- 01 (1/2)

Miyeon looked at the boy standing tall in the middle of the class while clenching her right hand in a little fist. Her desk was quite far from where the boy was standing, but she still felt the adrenaline rush high in her veins.

Kim Jongin, one of the tallest student in the class, had his tan hands in his pockets and wore on his face a scary expression, which made Miyeon feel shivers on her skin.

No, it wasn't just his expression that made him scary, he just was, even while just chilling on his desk. He has a fierce pair of black eyes, full lips, and a signature flat nose. A face no one could ever forget.

Jongin owned a scary aura that made everyone bow to him. Could it have been his height, or maybe it was his two aggressive looking eyes. No one knew what was about him that made people naturally fear him, but it was sure as hell that everyone was glad of not being the boy standing in front of him.

The poor Minhyuk raised his gaze to meet Jongin's sharp stare while he was holding onto his school bag as if his life depended on it.

"So, what's your excuse?"  Jongin finally spoke up, and the class fell in the most profound silence.

No sound came out of Minhyuk's open mouth. He was too scared.

Jongin got closer, and his hands left his pockets, running towards Minhyuk's shirt collar.

Everyone was staring in disbelief. It wasn't the first time Jongin got angry at him, but definitely, it was the first time he was going for physical contact.

Miyeon didn't even know what all that was for anyway. Jongin's reasons were unknown to her, and everything just made her feel confused and heartbroken.

On her first day of school, she was already confused and scared.

That boy didn't deserve that treatment. He looked so innocent, while Jongin's big hands were holding his collar.

She started wondering what would happen if she stepped in. If she only rose from her chair, got in the middle of them and broke up the fight, maybe somebody would have helped too. Perhaps, if she started to defend him, everyone would have applauded her and would have stopped Jongin.

She kept daydreaming about the outcome of the fight without even realizing it, and she was brought back to reality by the violent sound of Jongin slamming Minhyuk on the wall.

Her hands covered her mouth that opened spontaneously because of the shock.

Her heart was beating fast in her chest while she couldn't stop staring.

Miyeon feared what was going to happen next. Maybe Minhyuk was going to react, or maybe Jongin would have slammed him again on the wall.

Those questions were luckily left unanswered because the homeroom teacher opened the door, looking at the students.

"Everyone take a seat at your desks." He ordered while he was looking at Jongin.

He didn't look surprised. Probably it wasn't the first time Jongin was acting up.