Sometimes, being straight (1/1)
I'm back! :) Merry christmas y'all!
Yesung went home with a never-ending smile drawn on his face. He looked dumb and weird but he doesn’t care. He is so happy with what happened a while ago. Younha, the girl of his dreams, made way for him to be close to her. “At least I have fewer things to worry” He thought. When he got home, everybody is already there. Eeteuk, Shindong, Hangeng and Kim are in the living room. Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Sungmin are inside the bedroom. Heechul, Kibum, Hangeng and Siwon are in the library. Eeteuk: Yah! You’re here finally. You should have told us where you will be going. (he noticed that Yesung keeps on smiling) Yesung, are you crazy??? Yesung: Mianhe Teukie. Shindong: So where have you been? Yesung: I just had coffee with Younha. (Still smiling like an idiot) Kim: O-oppa… Yesung: Weyo? Kim: N-nothing. (Bowed her head and turned to Hangeng oppa) HanKYUNG oppa, can you come with me to the drug store. I’ll buy some pain killers. Eeteuk: You always call him HanKYUNG, Kimmy-sshi. Kim just smiled. He loves calling him Hankyung and she doesn’t know why. Hangeng: Why Kimmy-sshi? Are you still hurting? Kim: Aniyo. I just want to prepare. (she smiled) Hangeng: Okay. I’ll go alone and buy your medicine. You stay here okay? Kim: Aaaaaannnniiii! Ooooppa! I wanna come with you. Let’s have a walk outside. Don’t you miss me? You are overly busy these past days you know?? Eeteuk: Hangeng, just let her come with you. Shindong: Yeah. We can at least spoil her you know? Yesung: Ha-ha. They’re right. Go ahead guys before it’s too dark outside. Kim: See oppa? (smiled victoriously) Hangeng: You really have that charm we cannot ignore. Well of course, except for Kyuhyun. Okay c’mon now, let’s go! Wear your jacket and cap alright? Kim felt hurt on what oppa told her but she just smiled and went inside the bedroom to get her jacket and cap. Kyu: Where are you going? Aren’t you sick? Kim: I’m fine now. Why do you care? Aish. (she stormed out of the room) Let’s go oppa! Hangeng: Alright. When Kim and Hangeng were already out, Eeteuk turned to Yesung and asked more questions. Eeteuk: So, what’s with the coffee date with that Younha girl? Shindong: And who is she by the way? Yesung decided to tell his feelings to his co-members. This is something he thought he should share to his friends. He’ll call an “Emergency meeting” for him to make this “announcement”. He asked the boys to gather into the living room. They are just waiting for Kim and Hangeng to come back. Yesung called Kim to know where they already are and she said they were almost home. They waited for them a few minutes more. Kyu: What is taking them too long? Aish. Then they heard the gate outside opened. Hangeng is holding a plastic bag with chocolates and the other small plastic bag with medicine. Kim is eating ice cream and cutely smiled to her oppa. Kyu: Here they are. We better start this meeting. Kim: Yeah, what is it this time oppa?? Eeteuk: Well, this meeting is called by Yesung. I guess he has something to tell us. Kim excitedly sat beside Yesung-oppa and shook his arms. Kim: Yah, what is it oppa?? Huh? Yesung messed her hair and turned to other members. Yesung: Well guys, you see. I have been going home later than I am supposed to go home. Uhm, I keep on smiling like an idiot dog all the time. Well, there is only one reason for that and when I tell you what it is, you will not dare laugh at it or I will kill you. Eunhyuk: Aw c’mon hyung! Just spit it out, will you?! Yesung: Okay, okay.. Uhm. It is because…I.. I am in-love with this girl and I hope you support me…with this… The living room became very quiet. They all just stare at him. Yesung: W-what’s wrong? Did I say something wrong? Ryeowook: Hyung? (he poked Yesung’s cheek) Yesung chuckled nervously. Yesung: What’s with you, Ryeowook-sshi? Kyu: Is that you, hyung?! Yesung: Aigoo, these kids… so, what do you think??? Then they all shouted in bliss. They went wild and jumping all around the living room. All: Yah! Congrats! Kim: Of course oppa, we’ll support you! (she hugged Yesung oppa) Eeteuk: Yes! But of course, we want to meet her, right guys?! All: Neh! Yesung: Well you know, I haven’t told her yet my feelings. We are friends as of now. Sungmin: It’s okay hyung. What’s her name?? Yesung: Y-youhna-sshi… Kyu/ Ryeowook/ Sungmin: NOONA?!! Kim: UNNIE?! They shouted all together in shock. Yesung: Why? Something wrong? Kim: Aigoo! Now I do believe I have psychic powers! Everybody laughed on what Kim said. Eeteuk: Well, whatever it is, Yesung-sshi, if you need any help, we are just here. Yesung: Yah! I can court her on my own! And again, they burst into laughter. Eeteuk: Ani! I mean….yeah, okay.. we’ll support you. Yesung: Aigoo! I thought… Eeteuk: You thought wrong. Ha-ha! Eunhyuk: Hey! You know what we should do?! Let’s celebrate! They all looked at Eunhyuk. Heechul: Celebrate what?! Eunhyuk: Hyung is now a human being! Yesung: Bwo?! Heechul: Aish! You- Eunhyuk: Okay okay, I know now. I will shut this monkey mouth up… And for the nth time, everybody laughed loudly. Everybody is happy. They enjoyed a festive dinner prepared by master chef Ryeowook and assistant chef Kim, Kyuhyun and Sungmin. The house is full of happiness and laughter. They shared stories, laughed all night, and went to bed almost midnight already. After barely an hour with lights off in the bedroom, someone spoke. Kim: O-oppa? Kyu: Shut up puppy. They are already asleep. Kim: Kyuhyun-ah. Kyu: B-bwo? Kim: Come with me outside. Without any other word, she went straight outside and sat down on one of the benches at the park near their house. Kyuhyun followed her and sat down beside her. They were just looking at the clear sky. “She has a nice way on asking me out on a date, ke-ke-ke…” Kyuhyun thought. Without looking at Kyuhyun, Kim finally spoke. Kim: Yah! Kyuhyun almost jumped for he was very shocked. He drastically looked at Kim who was still no looking at him. Kyu: YAH! YOU WANT ME TO DIE OF HEART ATACK?! You hate me that much, aish! Kim: You can sleep too? Kyu: Neh. (he looked again to the sky) Kim: You wanna tell me something?? Kyu: (smirks) What about? Kim: I don’t know with you, I just sense that you want to tell me something. Kyu: Psychic powers are working, huh? Kim: Well… Kyu: Hmmm…True… Kim finally looked at him. Kim: What? (smiled at him) Kyu: Nothing. Let’s go home now. Kim: AISH! Kyuhyun stood up and grabbed Kim’s hand and started walking back home. Good thing, all are sleeping very soundly they didn’t even noticed they were gone for a while. Kyu: “I never knew it was that hard…” Kim: “Aigoo, Cho Kyuhyun. Just tell me what you want to say…” And they slept with those last thoughts on their minds…
There goes chapter 13, sorry for the very LATE update. and guys, i want more sissies! :) please let me be you unnie! ♥ ~ilovekyu