was in my dream, that's what my dream was. We fought, you ran off, I waited days for you… to come home. To our home. Are we vampires, are you a vampire? This dream world is fucking weird. These dreams are getting weirder and weirder. I REMEMBER! You and that thing were walking through the garden during the dance. Whatever his name was, you two were out there together alone talking." Seoho rubbed his head, trying to make sense of what happened."Is... IS THAT why you were mad? Seoho, really!" Leedo groaned, pausing for a moment before he realized what was happening.Seoho was starting to remember more."This was a dream, that was... I was so mad at you. But I never dreamed that before, just the after part." Seoho blushed, pushing his head into the nearby pillow.Leedo chewed his lower lip, deep in thought for a moment before he walked over to the dresser. Grabbing for the box, Leedo paused, running his fingers along with the family seal on the lid before bringing the box back over to the bed. He set it down on the bed and pushed it closer to Seoho. Taking a moment to register what was going on, Seoho carefully undid the clasp on the side and opened the top of the box. When it was safely by his side, Seoho's eyes finally laid on the box's contents. Gasping out, Seoho covered his mouth, taking a minute to look at everything before he reached out. He pulled out one of the robes from the bottom of the box, a white and navy one with gold flowers going all up the sides and the sleeves. Tracing his fingers along with the material before he looked back up at Leedo. Of all the robes he could have picked from the box, he picked the one that Leedo had given to him on their wedding night."My robes… the robes from the dreams these are. But you have them… These are the exact robes I have been seeing in my dreams." Seoho looked as if he could cry, lower lip quivering as he moved to pull the robe over his shoulders. It fit him so perfectly, the soft material felt like a dream against his skin."I kept them safe. Well, someone did. Now I am." Leedo said, sighing softly as he looked down at the other robes inside of the box. All of them bought by him for Seoho. Distant memories flooding back at the sight of Seoho sat in the middle of his bed, wearing one of his robes. Seoho sat silently for a while, going through a few of the other robes lost in thought."Are these dreams or are they memories?" Seoho asked, in a tone of voice that made it clear that he wanted a direct answer."Memories." Leedo confessed. Seoho let out a low groan, huffing some before he dug around the box more. Like he was looking for something that wasn't there anymore. Looking up to Leedo, Seoho reached out to his necklace. He touched over the ring that Leedo had attached to the chain and sighed. Somehow he knew it would be in the box."I think you have a lot to tell me." Seoho added, closing the top to the box. He safely pushed it to the side before he sat upright more. Leedo rubbed over his face, thinking about where he should start before he reached out to take Seoho's hands. Seoho looked nervous at first, taking a moment to decide what he thought would be best before he decided to trust Leedo, reaching out to take his hands."Where do you want me to start." Leedo asked. Seoho searched his eyes, searched his face. There was so much on his mind; he didn't honestly know where to start. Scooting a little closer, Seoho brought Leedo's hands up to his lips to kiss along his knuckles."I don't think I can process everything right now, but I just really want to know one thing… What am I to you?" Seoho asked, eyes flicking up to lock with Leedo's own."Everything."