Waking up beside you (1/1)
When Sungjong opened his eyes once more, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling once more, but the warmth emitted from his side made him think twice in screaming his lungs out, and just then, he remembered what happened yesterday and who was hugging him “He remembered me” Sungjong thought in his mind Out of curiosity, Sungjong moved to his side to take a good closer look at the man he had known as Myungsoo when he was a mere young lad “He looks so handsome” Sungjong whispered in awe. He slightly brushed his finger tips from his nose, to his cheeks and finally to his lips “How can I ever think of leaving you before?” Sungjong thought aloud “We were just kids back then, but then again, though we are, we built this strange bond that connected us until today” Myungsoo spoke, making Sungjogn jump a bit “I thought you were sleeping” Sungjong tilted his head “I was, until a certain beautiful creature complimented me” Myungsoo grinned goofily “W-hat a-a-re you talking about h-human?” Sungjong shuttered, turning to his other side to hide his obvious red cheeks “Awww~ come-on, don’t be like that, but seriously~ how can you say I’m handsome when I’m just in my bed hair?” Myungsoo asked the sulking Sungjong and back hugged him “Your imperfection seemed so perfect to me every way possible” Sungjong blushed and buried his head under the covers “Your perfect in my eyes too and besides, waking up every day like this, you in my arms, would be heaven” Myungsoo sighed “You had already encountered heaven?” Sungjogng asked “With you I am” Myungsoo cheekily answered back, making the younger blush different shades of red “Stop flirting with each other you kids, you have the rest of the day in doing that………….geez….these hormonal teenage boys and their hormones” the duo could hear Myungsoo’s grandmother grumble below them “Arroso grandma, we will be right there” Myungsoo yelled, silently cursing how his grandmother ruined his beautiful morning “So I guess our cuddly moment was just ruined by the creature down stairs whom I call my grandmother” Myungsoo said almost whispering to Sungjong “And the creature that you’re talking about is cooking to feed the both of you” Myungsoo heard his grandma shout once more “How could your grandma hear that? I thought mortal people have bad senses when they grow old” Sungjong asked “My grandmother isn’t actually mortal Sungjongie. She’s the key keeper, remember?” Myungsoo replied “Oh! So it is true~” Sungjong mumbled “What’s true Jongie?” Myungsoo asked “About the tale of the guardian of the gates towards the world beyond ours. Fantasy and the Human World” Sungjong replied “You knew about that?” Myugnsoo asked “I know about everything Myung~” Sungjogn said and snuggled closer to Myungsoo “Kids, stop talking about the history, move on. The food is getting colder by the way. Come down now if you still want it warm” Myungsoo was about to protest that there was something called a “MICROWAVE” invented by some lazy genius people who wants their food to instantly get warm and that he isn’t that hungry yet but the grumble on his stomach told him other wise “You need to eat Myung, we can talk later” Sungjong stood up, much to Myugnsoo’s pleasure and stood up himself to follow his soon-to-be-boyfriendDon't hate me for not updating for like 500 years~ sorry again for this crappy chappie