026 Unwind (1/1)

Unwind Chimswae 31650K 2023-11-02

Chapter 26:You know you love someone if hugging them makes you fade away from everything else,even on your worst days6 HoursAs soon as Jin parked the car, both of them strutted out from the vehicle running inside the abandon building which they assumed used to be a school back then. It was already dark so they depended on their phone flashlight. To make it worse, the abandon building was located in the middle of nowhere and it was surrounded with thick forest.There was a river nearby deep in the woods because the obvious sound of the water could be heard from the building. They started to look around the building since it was quite huge, and shortly after that Jungkook and others finally arrived joining them with the search.Sera eyes fluttered open as her body was aching in sheer pain, especially her head. She clutched onto her hair trying to ease the pain away ‘What happen? I don’t remember getting drunk’ she flinched in pain.The dampness beneath her and the smell of nature was too close to her sense; she blinked her eyes few times before taking a good look around her. To her dismay it was all dark, so she used her fingers to trace the ground and she was surprised it smelled like soil.Her eyes widened in horror as she quickly sat up despite the fatigue and pain she experienced at the moment, she just wanted to figure out where she was. It took her few minutes to realize that she was in a 6 feet deep pit hole. Heavy lumps on her throat caused her breath to hitch.Sera palmed the side for support and tried to regain her strength, she was so confused. She shivered in fear, when she looked down at herself half naked. She did not want to cry but her tears cascaded down without warn. Finding way out was her priority.She jumped in hope to find something solid to hold onto so she could climb out from the dark pit hole. Her last memory was to see Jungkook at the end of her bed as she dozed off soundly. How on earth did she end up in this pit hole? She had no idea what time was it or more like what was the date? Sera was a total mess.However, she would not give up just yet and she hopped a little higher and grabbed something hard like a root. She hissed upon feeling the coldness against her skin ‘I can do this. I need to get out and find help’ she held onto it tight never let it go because her life was depending on this.She pushed her weight more using her last almighty strength to climb out the hole, grunting in pain. Panting heavily, she dug her knees at the side to give more pressure for her to move upwards. She clawed the ground deeply when she finally able to roll to the other side out from the pit hole.“I did it…” she exclaimed with a heavy sigh and without her notice the tears started to roll down heavily wetting her dirty cheeks. She now smelled so terrible and looked horrible too.She arose from her feet, palming the tree beside her for balance when she almost stumbled. Her head was spinning and she had no idea why, but for some reason she could feel the drug moving in her system. It was just her intuition.“Find way out find way out..” she mumbled under her breath tiredly. There was a river few metres from where she stood even though her vision was a bit blurred she could see lights came from the west. She decided to follow the trail that might bring her to the source of the light.Sometimes Sera would trip between her walks since her condition was unstable and her nonstop murmurs to ‘where am I’ practically was a way for her to stay up and not to collapse. She continued her walks for 30 more minutes; it took longer for her part because of her fragile state.To her surprise, she was already stood in the middle of an abandon football field facing the building where all the guys were. She assured herself that at least she already found a way out from that creepy pit holes and woods, there was a hope here.Taehyung who just walk passed the window at the first floor stopped walking as he took few steps closer to take a good look at the field direction. He tilted his head with a baffle look “Someone is there….Darn it! It is Sera” his breath hitched as he yelled for others.“GUYS I FOUND SERA. SHE IS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING!” his deep voice was useful after all. He heard faint footsteps leaving every floors of the building to exit this old building.Jimin and Jin was fully alerted upon hearing Taehyung’s faint scream from the first floor, both of them sprinted leaving the cafeteria followed by Jungkook. Sera on the other side could not have a good look even though she could see blur vision of few figures running to her direction. She took few weak steps reaching out her hand for help.“SERA!” The familiar voice that she usually heard somewhat made her less scared.“Jimin..” she murmured and stumbled forward. Jimin fast reflex managed to catch Sera from collapsing on the ground, he hold onto her fragile body in his arm.Jin reached to their side few seconds late, crouching beside Jimin, he stroked Sera’s face which caused him to hiss between his tears. He did not want to know what Max did to her but she looked so weak in Jimin’s arm.Jungkook panted heavily as he took off his black hoodie leaving him in his round collar grey shirt “Put this on her, she must be cold” he saw Sera shivered as she buried her face deeply in Jimin’s chest. With Jin’s help, Jungkook put the hoodie over Sera’s body. His heart ached to see those scratches and blood on her pale skin.She sniffled in Jimin’s arm, and one of her hand was holding onto Jin’s warm hand “Jimin…”she mumbled between her tears. Jimin squished her close in his arm, kissing the top of her head “Oh god Kim Sera…I am missing you so badly” his sigh was a mixture of pain and relief.Hoseok who arrived a little late with Namjoon stood alongside Taehyung and Yoongi watching Sera back in one piece was a huge relief to him. Jimin slowly moved Sera to Jin’s arm because he knew she needed her brother warmth the most.Sera wrapped his arm around Jin, burying her face deep in his warm embrace. Her body was so small that Jin felt like holding onto something that could break by anytime if he was not careful. Concerned Yoongi came back with two blankets in his hand and handed it to Jimin.Jimin gave him a small smile with a thank you and wrapped the blanket around Sera’s body to keep her warm. They were beyond grateful to see Sera back without any serious injuries._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sera was admitted again since the guys were concerned with her body condition knowing Max forced drugs into her system. They wanted to make sure it did not jeopardize her health. After the long rendezvous ended, hunting down Max in order to find Sera, they finally could breathe clean air. Things had been crazy ever since Sera’s disappearance and they barely got enough sleep.Jin sent others home assuring them she would be okay since Jungkook and Jimin insisted to stay for the night. Others refused to head home at first but they gave in and promised to come back the first thing in the morning.It was past 12 in the morning, Jimin however couldn’t keep his eyes close. His anxiety of losing Sera came hunting him every second. The presence of the fear in his heart was real and his eyes were glued on Sera’s weak body on the bed.He ran his fingers in her hair softly, tracing her soft cheeks down to her arm and interlacing their fingers together. A heavy sigh came out from his mouth; he wished to replace Sera so she would not be in any pain. She was sleeping for few hours now after the doctor made it clear she needed rest.Please Subscribe to read the full chapter

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