Chapter 13 (1/1)

I awoke up to the moon shining through the large bay window in my room. Leaning up against the headboard, I saw that someone had placed a few framed pictures on the nightstand and on the other tables that littered the room. Picking up the one on the nightstand I realized that these were from my room at my old house. I wondered if this was the surprise that Lay was talking about last night. I lightly ran my fingers over the glass pane of the picture of me, my dad and our dog Thunder. I can’t believe it has five years since he passed away, my dad following suite one year later. My mother never really liked Thunder, but since he made me and my dad happy she put up with him. I got up from the bed placing the picture back on the nightstand and then I headed into my bathroom. I took a few minutes studying my face, lightly running my fingers over each of the three scars by my eye. Sighing I peeled off my clothes before grabbing my bikini, a skirt and a tank top. After placing them on the counter I jumped in the shower for a few seconds. Then I went over to where they had placed all the gift boxes, searching through until I found Kai’s whistle just in case I slipped that onto my heavy duty black leather band I wore around my right wrist before grabbing my large bag which housed my beach towel. When I stepped into the hall after closing my door I didn’t hear anything, running over I knocked on Lay’s door to find no one. Wondering where everyone was I headed to the kitchen to grab some food whilst in there I wrote a quick note telling the boys where I had gone, before walking to the garage to find that Lay’s Nissan was still there. I placed my gear in the backseat before I started the engine. Rolling into the driveway I pictured the route that we had taken to get to the beach.                After a good half hour drive I pulled up to the beach. My dad used to bring me to the beach at night when I was younger, but only when the moon was full, and now I did it when I wanted to think about things. I grabbed my bag and walked out onto the sand. After walking along the beach I found a nice spot to spread my towel out. A few minutes later I got up and walked into the water just far enough that my feet up to my ankles were submerged. I walked for a good twenty minutes, before I returned to my towel to strip off my clothes. Turning I faced the water and at full speed I ran into it, before I drove under. I swam around enjoying the moonlight bouncing off the water. I turned around to swim back to shore when I saw a dark silhouette of someone walking towards where my things were. When it got closer I ducked beneath the waves so that I wouldn’t be seen. Holding my breath for a good three minutes I broke surface to find him/her no longer on the beach. I swam full speed and when my feet hit the bottom I ran up the bank and to my things. Not bothering to pull my clothes back on I shoved them into the bag before wrapping the towel around my dripping body. As I was about to run to the car, a very strong grip on my arms stopped me in my tracks, I tried my hardest to get him off me, finally flinging my head backward I came into contact with his head causing his grip to falter allowing me to get away. Sadly I was able to get a few feet when I was tackled to the sand, panicking I lifted my wrist to my mouth and blew on the whistle, hearing nothing I wondered if it was broken. I looked up into the face of the man after he flipped me onto my back.                “Your name wouldn’t happen to be Reilyn Night would it?” the man asked. I shook my head furiously, causing him to grab it and hold it still. “Are you sure?” he asked again. This time I nodded my head, hopping that he would leave me alone if I kept denying. “Hmmm I could have sworn you were.” He said leaning back on his heels. “See her mother told me that she loves to come to the beach when the moon is full. So seeing as you are the only one out here I thought that you could her. But if you’re so sure, I am sorry I bothered you.” He said getting to his feet, before he helped me to mine.                “It’s okay. I hope you find her.” I said, trying to pull my hand back from him.                “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find her do you?” he asked moving his hand from mine to my arm and tightening his grip. I winced at the pain.                “Sadly I don’t, but perhaps if you tell me your name and why you are looking for her I’ll let her know.” I said, digging the nails of my other hand into his.                “It’s Jaejoong and her father promised her to me when she turned eighteen.” He said gritting his teeth. I nodded my head to showing that I got the message. Then I heard an all too familiar voice, calling him, turning around my eye landed on my stepfather and my mother.                “Let me go!” I said, flinging my arm around.                “Good you found her.” The step-dick said coming to stand in front of us.                “You lied to me?” Jaejong raising his voice. I gulped as I tried to think of a way out of here, but coming with none.                “I should have mentioned that she has a nasty habit of lying to people.” The step-dick said slapping my face. I wasn’t able to fall this time due to Jaejong’s vice grip on my arm.                “What is going on here?” a velvet voice asked, squinting into the darkness I saw Kai.                “Nothing that concerns you.” My mother said.                “Are you sure? Cuz it looks like to me that it does.” He said, walking over to us and placing his hand on my shoulder. “And didn’t she tell you that she wants absolutely nothing to do with the two of you?” he said focusing on my mother and her bastard of a partner.                  “I know she didn’t mean when she said that. You and your family put those words into her head.” My mother said.                “No they didn’t.” I said, finding my voice again. “They care about me, unlike you.” I spat.                “Would you mind releasing my friend?” Kai asked placing his hand on top of Jaejoong’s.                “She is not your friend and she now belongs to Jaejoong.” The bastard said trying to remove Kai’s hand from my shoulder.                “You are mistaken she is my friend and she doesn’t belong to anyone, she is a living person not a piece of property.” Kai roared. I could feel his control slipping I wondered when was the last time he had fresh blood. “Do you trust me Rei?” he whispered in my ear, whilst he slipped his hand around my waist. I squeezed that hand to show that I did and that I was happy he was here. “Good, close your eyes on my count. 1 2 3.” I closed my eyes as I felt a whipping sensation which lasted only a few seconds. “You can open them now.” He said. I opened my eyes to see that we were back in our house and more specifically in Kai’s room. I turned around in his arms throwing my own around his neck.                “Thank you.” I said.                “I told you that someone would always come to your side, when you blew on that whistle.” He said, rubbing my back. “Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?” he asked when he pulled back from the hug.                “I guess very.” I replied happy to finally have someone that worried about me if I went out.                “Yes. Kris and Suho would’ve had my head, if they came back to find that you weren’t here.” He said.                “Where did they go?” I asked.                “We are out of blood and fresh food so they went to get some.” He explained.                “How long has it been since you last had blood?”                “About a week.” He said. “Don’t worry you’re perfectly safe, they wouldn’t have left you in my care if they didn’t think you would be.” He said, leaning down and kissing my cheek. I was slightly disappointed when he pulled completely away from me. “Awe.” He said chuckling at my action. Hearing someone running in the hall I moved my eye to the door to see it open and Lay step inside.                “Hey are you guys alright?” he asked walking over to us. I nodded my head, and wrapped my arms around his waist.                “Can I give Kai my blood?” I asked him in his ear. I saw him look at me with wide eyes.                “You know that this will bond the two of you right.” He said.                “I know and I want to.” I said. I heard Lay sigh before he turned to Kai.                “Kai will it be alright if Reilyn gave you her blood?” he asked. I watched Kai slowly nod his head, most likely not trusting his own voice. “Alright, Rei sit on the bed.” He said pulling me over to the bed and sitting me on it, before I pulled Kai over to as well.                “Lay you’re going to stay right?” he asked.                “Yes.” Lay replied.