Younha’s POV I was really happy when I found out that oppa did some surprise for me. Super Junior oppa and other friends are all present, including Sooyoung, which I bet is Ryeowook’s girlfriend, her friend Hara, and Sunkyu. We were partying very hard and non-stop. We were drinking and dancing and laughing out our hearts. Then I remembered Kimjae who is one of the people who planned this for me. I should go and give her a visit on their room. “I’ll just go get Kim, alright?” I told Yesung. Sooyoung and Sunkyu went with me. They also wanted to see Kim. Sunny told me about what Kim is suffering from so I decided to give her a peek. We all went inside and see her. “Hello there sweetie…” I touched her forehead. She has a fever though it’s not that extreme. “Yah! Park Kim Jae-ah! Do you feel fine?” Sooyoung ruffled her hair. “Gaah~! Unnie you positively think I feel fine? Aish…” Kim scolded Sooyoung. “Yah! Ryeowook taught you to be that disrespectful?!” Sooyoung blurted. They looked cute while scolding each other. “Sooyoung, stop pissing her.” Sunkyu interrupted. “Unnie, she’s-” “Stop.” Sunkyu cut her. Yeah, jinjja. I found family here. I grew up wanting to have sister or brother but mom cant get pregnant anymore. It was hard for her to give birth to me and so dad and mom decided not to have another child for it is very risky for mom. Now I have my sisters.. my brothers.. that’s thanks to Yesung oppa. “So how are you feeling now?” I asked Kim. “Actually, I feel better now. In fact, I want to go out and party with you guys. It’s just that I want to fully rest so that I can recover very fast.” Kim told me. “Thank you.” I kissed her forehead. She knows what I’m talking about. “Your welcome unnie. Whoever comes in you and Yesung oppa’s way will meet my fist.” She smiled weakly at me. “Yah, Kimjae-ah.. You want to eat something?” Sooyoung asked her. “I want chocolates.” Kim responded to her. “Okay I’ll go get chocolate cake outside.” Sooyoung went out. Sunkyu sat on the side of her bed. “Sunkyu-ah, I’ll just go see Yesung oppa. He’s a bit drunk already. Kimmy, I’ll be back okay?” “Okay unnie.” They answered in unison. I went out of the room. I cant seem to find Yesung oppa in the living room. “Sungmin-ah, do you know where Yesung oppa is?” I asked Sungmin who was with Yesung oppa a while ago. “Neh, he’s in the bathroom noona. He said he’ll just wash his face. Uhm, noona, I think hyung is already drunk.” Sungmin told me. I thanked him and went to the bathroom. As I walk towards the bathroom, I heard gibberish sounds. I try to move and not to be noticed. I heard Yesung oppa’s voice and another woman’s voice?! My heart beat fast as I come very close to the door. I held the knob and opened it. “What the fuck are you doing?!”my eyes instantly got blurry. I saw Yesung oppa and that bitch making out!! God! I cant feel my feet anymore. “Younha…” Yesung called me. “I said what the fuck are you doing here with that bitch?!” I yelled to the top of my lungs, letting out my anger and pain. I feel my hot tears on the side of my eyes but I didn’t let them fall. I don’t want them to see me crying. “Oh yeah?! Cant you see? We are actually fucking when you interrupted!” Hara yelled back at me. Aish this whore! And she still has the guts to answer me! I already lost my control! I was about to attack her when pairs of arms held me back. Siwon held my shoulders, Eeteuk oppa hugged my waist. I really want to give that whore what she wants so I tried kicking her. Pang! I hit her right leg! Heechul then held my legs. I was like a possessed person at the moment. “Sweetheart it’s not what you think!” Yesung tried to come near me but I will just struggle and try to hit him in whatever way I can. “FUCK THAT! And what so you want me to think of it?! Seriously Yesung. It was just last night…LAST NIGHT for Christ’s sake! What’s this party for? Huh?! Surprise? Well I am really surprised!!” I yelled at him. I was calmer already. Sunkyu was beside me patting my back. Kim, on my left, wiped my tears. Jinjja?! I thought I can control my tears! “Younha…” Yesung called me, his voice was pleading. “Just enjoy the night guys..” I turned and walked out of the house. My tears rolling down my cheeks as I walk. I heard Yesung called me, he was running after me. I just don’t want to see his face so I ran as fast as I could. Thank God he was not able to follow me. Yesung’s POV I followed her suit but she ran real fast. It’s as if she really wants to avoid. I went back inside the house to do some clearing. I was still at the gate but I already hear screaming and yelling. I rushed inside the house to see Kim and Hara cat fighting. “Yah! Stop that!”I yelled at them but they seem to not hear me. Instead, Kim pulled Hara’s hair even harder. She was on top of Hara. Kyuhyun, Shindong, Siwon, Heechul, Sungmin and almost everybody were stopping her but they just cant. God! I never know that she’s this strong! “Chingu-ya, s-stop it! Ouch!!” Kyuhyun winced when Kim accidentally elbowed his nose. “NO! THIS BITCH IS GOING TO PAY BIG TIME!!” Kim kept on slapping Hara. Hara in return slaps Kim also and pulls her hair. She scratched Kim’s left jaw with her fingers. “Yeouch!” Kim squealed. “Take that, bitch!” Hara smirked. I tried helping the guys get Kim off Hara. She kept on struggling on top of her until we finally stopped her. Maybe she got tired already. Hara stood up and fixed herself. Good thing she isn’t wearing those mini skirts of hers today. “It was a nice party oppa. I hope we can still have time to hang out like this. Thanks for inviting me!” she smiled sweetly. “Just go! I never thought you were like that! Bitch!” Sooyoung yelled. Hara went near her. “Thank you for letting me stay in your ugly apartment, for feeding me cheap food, for keeping me.” “You are no longer welcome.” Sooyoung hissed. “Oh by the way bitch, I have had enough of the word tonight!” she slapped Sooyoung real hard no her face and turned away. “Don’t you ever dare come near anyone of us anymore, understand?” Heechul said fiercely. “Nah~~~! I bet that wont happen.” She looked at me and winked, “Thanks for tonight oppa.” With that, she finally left the house. “Aish! That….ugh!” I muttered under my breath. “What now hyung? You’ll just let noona believe no what she saw?” Kibum asked me. “Ani!! Of course I wont! I will do everything to get her back!” “You should. We believe that you and Hara are nothing.” Kangin said. “Thanks hyung.” Eeteuk patted me at my back. I noticed Kim was already crying, and so does Sooyoung. Sunny is comforting them though. “Kimmy-sshi stop cr--” I was not able to finish my sentence because she attacked me with hug. “Oppa, I hope you’ll be fine.” She sobs on my chest, wetting my shirt. “Kimmy-sshi, why did you do that? You’re sick and you did a cat fight with her. Look at your face, you have scratches.” I caress her cheek. “She has what?!” Kyuhyun rushed to her and snatched her away from me. “I-it’s nothing Kyu…” Kim stuttered. Gaaah. Seeing these two makes my heart hurt a lot. Now, what do I do with my Younha? “Oppa, I am really sorry for bringing trouble to your house. I take full responsibility of what she did. I brought her here and she ruined you and unnie. I’m sorry.” She said in between sobs. “You have no fault here. I just wonder how you and Hara became friends.” I told her and give her hand a squeeze. “Ryeowook, Shindong and Donghae, you better take Sooyoung to her apartment safely. You go with them, Eunhyuk.” Eeteuk said. “Kim, go and rest now, Kyuhyun, go with her too.” Siwon said. “Yesung, we’ll talk about your problem whenever you want to.” Eeteuk finally told me. “Alright. I’ll just go out to get some fresh air.” I went out and settle thoughts in my mind. There was I while ago, comforting Kim and Sooyoung. But the thing is, I am really hurt and I cant comfort myself. I was not able to react when Younha turned her back and went away. I was such a jerk for letting Hara do that to me! I should have prevented her from doing so, but I just stood there like an idiot! I was shocked, alright, but that doesn’t seem acceptable. Who says men shouldn’t cry? Suck. I want to cry. So I cried my heart out as I stare on the river. Cold breeze hugging me as I remember the scene a while ago. I hurt my angel…. “Younha, I love you… I’ll get you back….” I cried to myself. I just hope she listens to me.
Thank you to my constant commenters, xairalemery, who is now Kim Seul Young, Glinkkiehyukkie who is very excited of Hyuk's story, and TiHae4ever (i'm sorry it's SiFany >.<) Filipinos out there, you guys know Jovit Baldivino ? if you do, can you do me a favor? Please like our videos in youtube. Just type Maj and Jovit Baldivino 1, Maj and Jovit Baldivino 2, Maj and Jovit Baldivino 3 and Maj and Jovit Baldivino 4.
Thanks!! ilovekyu, kyulovesme, we're a happy family :D