I Like The Way You Talk ^ (1/1)
"Hi MiCha, nice to see you again." said SooKi the director."Hello, I didn't remember at what time you told me to come from the excitement, so I came at this time. I'm not late am I ?" MiCha asked."Oh, no. You're just on time. This way please." said SooKi as they began walking towards a conference room."Hello MiCha. How's it going today ?" the PD asked as her and the director walked inside the conference room."It's going great.""Nice to hear you're fine. I'm Kim DongChul, we'll be talking about the contract and if you're okay with everything written on it or have any suggestions. This is needed to be able to satisfy you and be able to agree in something." the PD said."Geurom." said MiCha. They continued talking and discussing the contract."Well, as you know, YooChun will be the lead role in the drama along with you. He'll end up falling in love with you and he will need to keep his feelings to himself because of his parents and so on. Well do you think you can do it ?" the director asked."Of course, I will try my best. Please take care of me." MiCha said and she signed the contract were she can't stop recording for unreasonable reasons. They got up and walked outside the room."Oh, YooChun-ah... glad you're here. We have to continue with the drama preparations, can you please show MiCha the building and were everything is, so she won't get lost next week when we start recording." said the director."MiCha ! Hey." YooChun said with a smile on his face waving hello with his other hand on this left pocket."Do you know each other ?" asked the director."Ah, ye." said YooChun."Well, then this won't be so uncomfortable for each other after all." said the director."Yeah. Shall we get going ?" said YooChun and MiCha responded with a nod and they both began walking."This is the dressing room. This is like you're room ? Shall I say ?" YooChun said."Wow, this whole building is nice. I'm going to enjoy coming here often.""Geure." said YooChun."Since we've seen everything, do you want to eat something ?" said YooChun again."Sure, my treat.""Ani, you're my hoobae, I should pay. To celebrate your debut.""Hmm, I like that idea." MiCha said jokingly and YooChun pinched her cheeks."Aigoo.." "Well, I guess I'll see you Monday ?" said YooChun."Yeah.""Do you want me to come pick you up, to go together ?""Oh no, it's fine. There are probably gonna be fan girls around and if they see us together, it will be chaotic I'll just drive my car." MiCha said."Right. Well it's going to be nice working with you.""Same with me. Oppa ! You better help me if I'm having trouble." MiCha said pointing at YooChun cutely."Ne ! It's also going to be nice beingable to be this close to you..." YooChun said leaning towards MiCha almost touching each others' nose."O-O..Oppa..." MiCha said covering her face. YooChun laughed and said, "Who do you take me for ? Kissing my friends girlfriend. Ahh, this is going to be fun." YooChun said getting inside his car and waving bye. "Yeobuseyo ?" MiCha said."Babe, are you home already ?""I barley got here, wae ?""Can you come to my house, I'm making some dinner, I want you to try it.""Oh YunHo... This is going to be interesting." MiCha said."Ya ! I cook great !""Yeah, but who's going to pick up your mess ?""Watch ! I'll clean it all, without your help or anyone else.""YunHo, you're really something.""But you love me.""Who ever said I loved you, I've never even said it once.""Ah, Geure. Well I haven't either, so we're even. Be here in 20 minutes ?""Aish. I'll be there when I please !""15 minutes ?""Geurom !""Bye babe. Don't be mad, it's bad for your health.""Well stop making me annoyed if you care so much about my health.""Bye." YunHo said and hang up."YunHo, you're gonna drive me more crazy than I already am." MiCha said going inside her room to grab her keys. "Hi beautiful." YunHo said leaning towards MiCha and MiCha gave him a peck."What are you making ?""I made some Budae Jjigae, and right now I'm making some Kimchi." said YunHo wiping his hands on his apron."Mmm, looks delicious.""How was your meeting ?" YunHo said pulling MiCha towards him and wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning onto the counter."It went well. I saw YooChun again, and he dropped me off at home.""That's good." said YunHo."Mhmm.""So when is the recording going to begin ?""Monday.""So soon ? Wow, that's even better.""Yeah.""Hey... but I said no kissing.""Oh, I hadn't thought of that. I'm going to be kissing Choi Kwang Ho..." MiCha said scrunching her nose."Isn't that Chuniee ?" YunHo said raising up an eyebrow."OMO !" MiCha said wide eyed."Call to cancel ! Now !" YunHo said jokingly passing his cell phone to MiCha and he began tickling her."Ya ! YunHo ! Stop that !" MiCha said screaming and hitting his chest lightly."Shh, my neighbors will hear you and think I'm doing something bad to you.""I told you. I can't contain my self when I get tickled, so I scream." YunHo was staring at her admiring her figure and her smile. The way her eyes were shaped and her cute nose and he suddenly kissed her."YunHo, you always take my breath away with your sudden kisses." MiCha said after YunHo kissed her passionately."I just can't help my self.""Are you sure you don't do it just because you want me to shut up ?" MiCha said smiling at YunHo."You talk to much..." YunHo said laughing and kissed her again. He unzipped her pants while kissing her and shoved his hand inside her underwear. He began caressing her womanhood as they kissed and MiCha let out moans through their kisses."Ya, YunHo, I'll finish the cooking. you're not cooking with that hand." MiCha said as YunHo moved down to her clit and pulled her pants down along with her underwear. YunHo looked up at her and smiled."Understood." YunHo said before he kissed her clit and licked the top of it."Nghh." MiCha moaned. YunHo continued licking her and sucking her juices. he fingered her with one hand and caressed her breasts with the other."Oh YunHo... I'm.... Ahhh~" MiCha said releasing her juices on YunHo's fingers. He licked his fingers and kissed her."It's just the beginning babe." YunHo said as he got up and MiCha pulled her pants and her underwear up."Go wash your hands and I'll continue cooking." MiCha said as she took YunHo's apron off for him and put it on."Ne !" YunHo said as he walked towards the bathroom and left MiCha smiling widely in the kitchen.