CHAPTER 6 (1/1)

CHANGED valerianobuta 40320K 2023-11-01

CHAPTER SIX Seeing Oh Sehun in the shelter had been a huge shock. Why Sehun had to drag with him? He was no one. He was nothing important to Sehun. He was just a homeless boy.“Luhan, look at me.”Though his tone was gentle, there was no mistaking the command in his voice. It was one he couldn’t help but obey. He turned his chin and peeked up at him from beneath him and his breath caught in his throat.OH sehun was such a beautiful man. So dark and brooding. Anyone would be a fool not to sense hi strength. It was plain for all to see. He wore authority like he’d been born to it.Luhan knows Sehun always make him feel safe, but at this very moment he was a nervous wreck. His fingers kept fidgeting on his thigh, body sweating like crazy and he swears his eyes started to watery.The look in Sehun eyes suggested he wasn’t safe at all, and Luhan wasn’t sure what it was he wasn’t safe from.He wouldn’t harm him. Of that he was sure. But there were many other hurts than just physical.“Don’t be afraid of me.”“I—I’m not. Bu—t” he stuttered. “Have I given you any indication that I’m going to hurt you?”“Why were you even there, Sehun? How and why did you find me? I don’t understand.” His words came out much higher than he intended. His panic state made him speak that way, but then, the smaller boy shrunk on his side. Afraid that he might actually made the handsome men next to him explode. Sehun put his fingers to his cheek, pressing in just enough that he felt the touch and was powerless to turn away.“You need me,” he said simply.The smaller mouth gaped open and he stared back at him astonishment. He had no idea what to say. What could Luhan say?Then he leaned forward and put his lips to Luhan’s forehead in the gentlest of kisses—at least Luhan felt that way. All he could just closed his eyes, savoring the sweetness of the gesture. It’s been such a long time since Luhan felt to be loved like this.“Tonight you’re coming back to my place,” he said as he sat back in the seat. He spoke with a calmness, warm tone. “Tomorrow I’m taking you to my younger brother’s apartment. He’s not using it anymore. It’s furnished, so you won’t have need of anything.”Luhan’s mouth fell open again at the certainty to his voice. It wasn’t a question. He wasn’t asking him anything. He spoke as if it was already decided. As if Luhan absolutely no say in him.“W—what?” He whispered. “You can’t just rearrange my life like this. I can’t stay in your younger brother apartment.”He lifted one eyebrow and leveled his steady gaze that made Luhan feel stupid.“You have somewhere else to stay?”He flushed. “You know I don’t.”“Then I fail to see why this is an issue. Tao isn’t using the apartment. He’s living with Yifan until they marry. His roommate has moved in with his boyfriend. It’s empty and it’s paid for. You’ll stay there, at least for now.”Luhan’s brow crinkled at the addition of “for now.”He smiled as if realizing the source of the smaller confusion.“Eventually you’ll move in with me but I accept that you need time to adjust to our.. Situation.”“Why would I move in with you?” he said, titling his head.Sehun scowled as they pulled to a stop in front of an ultramodern high-rise in Seoul. A steady rain was now falling. He reached across to take Luhan’s hand, pulling him toward the door as he climbed out.“Hurry so you don’t get wet,” he said even as he rushed toward the entrance.Luhan was forced to run to keep up with him and by the time they got inside, he was out of breath. He grimaced as the denim stuck to his knees ripped away, aggravating the scrapes all over again.Sehun saw his expression and he swore as he stared down at Luhan’s torn jeans. Taking his small arm, he directed him toward the elevator and used him inside. Despite his effort to get them inside before they got wet, Luhan’s clothes clung damply to his and he shivered.The elevator opened into an elegant foyer with marble floors and a huge, crystal chandelier suspended from the ceiling. He put his arm around the smaller waist to make him step forward and Luhan seemed to be hesitant. Now, how can he not? He it wasn’t belong to place like this.“We need to get you out of those clothes and I need to tend to your injuries,” he said softly.His statement made him hug himself tighter as if he could keep his clothes on with his action. Yes, Sehun had seen Luhan naked, but the idea of being naked in front of him again made Luhan feel extremely vulnerable.“I can’t be here with you. I don’t even know why you were at that shelter or how you knew I’d be there!”Sehun put a finger to his lips and his expression brooked no argument “There’ll be plenty of time to discuss our situation after you’ve had a hot shower and I’ve looked at those scrapes. We have a hell of a lot to discuss, and believe me, we’ll get there. But my first priority is ensuring that you’re taken care of.”Hot shower, did he said hot shower? Oh, how the thought itself made Luhan warm inside. Can he?“Okay,” he murmured.His mouth twitched suspiciously. “There. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”“What?”“Giving me control. I’ll warn you now, Luhan. I’m very used to getting my way.”What? Now Luhan is way more confused. Just when Luhan said he give him a control over him? Luhan might be powerless, but it doesn’t mean he could ordering him around. Wait, did Sehun brought him to made him into a some kind of slave? Oh boy, why this chance slip out of Luhan’s mind. Please don’t.He opened his mouth to tell Sehun just that but the said man lowered his lips to him and hissed him, thoroughly shutting Luhan up in the process.~Luhan sat on the bathroom counter as Sehun himself meticulously examined every scrape and cut on his petite body. And he was thorough. The smaller was completely naked and he hadn’t left a single inch of Luhan’s skin unexamined.His lips were set into a fine line but he remained silent while he tended Luhan’s wounds and the smaller has to hold the urge to shiver on every touch his made.And by shivering means, Luhan was literally shivering of the cold and after spent several minutes, Sehun cursed—something he did commonly around him—and lifted Luhan down the counter.“I’ll start the shower. You need to warm up. After you get out, I’ll bandage the scrapes. I don’t think you need stitches in any of the cuts but I’ll apply antibiotic ointment so they don’t get infected. While you’re in the shower, I’ll fix us some dinner.”He didn’t wait for Luhan’s agreement.That was pretty laughable since he hadn’t asked him for his opinion once. He leaned in, turned on the shower and then came back to where Luhan was standing without a stitch of clothing on.He slid one hand up Luhan’s bare arm to his shoulder, squeezed reassuringly and then left the bathroom.Luhan sagged against the counter and then turned to survey his reflection in the mirror. He looked like death warmed over. Tired, worried, and scared.There were a million words that swirled in his mind.He closed his eyes and swayed until he gripped the edge of the counter to steady himself. For tonight, at least, he was safe. Even if he had no idea what had possessed Sehun, he was fiercely relived that he’d brought him here. Where no one could possibly find him, where even Yixing wouldn’t know where Luhan was.Knowing he was wasting hot water, he stepped into the shower and groaned as the heat cascaded over his aching body. It was a bliss. The moment wonderful thing he had ever felt.He tossed his head upward, letting the spray was over his face and down his neck. His scrapes stung as the hot water fell on them. But he was careful to clean all the cuts on his skin.He remained in the shower as long as he needed. After rinsing his hair one last time, he reluctantly turned off the water and stepped out.Luhan glanced upward to see that Sehun had evidently turned on the bathroom heater and it was nice and cozy after his half-hour shower. He had decadent towels. Huge and fully, so soft that he felt surrounded by a cloud. He smiled happily like a child found lost toys. He could almost wrap it twice around his petite body.“This is so fluffy!” he cried.He blinked in surprise when he realized that there was a change of clothes lying on the counter that hadn’t been there before. And a thick robe hanging on the back of the door. There was also a pair of slippers. The man had thought of everything.He picked up the pajamas and quickly saw that both were too big. But not by much, which confuse Luhan. It was obvious that Sehun’s size supposed to be way bigger than him, so it wasn’t his.Luhan’s body thinner than the previous year. No hips. Not much of an ass. Angular features due to weight loss. Life on the streets was hard. It aged a person before their time.He frowned. He thought he is not appealing enough for someone to look at.He blew out a deep breath, squared his shoulders and then turned to the door. He hesitated, his hand gripping the knob, total chicken. The idea of facing terrified him. Not because he thought Sehun would hurt him but he knew he didn’t stand a chance against him.He jumped when the door vibrated against his hand.“Luhan? Are you finished?”Swallowing, he opened the door to see Sehun standing a few feet away, towering over the smaller. He glanced down his body and let out a sigh.“I need you to take those jeans back off. I was supposed to bandage you up before you got dressed.”“Ah,” he said, “I thought you left the pajamas there that you intended for me to get dressed. Sorry.”“Not a big deal. Come into the living room. We’ll do it there.”He reached out his hand to cup Luhan’s elbow and the guided him out of the bathroom, back through Sehun’s bedroom and then into the sprawling living room.Luhan remember how he looked like a lost puppy when they were stepped inside. Sehun had a tryly spectacular view of the city with the panoramic windows.“Slip out