Resurrection (1/1)

"There is something here! I think we finally found the resting place of the six lost sons here! Holy fuck, this place is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be." A voice yelled. An abundance of excitement flowed as years of hard work finally paid off. Upon entry to the grand room, the man's eyes grew wide. Never in his years as a supernatural archaeologist did he ever think he would follow the myths to an actual live tomb, yet here he was. Face to face with the rumored resting place of the six lost sons. Vampires said to have been captured by an ancient order and long forgotten."Are you sure this is a good idea? If the legend is correct, then you know what's inside there. They could still be alive! Vampires! Can you imagine? This can't be a real thing." Another man said, quickly coming up behind the first. He, too, was in awe of the mighty stone structure. He shined his flashlight around the room to see how far the giant dome went back.It was a lot smaller than he pictured from the way the legend talked about it. The room itself was huge, but the tomb that held the vampires looked just big enough for the six of them to be in with little to no room for much else. It looked to be some sort of old abandoned ceremonial hall, although the strange overall ancient Greek design was a bit out of place for being buried deep in the Korean countryside. The Corinthian style columns that held up the ceiling had strange markings etched into them. In particular, in the back section of the room, one sculpture looked like many black marble arms reaching out of a slightly open set of doors towards the giant cell. As if the arms were trying to grab for whatever was inside. The more the two men explored, the more they noticed that room was filled with ancient symbols predominantly used to ward off evil. The men had only seen pictures of them in history textbooks or broken remains in museum exhibits.Another thing of interest was the sculptures of intimidating men from all walks of life. They each filled the space between all the columns as if they were watching what was inside. It was clear that the men were added over the years as they all represented different eras dating as far back as the early 1300s. Once the initial investigation was completed, the attention was turned to the center tomb. One of the men felt around the marble's sides searching for a switch or a door, pushing on several places until he felt a small section to push in, almost like he had triggered a switch. Taking a few steps back from the tomb, the walls around them started to shake."Who told you to touch anything!" The other groaned, rushing to his friend's side to see as six sides to the circle started to crack—the wall shattering rather than coming down, exposing what was locked away inside. Once the dust had settled, and it was safe, both men shone their flashlights towards the tomb, nearly jumping out of their skin when they saw the four men inside.Behind the gold bars were four men clearly being held captive inside. They were all standing a safe distance from the bars. Odd, because the legend often spoke of certain silver types that would ward off Vampires, but the bars looked gold. Wanting a closer look, one of the men walked closer, keeping a safe distance until he saw one of the figures rush up and try to grab him through the metal."What are you? Who are you! What year is this!" Ravn demanded, red eyes glaring at the two. He couldn't stay by the bars for long. He took his hands off them with a pained hiss and stepped back to fix his hair."Holy shit… a fucking VAMPIRE!" The man yelled, gasping in both fear and excitement as he made sure to keep his distance. There was more to this cell that was keeping them inside. The gaps in the bars were significant enough for anyone to fit through should they want to leave. Not that they could have with the giant walls, but even with them destroyed, the men remained inside."I'm Kiwon. This is Hyungji. We're scientists that have been on the hunt for you guys for the last god knows how many years. Whoa… and you're alive! This is real. Oh, the year. It's 2020." Kiwon added, looking to his friend for support."2020, we've… been asleep for that many years? It can't be. Where did they take us? Where is this?" Hwanwoong asked, getting up to peek through the bars next to Ravn. Unlike the elder, he kept his hands off the bars."You're in Korea, well, South Korea. You guys went missing near what we call Busan. It was said that with you guys were buried a massive fortune, but nobody has ever been able to find it. I think you guys are the treasure. You know how things can get lost in translation." Hyungji said, moving closer to stand next to his friend."We started a small organization in college that tracks down myths and legends. You're the first living vampires we've ever come across. Here, I think these might help. We found these in Europe a few years back." Kiwon said, pulling a velvet bag out of his side bag and tossing it through the bars at the four of them."I thought there were supposed to be six of them, there are only four," Hyungji whispered. The mention of the lost two had Leedo up and slamming his hands against the bars. His eyes a darker shade of red than the others. It had both of the humans nearly falling back onto their behinds from pure fear."Don't talk about the other two. Ever. I will find who did this to us and they will pay for everything" Leedo growled. The whole infrastructure of the cell shook from the force of his fists connecting with the bars. After going so long without feeding, their powers were more robust than ever, built up over centuries. He could only hold out so long before he pushed away, shaking his hands carefully. Hwanwoong moved to rub his back, mumbling something to him in a desperate attempt at calming him down."Are these necklaces? What do they do?" Keonhee asked, taking them out of the bag to look at them closer, fingers rubbing against the smooth metal and over the center stone. Turning to look back to the men, he handed one to each of the guys, pocketing the other two for safekeeping."We know about these, but they were only rumors to us too. Blessed by the highest authority when worn anything that can hurt, you can't hurt you anymore. I heard it's so powerful that vampires could go into the sun as long as they had them on. But this was the stuff of legends to us." Ravn said, walking over to put one on and test it out. He put the necklace over his head and tucked it under his shirt. He was carefully walking near the bars before sliding his body through one of the gaps quickly. Once on the other side, he gasped, covering his mouth before he reached out to grab the bar. He felt nothing."It works, holy shit. This feels like nothing.." Ravn said, giddy over his discovery.The other boys followed quickly, stepping out of the bars and stretching their legs for the first time in a while. The two human boys started to panic, unsure if they were in danger or not with four freed prisoners walking around. They didn't actually know if the necklaces were going to work or not. Their eyes stayed on Leedo once he emerged from the cell, assuming he was the more dangerous of the 4 vampires with his hostile reaction about the other two being gone. It wasn't hard to figure that something terrible might of happened to them during captivity."What about you two, can you get us out of here and back home?" Hwanwoong asked, moving closer to the humans. He could feel how scared they were, their hearts beating so wildly in their chests it was almost annoying. He put his hands up almost as if he wanted to assure them that he wasn't about to hurt them."Things have changed… a lot. I don't think most of you have a home to go back to. I think only one of the estates from those days were saved but we aren't sure who it belongs to. We can take you out of here and find you guys a place to stay. We don't want anything bad to happen to you guys, but you have to trust us for this to work." Hyungji said, moving closer to his friend nervously."Found the treasure," Ravn said, walking over carrying several leather bags of gold and gems. He had also found a strange crown and placed it on his head for fun."I guess they figured we could never get it, so whoever put us here might have stashed it away? These bags have our family crests on them." Ravn tossed the other two bags that they would recognize. Hwanwoong gasped, looking inside the bag excitedly."Will this get us accommodations for now?" Keonhee asked, looking in the direction the two had emerged from, heading off to see if there was more."That will get us more than just accommodations!" The two humans yelled excitedly but kept grounded. If it belonged to the boys, it was better not to push them. Should they gain the trust of the vampires, they could talk about money afterward."Leedo…" Keonhee said, emerging from the space with a dusty box. Leedo took it with a curious look, flipping it over before feeling a wave of anger run through him. Leedo quickly brushed off some of the dust from it before looking down at the decorations on the box. He took one quick look inside before he shut it, holding the box to his chest tightly."Seoho's silk robes." Keonhee mouthed to Ravn, who nodded in understanding. They both knew better than to say his name out loud around Leedo. Even mentioning the fact that they were 4 and not 6 would send him into a rage."Get us out of here, and we will treat you well. I'm sure there is much we need to learn, and in return for freeing us, we will keep you both safe and well paid." Leedo said, giving the humans the green light to relax. Both of them let out a deep breath before tossing the vampires over two big bags to fill with whatever was in the room.It didn't take them long to clear it out—the weight too much to the humans but nothing to the vampires, they were able to pick up the duffle bags with ease. Leedo refused to let Seoho's box down for even a second leaving Raven and Keonhee to carry them. When the humans brought out their flashlights and turned them back on, the four Vampires jumped back in surprise. Hwanwoong was the first to go over and snatch it away, shining the light in his eyes, causing him to drop the flashlight before he scrambled to pick it back up."What the hell is this thing? You had them out earlier." Hwanwoong asked, shining the light around."It's called a flashlight. It makes dark spaces brighter. So, no more candles, you just use this." Hyungji said, showing with his flashlight how it illuminated a space nearby. Hwanwoong nodded in understanding before he showed the others. They all took turns playing with it before finally making their way out of the small tunnel."I forgot you guys can't see in the dark like we can. How have so many years gone by and you guys still haven't advanced." Keonhee asked, shaking his head.The tunnel didn't come out where they thought it would. It seemed they were in a sort of dense forest area. From the light coming through the trees, they could tell that it was dawn. The sun was just starting to come up, casting shadows on the ground. Once the six men were outside, they could have run for it and left the humans on their own, but they decided against it. Looking back at where they had come out of, there was no way to tell that a hidden world was below. It had to be something someone was looking for. Random stones covered the entrance in a way that made it look like any old hill. It was no wonder it took someone so long to find them.By the time they got to the clearing and into the parking lot by the park's entrance, the sun was high enough to be dangerous. Leedo was the first to explore into the full sunlight, unphased by what would happen to him as he clutched Seoho's box closer to his chest. The three vampires stood back and watched, nervous to know if the necklaces were truly as powerful as they were supposed to be. When Leedo's skin hit the sun for the first time, nothing happened. All he felt was a warm sensation wrap him up. Something that he hadn't felt since that horrible last night. The memories started flooding back, making him angry all over again. Before he could lash out in a usual fit, the other three ran over to him, holding his head to ground him. All of them reminding him that his freedom meant his revenge for what happened—soothing him from a wild rage. This was common over the years, anything that reminded him of Seoho or that night sent him over the edge, and it was up to them to calm him down before he killed himself and them in his rage.Once his eyes returned to their usual chocolate brown, he looked down at the box and nodded his head, knowing he would do anything to get back at the families of the men who killed his husband. Perhaps the two humans knew something more about the events of that night. Leedo walked over to them as they loaded up the back of a large van they had borrowed from a friend. Leedo grabbed the wrist of one of the humans to get his attention."You know what happened to us, you knew how to find us. Do you have any way of knowing who did this to us?" Leedo asked, trying to refrain from glaring too harshly."There are so many stories of what happened, we expected there to be 6 but there are only 4. Some people said you guys were killed and then put in there, others said you were buried alive. It's hard to tell. We can try to gather them up, and if you can tell us what happened exactly on the night you guys were locked away we can probably find out who did it. Give us a day or two to try and get everything together. First, we need to get you all cleaned up and changed." Hyungji said, trying not to wince from how tightly Leedo was grabbing him. When Leedo finally let go and walked off, Hyungji let out a sigh and fell against the trunk's side."We have four murderous bodyguards. You better stay up all damn day and get that research done." He said, swatting at his friend to make sure he heard him. Kiwon flinched away, rubbing his shoulder before he turned to the four vampires walking around in the sun."I will. I can't believe those necklaces worked. Come on; we're super late bringing the van back, he's going to kill us. We have to head to the shop first before we drop the four of them off at a hotel. We can trade in some of their gold for cash and go from there once they are checked in." Ki won said, closing up the trunk before he opened the side door to the van. He took some time to show the vampires how to get in and secure themselves, so everyone was safe. It was a bit cramped with all of them in, but it worked for now.Explaining what a car was and the tall metal buildings all around them took up the full length of the drive. The 45 minutes back into Seoul was spent with three of the four vampires asking every question about everything they saw. It seemed as if the world was unimaginable to them in its current state compared to what it was like when they were locked up. Leedo spent the ride silently, watching out of the window at the world passing him by as he kept the box of robes close to his chest. A bump made something in the box rattle. Raising an eyebrow, he looked down at it. He wouldn't open the box now, but he would take a closer look when he was in a more private setting. The box's contents meant too much to him. He wouldn't risk anything happening to them."Where are we going anyway?" Hwanwoong asked, looking away from the window to focus on the two humans in the front seat."We have to go pick up some things for a friend of ours since he let us borrow his van, and then we can drop you guys off at a hotel. We just need you to stay there and wait until we can finish a few things." Kiwon said, looking back at the vampires before he turned to look at the GPS."We should be there in a few minutes. Just hang out in here while we get what we need to get." Kiwon added, turning back to look at the road to make sure he wasn't driving them into the side of a building.Once the car finally came to a stop, all eyes pointed outside to see where they were. Despite being told to stay, the vampires all unloaded once the car was stopped. Thankfully there wasn't anyone around at this hour to question the four idol looking men who climbed out of a car in white silk shirts with. The sign on the front door read, "Forbidden Florist." Looking around the area with nothing but curiosity, the vampires knew it was best not to stray too far from the van. Peeking into the window, Leedo could see someone walking around with soft rose gold hair, holding a container of flowers up. All he saw was the back of him, but something about his shape seemed so familiar."You're late! Do you know how many orders I had this morning! No, I don't want any excuses.""Seoho, we found it! We found everything. When I tell you..." Kiwon smiled, jumping up on the counter to sit only to be pushed off by Seoho, who turned to lay a pile of flowers on the table. Kiwon frowned, grabbing one of the bins of deliveries that he would need to put in the van."You found your magical treasure locked in a box. That's why you're late to do actual work? Aish, you and Hyungji are always off chasing ghosts, some of us have real work to do." Seoho laughed, turning around to smell the flowers nearby.That's when Leedo saw him. There among the flowers was him. His Seoho. Or maybe not the exact one, but someone that looked exactly like him. Surrounded by flowers looking just as angelic as he did the last day they spent together. The only difference was the hair, but it fit him so well. Leedo felt like he was in a dream, pinching himself to see if it was real before he rushed inside. Ravn and Hwanwoong heading inside after him to see what Leedo had been staring at. The three stopped dead in their tracks. Ravn rubbed at his eyes to make sure he didn't imagine things."What in the hell is going on…" Leedo asked, unable to take his eyes off Seoho."Hello! Can I help you?" Seoho perked up when he thought he had customers, blindly tying the bow around the flowers before adding it to a nearby bin."Seoho... "Leedo said again, blinking several times to make sure he didn't imagine things."Yes? I'm sorry, have we met? I'm sorry, you look familiar. Have I seen you from somewhere before?" Seoho said, shaking some of his hair out of his eyes."It's me, Leedo… do you remember me? You have to know me…" Leedo said. Kiwon looked between the two before he slowly put two and two together. Quickly stepping between the two men before Leedo could say any more."I don't think he is who you think he is, don't be weird. Take this out to the car, please." Kiwon said, knowing he was pushing his luck. He didn't know who Seoho might have been to him, but he wasn't the same person from his past. Unless Seoho had a secret, he didn't tell anyone. Unfortunately, seconds later, Hwanwoong raced over to hug Seoho, Ravn quickly stopping him and his outstretched arms, pulling him away as a very confused Seoho looked at the three strangers."I'm sorry, maybe I met you guys somewhere. Are you friends with Kiwon?" Seoho asked, walking around the counter with a bin of flowers in his hands."Seoho, do you not remember us?" Hwanwoong frowned, looking between Leedo and Ravn confused."I'm sorry, no, but if you're here to help, that's great! I need all the help I can get." Seoho smiled wide. Leedo pushed Kiwon out of the way to take a step closer. It was Seoho, his Seoho. He could feel it radiating through his body. Why he couldn't remember was frustrating, but Leedo knew he needed to do everything to try and see if any memories could come back to him. Maybe this was a second chance, the one positive to come from hundreds of years of solitude. Regardless of what it was, he knew that he wouldn't leave Seoho's side a second time."I'll work here if you need help. All of us will. Are you alone here?" Leedo asked, unable to take his eyes off Seoho."No, I have a friend that helps out. More of a night person, though. His name is Xion. He will be here later. I would appreciate the help. I can't pay you a lot, though." Seoho said, holding out a bin of flowers for Leedo to take. Ravn gasped at Xion's mention, turning to look at the other two almost in disbelief before he took a step closer."I would work for free. I have the money." Leedo took the bin, holding it close to his chest as if the contents were the most precious things in the world to him."I.. that's… I have to pay you anything I can. You can't work for free. Kiwon where did you find these guys." Seoho peaked from around Leedo's shoulder to see his friend. Kiwon just shrugged nervously and moved to bring the bin outside."What is taking everyone so long?" Keonhee asked, playing around with the phone he had snatched up from Hyungji. He looked up when Kiwon came outside."Do the names Seoho and Xion mean anything to you?" Kiwon asked, Keonhee quickly dropped the phone and got to his feet."Do you have a death wish? Don't say those names out loud." Keonhee looked around to make sure Leedo wasn't around them."What about Seoho?" Hyungji asked, picking his phone up off the floor. Happy to see it didn't break from the fall."Seoho is Leedo's husband. Or was his husband. They were together for 90 years, married for 20 of those. They knew each other for many years prior to that.. He was killed in the sun the morning we got captured. Xion was one of our closest friends too. He was killed as well minutes before Seoho was pushed into the sun." Keonhee said, looking into the building before he looked back at the two humans."Seoho and Xion own this florist shop, what is he… oh." Hyungji watched as Keonhee ran inside, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw Seoho and Leedo looking at each other."Is it really him?" Keonhee whispered to Ravn, who could only shrug."I don't know, but we will stay to find out. Leedo deserves that. If we can find a way to get back both our Xion and Seoho, that's more enough revenge for me." Ravn said, both Keonhee and Hwanwoong nodded in agreement."Come on, guys, we need to get these delivered," Kiwon yelled into the room. The four snapped out of their gaze to leave. Leedo was the last to leave, bowing to Seoho before he did."I can stay here with him; you guys can take these. It's better If I…" Leedo looked back inside, watching Seoho through the window. Even though his heart didn't beat, there was a painful yearning that drew him in."Get cleaned up first. You look crazy. We can't just storm in there and demand his memories to return, we don't even know how this works. He can come back to see him later, right?" Ravn asked, turning to the humans. They just nodded their heads and gestured to get back inside of the van. The hotel they got was more lavish than they were expecting. Used to the finer things in life, the four vampires didn't mind modern upscale living. The suite had four bedrooms and private bathrooms. A large living room area connected everything with a kitchen that would be of no use to them. It must have been expensive with the way the humans lost color in their cheeks at the room's cost. None of the vampires understood, but they assured the humans to take what was owed from their gold.Modern bathing was a beautiful thing. The way the water would come out so hot and stay hot for so long, engulfing them all in a feeling that they all thought would never happen again. One by one, they took their time showering and bathing, cleaning themselves up to look more presentable for the current year they were in. Not wanting to get back into their ancient clothes, they decided to just wrap up in their towels and lay around while they waited for the humans to return. All of them were in awe over the sun touching their skin from the floor to ceiling windows. The fact that nothing terrible was happening to them still blew their minds.Leedo took his time in his room, sitting on the bed's edge with Seoho's box. Now that he had the privacy, he finally opened it completely. He pulled out one of the robes inside. It was the most delicate silk of their time, crimson red color with gold stitching. It was the one Seoho wore the most, the one he was given for their wedding night. Holding it close, Leedo felt overcome with emotions, promising to himself that he would do anything to see if this modern-day Seoho really was his Seoho.

Digging deeper into the box, he pulled out a ring, their wedding rings that Seoho had thought he lost. Leedo carefully removed his necklace and slid the ring onto the chain before he clasped it back on. He hugged the robe tighter to his body, allowing himself a few more moments of emotion before he tucked everything away to keep it safe. Heading out of the room shortly after joining the others, slumping down in a seat far from the window."Do you think these were created back before we were captured? People only talked about them as myths. To think that these strange little humans got them, and they work." Ravn said, twirling his necklace around in his hand before he turned to look at the others."I don't know, but I want to know how Seoho and Xion are here now. In whatever city this is of all places." Keonhee said, turning to Leedo, who was now curled up in his chair."I don't know, but I don't intend on ever letting him out of my sights. He said we looked familiar. What if my Seoho is in there, somewhere, what if Xion is our Xion." Leedo sighed, laying his head back against the chair."Even if they are, what do we do? Neither of them is a vampire right now. It's not like they will live forever. We can't just bite them and change them without their permission either. There are laws against that." Ravn reminded, now twirling his hair around in his fingers. It felt weird, cutting it so short, but they wanted to blend in."Laws upheld by who? You heard the humans. We're the first vampires he's ever found alive. If the two want to change and there is a possibility that it can bring them back, if it's really them, it's worth the shot?" Hwanwoong said, turning his attention back towards Leedo."We owe it to them, to us, to Leedo to try anything. Seoho even said we all look familiar. Our kind knows that reincarnation is a reality. Once a vampire dies, they don't always die for good, especially those that are born vampires. It's worth a shot." Ravn added, standing up to head for the window, looking outside at the city around them."This place is so strange looking. Everything is close together. How does anyone have privacy?" Ravn added, drawing the shade to get the room nice and dark. Even if they could be in the sun, that didn't mean it wasn't uncomfortable on their eyes.Shortly after Ravn drew the curtains, the door to their room was opened. The humans walked in, looking rather tired. Setting down several bags, they took a look at the four Vampires lying around in towels and robes and couldn't help but laugh. They started tossing clothes to all of them to change into so they wouldn't be so naked. Once they were all dressed and presentable, the two humans set out several stacks of bills on the table. More money than either had seen in a long time, but it wasn't theirs."This is what we got from half of one of those bags. This is enough to keep an average person happy for a year. We will have to keep going to other places to sell them. Going to the bank is risky. For now, we can stay here while we look for a place to move you guys into." Kiwon said, jumping up to sit on the counter. A bad habit he always seemed to get in trouble for."Can I go back to the florist. I don't want to be away from Seoho much longer." Leedo said, setting his box down on the counter before walking over to the humans."Yeah, sure. I don't know what you guys think will happen or who you think he is, but just… be gentle with him. He's a sensitive guy, don't hurt him, please." Kiwon said, frowning slightly."If there is anyone that knows how to handle him, it's Leedo. Trust us. There is no way our Seoho isn't in there somewhere." Ravn said. The humans looked at each other nervously before nodding their heads."We will help or try to help. We do deliveries for Seoho any time we're around the area. After finding you guys, I think we are going to take a few months off to dig deeper into all of this. You guys cannot drive. But if Leedo wants to stay in the shop with him and you guys want to help us deliver flowers or whatever else, that works." Hyungji said, most of them nodded.It seemed Leedo's impatience to get back to Seoho was growing. Already heading for the door as soon as the humans said they were going to leave. By the time they got to the florist, the sun was starting to set. Little lights illuminated the shop outside of the shop, making the whole thing look a lot cozier than expected. Getting out of the car, Leedo watched Seoho through the window for a moment. Still in the same place working with his flowers. A sight Leedo had seen time and time again during better days. He waited a few more moments before he walked inside. Seoho was finishing up an order when the bell signaled their arrival. Stopping to look up and see Leedo coming closer to him. A bright smile fell on his features as scooped up the flowers and held them out for Leedo to see."They are beautiful." Leedo smiled, leaning in to smell them softly before he reached out to hold them up, letting Seoho tie a ribbon around them before he took them back to set in the fridge overnight."Thanks. It was always my dream to be a florist. When I retire I want to have a huge garden somewhere and just grow fields and fields of wildflowers." Seoho smiled, a soft blush covering his cheeks as he spoke about something that to others always sounded so silly, but to him meant so much."I think that would be nice. Flowers were never my thing when I was younger, but I grew to love them a lot after a while. I think a big space with flowers fits you." Leedo said, unable to stop the smile that tugged on his lips."Thanks… you know you seem so familiar to me. I don't know what it is. Have we met before?" Seoho asked, cocking his head to the side as he leaned in closer. Leedo wasn't sure what to say or what to do. He just focused on listening to Seoho's beating heart to remind himself that this person was still alive. This wasn't his Seoho, not yet at least."Maybe in a past life." Leedo shrugged, looking away from Seoho to focus on the flowers."Maybe. I don't know if I believe in all of that but something about you seems so familiar. It's getting late. We should be done soon." Seoho smiled, looking over when Xion walked into the room, holding a giant bag of ribbons. Leedo's jaw dropped at the sight before him. Seeing him only made it more evident that this was his Seoho since the Xion he talked about was another exact lookalike for their Xion."They didn't have the gold silk one you wanted. I'll have to try another store tomorrow," Xion said, setting the bag down on the counter. Looking over when he noticed there were people in the shop. His eyes scanned over Leedo curiously, Xion narrowed his eyebrows slightly."Do I know you? Why do you look so familiar?" Xion asked. Seoho started to laugh."I said the same thing. He's friends with Kiwon. He said he would help me out at the shop during the daytime." Seoho said, moving to gather up the remaining orders, holding them out for Xion to start gathering the flowers."Ooooh, he's cute too," Xion whispered, rushing off before Seoho could react. Leedo pretended not to hear it, smirking at Seoho's elevated heartbeat. It gave him hope that maybe this could work out for them. Even if it wasn't his Seoho, it was a version that was identical."What can I help with?" Leedo asked, moving around the side of the table to stand closer to Seoho, a calm falling over him that he hadn't felt in many years."Right now, we're just finishing these last orders. I'll show you how I set them up. When you get familiar with the flowers, you can maybe make your own. Be careful. The stems are fragile. You have to love them while you do this." Seoho smiled, carefully moving the flowers around, grabbing from the bin by his feet as he wound them together, making a custom order for an older woman who ordered from him once every two weeks. Once Seoho got started with an order, nothing else, but his flowers mattered. Happily adding and subtracting flowers and leaves until it started to come alive.Leedo silently observed, studying the delicate way that Seoho tended to every single flower—noticing how he had to smell every flower first before adding it to the bunch, picking off individual leaves, and adding simple touches here and there. By the time he was done with the last bouquet, Leedo was a professional at tying bows for him. Kiwon watched from a stool in the corner, chatting to Xion about their recent discovery, leaving out specific details about the vampires. It was hard to remember that Leedo was one with how gentle he was towards Seoho. The legends always said that they were the most vicious of all the creatures, but as he watched Leedo watching Seoho as if the world revolved around him, it was easy to assume all the rumors were false."And that's it. We're done for the day." Seoho smirked, cutting the final ribbon before moving to put them in the fridge to preserve for the next day. Leedo nodded, washing his hands off in a nearby sink before he smoothed his hair back with the excess water."Can we go eat now? I'm starving." Xion said, turning off several of the lights before heading to grab his jacket. Seoho laughed, nodding his head yes."What should we eat? You get to pick. You're our new friend." Seoho said, tugging on his jacket. Leedo froze, looking to Kiwon for help."He ate, so maybe tomorrow he can eat with us. We should be getting back to the others." Kiwon said, getting up from his chair."I should be getting back, but I can walk you both down the street to make sure you're safe," Leedo said, a soft smile curled the corners of his lips as he turned to face Seoho and Xion."This is Korea. We're always safe. But that sounds nice." Seoho said, gesturing for everyone to leave before he locked the place up. Xion gave Kiwon a smirk and gestured for him to stand back to let the two walk ahead of them."He seems so familiar, but he clearly is smitten with Seoho. After getting his heartbroken, maybe this is what he needs." Xion said, turning to Kiwon. Kiwon could only sigh, chewing his lips lightly before nodding his head."This will be good, right? His ex-boyfriend was a prick. Leedo will keep him safe. I hope." Kiwon added, walking down the street to follow after them. Watching the two together was strange. Leedo seemed so reserved, so scary at first. Even when Seoho wasn't around, his intimidation factor was through the roof. Buy the second Seoho was around; he seemed different, more gentle. Rushing after them finally, Kiwon watched Seoho and Xion walk into the restaurant, waving the two off before he tugged for Leedo to follow."I'll stay here and follow him home. I want to make sure he's safe. I know how to get back. Don't worry about me." Leedo said, turning to look at Kiwon."Come, we will be back in the morning. Seoho is okay. I promise you." Kiwon said, gesturing for the road where he could call them a taxi."I let him go once, I won't do it again." Leedo frowned, turning to watch Seoho be seated through the window."We will be back first thing tomorrow. I promise you, I'll have you here bright and early." Kiwon said, nodding for the road so they could call a cab."Fine, bright and early."