"Your fault!" (1/1)
Now, another chapter haha! I am making the most out of my time because sooner, we will all be back to school! aigoo! By the way, sweethearts, you may notice I changed the way I write their dialogues :)) neoreul saranghae :) ~ilovekyu
Kim and Kyuhyun woke up with heavy head due to hang over. Kim Jae can’t even open her eyes properly. Without getting up, she complained: “A-aigoo… My head hurts like hell! Oh crap!” she yelled. “Shut up! I’m trying to get more sleep here!”Kyuhyun hissed and threw her pillow. She ignored him and got up. She felt a little groggy at first so she closed her eyes. Feeling better, she opened her eyes and gave the room a roam of sight. No more oppa are sleeping except for Kyuhyun. It was already 10 AM as what her cell phone shows. Good thing there are no classes for today. She flattened her back on her bed and spoke. “Chingu-ya, it’s already 10AM.” She lazily said. Upon hearing what Kim said, Kyuhyun almost jumped out of bed and became “hysterical”. “What?! It’s already 10AM! How can I sleep that long?! Hell yeah, we are so effing late!” he struggled in his uniform and ran around the room to fix his things. “Yah, watch your words!”Kim said. He noticed that Kim wasn’t that worried that they were already late. He threw her all the pillows within his reach and yelled, “Yah! Get up now! We cannot afford to be late!” It seems that Kim has no plan of getting up so he continued panicking around. “Okay, now my books? Where are my books? What books to bring? Hmm, today is uhm, Wednes-DAY the 15th!”Kyuhyun glared at Kim. “Yah! Why didn’t you tell me it’s a 15th today?! It’s a Wednesday! You enjoyed yourself watching me screwing our room! Yah! Yah! ” he yelled while Kim laughed loudly. He was about to go strangle Kim’s neck when the door suddenly flung open. Eeteuk was there and most of the other hyung. (hala kayo..keke) “You two, go out. We need to talk.” Eeteuk said in an authoritative voice an closed the door drastically. “Oh yes we are dead meat today.”Kyuhyun told her when she looked at him. “Aish! I remember now. Aigoo it was your fault! I hate you chingu-ya!”she blamed Kyu. “What?! My fault?!” she stepped closer to her and held her chin up. “Oh no dear, it wasn’t mine but YOUR fault. You even admitted it last night.” he smirked. Kim was a bit feeling awkward on what Kyu is doing, but still, she managed to say something. “I did?”she asked. “Yes sweetie, you did. Thank you by the way.” He removed his hand from her chin and sat on the bed. He was enjoying on how Kim reacted on his gestures. “I better tease her more often…” he thought to himself while grinning evilly. “Yah! Wasn’t it your idea? Then you started it! T’was you fault!” she protested upon remembering what really happened. “Yah, you are feeding me up to oppa huh! You cannot fool me chingu-ya!” she thought. “Oh well, you agreed, though. Not totally my fault. Hey, don’t you just stand on what you said last night? Keep your words!” Kyuhyun smirked. “GO OUT NOW!” Eeteuk yelled from the outside. Kim gave Kyuhyun a what-should-we-do-i-am-so-afraid-of-oppa look. Kyu held her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. “Okay, it was OUR fault. Promise I wont leave you in this chingu-ya.” Kim was genuinely touched. It was fun pissing him off before, but it is more fun being friends with him right now. They walked out of the room and faced their oppas and hyungs bravely. ( as if they are being fed up to a snake or something LOL) As soon as the kids went out, Siwon can’t help but tease them. “Wow! Holding hands! Now it made me more curious on what really happened last night…” he chuckled. Kim blushed. Kyu scratched his head and let go of Kim’s hand. They sat down facing Eeteuk oppa, other oppa scattered in the living room, anticipating for their explanation. “Explain yourselves.”Eeteuk said, his voice very firm. “Oppa, we are really sorr-“Kyuhyun cut Kim’s words. “Hyung, it was totally my fault. I asked her to celebrate because we are finally friends.” he started. “So he did it.” Kibum whispered Siwon hyung. Siwon just nodded. “Good boy, Kyuhyun-ah, for following hyung’s advice…” he thought. “I asked if she wants to try drinking since we are already old enough. I kind of heard what Ryeowook said last night and all he said are true.” Kyuhyun continued. He then stood up and pulled Kim up too. They bowed real down for quite a while. “We’re sorry hyung..” “We’re sorry oppa!” “You don’t know how much worried we were last night. We even thought of horrible things! Oh well. Good thing nothing bad happened except you being all naughty and moody last night. Sit down you too. Though I am not mad anymore, I cannot tolerate it so I will have to give you punishments.”Eeteuk said in a more calm voice. “First, for today, wash all the bed covers and dry them today.”Eeteuk said. “Wow! That’s hard hyung!” Ryeowook interrupted. Eeteuk smiled at him and said “You want to do it for them, Wookie???” “A-ANI! They can do it better right? Kyuhyun-ah?” he chuckled nervously. Eeteuk continued. “You will be grounded for quite sometime. Maybe 2 weeks. Oh yeah, 2 weeks. School-home routine okay?” then an evil thought comes to his mind. “And lastly, you won’t be able to talk to other guys except for me. You are also allowed to talk to each other only. Arasseo?” “Hah! Hyung! Is that even a punishment?! I love you hyung!” Kyuhyun thought. “Aigoo, can I say something first?” Kim asked. Eeteuk nodded. “Oh yeah…” she faced all oppas, “….oppa, to all of you, I will so miss you for the following 2 weeks. Please tell other oppa who are not here that I will miss them too. I LOVE YOU ALL!” Kyuhyun chuckled. “What’s that?!” “Yah!” Kim glared at him. “Okay, okay, start your chores now” Eeteuk dismissed the “meeting”. Kyuhyun at KimJae went in the room to get the bed covers. “Teukie! What’s with the third punishment?!” Yesung was grinning form ear to ear. Eeteuk just smiled. Inside the room, Kim and Kyuhyun removed the bed covers and gathered them. “Ommo! I might slip! These are so heavy!” Kim complained under her breath. Kyuhyun approached her and took the covers from her. “Chingu-ya, let me carry these.” He offered. “Ani, let’s share loads okay?” she smiled. “Okay” he answered and smiled back. They went to the back of the house where the washing area is located and started washing those heavy bed sheets. Even though they are being punished, they were actually enjoying what they are doing, or rather; they are enjoying each others’ company. They finished washing and dried them up. Then they returned the covers to the room and fixed the beds. Kim stretched her arms and yelled: “Chingu! We’re all done!” she looked tired though. “Yeah, good job!” he said. “You are already tired, I can tell…” he added. “A little..” she chuckled. “It’s already lunch time. Come, let’s eat first. We at least deserve a decent lunch for washing those!”Kyu said. “But….they wont talk to us..” Kim said sadly. “Why? Chingu-ya, remember you can talk to me the time!” he ruffled her bangs and chuckled. Those words enlightened Kim. “Oh yeah! At least I have you, chingu..”
Yah, something's up with Yesung and Younha on the following chapters! :) Comments are very much loved so please do leave them :)) you want more??????? ♥ ~ilovekyu