end. (1/1)

breathe littlexwillow 7730K 2023-11-01

ENDpark jimin  "Hyung! Just let me go!" a pleading cry came from the younger boy who tried to tear his wrist away from the iron-like grip that his boyfriendーex-boyfriend had on him, "Hyung!"Roughly, he ripped away from the older boy's grasp and stumbled back a couple of steps. Both were breathing heavily, heavy silence filled the already tense atmosphere. Jimin's pained, blurry eyes stared into Yoongi's blank, cold ones. Feeling his heart break into two, Jimin took a further couple of steps backwards shaking his head in a bitter manner."You never wanted me did you, hyung?" a harsh chuckle escaped his lips before a sharp sniffle came out angrily, "all I was to you was a play boy toy, wasn't I?"His muscular arm moved up and covered his eyes, "And I can't believe I actually though that you love me too. Loved, I guess. Let's use past tense now?"Yoongi's pale arm reached out to grab a hold of the fragile boy. He didn't mean it, he was just frustrated at the time and blurted things out that he shouldn't have and he didn't mean. The older boy's heart ached painfully in his chest as the younger male flinched and inched even further away from him."I need to go." Jimin's muffled statement pierced through Yoongi's heart.No, not again."Don't go.""I can't stay," his voice was barely even a whisper and Yoongi had to strain his ears to hear what the younger one was saying, "I can't stay Yoongi. This relationship isn't anything. If it obviously means nothing to you, then I might as well forget about it.""No—""Bye, hyung." Jimin swiftly dodged Yoongi's outstretched arm and made way for the door. He stopped, glancing back at the frozen figure and slipped out of the motel room without another word. ✖✖✖

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